Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 36

Yu Mian held back her tears for a long time, but they still fell. She quickly lowered her head, took a deep breath, and said in the most normal tone she could muster, “Thank you.”

Lin Jianshen stared at the other party, the depths of his eyes calm and profound. “Why are you thanking me?”

When Yu Mian raised her head again, apart from the fact that her eyes were a little moist and her pupils were brighter, there was nothing unusual at all.

She shook her head and suddenly burst into a bright smile under Lin Jianshen’s questioning eyes. She wrinkled her nose slightly and said with a hint of cute playfulness, “I’m not telling you, but I just want to thank you anyway!”

Thank you for being the light in a girl’s heart and warming it for so many years. She said to him silently in her heart.

Lin Jianshen was silent. He couldn’t see through the other party. Perhaps young people were just so susceptible to changing?

She used to detest him to the extreme, but it didn’t take long for her to change, crying and laughing whenever she wanted. It was really unpredictable.

Lin Jianshen didn’t speak and Yu Mian didn’t know what to say for a moment. Neither of them was familiar with each other. Even thought they were engaged, they were actually no better than strangers.

Silence spread in the room. To relieve the awkwardness, Lin Jianshen picked up the cup and drank tea.

It was indeed filled with honey citron tea. It was richly sweet and slightly sour. The citrus fruit neutralizes the stickiness of the honey, sweet and refreshing in the mouth and was indeed his favorite taste. When acting, one often had to say a lot of lines and if there were too many NG’s, one had to say them over and over again. Honey citron tea could soothe the discomfort in the throat, so Lin Jianshen had been drinking it for many years.

A doubt came to his mind again. How did she know that he liked to drink honey citron tea?

Thinking of her confident words, as if she knew his preferences like the back of her hand, Lin Jianshen’s doubts deepened.

There’s always a time when a cup of tea would run out, and it wasn’t convenient to stay in a young woman’s room for too long, so Lin Jianshen stood up and said, “I have to go back to the set so I’ll be leaving first.”

Yu Mian happened to be sneaking a peek at him and suddenly collided into his a pair of dark eyes. She quickly shifted her gaze in embarrassment and nodded carelessly. “Okay, go ahead.”

Although they hadn’t exchanged much words, just looking at him like this had made her extremely satisfied.

Lin Jianshen walked towards the door with Yu Mian trailing behind, taking small steps like a little tail. When he was about to step out of the room, she couldn’t help but reach out and pull on his sleeve.

Her movements were light and her strength was small. She carefully grasped the sleeve of his coat with her thumb and index finger, which could be shrugged off with the slightest force. It was difficult to detect when people weren’t paying attention.

He paused, turned slightly sideways, and lowered his eyes to look at the young woman who was only as tall as his shoulders.

“What’s wrong?”

Yu Mian tilted her small face up. Her whole body was engulfed in his shadow as she looked at him eagerly with a pair of crystal clear eyes that were surprisingly bright.

She pursed her lips and asked in a small voice, “Can I…… can I still make desserts for you in the future?”

With a weak tone and an uneasy look, she gently held his clothes with her little hands. The small twisting movements seemed to indicate how she’s afraid that he would refuse.

Lin Jianshen quietly looked at her for a moment before slowly saying, “I’m afraid not.”

The light in her eyes visibly dimmed and her hand slipped from the man’s sleeve. She looked down forlornly and the bunny ears on her pink pajamas also drooped down, seemingly infected with the disappointment coming from her body.

He saw everything in his eyes and he slowly added, “Dai Zhong won’t let me eat sweets since their high in calories. If I gain weight, it will be very obvious on camera.”

In a very short period of time, like magic, the young woman’s face quickly regained its lustre. She raised her eyes to look at him, carefully observed the expression on his face to make sure she didn’t see any dislike for her, and instantly became happy again.

Her eyes curved and perhaps his attitude gave her courage, so she started to bargain boldly, “Then is it okay if you eat a little bit once in a while?”

Lin Jianshen replied good-naturedly, “It depends on the frequency.”

“Is one small piece a week okay?”

Lin Jianshen seemed to ponder for a while, then said, “It should be no problem.”

Even after Lin Jianshen had gone, Yu Mian still had an uncontrollable smile on her lips.

When Shen Shang came for her lesson in the afternoon, Yu Mian was still producing pink bubbles all over, unable to return to her senses for a long time.

“Yu Mian.”

Yu Mian woke up with a start and looked at Shen Shang in a daze, a pink blush on her face.


Shen Shang said, “What are you thinking about?”

Yu Mian felt guilty. “I’m not thinking about anything……”

Shen Shang snorted. “You’ve been distracted all afternoon and even forgot to put down the brush in your hand. What did you do last night?”

Yu Mian felt guilty again. She pursed her lips and whispered, “I didn’t do anything. Don’t you know? I went to a banquet.”

“With your fiancé?”

Yu Mian blushed and even the tips of her ears were red. She hurriedly buried herself in the canvas without saying a word.

Seeing this, how could Shen Shang not understand? He didn’t tease her, but turned to another topic, “A painting competition will be held in a couple of months. Contestants will be selected from major universities and private organizations across the country. You should go participate.”

Holding the brush, all thoughts in Yu Mian’s mind vanished. She asked nervously, “Can I?”

Shen Shang frowned. “You think you can’t?” She’s his pupil so there’s no question if she’s qualified or not.

Yu Mian said hesitantly, “I’ve only been learning for a little time……”

Shen Shang interrupted her. “So you have to step up and learn. All you’re missing is some basic skills and the rest isn’t bad. There are still a few months to go, I can teach you enough by then.”

Yu Mian was still a bit unsure. She always had a low self-esteem and never thought she’s very good. But Shen Shang was her teacher, and even if she didn’t think she could get a ranking, she wouldn’t contradict him.

Her teacher had his reason for making her participate, so it was no big deal.

With this interruption, Yu Mian’s thoughts cleared up. She said apologetically, “Okay, Teacher. I’m sorry, I was distracted just now. I will study seriously.”

Shen Shang nodded in satisfaction. “Let’s continue.”

This student was highly talented and creative, and she wasn’t an ordinary obedient person. Despite Shen Shang’s words, he was actually very satisfied in his heart. At the same time, he was also glad that he discovered her early. Liang Yu, who taught gouache, only taught Yu Mian a few lessons before he realized that she was a piece of raw jade, and he had hinted several times about wanting Yu Mian to become his pupil.

The teachers of several other courses originally hated rich second-generation kids like Yu Mian who were only there to get academic qualifications, but after teaching Yu Mian for a week, didn’t they all change their attitudes one by one?

Shen Shang had long been planning to let Yu Mian participate in the national painting competition. Notifying her in advance was also a mental preparation for her, otherwise if she always fell into this state of distraction, it would greatly interfere with his teaching plan.


It’s a new week again. Yu Mian got up early and went to school in their family car.

She wasn’t as muddleheaded as the other Yu Mian. She lives at home instead of outside and take the family car instead of the bus to school.

The car that takes her to school wasn’t as stylish as her brother’s, but it was still a very expensive brand. In order to make her more comfortable on the way to school, the car was an extended version one. Sometimes if she didn’t get enough sleep in the morning, she could lie down in the back and take a nap.

Last night, Yu Mian and her online friend Flower chatted for a long time. Flower was also a long-time fan of Lin Jianshen. The two of them have known each other for many years. The other party proposed to visit the filming crew, which was actually an event organized by the fan group. It wasn’t just for the two of them.

Beihai Film Studio wasn’t in X City, but in the neighboring S City. The group members made a plan to visit Lin Jianshen together, explore the set and so on next weekend, and had even discussed it with Lin Jianshen’s team. At that time, Lin Jianshen would come out to meet everyone.

Normally, when fans come to visit, they weren’t allowed in. And if they go there rashly, it wouldn’t be guaranteed that they would meet their idol.

So sometimes organized planning was needed to ensure that they didn’t leave empty handed and disappointed.

Yu Mian got some more sleep before arriving at school. She opened the car door and waved goodbye to the driver, Uncle Liu, before stepping out.

There were many students coming and going at the school gate, and most of them would cast envious glances at her. Yu Mian had become accustomed to such stares. She walked into the school with her bag on her back, stepping on the dead leaves that had fallen on the sidewalk, and childishly listened to the crunching sound of the leaves under her feet.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking the way.

Yu Mian looked up and saw a relatively familiar face. It was Tang Yao who was once regarded as her best friend.

She turned on her heel and was about to pass by the other person.

“Yu Mian, wait.” Tang Yao called out to her with an expression on her face as if she was about to cry, like a small white flower that was battered by the cold wind.

Yu Mian stopped and looked at her quietly.

Seeing that she didn’t speak, Tang Yao choked up and said, “Yu Mian, I didn’t offend you in any way, right? Why did you have to deal with me so harshly?!”

There were students passing by and they vaguely gave the two gossipy looks.

Yu Mian’s face was full of confusion. “What do you mean deal with you?”

Tang Yao’s eyes were red and her expression was haggard. “It was my fault for posting about you on the forum. The counselor already found me and gave me a demerit. But how could you spread rumors that I am being kept? You even exposed my family. Yu Mian, you’re violating my right to privacy! Do you know that I can sue you?”

Yu Mian: “???”

Tang Yao continued to accuse, “Even if your family is rich, you can’t bully people like this!”

Yu Mian sort of understands the issue. Someone exposed Tang Yao’s family background as well as her fabricated baifumei persona. As for the part where the other party was being kept, she didn’t know anything about it.

“Tang Yao, I’m curious why you think I’m the one who did it?” Yu Mian looked at her calmly. At this moment, her expression was a little bit similar to Lin Jianshen’s, with the same calmness and composure, like the water at the bottom of the lake. “Though I do have reasons to get back at you, I really don’t have time to argue. If you insist that it’s me, then you can go ahead and sue.”

Tang Yao froze. She didn’t have a good reputation among girls, but she had never done anything harmful except taking advantage of Yu Mian, which was why she suspected her.

Listening to Yu Mian, it seemed like she really wasn’t the one behind it?

Yu Mian just let it slide and didn’t bother to give Tang Yao another look.

The onlookers slowly dispersed, but this matter was quickly transferred to the forum, setting off another round of heated discussion. This time, most people were siding with Yu Mian. Tang Yao’s baifumei persona had been shattered and the matter of her being kept was revealed, so almost everyone scorned her.

Yu Mian had no idea what was going on online. She only used her phone to follow her idol.

When she clicked into QQ, the messages in the group chat kept flowing very fast. Everyone was screaming and the screen was filled with the word ‘handsome’.

Yu Mian’s heart skipped a beat. She quickly opened Weibo and saw Lin Jianshen’s verified account, which hadn’t posted for what it seemed like thousands of years, send out a rare update.

It’s not an endorsement or promotional photo, but a personal photo of himself.

【Lin Jianshen v: The temperature has dropped recently, everyone remember to keep warm and protected from the cold. [Picture]】

The accompanying picture showed him facing the morning sun, squinting his eyes slightly, and leaning lazily on the balcony railing.

The thin morning light shone on his face, giving the outline of his profile a golden edge. His eyelashes were long and thick, casting a small fan-like shadow under his eyes.

The side of the man’s face had smooth lines and cold fair skin. His nose bridge was straight, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and his narrowed eyes were looking deep into the distance. He wasn’t looking at the camera and his whole body was exuding a sense of cold detachment and aloofness, yet it was unexpectedly alluring.

The comment section had been occupied by forest fans, the highest praise was as follows: 【Ahhhhh, I want to slide on the bridge of Husband’s nose!!!】

Yu Mian’s heart started beating faster. She stared at the picture for a long time, long-pressed to save it to her phone, liked it, and then left a message in the comment section.

It was done so skilfully that it was obviously not the first time she had done so.

【Red Cotton Tree: I’m wearing a pink short wool coat with two long bunny ears on its hood today. It’s both cute and warm~ The temperature in S City should be about the same as X City, right? You should also pay attention to keeping warm. Wear thick clothes and don’t get sick…… Also, good morning, [Heart] Husband [Shy]】

After she finished typing, she paused for half a minute before closing her eyes and pressing send.

H-he’s actually her husband! A fiancé was almost a husband, so it’s not like she called him wrong, right?

Yu Mian’s face was so red as if it would bleed. She sat in her seat waiting for class to start and uneasily thought that with so many people commenting, she should be at the very back, so she wouldn’t be noticed, right?


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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