Seducing the Prince, She is Full of Evil After Rebirth
Seducing the Prince, She is Full of Evil After Rebirth Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Auction at the Slave Market

Li Ning’an vaguely recalled the complicated look on Yan Ziqi’s face when he saw her. He had sat across from her, the steward brought in tea, and he remained silent for quite a while—so long that her patience started to wear thin before he finally spoke.

“I return victorious, and instead of congratulations, you ask me if I have feelings for Fu Minglang’s younger sister?”

He paused, eyes flickering with a trace of disappointment.

“Not even a word of concern?”

That small flash of hope vanished as quickly as it appeared. He could see how relentlessly Li Ning’an worked to win Fu Minglang’s favor—going as far as recommending Fu Mingying to Yan Ziqi. She hoped that by securing the marriage, Fu Mingying would speak well of her to Fu Minglang. It left him feeling deflated.

“What’s wrong with Mingying? Do you look down on her because she was born of a concubine?” Li Ning’an, completely unaware of his inner turmoil, only thought of how to make this match.

Yan Ziqi had always spoken ill of her husband, but Fu Minglang never took it to heart. Mingying, though a concubine’s daughter, was officially recognized under the name of her stepmother, the main wife of the Fu family. With Li Ning’an backing her as her sister-in-law, finding a suitable husband for her should’ve been a simple task.

“You’re not young anymore,” Li Ning’an continued. “The steward is hoping day and night for your marriage so your father and mother can rest easy. Mingying’s learned the arts—painting, music, calligraphy, poetry. She’s even trained in archery just for you.”

Her hands were raw from the effort, and still, she wanted to push herself harder. Yan Ziqi just couldn’t see her value.

“You’ve spent so many days in the company of courtesans, and she doesn’t even mind. When she hears people criticize you, she’s always quick to defend you. If you don’t already have someone in your heart, she’s a good girl.”

Li Ning’an looked at Yan Ziqi with hope in her eyes.

“Yan’er, I’ve never asked you for anything. Please, marry her.”

Under Li Ning’an’s relentless persuasion, threats, and even soft pleas, Yan Ziqi finally agreed to marry Fu Mingying.

Now, having been reborn, Li Ning’an looked at Yan Ziqi.

She couldn’t help but think of how awful she had been in her previous life.

In her past life, she had pressured Yan Ziqi to marry Fu Mingying. Now, in this life, she was asking him to marry her instead. She had taken advantage of the long-standing bond between them.

“I give up. If you don’t want to, forget it,” Li Ning’an said, no longer able to bear forcing him. If all else failed, she would have her mother make Yan Ziqi her adopted son. He wouldn’t abandon his adopted sister in her time of need.

As she turned to leave, Yan Ziqi grabbed her wrist.

“You come and go as you please—is this your house or something?”

“Father granted it to me, so technically, it is,” she replied instinctively, their banter still natural.

With a sharp tug, Yan Ziqi pulled her closer and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Whether she was trying to use him to make Fu Minglang jealous or had some other plan, Yan Ziqi thought to himself that this was an opportunity he wouldn’t let slip away.

“His Majesty is busy with the affairs of the state, so forget about an imperial decree of marriage. But, I do need a concubine. Ning’an, would you be willing to be my hidden mistress?” Yan Ziqi’s tone was mocking, his eyes scanning her reaction.

If the emperor issued an imperial edict, it would be difficult for Li Ning’an to back out without embarrassing His Majesty. But as a mistress? If she was shameless enough to do anything for Fu Minglang, she wouldn’t mind this either.

A mistress?

Li Ning’an knew exactly what that meant—someone even lower than a concubine. No title, no respect. Even if she bore children, they’d be scorned as illegitimate and inherit nothing from the Yan family.

But Li Ning’an didn’t lack money.

“Fine. Then prepare a nice house for me, and I’ll move in tomorrow to be your mistress.” Her tone was resolute. She had to tie Yan Ziqi to her side; only he could stand against Fu Minglang.

Even without her involvement, Fu Minglang’s rise to Prime Minister was inevitable—he was talented and skillful, which was why the Emperor had favored him. He was a threat, both politically and personally.

One with aspirations far beyond the throne.

Li Ning’an had to act before it was too late.

Yan Ziqi, perplexed by her sudden willingness, tried to feel her forehead again. How could she willingly agree to such a role? But before he could react, Li Ning’an had left in a hurry, leaving him standing there bewildered.

“I didn’t drink that much at Zuichun Pavilion, right?” Yan Ziqi muttered, grabbing the steward’s arm. “Tell me, was Li Ning’an really here, or was I dreaming?”

The steward was still in shock from hearing that Ning’an had asked Yan Ziqi to request an imperial decree for marriage.

“Young Master… Has the princess gone mad? Wasn’t she in love with Fu Langzhong? She used to prepare soups and meals for him every day, personally delivering them to the Ministry of Revenue.”

Even the steward, who rarely left the estate, had heard about it.

Yan Ziqi shook his head. Maybe she had gone mad, after all. He wasn’t about to prepare a house for her.

After leaving Yan Ziqi’s estate, Li Ning’an headed straight for the “Zainu Bureau” (Punishment Slave Department).

She remembered in her past life, the day after Fu Minglang had received the imperial edict, a skilled cook had appeared outside the Ministry, intercepting her. The girl opened her meal box, and the aroma spread for miles. Though the claim was exaggerated, her cooking was undeniably good.

Li Ning’an knew it was common for men to have multiple wives and concubines, but Fu Minglang was supposed to marry her in a month as the Emperor’s son-in-law. How could he let another woman bring him food, especially such a beautiful one?

The worst part? Li Ning’an’s cooking paled in comparison.

In her fury, she had wanted to overturn the food box but hesitated, fearing she’d seem unreasonable. The woman spoke just in time.

“Your Highness must be Princess Ning’an. The Lord was worried about your health, so he redeemed me from the Zainu Bureau to ease your burdens. Before the wedding, it’s best you don’t meet too often—it’s a common custom.”

Li Ning’an had naively believed Fu Minglang had her best interests at heart.

After marrying into the Fu family, she never saw the girl again.

Later, however, she had encountered a steward from the Zainu Bureau who had asked how well the girl was serving them. That’s when she learned the truth: the girl was the granddaughter of an imperial chef, punished and sent to the Zainu Bureau along with her family after offending someone in the palace.

Fu Minglang had used her influence to redeem the girl.

He had taken advantage of her skills to open several restaurants, making a small fortune while also setting up a network of informants.

Li Ning’an had no idea when Fu Minglang had managed to redeem the girl.

Officials of Fu Minglang’s rank weren’t supposed to have the authority to buy people out of the Zainu Bureau. But he had used her name, claiming it was to provide for the princess, so the steward dared not refuse.

At that very moment, Fu Minglang was already inside the Zainu Bureau.

He couldn’t come during the day, so he had waited until the palace banquet ended and darkness fell. After changing clothes and sneaking out, he arrived just as the gates were about to close.

Recognizing him as Fu Langzhong, the steward, thinking this was some new tactic to make Ning’an jealous, welcomed him in.

“What are you looking for today?”

“The princess works hard to prepare meals for me every day. She’s clearly dissatisfied with the Fu family’s cooks. I heard you have some skilled chefs here.”

Fu Minglang had already scouted the bureau, specifically targeting the imperial chef’s family, but he didn’t plan on redeeming them all at once. A favor saved little by little was far more effective in ensuring undying loyalty.

The steward thought for a moment before sending for an old man named Nie.

Nie, knowing a noble was buying him for his culinary skills, eagerly recommended his granddaughter, Nie Rou, to Fu Minglang.

Fu Minglang had no ill intentions toward the girl; he simply didn’t want her to fall into the hands of some lecherous buyer.

“Alright, I’ll buy her,” Fu Minglang said, handing over a bag of silver.

The steward was about to pass him Nie Rou’s deed when a voice interrupted, “This person belongs to me.”

Li Ning’an had arrived at the Zainu Bureau and was stunned to see Fu Minglang.

The bureau doors, of course, couldn’t stop Princess Ning’an from entering.

And the rules of the Zainu Bureau were clear: when there were multiple buyers, the highest bidder won.

Even Ning’an wasn’t an exception.

Fu Minglang had already handed over the money, and the steward should have passed him the deed. However, upon seeing the princess, the steward hesitated and retracted his hand.

“Your Highness, surely you know the rules: highest bid wins.”

Li Ning’an asked, “How much is she?”

“Fifty taels.”

“Three hundred.”

Fu Minglang interjected, “Your Highness, I’ve already purchased her.”

The deed was almost in his hand.

Li Ning’an shot him a sideways glance. “Oh? And how is that my problem?”

As if she hadn’t noticed the steward pull the contract back at the sight of her.


Hola! ^^ I'm ShangWiz, sorry for not being active so much because of my schoolworks I have to balance my schoolworks and updating you all Creating content is my passion, and your support makes all the difference. If you enjoy my work and want to see more, please consider donating on my Ko-fi. Every contribution helps me continue doing what I love and brings more awesome updates your way. Thank you so much for your support! 😊

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