Seducing the Prince, She is Full of Evil After Rebirth
Seducing the Prince, She is Full of Evil After Rebirth Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Concerns About Sibling Affection

Li Ning’an didn’t expect her mother to ask about Qiu Li.

She answered honestly, “I don’t know much about Qiu Li. Why are you asking about her suddenly, Mother?”

The Empress shook her head. It was good that her daughter was filial, but she couldn’t be around her all the time.

“With Shui Qiniang married off, you likely have few playmates left.”

“Why don’t you help me find out about this Qiu Li?”

The Empress knew Li Ning’an had been focused on Yan Ziqi recently, but now that he was at the border, Ning’an might forget about him soon.

If Qiu Li turned out to be a good match, she would facilitate the marriage.

Although Qiu Li appeared somewhat plump, there had been no negative rumors about her at the recent palace banquets.

Li Ning’an picked up a pastry, holding it with one hand while putting it in her mouth.

Crumbs fell into her palm. After finishing, she listened to her mother’s words. It seemed that the Empress had an interest in Qiu Li.

But Qiu Li appeared to have a liking for the Fourth Prince.

“Mother, she has someone she likes. We should probably not worry about it.”

The Empress looked at her with suspicion, not entirely believing her.

However, a young lady truly in love would maintain her reputation and not flaunt her affections as openly as Ning’an did.

The Empress, rarely curious, asked, “Who is this gentleman?”

Li Ning’an winked towards Concubine Tong’s quarters as a hint.

The Empress understood.

If Qiu Li liked the Fourth Prince, her judgment seemed quite poor.

When Emperor Mingde arrived, he intentionally didn’t have anyone announce his presence and walked in to find mother and daughter sitting together, discussing something.

Seeing His Majesty, the Empress rose first. Li Ning’an, who was facing away, had to turn around to look.

When she saw it was her father, she and her mother greeted him.

Emperor Mingde personally helped the Empress up. “Ning’an is so filial, but only comes to see you, making me jealous.”

Li Ning’an acted coquettishly, “I made pastries for Father in the morning and spent the afternoon with Mother. How could I forget about Father?”

She had Manxuan Building outside the palace. Fortunately, Nie Rou was capable, managing both the kitchen and the shop effectively.

Li Ning’an trusted Nie Rou immensely, feeling she had made the right choice in hiring her.

Nie Rou even handled the silver coins.

Li Ning’an needed to carefully consider who was around Fu Minglang and isolate him from any support.

Emperor Mingde was also very busy every day, and even when Ning’an visited, they could only exchange a few words.

“Winter is coming. When you have time, go to the Hot Springs Villa for a visit.”

Emperor Mingde knew she was here, which was why he came over.

Just then, someone else arrived, and Li Ningzhao said, “I pay my respects to Father, to Mother, and to my elder sister.”

Little Li Ningzhao, dressed in a green robe, was still young, his childish face pretending to be serious.

Emperor Mingde had him rise and asked about his studies. Li Ningzhao answered well.

Emperor Mingde thought that if Ning’an’s two older brothers were still alive, Ningzhao could have lived a carefree life like Ning’an.

He wouldn’t have to endure such hardships, with endless lessons turning a good child into a burdened adult.

Li Ning’an felt even more pity. She had been discussing with her mother about taking him out to play. “You have a day off tomorrow. How about going with me for some fun?”

She planned to skip the rouge shop and take him to the Hot Springs Villa.

Li Ningzhao, initially about to say he wanted to continue studying, was swayed by the concerned looks from his mother and sister, and nodded.

Emperor Mingde increased the number of palace guards to ensure they had nothing to worry about and could enjoy themselves without being restricted to the Hot Springs Villa.

Li Ningzhao understood the weight of his responsibilities.

The deaths of his two older brothers had deeply affected his mother.

As his sister could not inherit the throne, he was the hope for both his mother and sister.

Li Ningzhao was strict with himself and rarely had a chance to relax.

The next day, he repeatedly asked the eunuch Deng Yan, “Do you think my sister will like me?”

Deng Yan, twelve years old this year, had been sent by the Empress six months ago to care for Ningzhao, as she considered him still young.

Li Ningzhao also had playmates who were a bit older, but he didn’t enjoy playing with the young eunuchs.

Deng Yan was knowledgeable and could help him with his tutor’s questions, understanding a lot.

Deng Yan, with his scholarly appearance and a complexion of fair and rosy skin, bent slightly and said to His Highness, “Princess Ning’an will definitely like you.”

Li Ningzhao, with his somewhat short legs, headed toward his sister’s quarters. “But I heard that Sister likes Lord Fu.”

Deng Yan corrected him, “It’s now Master Yan, but he is currently at the border.”

On Li Ning’an’s side, after changing into a new dress, she asked with some concern, “Do you think my brother will like me?”

She had previously been so focused on Fu Minglang that she neglected many others.

Li Ning’an suddenly remembered that Fu Minglang had once been her brother’s tutor.

It seemed that when Master Wen moved him to the Secretariat, her brother had seen him one day, inquired, and found him very talented.

Fu Minglang was skilled at seizing opportunities and had the talent of a top scholar.

Teaching the Ninth Prince was quite easy for him.

Li Ningzhao wanted to be closer to his sister, knowing that she liked Fu Minglang a lot and married him, which is why he had taught him.

In her past life, Li Ning’an had indeed not paid much attention to Li Ningzhao.

She always thought he was too young and not much fun to be around, so she was reluctant to tease or care for him.

But when Li Ning’an truly realized it, Fu Minglang had already taken control of her brother, and it was too late.

Now, Li Ning’an was a bit nervous about taking her brother out alone.

Although they were full siblings, they had rarely met.

When Li Ning’an went out, Li Ningzhao was at the Guozijian (National Academy). When Li Ningzhao arrived, Li Ning’an had already gone to bed.

The palace felt sorry for Ningzhao, a three-year-old child who woke up early, went to bed late, endured hard lessons, and still had to come to greet them.

She said she went to bed early and didn’t need to come by, so Li Ningzhao stopped coming.

With the intention of becoming closer, the siblings set off for the Hot Springs Villa.

Coincidentally, when Fu Minglang came out of Master Wen’s residence, Li Ning’an’s carriage broke down and was blocked at the entrance.

Fu Minglang saw Princess Ning’an get out of the carriage, her delicate brows furrowed as she seemed to be facing some issue.

A slightly childish voice came from inside, “Sister, did the carriage break down?”

Li Ning’an felt the carriage had stopped. After a bump, it no longer moved forward, so there must have been a problem.

Outside, Deng Yan was driving and quickly apologized.

She got out and was about to check the situation with Deng Yan when she noticed someone watching her.

With her brother asking, she naturally had to attend to him first.

“I haven’t figured it out yet. Please wait a moment.”

Li Ningzhao, being well-behaved, nodded and, noticing his sister couldn’t see, sweetly replied, “Okay.”

He sat upright in the left carriage compartment, with Hong Xiu opposite him.

Xing’e, who was beside the princess, was the one who helped her out of the carriage.

She also noticed they had just come from, oh, Xing’e glanced at it, Master Wen’s residence.

He had come from Master Wen’s residence.

At Master Wen’s residence, someone had come out, and one of the young men in splendid brocade saw Princess Ning’an and her carriage.

“I said Princess Ning’an still hasn’t forgotten Lord Fu. Hasn’t Master Yan just left the capital for a short while?”

“Princess Ning’an, are you perhaps trying to keep two lovers?”

The arrogant and unperturbed young Master Wen Di, the youngest son of Master Wen, was betting on this.

He was betting that Princess Ning’an still had lingering feelings for Lord Fu.

He couldn’t afford to lose.

“Princess Ning’an, which one do you actually like?”

Wen Di, another mischievous child who used to cause trouble with Li Ning’an at the Guozijian, enjoyed stirring up trouble.

Li Ning’an was still looking at the carriage. Wen Di, unlike Yan Ziqi, was truly a young scion with no restraint.

He relied solely on Master Wen.

When Li Ning’an saw Master Wen, it was like a mouse seeing a cat.

Wen Di, however, was not afraid of his father at all.

Because he also had his mother’s favor.

After all, the youngest son is the most cherished.

If not for his grandmother’s early death, he might have been able to cause even more trouble.


Hola! ^^ I'm ShangWiz, sorry for not being active so much because of my schoolworks I have to balance my schoolworks and updating you all Creating content is my passion, and your support makes all the difference. If you enjoy my work and want to see more, please consider donating on my Ko-fi. Every contribution helps me continue doing what I love and brings more awesome updates your way. Thank you so much for your support! 😊

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