Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 7

The car pulled out of the hospital parking lot. Yu Mian looked out the window as the pure white hospital building slowly faded away in the rearview mirror.

There was still sun in the morning, but this time the sky was overcast. The world seemed to be covered with a layer of gray veil, the clouds were low, and the wind was blowing up the dead leaves on the ground, as if a storm was coming.

The car didn’t drive for long before they arrived at the place where the other Yu Mian lived, which was a fully furnished single apartment. Looking at the posters of Chu Yan on the wall and the scattered clothes and shoes on the floor, Yu Mian felt both familiar and unfamiliar. The other Yu Mian had lived there for two months, but this was Yu Mian’s first time being there, and she couldn’t help but look at everything with both novelty and familiarity.

Father and Mother Yu had only been there a few times. Looking at the furnishings in the house, Mother Yu said, “Mianmian, take only the things you need, just leave the clothes, shoes, and the likes. Mom has prepared new ones for you at home.”

Yu Mian, who was facing a closet full of clothes and shoes: “……”

When she received the other Yu Mian’s memory, she knew that the Yu family was well off and a wealthy family. However, she had no specific concept of how well off they were.

It turned out that she was really just an average citizen. The most extraordinary people she had ever seen were her former neighbors, the Wen family. Father Wen was a diplomat and Mother Wen was a somewhat known musician. Their family was considered upper middle class. In Yu Mian’s memory, they were always smiling, well-dressed and very cultured, looking different from ordinary people.

After spending most of the day with the Yu parents, Yu Mian didn’t notice anything different. They felt similar to ordinary parents. Mother Yu was good-natured, and while Father Yu was a little strict, they loved their daughter the same.

Although Mother Yu extravagantly said that she had everything ready at home, Yu Mian still took a small suitcase of clothes with her. Yu Mian felt so distressed. If it weren’t for the difference in aesthetics between her and the other Yu Mian, as she didn’t like the styles of many of the clothes, she would have taken them all.

Packed with some new undergarments, unworn shoes, and school books, the suitcase was almost full. She left behind a lot of dispensable items, such as the cosmetics and skin care products in the dressing cabinet, as well as various merch of Chu Yan.

When closing the door to the apartment, Yu Mian let out a soft sigh.

“What’s wrong, Mianmian?”

“It’s nothing, Mom.” Yu Mian shook her head and affectionately hugged Mother Yu’s arm, her eyes were bent in a smile. “Let’s go home.”

The past was the past. She was now the other Yu Mian, and there were infinite possibilities for the future. She should look forward to it, shouldn’t she?

She thought of the textbook she’d seen when packing the other Yu Mian’s things. She’s studying fine arts at a well-known domestic art school.

This kind of first-class art school often has rich kids who go there to get diplomas. The other Yu Mian was one of them. Her college entrance examination results weren’t ideal and she couldn’t get into the school at first. In the end, Father Yu had to donate money in order to get her in.

But the result was that she didn’t go to school properly at all in the past two months. When she should have stayed at school to study, she squatted at the airport to see her ‘Brother’ and missed countless classes. Not to mention that the school had given her several warnings, she was behind in many subjects.

Coincidentally, next to the art school was Suhua University, Yu Mian’s original school.

Suhua University wasn’t well-known among the numerous high-level universities in X city. It could only be said to have no merits and no faults, and was close to the middle level. Su Hua’s main popular specialty was the education and teaching courses. Yu Mian initially applied for Suhua because she considered teaching as a stable and secure job.

Saying that she likes being a teacher wasn’t entirely true. It’s more related to practical factors.

Nowadays, it was difficult for university students to find jobs. She had no family to help her so she wanted to be financially independent as soon as possible. Thus she could only choose this kind of industry that was stable and doesn’t always rely on connections.

What Yu Mian really likes was calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting. She had been interested in ink painting since she’s a child. She even went to a hobby class for a period of time. Later, her parents passed away and she didn’t get to continue going. However, Yu Mian had never really given up her hobby and whenever she had time, she would study on her own.

When she discovered a Chinese painting textbook among the pile of books, Yu Mian’s heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly felt a burst of surprise and excitement.

She couldn’t help having mixed feelings. This reincarnation was like a gift from heaven. Everything she had lost was regained through the other Yu Mian.

The warmth of family, the care of her parents, and the worry-free life…… After tasting the bitterness of fate, these were like belated blessings, healing all the pain she had suffered.

The journey home took longer. Yu Mian sat in the car with the air conditioner turned on. When she caught a glimpse of a few transparent water droplets flashing on the glass window, she realized that it was raining.

The car drove steadily from the city center to the suburbs and the high-rise buildings outside the window gradually became sparse. The car went straight to a famous wealthy neighborhood in X City. Passing the gate and several buildings hidden deep in the green trees, they finally stopped in front of a white villa.

As soon as the car stopped, someone came out of the house wearing a suit uniform. Holding a big black umbrella, the person led them from the car.

Until she walked in the house, Yu Mian didn’t get a drop of rain on her body. Looking at the luxuriously decorated villa in front of her and the respectful and well-trained servants on the side, if she hadn’t been afraid of being embarrassed, she would have opened her mouth to express her amazement.

But with the other Yu Mian’s memory, even though this day brought too many shock, Yu Mian’s ability to accept them was greatly enhanced. She controlled her expression and walked into the Yu family’s living room calmly.

It was almost noon and they had lunch shortly after returning. The Yu parents look after Yu Mian again on the dining table and there were a lot of meals specially prepared for her. The dishes cooked by a famous chef were so delicious that she could hardly walk.

Father and Mother Yu looked relieved and even praised her for thinking things through and becoming sensible.

Yu Mian understood their feelings. After all, the other Yu Mian would only eat an apple and a cucumber for each meal. No matter how delicious the food cooked by the family chef was, she turned a blind eye to it.

Yu Mian had also seen it. In fact, the other Yu Mian wasn’t fat at all. She just had a bit of a baby fat on her cheeks and her face was on the rounder side. During the period of time when she lose weight like crazy, the baby fat on both sides of her face finally disappeared, but she looked less cute and adorable.

Yu Mian wouldn’t go hungry for an idol. If one truly likes someone, one would only get motivation from them to become better, rather than torturing oneself in this way and having unrealistic dreams.

It was only after she finished a slow and satisfying meal and returned to her room in satisfaction that she had time to touch her mobile phone to give her idol a late clock-in.

Yu Mian opened Weibo and logged in to her account. A red dot appeared beside the mail icon. She clicked on it and saw a message from her Weibo friend.

【Deer: Why didn’t you clock in today? Are you sick?】

Yu Mian had known this netizen called Deer for several years. They got to know each other as they were both fans of Lin Jianshen. The two of them occasionally chat but their personalities were relatively mild. They didn’t have much contact with each other and their friendship could be summed up with the phrase ‘true friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative’.

Yu Mian replied to the other party, 【There’s a slight issue, but it’s fine now. Thank you for your concern.】

The other party didn’t reply. Deer seemed to be always busy and it usually took some time before Yu Mian received a response from the other party.

Yu Mian left it at that and turned to type a post, which was her clock-in for that day.

【Red Cotton Tree: Embarking on a new journey, the future is yet to be known. Wish me well. I’m wishing you well too, @Lin Jianshen】

After completing her routine clock-in, she exited Weibo and began to explore the phone. Tapping on the other Yu Mian’s WeChat account, as soon as she entered, Yu Mian suspected that she would’ve been shock silly if the notification sound wasn’t on mute.

A series of red dots popped up. Yu Mian looked at it dumbfounded. She scrolled through the message list and most of them were WeChat groups. One could tell from the names that they were Chu Yan’s fan groups.

There weren’t many people who sent the other Yu Mian private messages. Apart from some bad friends and Chu Yan’s fans she met online, there’s only her roommate named Xia Yushu. The latter was asking her on WeChat when she would come to school as the counselor was looking for her for something.

When Yu Mian saw this sentence, her eyebrows twitched. She grew up afraid of teachers. Whenever she heard the teacher used these kinds of words, she would tremble with fear and subconsciously felt guilty. When she was still little, teachers would usually asked why no one came to the parent-teacher conference for her. Later, when she went to university, every time the counselor was looking for her, it would always be to urge her to pay the tuition fees.

Thinking of her situation in her original school, Yu Mian let out a mournful sigh and weakly buried her head in the soft quilt.

After nuzzling against the soft and fluffy quilt, she raised her eyes and looked around the room. Mother Yu had renovated the room. The originally dark colored room had now been transformed to a real princess room with gentle warm tones. The bed was pink, the curtains light brown, and there were colorful stuff toys scattered everywhere……

The other Yu Mian definitely didn’t like these. If she’d seen it, she would probably have a big fight with Mother Yu.

But Yu Mian actually thought it was fine. She herself like lighter colors as looking at them made her feel cheerful.

Glancing around the room, she quietly bent her eyes and smiled contentedly. Now that she had been given so much, the upcoming difficulties didn’t seem that hard.

She lowered her head, tapped on the dialog box and replied, 【I’ve fallen ill. I’ll be back in a few days.】

Without waiting for the other party’s reply, she quickly logged out before logging back in using her own account. Yu Mian didn’t have many WeChat friends so there was no new notification when she entered. She just came to take a last look, and she felt very calm when she saw this expected situation.

Then she went to QQ. The other Yu Mian didn’t use QQ, but Yu Mian had been surfing the internet since many years ago. At that time, there was no WeChat yet and QQ was the most commonly used messaging software service.

The Lin Jianshen fan group she’s in was on QQ and she’s also a group leader. She usually just lurked in the background, but she would also check the group’s movements from time to time and control the speech of the members. If there was someone deliberately picking quarrels or starting disputes, she would suppress it. Occasionally, she would also organize joint activities to push their idol on the ranking list and create data for him.

The group was as harmonious as ever. Messages from a large group of people brushed fast and since she didn’t appear much in the first place, even when she didn’t say anything for half a day, no one noticed.

Naturally, she couldn’t just leave the fan base. Fortunately, no one knew that the person behind the account had changed. QQ accounts also didn’t require an ID card to be bound so Yu Mian could just use it directly. She had always protected her own information very well and others wouldn’t be able to guess that the owner of the account had changed.

If she was discovered in the future, it wouldn’t be a big deal either. At most, it would make people sigh with emotion. The other Yu Mian turned out to be a super fan of Lin Jianshen and had been a fan of him since she was little. She had hidden it well.

Thinking so, Yu Mian was suddenly amused. She switched to the desktop and her eyes immediately met Chu Yan’s face, making her smile froze. She pursed her lips and puffed out her cheeks.

Quickly returning to Weibo, she scrolled through Lin Jianshen’s homepage and found a work promotion update posted by him. She did not hesitate to save the photos in it and then replaced the desktop wallpaper.

Right! There were also lock screen wallpapers, and WeChat and QQ backgrounds! Ahhhh, how could he be so handsome?!

Not a single picture was left out, all were saved in her gallery.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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