Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 3

After the sadness passed, surprise gradually spread.

Yu Mian belatedly realized that her idol’s fiancée seemed to be her current self.

She fell in a trance, feeling that everything that had happened after she woke up was like a dream, an illusion with a sense of reality.

Waiting apprehensively, Yu Mian imagined countless times in her mind what she should do and how she should behave when meeting her idol. She was absent-minded all morning.

As a result, until the doctor completed her examination and issued a discharge paper, the person who was said to be visiting had still not arrived.

While also feeling disappointed, Yu Mian breathed a sigh of relief. Anyone would be nervous when facing the idol they had admired for a long time, and she was no exception.

She never thought that she would meet Lin Jianshen one day. All along, she held the mentality of a silent guard, accompanying in silence and never having unnecessary fantasies.

Lin Jianshen wasn’t just an idol to her, he’s also the pillar of her life, a bright light that needed to be looked up at.

This statement sounded like it was made by someone with an eight-grader syndrome, but it was no exaggeration at all.

Thinking of her initial connection with Lin Jianshen, Yu Mian fell into a distant memory and became lost in thought.

“The patient’s vital signs are stable and there are no major physical problems. Just pay attention to her dietary habit and ensure adequate nutritional intake.” The doctor flipped through the examination report, glanced at Yu Mian, and muttered softly, “Her name is also Yu Mian?”

The sound was so small that Father and Mother Yu, who were also listening, didn’t even notice, but Yu Mian’s whole body jolted and she suddenly snapped out of it.

“Doctor, did you just say I’m also named Yu Mian?” She stared at the doctor intently, suppressing her fluctuating heartbeats, and asked carefully, “Is there another Yu Mian here?”

Originally, he was just casually muttering to himself and didn’t expect that someone would hear. The hospital stipulated that patients’ privacy couldn’t be disclosed at will. The doctor pushed his glasses up and briefly said a few words, “Yes, yesterday we also had a patient named Yu Mian, a young woman about your age.”

The suspicion in her heart was confirmed and Yu Mian felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Perhaps because the severe impact and pain were too profound, and how she felt that she would definitely die in that tragic car accident, so even when faced with such a bizarre thing such as her soul transferring to another body, she was only shock for a short time.

As she learned about the other Yu Mian’s identity and the impact of the chance of meeting her idol, Yu Mian’s thoughts became dull under multiple stimulations, so much so that she had no time to inquire about her own body’s condition.

Now that she suddenly heard the news about herself, Yu Mian couldn’t help but have a thought, since she could wake up in the other Yu Mian’s body, was it possible that the other Yu Mian’s soul was in hers?

Arriving at this point, Yu Mian ignored that Father and Mother Yu were still on the side, rushed in front of the doctor, and anxiously asked, “Doctor, is the Yu Mian you mentioned have been in a car accident?”

The doctor looked at her in surprise, as well as Father and Mother Yu. They couldn’t understand the agitation she was showing at that moment.

Sensing their strange gazes, Yu Mian suddenly woke up. She was the other Yu Mian right now. There was no intersection between the other Yu Mian and her, and it was impossible for them to know each other. She shouldn’t have paid so much attention to the other party.

She stammered out a random excuse, “I-I heard it from a nurse. She said there’s a person with the same name as me who got in a car accident…… I feel like we have a connection so I wanted to ask about her.”

Since she already knew, there was nothing else to hide.

The doctor nodded and said, “Yu Mian did have a car accident. She’s a patient transferred from a lower-level district hospital. Because her situation was too critical, she was transferred to our hospital.”

Yu Mian listened attentively. Her heart was thumping as she looked at the doctor hopefully. “Then how is she now?”

The other Yu Mian’s soul might be inside her body and she sincerely hoped that she would be safe. Maybe once her body was out of danger, they would have a chance to switch back?

Although the other Yu Mian has loving parents, a good family background, Yu Mian’s idol as her fiancé, and her life seemed to be perfect, but precisely because of it that Yu Mian was even more afraid to possess it.

If one sees good things other people have and greedily try to take them for themself, what kind of character does such a person have?

The lesson she learned when she was a child told Yu Mian that people should be grateful for what they have and stick to their own bottom line. If one wanted something, one should work hard for it instead of waiting to get something for nothing.

Her parents, family, and fiancé, all belong to the other Yu Mian alone and have nothing to do with Yu Mian, who had been an orphan since young. She previously thought that the other Yu Mian was gone, but if she was still alive and saw her body taken over by others, how upset and desperate would she be?

Yu Mian thought that she couldn’t accept this joke of faith with peace of mind. In a short period of time, she had already decided what to do. If the other Yu Mian really became her, she would take the initiative to explain the situation to Father and Mother Yu. How things would go depends on them. At most, they would just both go back to their original lives, it was no big deal.

The young girl’s expectant eyes were like glass beads under the lamp, crystal clear and sparkling with lights.

The doctor was stared at by her. He didn’t intend to say anything at first, but his heart softened and he let out a soft sigh. “That young woman, after trying to revive her all night, she still didn’t make it.”


Yu Mian froze, unable to recover for a while. She then opened her mouth woodenly and uttered one word, “Dead?”

It was unknown if it’s because he said too much or because he was afraid that Yu Mian would ask again, the doctor cleared his throat and turned to the Yu family’s parents and said, “The patient’s parents must come to the office with me, I need to discuss some matters that needs attention. You can also finalize the discharge procedures for the patient on the way.”

“Yes, yes. Mianmian, wait here for a moment. Mom and Dad will come back soon and we can go home later.”

Father and Mother Yu left with the doctor and the room returned to silence. Yu Mian sat blankly for a while, then suddenly got up and walked out of the ward.

She walked mechanically to the nurse’s station with a blank stillness on her delicate face.

There were many nurses working behind the counter. She braced her hand on the front desk and asked the nearest nurse, “Sister, do you know where Yu Mian is?”

Due to this body’s outstanding appearance, the nurse recognized her at a glance and said with a smile, “Yu Mian? Little Sister, isn’t that you?”

Yu Mian shook her head seriously and said, “No. My name is indeed Yu Mian, but I’m asking about another Yu Mian.”

She and the other Yu Mian had identical names but were two completely different people. But who else in this world could know?

The nurse checked the patient list and shook her head. “We don’t have another Yu Mian here. Are you looking in the wrong department?”

Yu Mian paused. This was the department of internal medicine. Since it was a car accident, her body was probably taken in the ICU. She softly thanked the nurse and planned to head there.

At this time, another nurse came over and asked Yu Mian, “Is the Yu Mian you’re looking for the one who was in the car accident?” 

Seeing Yu Mian faced her, she added, “Then you won’t find her here. She was rushed over last night but they failed to revive her this morning. The hospital couldn’t contact her family and no one went through the formalities, so she’s probably been sent to the morgue by now.”

Yu Mian listened quietly. When the nurse finished speaking, she was silent for a few seconds before asking softly, “Can I go see her?”

“You’re not related to her so you cannot enter the morgue.”

“Then…… what will happen if no one comes to claim her?”

“I’m also unclear about that. If you’re interested, you can make the requisite inquiries……”

The young woman stood in front of the bustling nurse station with clean eyebrows and a pair of dark and moist eyes. A layer of water mist slowly appeared in them, which converged into transparent water that rolled down in large droplets, sliding down her fair cheeks to her pointed chin.

“I’m sorry. Thank you.” Realizing her gaffe, the young woman pursed her lips and politely thanked the other person before turning around quickly and leaving the nurse’s station.

Yu Mian buried her head, her vision blurred by tears. She didn’t understand why she was crying. She just felt as if her heart was being squeezed tightly, so hard that it was almost suffocating.

She had thought that perhaps the other Yu Mian had a chance to survive. But they failed to save her body and the other party was now completely dead.

However, in the final analysis, to Yu Mian, the other Yu Mian was just a stranger, and at most she was a little sad due to her passing. What really made her sorrowful was the farewell to the past and the nurse’s words ‘no family’.

Because she had no family, no one came to help her with the procedures. After her death, her body could only be sent to the morgue and stored in a cold, dark cabinet. She didn’t know how long it would take before it could get a final resting place.

She was alone when she’s alive and no one knew that she was dead.

Yu Mian walked forward aimlessly, not paying attention to the road ahead, until a shadow suddenly fell in front of her. Yu Mian couldn’t react in time and bumped into it.

She staggered back a step and was about to fall when a hand suddenly reached out and loosely gripped her arm. Once she stood firmly, the other person immediately let go.

Yu Mian raised her head in panic and looked up at the person she bumped into.

The man was tall and has long legs. He was wearing a long black trench coat and casual pants of the same color. The coat was open and the snow-white shirt inside was ironed and smooth, without a single crease. He lowered his head slightly and his eyes silently fell on her face.

There were tears in Yu Mian’s eyes so she couldn’t see the man’s face clearly. She could only vaguely saw the other person furrowing his brows before his face soon returned to being expressionless. He walked straight to the ward on the side and opened the door.

“Come in first.” He said. His voice was slightly deep with a hint of raspiness.

It sounded unique, or rather, very sexy, making people’s ears itch.

Yu Mian blinked away the tears in her eyes and her vision became clear again. But at this time, the man had already turned around and she could only see his tall back, disappearing behind the door of the ward.

She turned to look at the room number by the door. There was no mistake. Room 713 was her ward. Yu Mian didn’t recognize the other person, but he probably knew her, as his tone didn’t sound like those from a stranger.

Although she had inherited the other Yu Mian’s memories, they were like folders that needed to be triggered by relevant things before they could be extracted from this body’s brain. She didn’t know who came this time.

Yu Mian followed him into the ward and turned around to close the door. She took the opportunity to wipe her eyes to avoid looking embarrassing before turning her head and directing her gaze at the person on the sofa.

The next second, her movements abruptly stopped. With a ‘buzz’ in her head, she turned blank for an instant and stood frozen on the spot. Even her breathing subconsciously stagnated.

“What are you doing standing there?”


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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