Returning to the Small Fishing Village in 1982
Returning to the Small Fishing Village in 1982 Chapter 2

Chapter 2: How Much Did the Yellow Croaker Sell For?

This matter wasn’t easy to talk about openly. Two years ago, when the old man passed away, the neighbors all came to help with the funeral and knew exactly how the inheritance was divided.

It had been two years since then, and there had been no disputes. Now, seeing that Father Ye had made a substantial amount of money, it indeed sounded bad for them to suddenly come forward demanding a share.

If Father Ye and Mother were willing to give them some money, no one could interfere. But if they weren’t, it would be inappropriate to demand money in front of others.

As the elder uncles were about to leave, Ye Yaodong didn’t stop them and simply let them go.

He didn’t care whether they would come back; if they did, he wouldn’t be afraid. If his father didn’t agree, there was no way they could take anything from their house. Even if his father agreed, the three brothers wouldn’t allow it. Why should they?

The neighbors, realizing there was no drama to watch, dispersed. Ye Yaodong clapped his hands and said to his father and the rest of the family, “Alright, let’s go back inside!”

Just as he lifted his leg to go in, a little boy came wobbling over, hugged his leg, and sweetly called out, “Daddy, hug hug!”

Earlier, when his father and the uncles were arguing, the women of the house had taken the younger children inside to avoid scaring them. When the commotion moved to the doorway, they brought the children out again.

Seeing such a cute and fair little boy, Ye Yaodong couldn’t associate him with his dark-skinned second son from his previous life. He pinched the boy’s cheek and picked him up, carrying him inside. He hadn’t had breakfast yet.

Sleeping in late and then having breakfast was a routine in the family, and only he had this luxury!

The whole family was used to it. Ye Yaodong was spoiled by his grandmother, so he didn’t do any work, just lazed around all day. Because he didn’t labor, his skin was fair and smooth, unlike typical seaside dwellers, which allowed him to land a marriage match based on his looks.

Otherwise, no woman would marry a lazy troublemaker like him.

Just as he stepped inside, a short-haired, pretty woman approached him and said, “Give me the child; you go eat. There’s food warming in the pot.”

Her attitude was lukewarm, and it made him feel uncomfortable.

This was his wife, Lin Xiuqing, who was the same age as him and from the neighboring town. Because everyone around knew of his lazy reputation, his parents had sought a bride from farther away when he was 20. When they met for the first time, she was charmed by his looks and agreed to the marriage. But shortly after their wedding, she discovered his true nature – a good-for-nothing loafer.

Initially, Lin Xiuqing had been happy after their marriage, but she gradually became more and more disappointed with him. However, divorce wasn’t considered an option, as it was a shameful thing back then. Women put up with abuse rather than consider leaving their husbands. Fortunately, he never hit her; he was just lazy. With her diligence, they managed to scrape by.

Because of this, Lin Xiuqing had dutifully supported him for 30 years. At 50, she succumbed to colon cancer due to lack of money for treatment.

When she was helpless and bedridden, he felt panicked. When she passed away, he was completely lost. She had held the family together, and her death made him realize how bleak his world had become. But life had to go on.

As a result, at the age of 50, he started working, despite never having done a proper job. Coming from a seaside family, he managed to find work as a deckhand on large fishing boats.

Unexpectedly, after just over a decade, he also succumbed to an untimely death.

Somehow, he must have accumulated some good karma in his previous life, allowing him to start over.

He had almost forgotten what his wife looked like over the years. Now, hearing her speak in that indifferent tone, he felt a pang of sadness and stared at her for a while.

Seeing her frown, she said, “What are you standing there for? Hand over the child.”

“Uh… it’s fine. I’ll hold him. Have you all eaten?”

Lin Xiuqing was surprised. Since their eldest son had once soiled himself while being held by him, he had never held a child again. It was indeed unusual for him to want to hold the youngest today, but she didn’t stop him.

“Yes, we’ve eaten.”

Holding the child, Ye Yaodong followed her inside. She brought out a bowl of sweet potato porridge and a small plate of pickled vegetables from the hearth.

Just as he placed the child down and picked up his chopsticks, he heard his father say, “Your uncles are just envious. It’s true that wealth shouldn’t be flaunted.”

Ye Yaopeng, sitting next to Ye Yaodong, frowned and said, “We couldn’t avoid flaunting it. The boat came to the dock, and everyone saw the gleaming yellow croaker. And when we sold it, they saw the big stacks of money.”

“What are you afraid of? What’s there to worry about? The money is in our pockets; there’s no way they can take it from us,” said Ye Yaodong nonchalantly as he bit into a piece of pickle.

“Dad is just worried that if it escalates, it will harm the brotherly relationship with our uncles,” said the second brother, Ye Yaohua, who looked honest and straightforward.

Father Ye didn’t respond. He packed a small pinch of tobacco into the round hole of his water pipe, then struck a match. As the little flame flickered, he drew on the pipe, causing it to gurgle…

After a while, as he exhaled a puff of smoke, he glanced around and asked, “Where’s your grandmother?”

Mother Ye finally spoke, “Mother went out early. I think she went to the roadside near the village to check on her corn and squash. She mentioned last night that they might be ready for picking, just in time to treat the little ones.”

“She’s eighty and still can’t sit still…”

Ye Yaodong quickly finished his sweet potato porridge and wiped his mouth, interrupting his father’s words. He instructed a group of children who looked around 5 to 8 years old, “You kids, go to the roadside near the village and see if your great-grandmother is in the fields. Bring her back.”

He had missed his grandmother, who had always spoiled him.

“Okay, Third Uncle!”

The children excitedly ran out despite the scorching sun! Village children were hardy, running up and down the hills and along the shore all day, even during the summer holidays.

The adults were too busy trying to earn a living to pay much attention to them, so they ran freely around the village.

After sending the children off, Ye Yaodong smiled at his wife as she collected the dishes. Then he turned to his father.

“Dad, how much did we make from that net of yellow croaker yesterday?”

Father Ye glanced at his unruly third son and didn’t respond. They had already discussed it yesterday, so why ask again? What was he plotting?

Ye Yaodong: …

He really didn’t remember!

End of Chapter 2


Hola! ^^ I'm ShangWiz, sorry for not being active so much because of my schoolworks I have to balance my schoolworks and updating you all Creating content is my passion, and your support makes all the difference. If you enjoy my work and want to see more, please consider donating on my Ko-fi. Every contribution helps me continue doing what I love and brings more awesome updates your way. Thank you so much for your support! 😊

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