Release the Female Lead, Leave Her to Me
Release the Female Lead Ch. 59

Chapter 59: I Took Away the Male Protagonist’s Followers?

Upon entering the door, Ye Wenxin saw her future roommate busily making her own bed. It was a slender back figure, and judging from the motions, she should be a distinguished young lady of a prestigious clan.

As if hearing the noise from outside the door, the roommate turned her head to regard Ye Wenxin.

Ye Wenxin also regarded the woman before her. She had a dainty and attractive countenance with a bookish aura about her. It was just that she did not look enthusiastic about Ye Wenxin, not even caring to acknowledge her.

Observing the silent atmosphere, Ye Wenxin took the initiative to give her name, “Hello, I’m Ye Wenxin.”

“I am Baili Mu.”

The woman uttered her own name, but the disclosure lacked the approachability of her fragile appearance. Conversely, she deliberately maintained an alienating distance from Ye Wenxin. Introduction over, the woman called Baili Mu stopped talking and continued making her bed.

Ye Wenxin was also making her bed while noting Baili Mu’s furnishings.

Meticulously placed books, even the bed was cleaned up very neatly. It could be seen that this Baili Mu had a very uptight character, and this kind of uptight character was also one of the types she hated to deal with most.

However, this Azure Wings Sect was akin to a small school, Ye Wenxin was too lazy to trouble the administration for help in changing her room, so she also began to tidy up her bed, sorting out the quilts and daily necessities she bought down the mountain.

The two of them were speechless for a while, until it was almost noon and the lunch bell in the dining hall rang, and then Baili Mu said her second sentence.

“Let’s dine together.”

“Very well.” Ye Wenxin did not decline, exited the door with Baili Mu, and headed towards the dining hall.

As mentioned before, the dining hall was located at the center of the twelve gates, and all the disciples would have their meals here. However, due to the status gap between the inner and outer sect, the food options also varied.

For example, the outer sect had plain tea and simple food to prepare for the future.

The inner sect had a small amount of demon beast meat and average five grains (millet, soybean, sesame, barley, rice, or other variants), nutritionally balanced.

As for true disciples, they naturally ate the best food among the disciples. Be that as it may, because of their identity as true disciples, many of them would go to the teacher’s dining hall to eat, and they were almost rarely seen.

As soon as the two arrived at the dining hall, Ye Wenxin felt a little unease in her heart.

She wanted to see the people she knew, yet afraid doing so would ruin her low-key Azure Wings Sect life.

However, Ye Wenxin’s worries seemed somewhat unnecessary. Currently, most disciples were still in class, and there were only a few scattered individuals eating in the dining hall.

Nevertheless, Ye Wenxin still encountered familiar faces: Fatty, who joined the Azure Wings Sect along with Gu Aotian. Beside him were Big Bear, Monkey, and Snake, several people who had once acted together.

Ye Wenxin still could not remember their names, so she decided to give them nicknames based on their physical characteristics. As soon as they saw Ye Wenxin, the group seemed very happy.

Ye Wenxin subconsciously wanted to sit with them, but then remembered that she had come with Baili Mu today. She glanced back at Baili Mu.

“You go ahead.” Baili Mu only gave Ye Wenxin a quick glance before focusing on her meal, as if calling Ye Wenxin over was just an afterthought.

Ye Wenxin was a bit speechless and even wondered if Baili Mu had mild autism. Looking at the lively Fatty and the others, Ye Wenxin hesitated for a moment but decided to join them.

Baili Mu, who observed Ye Wenxin’s actions, flashed a hint of disdain in her eyes before quickly returning her gaze to her plain meal. Her beautiful eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she continued eating.

“Your roommate seems to have a bad temper.” Fatty glanced at Baili Mu, offering his initial assessment. She looked like a nouveau riche lady who, for some reason, came to the Azure Wings Sect to study.

“Silent at meals and quiet at rest.” Ye Wenxin did not continue the topic, silencing Fatty with just one sentence…

As class ended, more people started filling up the cafeteria, and the unexpected combination at Ye Wenxin’s table naturally drew attention from others.

Thirteen-year-old Ye Wenxin was naturally a beauty in the making. She did not wear any makeup and only had a hairpin as an accessory. Previously overshadowed by beauties like Gu Xiangsi, now surrounded by a group of male disciples, Ye Wenxin’s presence seemed rather conspicuous.

“Is that junior sister a new disciple? I haven’t seen her before.”

“Yeah, but isn’t she too bold, sitting with a group of male disciples?” Even in the Azure Wings Sect, there were certain norms regarding interactions between men and women. Ye Wenxin’s behavior seemed somewhat libertine in the eyes of others. Fatty and his companions felt quite embarrassed, while others felt more outraged.

Although Ye Wenxin was indeed a beauty, having witnessed her capabilities, Fatty and his friends already regarded her as an elder sister.

Ye Wenxin did not take it to heart at all, still eating with ease while ignoring the looks of everyone around her. Others observed Ye Wenxin’s magnanimity and admired her even more.

Despite the unpleasant episode, this was their official first meal in the Azure Wings Sect, which was pretty good. After filling their stomachs, everyone invited Ye Wenxin for a stroll. Although Ye Wenxin was a little confused, she agreed after thinking that these people were Gu Aotian’s future follower.

“Miss Wenxin, may we call you ‘Big Sis’ like Xiangsi does?” Fatty asked as they were walking. He was cautious with his words, afraid of upsetting Ye Wenxin.

Ye Wenxin was momentarily stunned, but then she smiled and said, “If you say that in front of Xiangsi, she’ll probably beat you up.” She could almost imagine the expression Gu Xiangsi would have if she heard Fatty wanting to call Ye Wenxin ‘Big Sis,’ and she would probably be furious.

Fatty blushed and quickly waved his hands, explaining, “That’s not what I meant, I’m not stealing Xiangsi’s Big Sister, it’s just that I feel, if we follow Miss Wenxin, we’ll have a better future.”

The others nodded in agreement with Fatty’s explanation.

“My cultivation base is inferior compared to you all, and I don’t have any real strength, you’d be better off following Brother Aotian instead.” Ye Wenxin felt that something was off. Logically, it should be Gu Aotian who had won them all over and gained a loyal group of followers. But now, Fatty was betraying Gu Aotian and wanting to be her follower, which greatly surprised Ye Wenxin.

“But we all respect you. If you hadn’t led us to break through the encirclement in the backwoods, we would have died long ago.”

“Yeah, strength isn’t the issue. We can improve our cultivation, but Miss Wenxin, you’re our spiritual leader now,” Skinny chimed in. The others were not very vocal, but they nodded vigorously.

“Spiritual leader?” Ye Wenxin’s gaze swept over the group, and under her scrutiny, they felt a chill run down their spines, as if Ye Wenxin could see right through them with just one look.

After a few seconds, the intense pressure dissipated, and Ye Wenxin’s smile returned to her face.

“Then, call me ‘Big Sister’ from now on. If you call me ‘Big Sis,’ Xiangsi will get angry.” Ye Wenxin responded as such, and the group showed expressions of joy, seeming very happy to have Ye Wenxin’s approval.

But the next moment, Ye Wenxin’s hand was already patting Fatty’s shoulder, “Fatty, I know you’re sharp, but if you dare to have designs towards me again, a slap won’t be the only thing you get.” Ye Wenxin smiled, and although she did not use much force, just seeing that beaming grin, Fatty’s legs went weak and his face turned pale.

The others hesitated to speak, but no one dared to mention why they suddenly decided to follow Ye Wenxin.

However, Ye Wenxin was already accustomed to this world’s intrigues. If this group had no connection to the male protagonist, Ye Wenxin would not have been so kind. But since she had acknowledged her role as their ‘Big Sister,’ Ye Wenxin naturally felt obliged to do something for them.

“I have a hundred first-grade Qi Refining Pills and Recovery Pills here. Be more courageous next time. If something gets snatched away from you, strive to snatch it back,” Ye Wenxin said as she took out the Qi Refining Pills and Recovery Pills she had refined earlier.

The expressions of the group turned to surprise as they subconsciously checked their wounds, but could not find any flaws. Yet, Ye Wenxin, with just a glance, knew they were injured. This perceptiveness even left Fatty feeling inferior.

“Thank you, Big Sister!” The group tightly hugged the bottles of medicine, their excitement indescribable. Especially Fatty, who knew Ye Wenxin was an alchemist and just wanted to try and establish a relationship to borrow some pills to get through a difficult situation. He did not expect Ye Wenxin to be so generous.

A Big Sister like this was infinitely better than that brother Gu Aotian.

Ye Wenxin waved her hand, having heard about the chaotic management system for outer disciples, but she had not expected it to be so extreme right from the start.

However, the existence of these minor villains made life in the Azure Wings Sect more interesting.

After inquiring with a few people, Ye Wenxin wandered around the area where the plundering had occurred and unexpectedly encountered the senior brothers and sisters responsible.

“Where are you going in such a hurry, pretty little thing?” one of the senior brothers asked.

“Oh, to visit my grandson’s grave,” Ye Wenxin responded without hesitation, smiling innocently.

Her smile was enchanting, causing the senior brothers to involuntarily glance at her more than once, greed evident in their eyes.

“Grandson? Who’s your grandson?” the lead man asked, momentarily taken aback. He felt like the pretty young girl in front of him was insulting him, yet her innocent smile made him doubt what he had heard.

“My grandson is you.” Ye Wenxin beamed. The senior brother finally realized he was being provoked by Ye Wenxin. He originally planned to pity the jade1 when he saw that she was a pretty girl. After hearing these words, he rushed over without hesitation.

Ye Wenxin neither dodged nor hid, she took out a pair of silver needles from her bag of holding, took a needle at random, and pierced the senior brother’s acupoint. At the same time, she took out a book showing a diagram of human acupoints and proceeded while reading, “What a coincidence, I just learned acupuncture recently. This is my first time experimenting on people.”

Ye Wenxin grinned even brighter. Seeing Ye Wenxin’s goading look, the others also attacked Ye Wenxin, and were immobilized one by one with silver needles.

“This is the Laughing Point (Spleen 6).”

“This is the Crying Point (Spleen 9).”

  1. A chinese idiom, meaning: to have tender, protective feelings towards the fairer sex ↩︎


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