Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 38


After four or five rings, the call was finally connected and a familiar cold male voice sounded from the other side.

Yu Mian instantly breathed a sigh of relief. She got this number from Mother Yu and she heard that it was Lin Jianshen’s private number. She had never called him before and thought he wouldn’t answer an unknown call.

Lin Jianshen probably didn’t know it was her and his tone of voice was permeated with some doubt.

Yu Mian hurriedly whispered, “Um, are you busy right now?”

She didn’t call him by his name. In order to avoid Wen Quyi’s suspicion, she deliberately appeared very familiar when she spoke.

It was silent for a moment and only after a few seconds was there a response, “No, I’m just talking a break. What’s wrong?”

The man’s voice was slightly distorted through the phone and his tone was mild and calm, like a babbling brook in the forest, slowly flowing in the ear.

Yu Mian’s ears slowly became hot. She raised her eyes to look at Wen Quyi who was opposite her. The young man’s face had turned cold once again at some point and he was staring at her expressionlessly.

“I-I’m at school right now.” The next words were a bit hard to say. However, Wen Quyi was watching intently so Yu Mian suppressed her shyness, gritted her teeth and said, “Someone confessed to me. I rejected him and said that I have a fiancé but he doesn’t believe it. Can you help me explain to him……?”

When her words fell, Yu Mian’s face turned red.

After another few seconds of silence, a faint chuckle suddenly came from the phone. The man had an indistinct smile on his face as he said, “Okay. You can give him the phone and I’ll talk to him?”

Yu Mian blushed and handed the phone to Wen Quyi.

There was no trace of warmth on the young man’s face anymore. His eyes were dark and gloomy, and the air around him was cold, as if a storm was brewing inside him. Affected by the low pressure he exuded, everyone around him was frightened and didn’t dare to make a sound.

Wen Quyi didn’t answer. In fact, when Yu Mian dialed the number, he noticed something was wrong.

The person on the other end of the phone was very likely to be her fiancé, or if not, someone special to her. He has eyes, how could he not see the young woman’s besotted appearance?

Yu Mian was blushing shyly and her shining eyes were full of stars. He was very familiar with her expression, but now the person receiving it was no longer him.

There were no words to describe his mood at this moment. Wen Quyi used all his strength to restrain the profound pain in his heart and to not explode in front of Yu Mian.

Why did he let her slip away? He thought blankly and painfully.

He was too conceited in his youth and chose to go abroad on his own initiative. But when he returned to meet her, he was faced with her ice-cold body.

After finally finding her again, he had to watch her fall in love with someone else before he could fully experience the joy of reuniting with her.

One wrong step at a time, was he destined to lose her?

“Student, Yu Mian is my fiancée. As a person, we must have the most basic morals. Meddling in other people’s relationship will invite others scorn. I hope you can find a love that belongs to you.”

The man on the phone was declaring his sovereignty while the young woman opposite him had ruddy cheeks and her eyes were full of love. Wen Quyi suddenly felt that she was so unfamiliar.

Was she really Yu Mian? How could Yu Mian like someone else? Did he find the wrong person? How in the world could someone come back from the dead? She mustn’t be Yu Mian, everything was just a coincidence.

His Yu Mian would only smile shyly at him and look at him with gentle and affectionate eyes.

He was more willing to believe that she was dead than that she didn’t love him.

At this moment, under the huge physical and mental blow, Wen Quyi instinctively avoided the cruel reality.

“That’s enough. I’m sorry, I got the wrong person.” He stood up, his gaze no longer showed any warmth. After coldly dropping that sentence, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Yu Mian looked at Wen Quyi’s sudden change of expression, feeling baffled. After many years, he was no longer the bright and sunny boy he used to be, and she couldn’t understand him at all.

The call was still connected so Yu Mian turned off the loud speaker and whispered her thanks, “He’s gone. Thank you.”

Lin Jianshen chuckled lightly and asked in a slow voice, “You are my fiancée, did I say anything wrong?”

Yu Mian felt that he seemed to be in a good mood, but she didn’t know why. However, she was also very happy. It’s her first time taking to her idol in the phone, a memorable event.

Despite her inner excitement, the two of them didn’t talk much. Yu Mian was thin-skinned and easily satisfied, so she quickly hung up the phone.

After finishing lunch and leaving the cafeteria, the news that Yu Mian had a fiancé spread quickly. As the ‘fairy’ recognized by the boys in school, Yu Mian became quite popular at Shengming University. From time to time, boys would stop her and ask for her WeChat.

Later, when her family background was revealed, many people were intimidated and there weren’t as many suitors as before, but it also increased her popularity to another level.

Now the boys at Shengming University secretly call her ‘princess’. After hearing this news, many cried on the forum and countless people wanted to find out who the princess’s fiancé was.

Unfortunately, there was no ‘insider’ to provide information this time. Most students didn’t have the same status as her and those in the upper class wouldn’t be so stupid to expose the matter. Therefore, the identity of the princess’s fiancé had become a mystery at Shenming.


Lin Jianshen turned off his phone, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a woman standing not far behind him.

Lu Yinyin, the actress playing the second female lead, was a princess from a wealthy family who came to experience life in the entertainment industry. Her acting skills were very poor so she often comes to him to ask for advice.

He gave her a faint nod as a greeting and prepared to leave.

“Teacher Lin……” Lu Yinyin called out to him hesitantly, her young face unable to hide her sadness. “Do you have a fiancée?”

Thinking she must have heard the phone call just now, Lin Jianshen had a faint smile on his lips as he nodded slightly and answered with an “Mm”.

Lu Yinyin looked at him with complex emotions and couldn’t help but said, “Being able to be Teacher Lin’s bride, that girl is so lucky.”

Dai Zhong always said that Lu Yinyin had ulterior motives towards him. Lin Jianshen wasn’t unaware of the attention she gives him, but he had always treated the other person indifferently and didn’t have much contact with her. He doesn’t treat her differently from other actors and the relationship between the two had always been weak.

That statement, considering that they were just nodding acquaintances, was already a bit excessive.

Lin Jianshen looked back at the other person and solemnly said, “No, I should be the one saying that I’m lucky to be her fiancé.”

As expected, Lu Yinyin’s face suddenly darkened and even became a little distorted.

Although there was some intentional element in his words, it wasn’t necessarily what Lin Jianshen had in mind.

He was still feeling happy from phone call he just received. Lin Jianshen felt Yu Mian’s honesty towards him and her sincerity towards their engagement.

He didn’t trust human nature, especially when it comes to marriage and love.

What Yu Mian did was beyond his expectation. In a modern society full of false emotions, how many women could tell their partners so frankly when faced with outstanding suitors?

It has to be said that she gave him a great sense of security. So in order to repay her trust, he rejected Lu Yinyin’s overtures with a clear attitude.

In the following days, Lu Yinyin never came to Lin Jianshen to ask about the script again, which made Dai Zhong puzzled.

He thought the matter would end there, but come Friday, a set of pictures suddenly popped up online, all of which were photos of Lu Yinyin and Lin Jianshen on set. Some were of the two sitting together reading script, some while they were looking at each other, and one were the two were wearing costumes, ambiguously holding each other’s faces.

The image quality wasn’t very clear and they must have been taken secretly, however, the two people were still identifiable.

As soon as the photos appeared, it immediately flew on hot search topic. The title was extremely explosive, 《Intimate interaction between the Movie King and a new actress. Did they fall in love on set? From drama to reality?》

Lin Jianshen always had a clear reputation and rarely had scandals with others. This time, as soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation.

Fans of Lin Jianshen were also confused. They quickly uncovered the identity of the new actress and were shocked that there was no such record of the other person in the entertainment industry before. She was just a complete amateur.

【Little Fish Ball: Landing on the moon and touching porcelain[1]a small star with poor ability using a well-known star to get famous? Please cue Shenshen. My Shenshen will deny it.】

【Mengmeng, A girl Who Chases Shen: It’s been a long time since I’ve seen someone use our family’s Shenshen for clout. Don’t newcomers these days know their ABC’s? Do you think we forest fan can no longer hold a knife? Or are you just too arrogant?[2]Takeshi Goda’s line in  《Doraemon》 that’s been turned into a meme, indicating ‘I’m gonna kick your ass’

【Shenshen x Me: Which investor stuffed this woman in? How dare you touch Shenshen? Do you think we millions of forest fan are vegetarian[3]someone easy to deal with; weak? This isn’t how you seek death.】

Lu Yinyin’s personal Weibo originally had ten thousand followers, but within a day, it surged to a hundred thousand. Her homepage was filled with Lin Jianshen’s fans criticizing and mocking her. Genuine insults and rude remarks weren’t rare.

The fan group managed by Yu Mian wasn’t as lively as on Weibo. Everyone only had a brief discussion and their mood was relatively stable.

As the saying goes, fans took after their idol. Lin Jianshen’s fans were somewhat similar to him, most of them were Buddhist-like and calm.

If other actors had this kind of scandal and it was obvious that the woman was taking advantage of their popularity, there would definitely be a lot more criticism on the Internet. However, fans who understand Lin Jianshen know that if he really was in a relationship, he wouldn’t hide it.

After all, with his current status and value, the impact of romance on his career wasn’t worth paying too much attention to.

If Lin Jianshen really liked the little newcomer, he would have made it official to protect her as soon as the news broke. How could he let her be taunted for a day and never make a statement?

This kind of thing had happened more than once or twice and fans were all familiar with his style. He simply wouldn’t bother to deal with untrue remarks. Time would naturally clarify everything.

The group members chatted about the online gossip for a while and then began to discuss tomorrow’s visit to the filming set.

Yu Mian huddled inside the warm blanket, her fingertips unconsciously fiddling with the phone. Her lips were pursed slightly and her mood was a bit low.

She was a little unhappy.

Even though the girls in the group analyzed the matter and said that the woman was only trying to gain popularity, that the photos were all taking advantage of the angle, and that Shenshen’s expression towards the little newcomer was completely indifferent, she still couldn’t help but care.

Reason told her that Lin Jianshen didn’t like the actress named Lu Yinyin.

But the sourness rising from the bottom of her heart still made her feel uncomfortable. Yu Mian couldn’t help but think that maybe he likes the other party? What should she do then?

Even if he didn’t like Lu Yinyin, what should she do if he falls in love with another girl in the future?

The light of the phone screen went out in the palm of her hand and Yu Mian buried her face in the soft quilt. Smelling the scent of warm sunshine inside, her eyelashes trembled slightly.

Was she being greedy?


1 a small star with poor ability using a well-known star to get famous
2 Takeshi Goda’s line in  《Doraemon》 that’s been turned into a meme, indicating ‘I’m gonna kick your ass’
3 someone easy to deal with; weak


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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