Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 50

There was a lot of noise around and many people were talking loudly. Yu Mian heard someone say in her ear, “Little Sister, don’t move. Your leg is broken, do you know?”

Yu Mian nodded in daze. She felt the person on her body being lifted away as his hand left her palm, and she was also carefully put on the stretcher. She opened her eyes wide to look for Lin Jianshen and found him lying next to her, his face as pale as paper, like porcelain that would break at the a slight touch.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry, Little Sister. It’s okay. Both of you will be fine.” A nurse in white clothes took out a tissue to wipe her face and gently said to Yu Mian.

Perhaps it was because she was too tired, or maybe her tense nerves had loosened up, but Yu Mian suddenly felt an unspeakable drowsiness, dragging her into a deep sleep.

The ambulance took the injured to the nearest hospital. The truck involved in the accident fled after what happened and the police issued a city-wide search notice.

Fortunately, they were discovered in time, and because Lin Jianshen’s vehicle had been modified, the injuries of the two weren’t extremely serious, especially that of Yu Mian, who had been protected. In addition to some skin injuries and a leg fracture, she had no other damage.

Lin Jianshen’s condition was more severe than hers. He suffered three fractures in his lower limbs, two ribs, a slight brain concussion, a dislocated shoulder joint, and other injuries from glass punctures.

It sounded serious, but both belong to the category of just needing to be nursed back to health, so the two of them were extraordinarily lucky.

While they were receiving treatment in the hospital, a keyword quietly appeared in the hot search on Weibo and reached the top at a rocket like speed.


This hot search was even more popular than the previous one about his relationship. Almost everyone who knows Lin Jianshen would click on it to take a look.

A blogger who claimed to be a medical staff made a post, saying that they had just received a pair of car accident victims. One of them was Lin Jianshen, who had multiple injuries all over his body and was currently undergoing treatment. He heard from colleagues at the scene that Lin Jianshen was seriously injured because he was trying to protect his girlfriend who was beside him.

The post also included several candid photos. The man was lying silently on a hospital bed, his side face pale, and next to him were doctors and nurses dressed in white.

The photo didn’t appear to be fake and the face was also captured clearly, confirming that it was indeed Lin Jianshen.

Netizens were shocked and Lin Jianshen’s fans were in tears, the bad news that their idol suffered a car accident made them feel like they were struck by lightning. Due to the suddenness of the incident, when Lin Jianshen was taken to the hospital, there were many witnesses and more and more people participated in breaking the news.

After catching some information, out of worry and anxiety for their idol, forest fans lost their rationality and directed their anger towards the ‘girlfriend’ who was protected by Lin Jianshen.

If it wasn’t for protecting her, Lin Jianshen wouldn’t have been so badly injured!

They cursed the girlfriend crazily on the Internet. Someone took the opportunity to reveal the girlfriend’s private Weibo and they also found Yu Mian’s original account. Countless people flocked to it, filling her home page with all kinds of filthy words.

Someone also discovered that Yu Mian used to be a fan of Chu Yan and had posted negative things about Lin Jianshen in the past. This caused public outrage and Yu Mian pretty much became public enemy number one online.


Everything online hadn’t yet affected reality. In the hospital, Yu Mian and Lin Jianshen were still in the ER. The entire Yu family has arrived. Mother Yu was crying in Father Yu’s arms, while Yu Xing was on the phone arranging for the two to be transferred to another hospital.

Lin Jianshen had a special identity and wasn’t suitable to stay in this hospital. Yu Xing also found out that there’s something suspicious about the car accident, so it was best to keep a watchful eye on them as well.

As Lin Jianshen’s emergency contact, Dai Zhong rushed over as soon as he was informed of the accident.

Dai Zhong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Lin Jianshen was fine, after which he immediately notified the studio staff.

At this time, being anxious was of no help. All he could do was to control the public opinion on the Internet and wait until Lin Jianshen woke up so that he wouldn’t worry too much.

“Brother Dai, there’s a commotion online right now. They’re all scolding Sister-in-law. What do you think we should do?”

Dai Zhong frowned while holding the phone. He was constantly paying attention to the trends online so he also naturally saw the angry fans attacking Yu Mian.

“Have you gotten the dash cam video yet? Send it out, and then issue an official statement, saying that Lin Jianshen’s injury isn’t serious. Calm the fans’ emotions and don’t let them make a scene. If Jianshen wakes up and sees the person he’s trying so hard to protect being scolded like this, we’ll be the ones to suffer.”

“Okay, Brother Dai, I’m on it. Once the video is released, I’m afraid they won’t be able to scold anymore. To be honest, I felt envious when I saw it. When will I ever encounter such love?”

Even though his heart was heavy, Dai Zhong couldn’t help but laugh when he heard that.

“It’s a rare thing, so we can only envy it.”

It’s not just him, who could say that they weren’t envious after watching the video? After the police checked the records, everyone in the surrounding area fell silent and no one spoke.

Dai Zhong couldn’t believe that Lin Jianshen really liked Yu Mian before, but after watching the dash cam video, he no longer doubted it.

Lin Jianshen really loves her and Yu Mian loves him equally.

In this world, how rare it was to meet a lover who could give their life for the other. The two of them met and love each other deeply without reservation.

The moment Yu Mian threw herself to shield Lin Jianshen, everyone was shocked. When they saw Lin Jianshen hugging her and pressing her down to protect her, everyone had no words. The more emotional women already had tears in their eyes and Mother Yu was crying uncontrollably.

In the video, Yu Mian broke down in tears and kept talking non-stop in Lin Jianshen’s ear, just to keep him from falling asleep. The recording didn’t capture the sound so they couldn’t hear what she was saying, but everyone could deeply feel that her feelings for him were so strong.

Dai Zhong, a grown man, almost cried when he saw it, let alone other people.

Especially later, a nurse said that Yu Mian had never realized that she had broken a bone. All she could think about was Lin Jianshen. It wasn’t until she was carried on the stretcher and saw that Lin Jianshen was safe and sound that she passed out from the delayed pain.

In modern society, people were becoming more and more indifferent to each other. More and more people didn’t trust love and feel that marriage was a grave and a shackle.

But looking at these two people, Dai Zhong felt that he believed in love again.

Just because one hadn’t seen love doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Pure love had always been around, it’s just that a lot of people weren’t lucky enough to be favored by it.

Yu Mian was pushed out of the ER first. She was given anesthesia and slept for four hours before waking up. Lin Jianshen came out two hours behind her, and when he did, he was also in deep sleep.

Yu Xing immediately arranged for the two of them to be transferred to a private hospital in an affluent area.

He had a lot of things to do and he was very busy all day. He handled the car accident, some matters in the company, and also appeased his parents. Yu Mian’s school also had to be notified so she could have a leave.

It was unknown how the Lin family got the news. Lin Jiahua and his wife came to the hospital to visit Lin Jianshen in person, but since Lin Jianshen wasn’t yet conscious, they were received by Father and Mother Yu.

The Yu family knew about the relationship between Lin Jianshen and the Lin family. Mother Yu was even more knowledgeable about it and she hated the Lin family’s behavior from the bottom of her heart. So Lin Jiahua received a cold treatment. He didn’t even get to enter the ward as if no one could see him. He was forced out by Mother Yu both overtly and covertly.

“Take care, Mr. Lin. When Jianshen wakes up, I’ll be sure to ask him to personally thank you. Thanks for coming to see him.”

Mother Yu stood at the door and waved her hands, as if she was Lin Jianshen’s elder and Lin Jianhua was the guest, which really made Lin Jiahua very angry.

Dai Zhong watched from the side, feeling impressed and refreshed. As expected of the Yu family who started from scratch and had now became a huge company. They were truly wonderful. He didn’t understand why Lin Jianshen chose the Yu family before, but now he realized that he’s really discerning.

On this day, Dai Zhong was tired of saying the word envy.

Meanwhile, a wave of heat once again spread across the Internet, the source of which came from the official statement released by Lin Jianshen’s studio.

This official statement was different from other celebrities and very much like Lin Jianshen’s style. It succinctly stated that Lin Jianshen was fine and told fans not to get too excited. Then they uploaded a video that was less than ten minutes long.

People who were worried about Lin Jianshen were waiting for the official response and swarmed one after another. When they learned that their brother’s injuries weren’t serious, most of them were relieved.

People naturally noticed the accompanying video. It was shot by a dash cam. The image was taken from above and the cover showed a man driving a car. He had a familiar face and it was clearly Lin Jianshen.

They’ve never seen a celebrity upload a dash cam video after a car accident before. Whether they were forest fans, passerby fans or melon eaters[1]bystanders/onlookers, they all clicked on it out of curiosity.

The video was eight minutes and thirty-two seconds long. The very first person to click on it watched everything and left a comment afterwards.

【The Distance Is Nowhere: Will anyone believe it when I say I cried watching it?】

Within a few minutes, this comment received hundreds of likes and it was still continuing to rise. The comment section underneath was instantly flooded with a wave of puzzling remarks.

【I Like To Sleep With Shenshen: The moment I saw the two of them throwing themselves in front of each other, I burst into tears. Really, it’s not an exaggeration at all. I’m still crying uncontrollably. This kind of relationship is so rare and precious that I feel that I will never have it in my lifetime. So if anyone dares to say something wrong about them in the future, I’ll be the first to rush up and scold!】

【Minnie’s Little Tail: Ahhhhhhhh, I burst into tears! It won’t stop falling!!! It felt like watching a real-life idol drama, so touching!!!】

【Anonymous: WTF, I can’t say anything. My snot and tears are literally falling. I’m so f*cking envious!!!】

【Fawn’s Mommy: Tie the two together! Tie them together, understand?!!! I won’t allow anyone to ruin this relationship!!!】

【Sweetheart Patrick Star: Mom, I’ve seen love, wuuwuuwuuwuuwuu.】

【Sweet Peach Flavor: I apologize. I just scolded Sister Yu Mian. I confess that I was wrong. I shouldn’t have speculated without knowing the truth. Sister Yu Mian is very good. She and Shenshen are a perfect match, they’re born to be a pair! I hope they will be together for the rest of their lives! Please!】

【Iced Lemon Shenshen: My mother was startled when I cried. I swear that I’ll be the number one CP fan of Sister Yu Mian and Lin Jianshen from now on. I will ship them for life!!!】


1 bystanders/onlookers


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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