Solve The Case: Gene Fusion
Solve The Case: Gene Fusion Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Gorilla’s Strength Gene Fusion and Surge in Power

That sound was so wonderful for Luo Fei.

Two thousand gold coins, fantastic!” Luo Fei exclaimed, his face brimming with excitement. With such wealth, he can acquire a formidable gene that can unlock immense potential.

He entered the Gene Mall [1]TL’s note: The Gene Mall is virtual in Luo Fei’s mind. with anticipation coursing through him like a lively current.

“The African hyena has a commendable patience gene; the monkey’s sensitivity gene is equally promising; then there’s the eagle’s remarkable vision gene—rumoured to spot rabbits from ten kilometres away—which is also a desirable trait. And there’s also the viper’s infrared sensors…”

Surveying the Gene Mall’s vast selection of genetic enhancements, Luo Fei’s gaze burned with fervour. Yet, with only 2000 gold coins, he could afford no more than a single gene.

In fact, Luo Fei had long considered which gene he wished to fuse with.

Purchase the gorilla’s strength gene.

Luo Fei chose the strength gene.

What happened at noon today highlighted the importance of strength to Luo Fei. Initially, he had set his mind on acquiring the ant’s strength gene, but it was too costly. He could only settle for a more affordable alternative: the gorilla’s strength gene.

The renowned strength of a gorilla reassured Luo Fei that it would not disappoint him.

“The gorilla’s strength gene has been purchased successfully. We advise that the host fuse with it immediately.”

“Begin the fusion.”

In the next moment, Luo Fei felt a snug sensation engulf him with a comforting and soothing warmth coursing throughout his body.

When the fusion was completed, Luo Fei felt his previously fatigued body packed with explosive power. At that moment, he was confident he could be like Ip Man—taking on ten opponents at once and delivering knockout punches.

Lifting his shirt, Luo Fei saw that his once skinny frame was no more; before his eyes were was a set of perfectly chiselled eight-pack abs.

Having just fused the power gene, Luo Fei could not wait to test his newfound strength.

Spotting a boulder nearby, Luo Fei knew that before the fusion, he would not have been able to budge it. But now he thinks he could lift it with ease.

Luo Fei grasped the stone firmly with both hands, drawing in a deep breath as he lifted it with his muscles.

In the next instant, Luo Fei found himself utterly flabbergasted.

To his astonishment, he effortlessly hoisted the boulder up as if exerting minimal effort.

Next, Luo Fei scoured the area for more boulders to test his strength. Each time he lifted a boulder like nothing, a sense of fascination washed over him, turning his exploration into an enthralling game.

Eventually, Luo Fei confirmed that his strength was tremendous, possibly even rivalling that of Hercules. He also noticed enhancements in his speed and reaction abilities, leaving him more than satisfied with the results.

Luo Fei only returned home around 8.30 p.m., just as the sky darkened.

The next day, before 6:30 a.m., Luo Fei’s mother was already up to prepare breakfast for him. Although Luo Fei had told her she need not bother and suggested he could simply eat out, she expressed concerns about the nutritional value of outside options and insisted on ensuring his well-being with a homemade meal.

However, Luo Fei was aware that the real reason behind her insistence was her reluctance to spend money. Being a single mother earning a modest monthly income of 3000 RMB[2]TL’s note: RMB is Ren Ming Bi, which is China’s currency. from her school cafeteria job, having to support three children through their studies had placed immense pressure on her. The weight of her financial burden was palpable, compelling her to save every penny possible.

After breakfast, Luo Fei set off for work.

At 7.30 a.m., Luo Fei arrived at the police station. At this hour, the office was still relatively quiet, as everyone was accustomed to arriving promptly for work.

However, all three of the newly recruited trainee police officers for this year were already present.

Wu Wei, Zhao Le, and Jiang Xiaoxiao—all three of them had graduated from the police academy and were recruited through the Public Security Joint Examination. In contrast, only Luo Fei had secured his position through a public examination.

As Luo Fei entered, Wu Wei could not contain his excitement and bellowed, “Luo Fei, you’re the talk of the town! You just joined the force, and you’ve already cracked a murder case and even apprehended the culprit. You’re a celebrity now!”

“Luck,” Luo Fei replied politely, not out of modesty but because he recognized that his success in solving the case owed more to fortunate circumstances than his own abilities.

Jiang Xiaoxiao also approached, her tone tinged with envy. “Your luck is simply unbelievable. I’m practically green with envy. Solving a murder case—I wonder what reward our police station will offer for such a remarkable achievement.”

Beside them, Zhao Le remained silent, his expression somewhat sour. Previously, he had a sense of psychological superiority over Luo Fei. He had graduated from an actual police academy and was a professional, unlike Luo Fei, who was an amateur without a solid foundation.

But now, with Luo Fei having successfully solved the murder case alongside Zhang Haiyang and even apprehended the perpetrator, he had suddenly risen to fame within the institute, gaining acclaim and recognition. This naturally left Zhao Le feeling unsettled and off balance.

By 8 a.m., nearly everyone had arrived in the office.

What was both amusing and embarrassing was that as soon as everyone arrived at the office, they all flocked to Luo Fei to offer praise and encouragement.

At 8.30 a.m., Chief Zhou Weimin called Luo Fei to his office.

As Luo Fei entered the office, he noticed that his mentor, Zhang Haiyang, was also present.

Upon seeing Luo Fei enter, Chief Zhou Weimin greeted him with a hearty compliment. He also took the opportunity to commend Zhang Haiyang, praising his abundant experience and advising Luo Fei to stay grounded and diligent when learning from his mentor. Chief Zhou had high expectations of him, clearly reflecting his immense satisfaction regarding how the two of them had solved the murder case.

However, Chief Zhou called Luo Fei over not just to offer encouragement but also to ask him to write a work report detailing yesterday’s murder case.

Exiting Chief Zhou’s office, Luo Fei was about to begin drafting a summary of his work when he suddenly remembered that he and his mentor had not yet assisted Zhang Lan in finding her cat. Amidst the intensity of the murder case investigation, it had almost slipped his mind.

Luo Fei was about to approach Zhang Haiyang to discuss the cat issue when his mentor came over to inform him that Zhang Lan had called, saying the cat had found its way home by itself.

Over the next few days, the police station remained relatively calm. On one occasion, Luo Fei accompanied Zhang Haiyang outside of the station when a dispute erupted between two vegetable stall owners, and they intervened to mediate the situation.

Luo Fei took time to craft a well-written work report, first presenting it to his mentor, Zhang Haiyang, for review. Only after Zhang deemed it satisfactory did Luo Fei submit it.

In his spare time, Luo Fei delved into professional police-related books borrowed from Zhang Haiyang. He was well aware that, despite passing the public examination, there was still much to gain in terms of professional knowledge and skills to acquire, especially given his mid-career switch to become a police officer.

What left Luo Fei feeling despondent was his struggle to retain the vast amount of knowledge, owing to his low learning efficiency. He found it challenging to remember everything, and after many days of effort, he had barely managed to grasp the concepts of the “Penalties for Administration of Public Security” [3]TL’s note: It is also known as the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Penalties for Administration of Public Security.. Even then, he could not recall most of it.

At that moment, Luo Fei found himself yearning for the system once more, particularly those memory genes in the gene fusion library.

If he could fuse the memory genes, Luo Fei believed that his learning ability would increase several times over.

During Luo Fei’s days of intense studying, the criminal police team successfully cracked the Gu Youguo murder case. Gu Youguo, the perpetrator, had been apprehended and handed over to the prosecutor’s office. The male victim was identified as Wang He, 46 years old, the dean of Songxi Middle School.

The criminal police team visited Songxi Middle School to investigate and gather information. According to the accounts of teachers and students, Dean Wang He had been together with Du Jiao for some time. This matter was no secret within the school, as many teachers and students were aware of it.

(End of Chapter)


1 TL’s note: The Gene Mall is virtual in Luo Fei’s mind.
2 TL’s note: RMB is Ren Ming Bi, which is China’s currency.
3 TL’s note: It is also known as the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Penalties for Administration of Public Security.


Hi I'm Joyce, a translator bringing stories to life across languages on Shanghai Fantasy! If you enjoyed the story/translations, donations at Patreon and/or Ko-fi are GREATLY appreciated! '*.¸♡ happy reading! ♡¸.*'

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