Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 57

After the new year, life gradually returned to normal. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Yu Mian and Lin Jianshen went to the cinema to watch the premiere of 《Long Ting》.

The film took nearly half a year to shoot and the casting process before that also took half a year. Every actor tried their best to fit their character and the content of the film precisely followed the source material, so the effect was extremely good.

At least as far as Yu Mian’s feelings were concerned it was the case. When she was watching the movie, she completely forgot that Lin Jianshen was sitting next to her. She was wholeheartedly immersed and her mood fluctuated along with the plot of until the very end. Only then did she slowly come back to her senses.

Although the movie was over, the pleasant impression was still there. Yu Mian turned to look at her long neglected boyfriend and exclaimed with starry eyes, “Long Ting is really handsome!”

Long Ting, the male lead in the movie, was played by Lin Jianshen.

Lin Jianshen had read the script before and knew how the plot would unfold, so he wasn’t as involved as others when watching it.

During the whole movie, which lasted for an hour and a half, he fed Yu Mian half a bag of popcorn and a cup of milk tea, but he didn’t get a single glance from Yu Mian. His girlfriend even called another man handsome in front of him. Although he’s the one playing the role, it couldn’t soothe the injured heart of the neglected man.

Lin Jianshen looked calm as he asked lightly, “How handsome?”

Yu Mian answered, “Super handsome! Especially when he led the army to unify the land, he’s so handsome!”


Only then did Yu Mian notice that her boyfriend seemed to be upset?

The lights came on in the theater and the two of them walked out along with the others. Yu Mian hugged Lin Jianshen’s arm and asked him with a smile, “Are you jealous?”

The man glanced at her and denied, “No.”

Yu Mian slightly stood on tiptoes and quickly kissed the side of his face. Well, she kissed it through the mask.

Then she whispered in his ear, “It’s always been you that I like.”

Lin Jianshen didn’t turn his head, but he took her hand and put it into his pocket, intertwining his fingers with hers.

Online, the first batch of people who have watched the movie were already talking about it. Most of the reviews were very good and some professional film critics have also given it high marks.

Lin Jianshen didn’t care much about this, but Yu Mian was very nervous. Having been his fan for so many years, she still subconsciously worried about Lin Jianshen’s career. Only when she saw the positive reviews did she feel relieved.


After the Lantern Festival, schools around the country started to reopen one after another, and Lin Jianshen also started to get busy. He had almost faded out of the entertainment industry as he spends most of his time dealing with company affairs. Although he still planned to select one or two movies to participate in every year.

He didn’t have an extreme love for acting, but his emotions were too indifferent and cold. Only by immersing himself in the role he’s playing could he experience the various joys, anger and sorrows in the world. Acting was a channel for him to understand life.

But now that he was with Yu Mian, Lin Jianshen gradually had many different feelings. For example, he would be happy when he saw her, miss her when she wasn’t around, and feel sad and depressed if he was neglected. Only by being next to her would he feel satisfied.

All these differences were brought about by her. Moreover, she was his long-time fan. He originally planned to retire from the entertainment industry after his company went public, but as long as he thought so, Lin Jianshen couldn’t think of quitting, otherwise how disappointed would she be?


Half a month after Shengming University resume classes, Yu Mian received a phone call and only then did she found out that her painting had been selected as second place in the painting competition.

She hadn’t paid attention to the competition for a long time. During the winter vacation, she was basically immersed in a sweet romance. If she hadn’t received a phone call from the Art Association, she might have forgotten about it completely.

However, even though she wasn’t really concerned, the news spread quickly at the school. After all, Shengming University was a well-known art school in the country and it paid great attention to the painting competition.

After learning that the second-place work was Yu Mian’s, her reputation rose once again within the school.

In fact, when Lin Jianshen’s girlfriend was exposed, most of Shengming students recognized the mysterious girlfriend from the video as Yu Mian. She was famous even at Shengming, a school with many children from rich families.

One was because of her prominent family background, and the other was because of her outstanding appearance. Coupled with her extraordinary talent in the field of painting and the fact that she had a perfect fiancé who’s willing to sacrifice his life for her, she was truly enviable.

There was almost no girl in school who doesn’t envy her. That year, the movie 《Long Ting》 was released and from its excellent quality, it wasn’t surprising that it won several awards. Lin Jianshen was now considered as the nation’s idol.

It wasn’t that there were no people on the Internet who were opposed to the relationship between the two, especially among Lin Jianshen’s girlfriend fans. They’re assuming the identity of their idol’s girlfriend so once he was in a relationship, it caused a large number of fans to leave and boycott.

Lin Jianshen had excellent acting skills and a high status. He had an outstanding appearance and a clean record, as well as dedicated and affectionate in his relationship. The better he was, the more intense the fans backlash was.

Since then, there have always been aggressive fans. The private messages of Yu Mian’s Red Cotton Tree account have been closed and she usually didn’t go on it, because in addition to the blessings, there were also some people who come to curse her.

It wasn’t until later that Lin Jianshen’s fans rediscovered that he’s still someone who wouldn’t spoil them at all.

He used to be aloof as if untainted by dust. After falling in love, he started posting on Weibo often. Therefore, fans all thought he had changed. But later, they found out that he was still ignoring his fans. Every post he made was only to secretly nudge at his girlfriend.

Their protests had no effect on him. Even those who badmouthed Yu Mian would receive lawyer’s letters for cyber bullying from Lin Jianshen’s legal team.

So now, no one dares to come out and oppose they’re relationship anymore.

The same was true at school. Many girls were fans of Lin Jianshen but they could only be envious and jealous in secret. On the surface, they would smile and express their blessings, hoping to get close to him.


After receiving that phone call, it wasn’t long before the awards ceremony was held in the auditorium of Shengming University. Lin Jianshen was busy with work that day. It was Yu Mian’s first time participating in such an event and she was both nervous and excited at the same time.

Yu Mian still hadn’t gotten over the fact that she got second place. She felt like a pie had fallen from the sky and hit her right on the head.

The whole Yu family was present. Father and Mother Yu were sitting in the audience seat below with smiles on their faces while Yu Xing was beside Yu Mian, accompanying her. As one of the judges, Teacher Shen Shang, was sitting on the stage and would later give awards to the winners.

Yu Mian was the second to take the stage. Before she went up, she couldn’t help but glance at the door. Unfortunately, the person she was expecting never showed up.

The news that she won an award also spread online, so there were many reporters with cameras below the stage. Yu Mian took a deep breath, let go of her brother’s arm, and stepped on the red carpet.

Yu Xing said behind her, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll be down here with Mom and Dad watching you.”

Yu Mian’s heart felt warm. Her family was there so what else did she have to be afraid of?

Under the illumination of the lights, the audience seat was filled with dark shadows. Yu Mian was facing downwards as the panel of experts were commenting on her work.

On the screen, her painting was displayed in front of everyone. The little girl in the painting was looking out the window innocently, her big, clear black eyes reflects the skylight, creating an innocent scene.

“This girl inside the window uses bright and soft colors, and the brushwork is exquisite and delicate. The most eye-catching thing is its emotional appeal. I believe everyone who sees this painting can feel the strong emotions encapsulated inside. This is also the most unique thing about this painting. May I ask Ms. Yu, what is the inspiration of this painting?”

“It’s probably the yearning for light.” Yu Mian held the microphone and pondered for a moment before slowly saying, “The child in this painting is actually the epitome of myself. I had a very lonely experience in the past. At that time, I also thought about giving up on this world, but then I saw my light and chased after it. I finally got the things I once had lost. I also want to tell everyone that saw my painting that even if you’re in darkness at this moment, don’t give up on life. One day, you will be able to embrace the light that belongs to you.”

There was applause from the audience and the judges once again discussed her work. Yu Mian’s painting, although rich in emotion, was still slightly lacking in basic skills, thus she only got second place.

Yu Mian listened quietly from the side. Not long after the jury finished speaking, someone came up on stage to present the award.

“We have a special guest to present Ms. Yu Mian’s award. I believe everyone has probably guessed who the person is, right?”

Upon hearing the host’s sudden words, Yu Mian’s eyes widened in disbelief. She turned her head back to look.

The man who had told her this morning that he couldn’t make it due to work was now in a smart suit. Holding a trophy in both hands, he walked slowly to the stage with his long legs.

He came in front her with a faint smile. His pair of eyes that was as black as ink gazed deeply at her and his lips was slightly raised.

“Congratulations.” He opened his mouth and said.

Yu Mian looked at him in a daze and didn’t move for a long time.

The host smiled and asked, “Ms. Yu, are you that surprised? Can you still recognize the person in front of you?”

A burst of good-natured laughter rang from the audience. The relationship between the two was now widely known.

Yu Mian blinked. There seemed to be a warm current in her chest, causing her eyes to uncontrollably burn. Fortunately, she still remembered that this was a public place and held back her tears. She raised her hand to take the trophy held by Lin Jianshen.

He whispered a reminder, “Babe, aren’t you giving me a hug?”

His eyes were soft and his long eyelashes were hanging down as he stared at her. His dark eyes were like the boundless universe, encompassing thousands of bright stars.

The young woman on the stage had red eyes. She stood on tiptoes, holding the microphone in one hand and the crystal trophy in the other. She raised her slender and soft arms to wrap around his neck, and placed a feather-like kiss on the man’s cheek.

“Did you know, you are my light.” She said quietly.

The man smiled lightly, then hugged the waist of the person in his arms.

He whispered hoarsely, “So are you.”



Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

  1. Drowningsparrow has spoken 2 weeks ago

    …for those who lost their lights, thank you for translating

  2. ZachsAunt has spoken 3 months ago

    Very enjoyable story. Perfect for lying in bed And reading on a rainy morning

  3. Athanasia has spoken 3 months ago

    Thank you for translating this beautiful story!!

  4. Yu Yue has spoken 3 months ago

    Thanks for your hard work!!!


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