Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 40

Yu Mian held a cup of milk tea in both hands and stood shivering in the cold wind. After getting their idol’s autograph, she and Flower didn’t stay at the set for too long and went shopping.

Flower went to the toilet while Yu Mian looked around at the ancient scenery around her, occasionally sipping milk tea to warm her body.

“Yu Mian?”

A female voice sounded not far away. Yu Mian looked over and found that it was an acquaintance.

“Mu Lan?”

Mu Lan regretted it as soon as she called out Yu Mian’s name.

She came there this time without telling anyone. Basically no one knew that Mu Lan, the young lady of the Mu family, came to S City to get an autograph of her idol.

Lin Jianshen was almost always closed for business. Ever since he became a celebrity, he had acted in at most two movies every year, but he rarely accepts variety shows, TV series, and so on. His endorsement activities were even rarer. Such a low-profile Buddhist actor was both loved and hated by the fans.

He was unlike other celebrities who rush to make announcements all over the country. Fans of Lin Jianshen only get to see him a few times throughout the year, so Mu Lan naturally couldn’t miss this opportunity to visit the set.

She just saw someone who looked very much like Yu Mian, so she subconsciously called out. Unexpectedly, it was really the other person. She had exposed herself.

Mu Lan had a stiff face as she watched her idol’s fiancée trot in front of her.

Yu Mian smiled in surprise and asked, “Mu Lan, are you also here to visit?”

No matter how many times she saw Yu Mian, Mu Lan still couldn’t understand why Lin Jianshen chose her. Yu Mian doesn’t have the elegance and nobility of a wealthy family’s daughter. She used to be too gloomy, but now she’s too naive.

Facing her love rival, Mu Lan didn’t want to appear too weak. She straightened her chest, raised her chin slightly, glanced at the other party from top to bottom, and said arrogantly, “No, I’m here to do something.”

“What, are you here to visit Lin Jianshen on set?”

“That’s right.” Yu Mian nodded. She remembered that Mu Lan was a fan of Lin Jianshen, so she kindly reminded the other party, “There’s a fan visit this morning. It’s not noon yet so Lin Jianshen’s still probably there. You can still see him if you hurry.”

What, was this the winner’s pity for the loser? Even if she becomes Lin Jianshen’s fiancée, what’s the big deal?

Mu Lan sneered in her heart. As a member of Lin Jianshen’s support group, she was the one who mediated and contacted Lin Jianshen’s team for this event. How could she be unclear of the matter?

Yu Mian didn’t understand the importance that aristocratic families attach to appearance, but Mu Lan couldn’t ignore it. No matter how much she complained in her heart, on the surface she still kindly declined Yu Mian’s offer with a fake smile, “No need, I’m not interested in that. I’ve finished my business and will go back now.”

She flipped her hair and stepped on her stilettos, preparing to leave gracefully.

At this time, a girl on the roadside called out to her, “Deep Sea! You’re here?”

What was a pig teammate? This was!

Mu Lan stumbled and almost fell. She tried to steady her steps and turned around, and sure enough, she saw a look of dawning comprehension on Yu Mian’s face.

“So you’re……” Yu Mian pointed at Mu Lan, not finishing the sentence in her mouth. Flower came from a distance and saw the two people standing opposite each other, and asked curiously, “Red Cotton Tree, who’s this? Do you know each other?”

Hold it. Mu Lan wasn’t the only one who was stiff now. Yu Mian was also dumbfounded.

The two of them stared at each other for a while, but Mu Lan came to her senses first and said quickly, “Let’s pretend we’ve never seen each other today!”

Yu Mian nodded cooperatively. “Okay.”

Both of them wanted to conceal their identities so they hit it off immediately. After saying those words, Mu Lan turned around and left without looking back.

Flower was bewildered. “What are you two talking about?”

Yu Mian had on a complicated expression and she shook her head to express her unwillingness to say more. She was filled with shock. It turned out that Mu Lan was Deep Sea. She was jokingly referred to as Lin Jianshen’s number one brainless fan, labelled as ‘when people are foolish, money comes quickly’.

In reality, Mu Lan was proud and reserved, like a delicate princess. There’s a huge difference between her real and online self, which astonished Yu Mian.

Fortunately, her mood soon calmed down. Thinking that Mu Lan had also discovered her identity, Yu Mian panicked a little. Mu Lan wouldn’t tell this matter to anyone, right?

Seeing that it was almost noon, Flower suggested going for a meal. As soon as the two of them walked out of the film studio, Yu Mian’s phone rang.

She took it out and saw ‘A’ on the caller ID.

This was her note to Lin Jianshen. Her phone book was sorted by pinyin and he was ranked first in her list.

This was the first time he’s calling her and Yu Mian’s heart jumped as her cheeks heated up almost instantly.

She swiped the screen to answer, put the phone to her ear, and whispered, “Hello……”

“Yu Mian.” His deep voice sounded amidst the slightly noisy background. It has a slight hoarseness, distinctly penetrating into the ears and overwhelming other chaotic noises.

He asked her in a sure tone, “You’re in S City?”

Yu Mian’s eyes widened. How did he know?!

It was like a cold bucket of water was poured down on her head. Yu Mian instantly snapped out of her dazed and stammered, “I-I……”

She couldn’t tell a lie to deceive him, and before she could come up with a good excuse, Lin Jianshen slowly spoke again, “Where are you now? I’ll pick you up.”

He seemed to be sure that she was in S City. Yu Mian asked nervously, “Why are you picking me up for?”

The man gave a short laugh, producing a very light sound that seemed to land on the tip of one’s heart, as if being tickled by a light feather. “My fiancée came to visit, shouldn’t I treat her well?”

The voice on the phone sounded too close and he seemed to be whispering next to her ear, making her feel electrocuted. Yu Mian’s entire ear was tingling, and because of the intimacy in his tone, her whole face down to her neck reddened.

She was silent for a long time and before she could answer, Lin Jianshen asked again with a soft voice, “Where are you? I’ll go find you right away.”

Yu Mian was startled. Thinking of his identity, she hurriedly said, “Don’t. Don’t come out, it won’t be good if the paparazzi sees you……”

The man on the other end of the phone chuckled. His laughter was low and hoarse, different from his usual detached coldness. It tantalized Yu Mian that her head was almost smoking.

“I-I’ll go find you.”

Her voice was as low as a mosquito’s hum but it was clearly caught by Lin Jianshen. A light, genuine smile appeared on the man’s face, which had always lacked emotion.

When Dai Zhong accidentally saw it, his eyeballs almost fall out from shock.

When had a person like Lin Jianshen who was always expressionless ever been so happy? Who’s he talking to?

By this time, they had already returned to the set, and the others also noticed this fantastic scene. The person who was normally aloof was smiling, which intrigue people.

Director Fang Da couldn’t help but joke, “Jianshen, did something good happen?”

Lin Jianshen didn’t answer. He put away the phone after ending the call. He told Fang Da, “Director, I’m going out to pick up someone.”

Fang Da nodded. Looking at Li Jianshen’s hurriedly departing back, he gossiped with Dai Zhong, “Look at how anxious he is. I heard that Jianshen is engaged. Is his fiancée here?”

Dai Zhong was also puzzled but he shook his head firmly. “It shouldn’t be.”

Others doesn’t know, but doesn’t he?

Lin Jianshen’s treatment of his fiancée was at best out of duty. Having been with him for so many years, Dai Zhong not only understood him completely, but also knew a little bit about his temperament. Lin Jianshen was a cold-hearted man, but he also had a sense of responsibility that most people doesn’t have.

He was suitable as a husband, but not a good lover. He would be responsible for his family, but it was difficult for him to fall in love with someone.

As to whom the person Lin Jianshen might like, Dai Zhong thought that the most likely candidate was that Red Cotton Tree from online. Lin Jianshen paid special attention to her but there was really nothing special about other people in his eyes.

A sudden idea flashed in Dai Zhong’s mind. Could it be that the person Lin Jianshen was going to pick up was Red Cotton Tree?

It makes sense when thinking about it. With so many fans coming to visit today, perhaps Red Cotton Tree had also come?

It had to be said that Dai Zhong’s guess was correct, but when he saw Lin Jianshen leading Yu Mian over, he instantly felt like he had slapped himself in the face.

How did the relationship between the two improve so quickly? What did he miss?!

Not only Dai Zhong, but other people in the crew were also sneaking a look at the two people, mentally doubting life.

Lin Jianshen was actually showing such a gentle expression to that young woman! He even helped her carry her bag! And also smile at her!

Lu Yinyin stood in the distance, watching Lin Jianshen lead a beautiful woman to his lounge. He didn’t even glance at her from beginning to end, all he could see was the other young and beautiful woman.

She gripped her phone tightly, feeling a pang of jealousy in her heart. The recent interview had been posted online by a reporter and Lin Jianshen’s merciless words completely shattered all her fantasies.

Seeing the people in the comment section laughing at her, Lu Yinyin’s face burned.

Lu Yinyin was very unwilling. She had been pampered since she was a child, what does she want that she couldn’t get?

After becoming a fan of Lin Jianshen, she wanted this man, wanted his cold face to melt for her, break the calm indifference in his eyes, and become the only one in his eyes.

She wanted to see the ice melt for her, the wind to linger for her, and the immortal to come down to the world of mortal for her.

Just thinking about it makes her feel so excited that she could hardly control herself.

So she asked her father to invest in 《Long Ting》 and took the opportunity to join the crew. After filming for at least half a year, she didn’t believe that she couldn’t capture him.

However, as time passed, Lu Yinyin realized in despair that she really couldn’t capture Lin Jianshen.

How much she loved his coldness before was how much she hated his ruthlessness now.

This man seemed to be detached from the mundane world, full of coldness and indifference, while looking at everyone with distant eyes. When someone was attracted to him, they would be frostbitten by his indifference.

She had thought that it was just his nature and as long as she continued to persevere, it would pay off.

Stones also have time when they’re warm, don’t they?

Not until she heard Lin Jianshen answered that phone call and saw him smiling at another woman. The thin ice in his eyes that hadn’t melted all year round turned into clear ripples on the lake.

Lu Yinyin finally understood that he wasn’t a lofty immortal, but was just Lin Jianshen who belonged to only one person.

It’s just that the person wasn’t her.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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