Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 23

As soon as she spoke, those people all turned to look at her. Against their probing gazes, Yu Mian said calmly, “I’m Yu Mian. May I ask why you’re looking from me?”

By this time, she had pretty much recognized who these people in front of her were. Unlike her classmates who didn’t leave an impression on the other Yu Mian, these girls had some sense of existence in her mind. She searched for them and was surprised to find that these people could even be called friends of the other Yu Mian.

If they could become friends with her, then they must have some similarities.

And obviously, these girls were all fans of Chu Yan just like the other Yu Mian.

She had only become Chu Yan’s fan two months ago so she was still inexperienced. These people were all long-time fans of Chu Yan. She wanted to break into the ranks of Chu Yan’s fans and become someone with a say, so as to increase the chance of getting close to her idol. Therefore, she wanted to build a good relationship with these people.

There was also a chain of disdain within the fan circle, especially among younger fans, as their bizarre logic was even terrible.

The other Yu Mian cottoned up to them, but these girls didn’t think highly of her. They thought that as long-time fans, they had seniority over her. Thus they naturally bossed the other Yu Mian around. Seeing her lavish spending, they didn’t hesitate to ask her to take them to various places to catch up with Chu Yan’s schedule and see their idol, occasionally making fun of her intentionally or unintentionally.

The other Yu Mian’s brain was filled with her idol that she had become stupid, but as an outsider, Yu Mian could see it clearly.

These people whom the other Yu Mian regarded as friends were all just taking advantage of her.

They spend her money with peace of mind and relied on her family background to chase star, but behind her back, they were filled with jealousy and instilled some bad ideas in her head.

Her hatred of Lin Jianshen was subtly influenced by them. These people spoke ill of Lin Jianshen in front of her and mentioned from time to time that their family’s brother was being suppressed and was having a hard time in the entertainment industry. The other Yu Mian was young and paranoid, so it was easy for her to have a bad impression of Lin Jianshen.

Moreover, since she was brought home from the countryside and saw the wealth and luxury of the upper class, her mind become unbalanced, and she felt inferior as well as conceited.

Most of the rich people in the same circle look down on the nouveau riche, and the other Yu Mian’s temperament doesn’t give others a good impression either. She felt that her status was different from before so she no longer wanted to associate with children from ordinary families. Therefore, she hadn’t made many close friends in recent years.

She finally met some like-minded friends so she trusted and valued them very much. She would try her best to satisfy these friends even if they make excessive demands.

They said she was fat and the other Yu Mian foolishly believed them. As a result, she ended up losing weight too much and torturing herself to death.

Yu Mian thought a lot in her mind and it only took a blink of an eye to figure out the origins of the people in front of her.

She always had a mild temper and was a pretty quiet person. She rarely gets angry and doesn’t like to have conflicts with others. She also doesn’t take trivial matters to heart, but it doesn’t mean she would let others bully her.

There’s a saying that a quiet person was really scary when angry.

Yu Mian’s face was stony. Her calm gaze became slightly sharp as she coldly looked at the girls in front of her.

It took a full three seconds after she finished speaking before they seemed to react. They all exclaimed in surprise, “Yu Mian?!”

“You’re Yu Mian?! How’s that possible?!”

“How can Yu Mian look like this?!”

“How is it impossible?” Yu Mian saw the incredulity on their faces, as well as the flash of jealousy and unwillingness, and spoke, “If I can’t be like this, then how should I look?”

Anger continued to well up in the bottom of Yu Mian’s heart and she couldn’t help but deliberately say, “Tang Yao, didn’t you say I was fat? I went to lose weight. Don’t you think I look much better now? Thank you very much for reminding me. Also, I found that I look more beautiful without makeup, have you noticed?”

The girl named Tang Yao was the one with the most outstanding appearance among these people. She’s from the dance department next door. She had been studying ballet since she was a child and has a slender figure, a charming face, and was used to having her head held high when walking, like a noble and elegant white swan.

Yu Mian knew, however, that she’s actually a child from an ordinary family. It’s just that her temperament always made people mistake her for some rich young lady.

Due to her outstanding appearance and temperament, Tang Yao had quite a lot of suitors at Shengming University, including many rich second generation kids. However, she looked down on them. Her goals and ambitions were too great. In order to better create the illusion of being a wealthy daughter and maintain her proud and noble reputation, she never accepted gifts from her suitors.

The more aloof and arrogant she was, and the more she spoke bluntly to her suitors, the more others think she came from a well-known family and that she was above everyone else, so her popularity grew.

But in order to make people believe that she’s a baifumei[1]refers to fair-skinned females with wealthy families and good looks, she couldn’t dress too poorly. She doesn’t accept gifts from suitors and doesn’t have much money herself, so she needed to find another way. It just so happen that this easily deceived person, Yu Mian, voluntarily send herself to Tang Yao’s door.

Tang Yao’s cosmetics, clothes, and bags were all bought for her by Yu Mian, calling them bestie outfits. She also often followed Yu Mian to high-end places and met many people from the upper class.

After getting acquainted with Yu Mian, Tang Yao, who prides herself on her beauty, might have discovered that Yu Mian’s appearance, hidden underneath all that exaggerated makeup, was better than hers, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis. On the surface, she acted like a good sister to Yu Mian, but in the dark, she was taking advantage of Yu Mian, sparing no effort to dig a pit for her.

Tang Yao told Yu Mian that Chu Yan liked girls who dressed up in sexy outfits, so Yu Mian put on heavy makeup and wore revealing clothes.

Tang Yao said that Yu Mian was too fat and that Chu Yan didn’t like fat girls, so she lost weight and starved herself until she was sent to the hospital.

Seeing Tang Yao turning pale with anger but still forcing a fake smile, Yu Mian suddenly felt that the anger in her heart had been slightly relieved.

“Mianmian, didn’t I tell you that Chu Yan likes sexy girls? Although you’ve lost weight now, your style is exactly what Chu Yan hates the most.” Tang Yao had obviously better mental endurance and responded much faster than the others. She concealed her abnormality in no time and affectionately walked over to hold onto Yu Mian’s arm. She warmly said, “I think you’re appearance before is still better. I almost didn’t recognize you when I saw you today.”

Yu Mian couldn’t imitate her acting skills. She took a step back and took back her arms, saying coldly, “I’m sorry, I think I’m fine like this.”

Tang Yao finally discovered that something was wrong. She was a deep thinker[2]schemer. That was to say, she usually didn’t put Yu Mian in her eyes, that’s why she didn’t notice Yu Mian’s changes immediately.

Yu Mian didn’t hide anything so Tang Yao soon realized that the face that was usually full of enthusiasm whenever she saw her suddenly became cold and distant, and the other person’s eyes looked at them as if they were strangers.

No, worse than a stranger, simply dismissive.

“Mianmian, what’s wrong with you?” Tang Yao probed cautiously. “Are you feeling unwell? I heard that you were sick, so I came to look for you when I found out you’re back……”

Yu Mian pursed her lips. She had many friends who treated her with sincerity. At her funeral, when her classmates grieved over her portrait, everyone’s sadness was so real.

So she could easily see how false the concern on the face of the outwardly pure and beautiful girl in front of her.

“Please address me with my full name. Only my family can call me Mianmian.” Yu Mian took another step back. She didn’t want to get entangled with these people. The other Yu Mian didn’t clearly know these people, but now that she was her, she wouldn’t continue to be deceived.

“Tang Yao, as well as Qin Lili, Xu Mengtao, and Chen Ziteng, we’re no longer friends from today on. Don’t look for me again in the future.”

After saying so, Yu Mian turned around to leave without throwing them another glance.

She hadn’t taken two steps before she was grabbed by someone. It was Tang Yao.

“Yu Mian, what’s wrong? Aren’t we good friends? It hurts me when you say that……”

Yu Mian pushed her hand away and said seriously, “We used to be friends, but not anymore.”

Tang Yao’s eyes were red and her face was as white as paper. When Yu Mian pushed her away, she seemed to be unsteady and toppled to the side. She was immediately supported by the other girls.

“Yu Mian, you’re going too far. Yaoyao is so kind to you. How can you treat her like this?! We even treated you as our friend, bah!”

“She’s just an ungrateful dog. Yaoyao, don’t be sad. We don’t care about being friends with her at all!”

“If you want to go, then go. Don’t beg to come back to us in the future!”

They hadn’t realized the seriousness of the matter and said harsh words one after another. Only Tang Yao knew the importance of Yu Mian in this small group.

“Yu Mian, don’t you like Chu Yan the most? I have a way to let you meet him!” Tang Yao threw out her trump card and a soft but self-assured smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Although she didn’t know why Yu Mian had changed so much, she was sure that as soon as Chu Yan was mentioned, Yu Mian would obediently let her control her again.

But the world was unpredictable, and the next second, Yu Mian’s voice came, “Sorry, I’m no longer a fan.”

The smile froze on Tang Yao’s face, forming a twisted and weird expression, which marred her delicate temperament.

Tang Yao completely panicked. She instantly thought of the days to come. Without Yu Mian, the designer bags and clothes, as well as the high-end cosmetics that she couldn’t afford even with a month’s living expenses, and the several company president’s she had met in five-star restaurants and clubs…… all of it were going to come to naught!

But facing the indignant looks of the sisters around her and the gazes of the students in the corridor, she tightened her fist, suppressed the panic in her heart, and maintained her usual proud stance.

However, the red corners of her eyes as well as the barely hanging smile on her lips made it obvious at a glance that she was only acting tough, and was actually deeply affected.


1 refers to fair-skinned females with wealthy families and good looks
2 schemer


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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