Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 5

“Since you want it, you can keep the contract.”

It was unknown if it’s because Yu Mian’s eyes were too eager, or her pleading expression was too obvious, but Lin Jianshen agreed to her request.

“Thank you!” Yu Mian happily touched the A4 paper in her hand. Afraid that the paper would be wrinkled and remembering that she had seen a magazine somewhere before, she hurriedly walked to the bedside. She flipped it open and then carefully tucked the paper in.

After clamping the paper and closing the magazine, she looked up again and glanced at Lin Jianshen who was looking at her from the corner of his eye, suddenly recalling that there was another person in the ward.

Noticing that Lin Jianshen’s eyes were on the magazine, Yu Mian blushed and wanted to save her image by not letting him misunderstand that she was a crazy fan.

But when her eyes glance at the magazine and she saw the person on the cover clearly, it was like a basin of cold water was poured over her head. Yu Mian’s fervent excitement from seeing her idol in person for the first time instantly cooled down.

It was an entertainment magazine that was placed right besides Yu Mian’s bed when she woke up. The cover of the magazine was Chu Yan, whom the other Yu Mian had recently become crazy about. It’s not surprising. Mother Yu loves her daughter very much so she must have bought it to indulge her daughter and put it on the bedside table.

Yu Mian looked at the huge solo photo of Chu Yan on the cover and felt like crying.

It’s over. It’s useless to say anything now. She just denied that her hospitalization had nothing to do with Chu Yan, but she was immediately slapped in the face. Would her idol think she was deliberately lying to him?

She presumed the fact that the other Yu Mian was so crazy about losing weight that she had fainted from hunger and was hospitalized because she’s chasing a star must have spread throughout her entire circle of friends. Although Yu Mian wasn’t the one who really did these things, she could only suffer silently now that she was in this body.

Yu Mian felt that she needed to save her life. She raised her hands tremblingly, pointed at the magazine with a woebegone look and said, “This magazine isn’t mine. Really. Believe me, I don’t like Chu Yan……”

Lin Jianshen: “……”

The girl blinked her big moist eyes and looked at him pitifully. She explained to him anxiously with her small nose slightly red from crying, as if she was in a hurry to prove her innocence. Lin Jianshen watched with cold eyes, and a slight sense of absurdity surfaced in his heart.

Although the two were engaged, he and Yu Mian didn’t see each other often. Their few brief encounters were enough for him to understand a little about her temperament.

She wasn’t exactly out of control but she hadn’t really given him a good feeling in the past.

Acting requires understanding the character’s state of mind. Lin Jianshen also had a lot of experience in observing people. When he met Yu Mian for the first time, he could tell that for unknown reason, she seemed to resent her family and rejected everyone who wanted to get close to her. She only stays in her own little world, closing her heart and not communicating with anyone.

At first glance, he defined her as a wounded girl who was unwilling to reveal her heart.

Being in the same upper-class circle, he’d heard some rumors recently that she’d become obsessed with a celebrity, moved out of the house alone after arguing with her family, and posted sarcastic comments about him on Weibo.

If his assistant hadn’t told him, he wouldn’t even notice her resentment and the fact that the source of her conflict with her family was their nominal engagement.

Lin Jianshen had principles. At the beginning of the cooperation, he consulted the other party’s opinion and got her consent before getting engaged. But since she had changed her mind, he wouldn’t do anything to force someone else’s daughter.

It was the reason he came to the hospital. He had drawn up a contract beforehand since he’s accustomed to making an alternate plan. If she wanted to cancel the engagement, there would be no need for the contract.

He also felt that this contract was completely unnecessary. It didn’t take much to work out what Yu Mian’s choice would be.

Lin Jianshen knew very well that Yu Mian had no good feelings towards him, but everything that happened today overthrown his thoughts.

He had always been keen in observing people, so he could naturally see true joy, excitement and faint reverence in Yu Mian’s expression when talking to him. These were things he had only seen in fans, though there seem to be some subtle differences.

The way she expressed her emotions wasn’t as enthusiastic as that of his fans, as if she was deliberately restraining herself, or perhaps her personality tends to be reserved and gentle, so the sensation she gave him was also extremely delicate.

It was like a gentle warm wind blowing on his face, or like a beautiful flower blooming before his eyes, and for some reason, he felt as if it was only for him to see.

Without waiting for his reply, the young woman deflated in grievance. Her big black eyes were moist and clear, and tears were accumulating in them, about to overflow and fall.

Whether she likes Chu Yan or not, what does it have to do with him?

“Even if— even if I liked him before…… I don’t like him anymore.” Her voice was soft and had a weeping tone.

His eyes slid past the red corners of the other party’s eyes and met her gaze that contained hidden expectations. Lin Jianshen withdrew his eyes, picked up the water glass and took a sip.

After some time, he said with a faint tone, “……Mm.”

Lights suddenly appeared in the crystal black eyes soaked in tears, like bright stars sparkling in the night sky.

Yu Mian broke into a smile and her eyebrows curved into two small crescents. She laughed for a while, then couldn’t help but blush and feel ashamed. She felt that she was too childish. She was already twenty years old but she shed tears because she was misunderstood.

After her mood calmed down, her rationality slowly returned. Yu Mian held the magazine and sat face to face with Lin Jianshen, once again falling into inexplicable embarrassment.

She slowly thought that the other Yu Mian wasn’t a fan of Lin Jianshen and the two of them didn’t seem to be familiar with each other. Suddenly acting so close, would her idol be frightened by her?

She wasn’t clear if he was frightened or not, but he must feel uncomfortable because she saw Lin Jianshen raise his hand and touch his forehead. This was a small subconscious action on his part. He usually did this whenever he feels uncomfortable, shy or embarrassed.

Yu Mian looked at him quietly, afraid to be open and straightforward. She was nervous and uneasy. She had made a joke of herself too many times, so she thought that since the more one talks, the easier it was to make mistakes, she simply stopped talking.

For a while, the two of them were speechless. Yu Mian focused on stealing glances at her idol. She didn’t notice the awkwardness in the atmosphere and how Lin Jianshen was touching his forehead much more frequently.

After glancing at the watch on his wrist, Lin Jianshen suddenly asked, “Why were you crying just now?”

Yu Mian was brought back to her senses by his voice. Thinking that he was asking about the misunderstanding that almost made her cry, she blushed and replied, “I-I didn’t want you to misunderstand, a-and besides, I didn’t cry……”

Technically, she didn’t cry. The tears hadn’t had time to fall and she managed to hold it in.

“It’s not that.”  Lin Jianshen shook his head and asked again, “Earlier outside, why were you crying?”

“Ah.” Yu Mian opened her mouth and realized what he was asking. Her joyful mood suddenly becomes overshadowed. She lowered her eyelids, no longer looking at the man’s eyes that seemed to see everything, and said dryly, “It’s nothing……”

At this moment, she suddenly felt that her fate was too fantastical. Eight years ago, the class teacher brought his donation, giving Yu Mian hope. Now, eight years later, she experienced death, yet was associated with him again.

Yu Mian subconsciously concealed the matter and the other party had no intention of asking further questions. Neither of them were good at talking, so the topic ended there.

After a long period of silence, Lin Jianshen finally bid farewell and Yu Mian stood up to see him out.

Before walking out of the ward, Lin Jianshen took out a mask from his pocket and put it on his face, revealing only a pair of dark eyes which were long and narrow. His gaze was quiet and the bottom of his eyes still.

Yu Mian stared at him silently, watching his thick eyelashes hanging down and his slender fingers bent, pale bone color looming around its joints, as his fingertips pulled the mask straps behind his ears. Opening the door, he glanced down at her, his eyes without any warmth, as light as a wisp of wind blowing past her face.

Looking at his leaving figure, Yu Mian suddenly felt the urge to ask him a question.

And so she did.

“Do you know another person named Yu Mian?”

Lin Jianshen’s steps stopped and he turned around. Hearing this question, his expression did not change in any way, remaining unperturbed.

He pondered for a few seconds, as if he was seriously recalling his memories, before saying, “In my impression, you’re the only one I know named Yu Mian.”

Her nose tingled. Even though she had expected it, tears still welled up in Yu Mian’s eyes.

To him, Yu Mian was just one of the countless people he’s sponsoring. There was nothing special about her and didn’t have to remember who she was. However, he was unique in her life, so profound that she would remember him for a lifetime.

Fearing that he would notice the tears in her eyes, she woefully averted her face and said in a light voice, “I overheard the nurse saying that there’s another Yu Mian here. She’s an orphan who had a car accident and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment yesterday. Don’t you think it’s too coincidental?”

The only response she received was a short and cold, “Mm.”

The sound of the door closing came to her ears and the tears in her eyes could no longer be held back, quickly rolling down.

Yu Mian pursed her lips tightly and was about to have a good cry when a magnetic male voice sounded above her head, “And then what?”

Due to the mask, his voice sounded muffled, like an explosion on her head.

Yu Mian originally thought he had left, but then there was such an abrupt sound, which immediately scared her that she couldn’t help but hiccup.

“Y-you haven’t left?” Yu Mian quickly turned her head and stared up at him with tearful eyes while covering her mouth.

Lin Jianshen’s official height was 183 cm and Yumian herself was 168 cm tall. But she was now on a different body, and as a result, she became shorter, at 162 cm tall. When standing with him, she had to tilt her head to see his expression.

Lin Jianshen lowered his head and met her pair of rabbit-like eyes, faintly saying, “You aren’t done speaking yet.”

“Hic—” Yu Mian gave a small hiccup and covered her mouth more tightly, turning red from head to toe and to the base of her ears.

She didn’t dare to speak again for fear of being unable to control her hiccups and she forgot to shed tears. She lowered her head in panic and stopped looking at him, so she didn’t see a flash of light in the man’s dark eyes. The smile was as light and fleeting as the reflection of a bird passing over a lake.

Lin Jianshen asked, “How did the emergency treatment go?”

After a few seconds, she found that the hiccups did not last, and Yu Mian had no intention of feeling sad anymore. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and said softly, “She’s dead.”

En.” It was still a faint response, with an indifference of someone unrelated.

As if she was confiding, Yu Mian didn’t care about his reaction and continued, “She have no family, so no one’s handling the procedures for her. She’s now taken to the hospital morgue. I want to go see her since our names are so similar……”

The door was pushed open again. Yu Mian looked up when she heard the sound and saw the man’s tall and straight back. He took a step towards the door and turned his face to look at her, the tip of his brow gently raised. “Let’s go. Don’t you want to see her?”

Yu Mian was dazed for a moment, and then the next second, her pale face suddenly burst into a different kind of brilliance.

She followed him with excitement, but remembering what the nurse said, her brows furrowed. “I’ve asked before but a nurse told me that no one that’s not a relative can go see her.”

Lin Jianshen tugged at his mask and said noncommittally, “How will we know the outcome unless we give it a try?”


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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