She Comes from the Highest Interstellar Prison
She Comes from the Highest Interstellar Prison Chapter 22

Chapter 22

The Golden Giant Rock had already been dealt with, and the appearance of ferocious beasts approaching S-level had made it so that no beasts dared to easily approach within at least fifty kilometers.

Precisely because of this, everyone here, including Anping, was in a relaxed state.

No one expected Ji Fu to make a move at this time.

Anping’s back was instantly soaked in cold sweat. In a moment, he quickly recalled the things he had done over the years, the people he had encountered, but no matter how hard he thought, he still had no impression of the person in front of him.

Finally, someone from Class A nearby reacted.

Zhou Luo Hai’s expression turned dark, and Liu Can beside him shouted loudly, “Ji Fu, what are you doing!?”

This was on the Huang family’s turf, and she actually wanted to take action against the people Huang Yuanfan had brought?

Huang Yuanfan paused for a moment, then smiled sarcastically at Zhou Luo Hai, “I didn’t expect Ji Miss to be so fond of joking?”

He suppressed his displeasure and looked at Zhou Luo Hai.

In Huang Yuanfan’s eyes, the only person who could make decisions here was Zhou Luo Hai.

He didn’t regard Ji Fu highly and was still wondering if he had unintentionally offended this young master Zhou in the past.

He didn’t show it on his face, but the two A+ mech soldiers following behind him simultaneously reached for their mechs.

But Huang Yuanfan didn’t want to conflict with Zhou Luo Hai at this moment.

However, he never expected that Ji Fu was someone who had no scruples.

Anping heard Huang Yuanfan’s words and felt slightly relieved.

But the feeling of the gun against his head was hard to ignore. He could only speak, “Miss Ji, it seems I don’t know you.”

Under the threat to his life, he didn’t dare to utter the contemptuous words he had thought before, only saying, “Have you misunderstood something?”

“Of course, you don’t know me.” Ji Fu paused, then uttered a name that made him shudder, “But you should be familiar with Q-817.”

“I remember, after the indiscriminate killing of Q-817, you were sentenced to seven years in prison.”

Anping’s whole body’s hair stood on end. Because of Huang Yuanfan’s words, he initially thought it was some misunderstanding between Huang Yuanfan and Zhou Luohai that involved him.

But he never expected that the person behind him was related to the family of five from Q-817.

Upon hearing the mention of Q-817, he almost instantly remembered his mech.

There, his mech was stored.

“If I remember correctly, the indiscriminate killing incident happened six or seven years ago.” Ji Fu looked at him coldly, “But just now I heard your friend say that you’ve been with him for three years?”

It was Huang Yuanfan who said that.

He said it to prove Anping’s strength, but he inadvertently confirmed that Anping had not served less than seven years in prison.

Huang Yuanfan’s expression also changed. He knew Anping’s background wasn’t clean.

But the other party indeed had a high proficiency in mech piloting, and he was eager to prove himself in front of Huang Peilan, so he overlooked this point.

Never did he expect to encounter someone today who knew about Anping’s old case.

“He behaved well during his sentence, that’s why he could be released early.” Huang Yuanfan’s face was cold, “Moreover, even if his early release was against regulations, it should be reported to the Alliance for handling. You, a student of the Interstellar Academy, could point a gun at him because of this?”

“If you don’t know, you might think you’re the grand judge of the Alliance!” He shouted loudly, “Put the gun down!”

At the same time, Anping forcefully pressed down on his light brain, wanting to release his mech for a counterattack.

But before they could act, Ji Fu’s black car, sensing the danger in a moment, transformed and reassembled.

In a few seconds, it transformed into the shape of a mechanical dog with flames. The difference was…

Zhou Luo Hai raised his eyes and saw that the mechanical dog had two additional devices behind it.

On the back of the mechanical dog, something unfolded like wings, but they were not wings at all, but—

“A quantum light cannon!”

Lui Can’s expression changed drastically.

Most quantum cannon architectures are installed on mechas.

This is the content that advanced mech pilots need to learn, at least it’s something he can’t do now.

But such a device appeared so blatantly on the body of Ji Fu’s mechanical dog!

What’s even more absurd is that the first appearance of this quantum cannon is not to deal with alien beasts or plants, but directly aimed at them!

Two quantum cannons stood before them, making anyone think twice.

The two mecha soldiers beside Huang Yuanfan originally planned to rush up and save Anping while chaos ensued, but after these two quantum cannons opened, they could only halt.

And Anping over there was about to smash his own light brain, unable to release the mecha.

He’s a mech pilot, not very good at controlling mechas, but usually, to prevent accidents, he also stored a Class C mecha in his own light brain.

After repeated attempts to release the mecha failed, he finally got scared.

The person in front of him, from approaching him to sealing the mecha on him, only took a few minutes.

She really wanted to kill him!

Anping panicked, “Even if I’m at fault, it should be handled by the Alliance! I am a lawful citizen, killing me is provoking the Alliance!”

“You can’t escape Alliance sanctions either!”

His mind was in turmoil at this moment, he could only bring out Alliance laws, attempting to shake the person behind him.

But he didn’t expect that after hearing his words, Ji Fu would actually say, “So what you mean is I should let you go.”

“Wait for the Alliance to catch you again, give you a meaningless punishment, and after three or two months, you can swagger out of prison again, enjoying the treatment of a senior mech pilot, right?”

Anping’s heart was in a state of panic, he wanted to retort, but he couldn’t even say a word, just hearing Ji Fu continue, “Or should I say, continue your evil deeds.”

“Q-817, do you remember, those two sisters, Z-992, from two years ago?”

This was something she inadvertently discovered when invading the prison system after obtaining An Zaiyang’s light brain some time ago.

At that time, she only felt that the name Anping sounded familiar, but now it all connected.

After that incident, An’s family intervened to get him out, and it was handled very discreetly, with his cousin An Zaiyang helping, how could she know!?

“No! It’s not me, you’ve got the wrong person…” Under this pressure, Anping could only stubbornly deny.

But he didn’t expect that Ji Fu didn’t intend for him to admit it either.

She looked at Anping’s panicked expression coldly, and in his confused words and reactions, she pulled the trigger directly.


The silverfish bullet pierced through Anping’s head directly.

This crisp gunshot echoed under the Lushan Mountains, causing everyone to freeze.

She actually, really, killed Anping in front of everyone!!!

How dare she!?

Zhou Lu Hai suddenly looked up and saw Anping collapsing, and the person standing in front of his corpse.

The blood stained her silver-white hair, her right hand holding the gun, and her clothes in front were also stained with blood.

Like a blooming flower.

With a cold face, she turned back to look at them behind the two quantum cannons raised by the mechanical dog.

At that moment, the person standing in front seemed to become a stranger.

But inexplicably, there was a strange familiarity.

Beep, beep, beep!

Once again, the alarm rang throughout G-730.

Before this, no one here had thought she would actually shoot.

The entrance to the venue outside was chaotic, and the alarm was sounded inside the venue.

When Fang Yanli and Wan Feng rushed over, what they saw was such chaos.

Guards were running everywhere, and even helicopters called in by the Huang family.

The incident was sudden, and the people sent by the Alliance hadn’t arrived yet. Huang Peilan was extremely distressed. When she saw Fang Yanli’s starship, it was like seeing a savior.

After hearing the general situation of the incident, Fang Yanli didn’t hesitate at all, and directly boarded the helicopter provided by the Huang family.

The nebula phenomenon was still ongoing, and the starship was not convenient to navigate inside the venue.

In addition, since someone had killed someone in front of everyone, in order to ensure the safety of the people in the venue, they also dispatched security mechas.

In an instant, sirens filled the sky.

The bright lights of the security mechas and the helicopters illuminated almost half of the sky.

“There!” The helicopter flew to the foot of the Lushan Mountains.

The huge noise of the rotor blades mixed with the deafening sirens.

The security mechas locked onto the person who committed the murder, the glaring lights shining on them.

Fang Yanli looked up and saw the person standing under countless cold lights, still stained with blood.

She seemed to sense his gaze, and under the heavy encirclement of mechas and helicopters, slowly raised both hands.

She looked completely surrendered, harmless.

But on the raised right hand, there was still the gravity silverfish gun hanging from her thumb.

“This…” Wan Feng beside Fang Yanli was stunned.

Wan Feng entered the Alliance after the incident with the Cloud Pool, so he didn’t experience that crazy time.

In these years, he mostly stayed at the Alliance headquarters on the Imperial Star and rarely came into contact with prisoners.

But even so, he noticed the strangeness of the person in front of him.

How to say, she looked obedient, even during the process of arresting her, she showed no resistance or reaction.

But occasionally, when their eyes met…

He could always sense the brazenness emanating from her.

It’s like…

The demeanor of certain noble families when they enter the interrogation room.

But before coming here, he had accessed all her information and knew clearly that the Ji Fu in front of him was just an ordinary student in the Interstellar Academy.

There was no prestigious family behind her, nor any deep background.

Looking back, everyone in the interrogation room, Zhou Lu Hai from the Zhou family, Huang Peilan’s younger brother, and even several well-known families in the Alliance.

Only Ji Fu had no background.

Yet she, under the noses of these people, shot Anping.

And she did it with such calmness, even causing Wan Feng to doubt for a moment.

Isn’t this scene somewhat absurd in a way?

Because of the sudden turn of events, they were in a villa belonging to the Huang family, temporarily set up as an interrogation room.

This room had bright lights glaring on the people, making them feel exposed.

Ji Fu sat in the center, her hands handcuffed to the table.

Everything on her person had been confiscated before entering the interrogation room.

Including the earpiece that could communicate with Qin Chu Yue.

Before being arrested, she only instructed Qin Chu Yue to hide, without saying much else.

Now she sat alone in the room, looking fragile and small.

Completely unlike a criminal.

Fang Yanli sat opposite her, staring at her with a cold gaze, and asked her, “Why did you kill?”

Ji Fu calmly replied, “Isn’t there a provision in the Alliance law that any student of the military academy can directly kill a first-class wanted criminal found on the run?”

Fang Yanli’s gaze darkened, “Ji Fu, Anping is not a wanted criminal, let alone reaching the level of a first-class wanted criminal!”

But at this moment, Ji Fu met his gaze directly, her pitch-black eyes reflecting his shadow.

There was a glass barrier in the interrogation room, so the person being interrogated couldn’t see the situation outside, but those outside could see everything inside clearly.

Huang Peilan, along with the relatives of the An family who rushed over upon hearing the news, as well as Huang Yuanfan and Zhou Lu Hai, were all there.

Zhou Lu Hai looked at the person sitting quietly inside with a complex gaze.

At the time when Ji Fu acted, he didn’t know what grievances she had with that person, so he didn’t speak up to stop her.

But he never expected that she would actually shoot.

This contradicted all his previous impressions of her.

He looked into the interrogation room, the bright light reflecting on Ji Fu’s pale face, giving her a delicate beauty.

Ji Fu looked at the person in front of her with a smile that wasn’t a smile, “Based on what I currently know, he has committed two crimes, involving seven people in total.”

“What? Does the Commander-in-Chief think that a person with seven lives in his hands is not enough to be classified as a first-class wanted criminal?” She paused for a moment and then continued, “Or is it that in the eyes of the Alliance and the Commander-in-Chief, lower-class individuals are not considered human?”

The room fell silent.

Since the appearance of black holes and the awakening of human talents, talent discrimination has always existed.

But in the entire interstellar era, talented individuals were a minority. The vast majority of interstellar citizens were ordinary people without talents.

Even though these noble families looked down on the lower class, they wouldn’t openly say such things.

“He hasn’t been defined as a wanted criminal, that should also be your fault.” She said unabashedly to him and everyone behind the glass.

Outside, Anhua was furious.

Anhua was Anping’s father, and the An family behind them had a prestigious reputation locally. Otherwise, An Zaiyang wouldn’t be able to enter the prison management level.

However, An Zaiyang’s lineage was quite distant from Anhua.

But even so, they were still a noble family. How could Ji Fu, a commoner, casually shoot someone like Anping?

What kind of thing was she!?

Anhua took a deep breath, unable to contain his anger, “She killed a citizen, she killed an A+ mech warrior! I want her to pay with her life!”

The other members of the An family who arrived echoed his sentiments.

“…This is a bit tricky.” One of the younger members of the An family said with an unpleasant expression, “An Zaiyang’s death, and Anping’s responsibility, are all over the interstellar network.”

The video of An Zaiyang abusing his authority is still circulating on the interstellar network, with countless interstellar citizens condemning him.

This also involved An Zaiyang falsely accusing innocent people and blaming Anping.

Because of this incident, the reputation of the entire Alliance has been affected, and the higher-ups have ordered a thorough investigation, which must provide an explanation to the interstellar citizens.

For Ji Fu to shoot Anping at this critical moment, making her pay for her blood debt is almost impossible.

Anhua’s eyes were red with rage, “Are we going to let her get away with killing Ping’er?”

“No! Absolutely not.” He nearly gritted his teeth, “Even if I have to risk my life today, I will make her pay.”

Huang Peilan stood by, arms crossed, sneering at Huang Yuanfan.

Huang Yuanfan’s face was tense, looking particularly grim.

At this point, Anhua also realized, he quickly looked at Huang Peilan, “Master Huang, Anping has been with Yuanfan for several years. Today, he has caused such a trouble, you wouldn’t just ignore it, would you?”

In fact, they all knew that Huang Yuanfan couldn’t make it, and his talent couldn’t compare to his sister’s. Privately supporting so many people was also to be able to contend with Huang Peilan.

But no matter what, Huang Peilan wouldn’t disgrace Huang Yuanfan outside.

To settle the matter in Anping and gain this satisfaction, they still needed the Huang family’s help.

An Family, this kind of family, was far from enough compared to the Huang family, one of the Four Small Families, especially now that many people in An Family had been dismissed from their positions within the alliance because of An Zaiyang’s matter.

“Mr. An, what do you want to do?” Huang Peilan asked.

Anhua didn’t hesitate: “Of course, I want her dead!”

Even if Ji Fu were to be torn to pieces, his hatred wouldn’t dissipate.

But Huang Peilan seemed as if she hadn’t heard at all; she simply said, “Then let’s proceed according to the normal procedures.”

Anhua was stunned, not understanding what she meant.

The core member of the alliance next to him explained, “When Anping died, he wasn’t a wanted criminal. It’s illegal for Ji Fu to shoot him. You can sue her as the victim.”

“Can she be sentenced to death then?” Anhua’s face darkened.

“…Probably not,” said the core member of the alliance, who was the subordinate of the deceased Yan Cheng. After a slight pause, he continued, “But after expelling her from the Interstellar Academy, she can be sentenced to at least twenty years in prison.”

“Only twenty years?” Anhua’s expression immediately changed. His son was dead, and this culprit would only spend twenty years in prison!

But the younger generation of the An family around him understood the meaning of this core member.

He whispered to Anhua, “His meaning is quite clear… as long as she is expelled… Besides, when she enters the prison, we still have some connections… By then, she won’t survive either.”

But what they didn’t know was that this villa of the Huang family was only temporarily used as an interrogation room, not a real one.

That glass could block people’s sight but not their voices.

Ji Fu sat right in the middle, listening to their conversation clearly.

Fang Yanli was the same.

His face turned cold, meeting Ji Fu’s gaze.

That look.

Fang Yanli’s expression slightly faltered. The feeling from back then returned.

Clearly, there was no evidence to prove she was Yun Chi, but he always felt the same indifference from her.

Not mocking, not taunting, but a calmness that had already seen through everything, foreseeing how things would unfold.

And it was precisely this calmness that often made people feel the most uneasy.

Just like the group of nobles outside who never expected her to shoot Anping.

They were still outside at this moment, planning how to kill Ji Fu in prison.

Fang Yanli’s face was cold.

He looked at Ji Fu, wanting to tell her that today’s matter would be handled according to the law, and they wouldn’t have the chance to act recklessly under his watch.

But before he could speak, he saw Ji Fu on the other side smile lightly.

Under the glaring fluorescent light, her eyes were exceptionally bright. What she said next was unexpected by everyone.

It wasn’t the begging for mercy that the An family expected, nor was it the anger Fang Yanli anticipated.

And there was no seeking help from Zhou Lu Hai, who might be the only one in this room to help her.

She seemed even in a good mood, her gaze piercing through the dark glass, calmly saying, “Madam Huang.”

Huang Peilan paused, unexpectedly looking towards the person inside.

Then she heard Ji Fu inside softly say, “I heard that you have been looking for a way to heal defective talents?”

Huang Peilan, when she was young, encountered something extraordinary and later went to her father’s side and had a child.

But that child didn’t inherit her talent, not even reaching the level of her father’s talent; it was a natural defect.

For many years, Huang Peilan had collected many precious materials, all for this child.

Because a few years ago, she even went on interstellar news herself for help, so many people knew about this matter.

It was widely known, however, that defective talents were naturally incurable.

So for many years, all Huang Peilan did was in vain, watching that child fall into mediocrity.

There was silence in the room.

This was Huang Peilan’s worry, and they didn’t understand why Ji Fu brought it up now. Was she trying to provoke Huang Peilan?

Only Fang Yanli’s expression changed.

He hadn’t spoken yet, but Ji Fu calmly added, “Have you ever heard of the stars in the sky”

Silence filled the room.

Zhou Lu Hai, who was standing outside the glass, was slightly stunned, suddenly realizing it.

Ji Fu entered the school as an F garde, but later became a C grade.

When her talent was tested that day, she said she had… a defective talent.

Through this glass door, he saw her remarkably calm expression.

“What did you say!?” Huang Peilan almost changed her expression the moment Ji Fu spoke out.

Huang Peilan didn’t even pause for a few seconds.

When she turned back, her face had completely changed.

She immediately ordered the people around her to investigate. Zhou Lu Hai stood beside her, hesitating for a moment, then directly answered Huang Peilan’s doubts.

He hadn’t heard of the Panyun Tianxingfang’s name, but he told Huang Peilan what he knew.

These things Huang Peilan could also find out, but it would take time.

But now, with Zhou Lu Hai’s confirmation, it was completely different.

Huang Peilan almost unhesitatingly turned to Anhua and all the people of the An family, coldly saying, “There’s no need for litigation now.”

Anhua completely froze, not understanding what she meant.

Just then, Huang Peilan spoke, “She’s right.”

“Anping has seven lives on his hands; he was already a first-class wanted criminal. The Huang family can testify for her on this matter.”

“As a student of the military academy, Ji Fu, killing a first-class wanted criminal, should be acquitted.” Huang Peilan paused for a moment, her eyes deeply looking at the person in front of her, then continued, “No, she should be rewarded!”

Ji Fu lifted her head lightly upon hearing this.

Her gaze fell on the glass door.

An seeks personal gain through his authority, Anping uses the power of his family to kill recklessly. After all, aren’t the aristocrats fond of using power to oppress others?

Then let’s savor the taste of being oppressed by power.

Let’s see whether the Huang family they trust and rely on will choose them or her.

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