Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 39

The next day was the weekend and Yu Mian was supposed to have a lesson so she had to ask Shen Shang for a leave again.

This time, her reason was to chase star and go to visit her idol.

Why didn’t she say she’s going to see her fiancé? Of course it’s because Yu Mian was too thin-skinned and was shy to say so.

Yu Mian was a star-chasing girl and many people know it. There were also rich girls in the upper class who chase after stars, however, she was the only one who pursues her idol to such an extent that she goes on hunger strike and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Shen Shang’s tone was complicated, “To see Chu Yan?”

He had seen Yu Mian change and knew that she’s different from before, but he didn’t expect that she would still be so persistent in chasing stars.

When Shen Shang asked, Yu Mian didn’t explain and only said softly, “Teacher, I’m only going for one day. I’ve already made an appointment with my friends. You don’t want to see me break my promise, do you?”

Shen Shang held the phone and listened to the soft and spoiled tone of the young woman on the other end. He could seem to see her blinking her big eyes and looking at him pitifully.

He cleared his throat and tried to remain serious. “You can go, but you must come back tonight. You’re not allowed to stay out or else I will tell your brother.”

Yu Mian grimaced. She wanted to take a good stroll in S City. But if she had to rush back at night, she wouldn’t have much time to play during the day.

Recently, her brother had been coming home more often. He’s also paying more attention to her and would check her homework from time to time…… Although this represents the closeness between the two of them, Yu Mian really couldn’t bear her brother’s ‘love’.

Don’t other people’s brothers spoil their sisters by agreeing to everything they said? Her brother, however, was like a school principal and was extremely strict with her.

Rationally, she knew that Yu Xing was doing it for her own good, but emotionally, Yu Mian still feel overwhelmed.

“Alright……” Under the threat of her elder brother, Yu Mian reluctantly agreed.

Shen Shang added, “Also, when you return, submit to me an assignment with the theme of what you saw during your journey.”

Yu Mian: “Oh .” ==


She packed her things early and went out to the high-speed rail station with her bag on her back. Last night, Yu Mian told her parents about her itinerary. X and S City weren’t far apart. It only takes more than an hour to get to the other city by high-speed rail. Her parents also support her going out to relax.

Since coming back from the hospital, Yu Mian hadn’t been out much nor hang around with her friends anymore. For a child her age to stay at home painting every day, Father and Mother Yu were worried that she might get sick from suppressing herself.

S City was smaller than X City but an ancient film studio had been built there, so the tourism industry was quite developed.

Yu Mian got off the high-speed rail, hailed a cab outside the busy station, and told the driver her destination.

“Mister, go to Beihai Film Studio.” She made an appointment with her group members to meet outside the place.

The driver was already accustomed to it. All kinds of star-chasing girls went to S City and every day, there were about 800 to 1,000 people going to Beihai Film Studio.

The car stopped smoothly outside. It was Yu Mian’s first time coming there. She nervously and excitedly surveyed the surroundings before taking out her mobile phone and contacting her online friend Send Me Flowers.

Send Me Flowers’ happened to be in S City on a business trip and she came over the day before. She called Yu Mian right after receiving her message.

“Sister Cotton? Where are you? I’ll go look for you.”

Flower’s voice had a strong hint of a working woman and she sounded confident when speaking.

Yu Mian held her phone and told the other party the feature of the surrounding buildings. “I took a taxi straight to the studio’s entrance…… I’m wearing a blue hoodie and a mask……”

Flower came over not long after, followed by several people, each of whom reported their usernames and were all acquaintances from the group.

It was the first time in so many years that Yu Mian participated in a group activity. The others had long been extremely curious about her and were all looking at her.

Some people were surprised by her appearance because she looked too young. “It turns out Sister Cotton is so young! My goodness, Sister Cotton, how old are you when you first became Shenshen’s fan?”

“Wow, Sister Cotton is so beautiful, like a doll. So cute! It’s over, there’s no way I’ll be able to treat Sister Cotton as the oldest from now on.”

“Sister Cotton, why are you wearing a mask? You look so good so just show it off. You can impress Shenshen when he’s giving autograph later.”

Yu Mian blushed from their teasing. She took off her mask for a while before putting it back on again. She had always been the leading figure in the group but her prestige immediately dropped. On the contrary, Send Me Flowers, who often makes love-crazed comments in the group, but was dressed in professional attire, looked more imposing in real life.

Everyone went together to find the crew. Lin Jianshen had no scenes this morning so he specially set aside half a day to meet his fans.

The place rented by the 《Long Ting》 crew was very large. There were many ancient buildings there and the extras were also wearing a variety of ancient costumes. Walking inside feels like traveling through ancient times. When they arrived, many fans were already lining up for autograph.

There were security personnel around to maintain order and the fans were all quiet. It wasn’t at all like a star-chasing scene.

In late autumn, the sky was cloudy and the sun couldn’t be seen. Cold wind came in gusts as Yu Mian and Flower went to line up at the back together.

Yu Mian put her hoodie up, her mask was on tightly, and her bangs also covered her forehead. She has a small face so it couldn’t be seen clearly with such a cover.

The line moved forward slowly. Several girls gathered together to chat and before they knew it, they were almost near the front.

Lin Jianshen was sitting behind a small table and was signing autographs for fans with his head lowered. There were also some male fans but they weren’t as many as the female fans.

Some people would say a few words to him and give him a small gift or two. Yu Mian heard a girl ask him about the online scandal. Lin Jianshen gently shook his head and said something in a low voice. Yu Mian didn’t hear it clearly.

Digging her palms with her nails, Yu Mian gently lowered her eyes. She took off the small backpack from behind her and pulled out a small paper box from inside.

Flower saw it and asked with a smile, “Is that a gift for Shenshen? What is it?”

Yu Mian smiled and simply replied, “It’s a small snack I made.”

Soon it was their turn and Yu Mian was in the very front. She pulled up her mask, lowered her head, took out a palm-sized notebook, and silently handed it to the man behind the table.

Without raising his eyes, Lin Jianshen took the notebook and opened it to sign. The flowing cursive characters appeared on the paper as smoothly as if he had written them thousands of times.

He wore a thick black tweed coat today, which made his handsome face look even fairer. Facing countless fans who love him, his expression remained light.

While he was signing with his eyes lowered, Yu Mian looked at him carefully.

After he finished writing his name, he unexpectedly lifted his head, and their eyes suddenly collided.

Yu Mian was startled and quickly shifted her gaze, her eyes flickering. She didn’t want to reveal her identity in front of him. Once people found out that she’s Red Cotton Tree, it would be hard to hide the fact that her soul transferred to another body.

She’s all wrapped up so she shouldn’t be discovered, right?

Yu Mian waited with bated breath for a while before she heard Lin Jianshen ask her in a slightly hoarse voice, “What name should I write?”

When Flower heard that, she immediately pulled on Yu Mian’s clothes excitedly. A personally addressed autograph was special as it’s unique and only belonged to the certain person. Red Cotton Tree was so lucky!

However, no matter how much Flower poked her, Yu Mian still firmly shook her head and rejected their idol’s kindness.

Seeing her shake her head, Lin Jianshen didn’t say anything more. He just gave her a deep glance and then handed the notebook back.

Yu Mian received the small notebook, quickly placed the small paper box on the table, vaguely said “For you”, before leaving the line without any regrets.

She ran far away and stopped when she couldn’t see his shadow anymore, thus missing the next scene.

Flower walked forward and saw Lin Jianshen holding the small paper box that Yu Mian had given him in his hand.

She also wanted special dedication, so she said with a smile, “Shenshen, can you write my name instead?”

Lin Jianshen was surprisingly easy to talk to. He nodded and said, “Yes, what name should I write?”

Flower was overjoyed and hurriedly said, “My username is Send Me Flowers. I often leave you comments. I’ve liked you for many years!”

Lin Jianshen smiled lightly. While signing her autograph, he asked casually, “Is the one in front of you just now you’re friend?”

Not only did she get a special autograph but her idol also talked to her. Flower was overjoyed and completely sold Yu Mian at once, “Yes, her username is Red Cotton Tree. Do you remember her? She’s your oldest fan, an absolutely loyal one!”

Lin Jianshen’s hand paused, and even with his excellent physiological qualities, he still felt deeply shocked at this moment.

If he wasn’t mistaken, the young woman wearing a mask just now should be his fiancée Yu Mian. He had a deep impression of her eyes and would never recognize her wrongly. He originally thought that she came to visit him and intentionally didn’t greet him to avoid suspicion.

But now someone told him that his fiancée, Yu Mian, was her online fan, Red Cotton Tree?

Was he mistaken or was this world too fantastical?


The visit lasted all morning. In addition to fans, there were also some media outlets that had heard about the news and came to interview.

The scandal between Lin Jianshen and Lu Yinyin was abuzz, and neither party came out to explain. This time Lin Jianshen finally appeared, and the media immediately gathered around him.

“Excuse me, Teacher Lin, have you heard the rumors online? Is it true that you and Lu Yinyin are in a relationship?”

The man was tall and had a chilly temperament. His fair face carried an unearthly coldness under the gloomy sky.

His voice was light, revealing a hint of careless languidness, “Lu Yinyin? Sorry, I’m not familiar with her.”

The crowd was in an uproar at that statement.

Sure enough, it was still the same Lin Jianshen who didn’t care about the other party’s face at all, slapping them in the face without mercy.

Dai Zhong, who was pushed aside by the media reporters, had a dejected look on his face. It’s over. He knew it would be like this. He had to do another round of publicity for Lin Jianshen’s ‘straight man’ persona when he went back.

Another reporter sharply asked, “Many intimate photos of you and Ms. Lu have appeared online. Since you’re not familiar with each other, how did those photos come about?”

Lin Jianshen glanced at the female reporter. “If the intimate photos you’re referring to are the ones where I’m sitting at a table reading script and the photos taken while filming, then I have nothing to say.”

His mind was still on Yu Mian. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with these people, so he simply broke through the siege under the protection of security guards and left with a cold face.

Taking out his phone, he found the number marked Yu Mian and dialed it without hesitation.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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