She Comes from the Highest Interstellar Prison
She Comes from the Highest Interstellar Prison Chapter 35

Chapter 35

After enduring for so many days, her body was actually very exhausted. However, because her innate power was no longer constrained, the sensation gradually spreading from her wrist to her entire body was indeed novel, making her spirit unusually excited.

Ji Fu turned over her right wrist.

The wrist was covered with scars, all left behind after multiple experiments. She had applied medicine, but they hadn’t completely disappeared yet.

Apart from that…

When she left the highest monitoring station initially, the white marks that inexplicably appeared on her wrist had all dissipated.

Now it seemed that the appearance of such a strange mark, resembling vapor rising, was because two toxins were attracting each other, compressing her innate power on her wrist for convenient extraction.

That mark was the manifestation of her talent under the influence of toxins.

However, even though the mark had disappeared, the golden thread she produced when she first advanced from F to C level was still there.

And perhaps it was her illusion, but this golden streak seemed to become much brighter after she broke through the toxins.

Her body, under the influence of the two drugs, especially the Lie Russell substance over the years, had become somewhat different from that of an ordinary person.

In any case, since the toxins had been forcefully dispersed, keeping this mark had no impact.

Because her physical condition was still not very good, Qin Chu Yue forcefully made her return to the medical compartment to lie down. Any matters would have to wait until she recovered.

This medical compartment was made by Qin Chu Yue. Previously, they couldn’t make medical compartments on their own because the monopolized medical core technology was now in their hands.

When she went to bombard the small asteroid where An Zaiyang was stationed before, she took a lot of materials from there, which came in handy. She made two medical compartments.

The medical compartments she made were definitely rougher compared to the ones sold by the Li family.

But they had all the necessary functions.

After Ji Fu lay down, she fell into a deep sleep, which lasted for three days.

It wasn’t until the early morning of the fourth day that the medical compartment detected her vital signs had stabilized, and only then did it open the compartment door.

“How is it?” As soon as the compartment door opened, Qin Chu Yue couldn’t wait to ask her, “Has your talent recovered?”

Ji Fu hesitated for a moment and didn’t speak.

She opened the medical compartment’s operating interface, gesturing for Qin Chu Yue to look.

There were a bunch of professional terms and complex data on it, making Qin Chu Yue feel dizzy with just one glance.

Ji Fu explained softly, “The toxins have been cleared, and now my body is almost the same as a normal person’s.”

There wouldn’t be any excessive use of talent, like overdrawing life, and the talent would recover normally.

It was similar to the state she was in before in the simulation chamber.


“My talent is still at C level.” She hesitated slightly, pointing to one of the data: “The Lie Russell substance has squeezed my talent excessively, and at that time, three-fifths of it was extracted at the highest monitoring station.”

Ji Fu explained simply, “When I was at the highest monitoring station before, Ye Ping said many people could only endure through the first or second extraction, as if those people died because their talent was extracted.”

“But that’s not the case. The people died because Lie Russell and Lan Russell substances are inherently highly toxic. If used excessively, the human body naturally can’t bear it.”

“This means they have a limited amount of talent they can extract, but in reality, human talent has its own recovery ability. If they don’t die, their talent will slowly recover on its own. What they did was to destroy the body at the cost of human life, extracting as much talent as possible before the person couldn’t bear the toxins and died.”

“The good thing is, now that my body has recovered, my talent is slowly recovering.”

The Lie Russell substance had been planted in her body for who knows how many years, squeezing her talent for so many years. This quantity was not a small number.

And because of the squeezing caused by drug extraction, it was difficult for her talent to recover on its own during the time when Lie Russell was present in her body. She calculated that it would probably only recover at a rate of one-tenth of an ordinary person’s talent recovery speed.

Moreover, due to the detoxification agent produced this time, because of the time and various aspects of her body condition, the efficacy of the medicine was not particularly perfect.

“There’s an overdose of the medication.” Up to now, there was still some of the detoxification agent she had prepared remaining in her body.

She had calculated before that if she could forcefully disperse the toxins, even if her talent couldn’t fully recover, it should still be able to improve somewhat. But now, because of the overdose of medication, it had to some extent blocked her own talent recovery. So, just looking at the numbers, she was still only at a C level.

Even so, she was a normal C level, able to use her talent normally, an experience she had never had before.

Qin Chu Yue noticed the key point and asked, “How long will it take to recover?”

Ji Fu paused for a moment and replied, “If relying solely on my own recovery ability, at least three years.”

But if it’s longer, it’ll probably take more than ten years.

But the most urgent thing now is time.

Qin Chu Yue understood, but still just pinched her cheek reassuringly, “It’s okay, we’ll take it slow.”

She also believed in Ji Fu’s abilities. Everyone said this thing was incurable, but didn’t she manage to cure it?

Ji Fu chuckled lightly, “No need to wait, there’s already the best opportunity right before us.”

Qin Chu Yue’s eyes lit up, “What opportunity?”

“The Wu Hai Steaming Cloud Formula.”

This formula was originally used to repair talents, which coincided perfectly with what she needed now.

Once prepared, she could accelerate talent recovery and undergo talent upgrades.

She was also curious about the extent of her own talent.

There were only a few days left until the time she agreed with Huang Peilan. Qin Chu Yue had already prepared the materials needed for the Wu Hai Steaming Cloud Formula.

She immediately started preparing the potion here.

While she prepared the potion, Qin Chu Yue constructed a brand-new device according to her requirements.

Ji Fu planned to use this device, equipped with an intelligent system, to run her detoxification formula.

Her formula still needed refinement, and the dosage was also crucial based on her own experiments.

The number of people affected by the intense rosin and blue rosin was still unknown.

Only after the formula was perfected could more oppressed people be saved.

Over the next few days, Ji Fu was connected to a medical warehouse on one wrist and fully focused on preparing the Wu Hai Steaming Cloud Formula on the other.

The process of preparing this formula was complex, but much simpler compared to the detoxifying agent.

Moreover, the over 30,000 failures before were not entirely in vain; she had grown rapidly amidst numerous setbacks.

Preparing potions had become second nature to her.

With the materials provided by Huang Peilan for the Wu Hai Steaming Cloud Formula and what she had on hand, she had three sets in total.

She only failed once before successfully preparing the Wu Hai Steaming Cloud Formula.

Under the moonlight, the potion in the test tube gleamed with a lustrous golden hue.

As she poured the reagent, mist rose from the flowing liquid, filling the air with golden sand, especially beautiful under the moonlight.

“No wonder it’s called the Wu Hai Steaming Cloud Formula.” Qin Chu Yue sighed, “But I remember you saying that this formula is your creation.”

She hesitated, “Are you sure it’ll work?”

Ji Fu: “…Not sure.”

Qin Chu Yue: …

The only talent recovery formula that had been validated was the Plate Cloud Celestial Star Formula.

The Wu Hai Steaming Cloud Formula was entirely Ji Fu’s original creation.

“So, if this thing doesn’t work tomorrow, won’t Huang Peilan kill us?” Qin Chu Yue felt a headache coming on.

Ji Fu: “Whether it works or not, we’ll know when we try.”

Qin Chu Yue: “How do we try?”

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw the person in front of her drink the colorful golden reagent in one gulp.

Qin Chu Yue: …

There was no need to go to such extremes!

Before she could react, Ji Fu had already finished it in one go.

By the time she regained her senses, she saw Ji Fu staggering into the medical warehouse and even remembered to wave at Qin Chu Yue before saying, “Goodnight.”

Then she passed out.

Qin Chu Yue:?

People often said some scientists were mad. Well, her family member, being a scientist, seemed exceptionally so.

She went over to check Ji Fu’s condition.

Everything seemed normal, just dizziness from the medication.

Qin Chu Yue finally felt relieved and went back to sleep.

She slept straight through until noon.

Huang Peilan came with her people to collect the medicine and had been knocking on the door for thirty minutes.

If Ji Fu hadn’t succeeded before, she would have suspected these two couldn’t make the medicine and just ran away.

In the end, Ji Fu was the one to open the door.

Yawning, still a bit tired, she handed over a vial of medicine through the crack in the door.

Because of her casual actions and not saying a word, Huang Peilan couldn’t help but speak up.

For this Wu Hai Steaming Cloud Formula, she had been running around for over a month, even losing weight.

After receiving the materials from Huang Peilan, Ji Fu didn’t let anyone see and stayed on this asteroid for almost a month.

During this month, there was no news from her at all.

Now that Huang Peilan came to ask for it, she just casually handed over a vial.

…It really seemed like she was just brushing her off.

“Are you sure this is the Wu Hai Steaming Cloud Formula you mentioned?” Huang Peilan scrutinized the golden liquid in her hand. “Will it have any side effects on Yu Wen’s body?”

“What if it doesn’t work…”

After waiting for so many years, when success was within reach, it was inevitable for people to be anxious.

Ji Fu listened without explaining anything. She just pushed the half-closed door open a bit more.


Huang Peilan heard the door opening, looked up, and saw the chaotic laboratory behind Ji Fu.

The walls were charred halfway, making it look like they’d been struck by lightning.

Then her gaze lowered, and she froze.

Inside the laboratory was an extremely ugly medical chamber. The screen of the medical chamber was wide open, allowing her to see the words on it at a glance.

[Ji Fu, Talent Level A]


Huang Peilan was completely stunned in place.

“Ah!” Before she could react, Qin Chu Yue, who had awakened from the commotion inside, screamed first.

Qin Chu Yue feeling ecstatic and reckless for a moment, directly embraced Ji Fu, exclaiming, “Darling, you’ve ascended!?”

Huang Peilan: …

What does “ascended” mean? It’s not like she gave birth!

Also, why does Ji Fu’s assistant’s demeanor seem so familiar?

Because Qin Chu Yue still wore a mask on her face, Huang Peilan didn’t recognize the other person’s face.

But this thought only flashed through Huang Peilan’s mind for an instant. When she reacted, she was overwhelmed by a tremendous surprise, completely disregarding everyone else.

She remembered that over two months ago, when Ji Fu was at the Huang family, her talent was only rated as C!

Now she had advanced straight to A.

Huang Peilan’s breath caught, and she couldn’t care about anything else, hastily asking someone to bring Huang Yuwen over.

People came quickly.

To confirm the effectiveness of the medicine, the Huang family also brought a sophisticated talent testing device.

After many Huang family members arrived, Qin Chuyue avoided them, leaving Ji Fu alone standing aside, watching the joy of the Huang family members, while Huang Peilan hugged Huang Yuwen tightly, crying tears of joy.

This Wuhai Steaming Cloud Formula has been conclusively proven effective.

After Ji Fu took it, she jumped directly from C to A, and Huang Yuwen’s improvement was even more dramatic. After using the Pan Cloud Tianxing Formula, she had already reached B level, but now she had surged directly to A+.

Approaching the S level infinitely.

Although still not as good as her mother, Huang Peilan, an A+ talent could secure Huang Yuwen’s status as the heir.

Huang Peilan’s many years of effort were not in vain. How could she not be happy?

After witnessing Huang Yuwen’s talent upgrade, she turned to Ji Fu and said solemnly, “Miss Ji, the Huang family owes you a favor. If there’s anything I can help with in the future, please feel free to ask.”

Huang Peilan’s words were sincere, but Ji Fu remained noncommittal.

After a moment of silence, she proposed to give Huang Yuwen a full-body examination.

Good pharmacists are also good doctors. She volunteered, and Huang Peilan naturally agreed.

The examination procedure was complex, so Huang Peilan, seeing that Ji Fu didn’t like crowds, took the Huang family members to the reception hall outside.

Ji Fu took about ten minutes to conduct a detailed full-body examination of Huang Yuwen.

The results of the examination were as expected by Ji Fu.

Looking at the complex data in front of her, Ji Fu’s expression was inexplicable.

The issue of incomplete talent is mostly innate.

But Huang Yuwen’s case was somewhat special; apart from her, there was no one else in the entire Huang family with incomplete talent.

Before coming over this time, Ji Fu had asked Huang Peilan.

Huang Peilan said there was none on Huang Yuwen’s father’s side either.

Huang Yuwen’s biological father came from a small family, not as influential as the Huang family, but their family development was decent, and her father himself was an A-level talent.

Both parents had no defects, and the family had no history of incomplete talents.

So how could she have an incomplete talent?


Huang Yuwen was also poisoned.

And the data in front of her now confirmed this.

In addition to the medical bay provided by Qin ChuYue, Ji Fu had made a slight modification, which was to implant data on Lie Russell, Lan Russell, and her antidote.

It showed that Huang Yuwen was indeed poisoned.

But not with Lie Russell, but with Lan Russell

Lan Russell is used to extract talent, activating cells throughout the body. When there is no Lie Russell in the body, it becomes a potent toxin.

The amount of Lan Russell Huang Yuwen was poisoned with was very small, just a few grams. However, considering that the dosage of a Lan Russell tube was close to two hundred grams, this small amount was negligible.

But because Huang Yuwen was poisoned when she was very young and her body hadn’t fully developed, under the influence of the drug, she became an incomplete talent.

What’s even more frightening is that the effects aren’t just limited to this; under the influence of the toxin, Huang Yuwen remained physically underdeveloped, frail, and in poor health. According to the AI’s estimation, without detoxification, she could only live to about 20 years old.

Children like Huang Yuwen were something Ji Fu had seen countless times in her previous life on that barren and backward remote star.

Different poisons lead to different manifestations.

But regardless, Huang Yuwen at least had a capable mother who could travel around for her. Poor citizens of the interstellar bottom like her had nothing.

Huang Yuwen’s poison had never been cleared, but because the dosage was small, after taking two top-grade repair potions, the toxicity was suppressed.

Ji Fu didn’t directly show the results to Huang Peilan.

But before leaving after packing up, she privately told Huang Peilan.

“Poisoned!?” Huang Peilan’s expression changed drastically. “You mean, Yuwen looks like this because of poisoning?”

Ji Fu calmly met her gaze. It was hard to tell from her expression whether she had anything to do with extracting talents.

“Yes, this poison is troublesome, and I’m still testing the detoxification potion.” Ji Fu paused. Seeing Huang Peilan’s emotions fluctuate intensely, she directly told her about the consequences of Lan Russell.

Incapable of growing up, not living past 20 years.

As soon as these words were spoken, Huang Peilan’s face turned pale.

All along, she had only thought that Huang Yuwen had bad luck, but who would have thought that she had been poisoned.

How dare someone do this!?

“Because of the characteristics of this poison, those who are poisoned will suffer immensely.”

“Master Huang can think carefully based on this characteristic.”

Seeing Huang Peilan’s changing expression, Ji Fu knew she probably had some certainty.

She wasn’t eager to know the result. Huang Yuwen was Huang Peilan’s daughter, and once it was clear that someone had targeted Huang Yuwen, Huang Peilan wouldn’t let it go easily.

Upon hearing Huang Peilan’s departure, Qin Chu Yue emerged from behind and softly asked her, “Seeing Huang Peilan like this, the Huang family probably has nothing to do with this matter, right?”

Ji Fu calmly replied, “I don’t know. Whether it’s related or not doesn’t matter.”

She had said before that the alliance was like a broken ship. When the interests of the people on board were threatened, it was the beginning of disintegration.

Ji Fu glanced at the sky and suddenly asked, “What’s the date today?”

Qin Chu Yue looked at her strangely, “June 5th.”

Ji Fu frowned. If she remembered correctly, the final exam for Class S seemed to be on June 4th.

Hmm, she just missed it.

Actually, now that the toxins in her body had been removed and her talent had ascended to A level, theoretically, there was no need for her to go back.

But after using the Wu Hai Steam Cloud prescription, she found a problem.

The detoxification drug overdosed, indeed affecting her talent recovery.

She needed to find a way to eliminate the excess drug effect and find more materials to make higher-level talent repair potions.

Even though she compressed the time for talent recovery using the Wu Hai Steam Cloud prescription, it still estimated to take several years.

She couldn’t wait that long.

Currently, she also confirmed that these repair prescriptions had no side effects, but the required materials were quite strange.

She still had some potion materials left from the Li family pharmacy, but almost none of them were suitable.

For example, something like Wu Hai Beast’s heart would never appear in the Li family pharmacy.

But it could also prove that Lie Russell and Lan Rassell were probably developed by the Li family because these two drugs, including the detoxification formula, did not require strange materials like beast hearts.

The materials obtained from the higher-level beasts in Class S were almost all used for making machinery and mechas.

The materials used for medicine were indeed rare.

The identity of the students of the Interstellar Academy was very useful. It became her natural protective umbrella and also facilitated her in collecting materials, and more importantly…

In the three major military academies, there must be beneficiaries who extracted talents.

People who survived by consuming the flesh and blood of others couldn’t just live so freely.

Ji Fu left behind everything that could be used. This small asteroid belonged to the Huang family’s territory and was currently very safe, so Qin Chu Yue just stayed here directly.

She went straight back to the Interstellar Academy.

The journey back was long, and when the starship was shuttling, Ji Fu once again slipped through the cracks of the interstellar prison. This time, she didn’t post any emoticons but left two words: “Wait for me.”

The security on the highest level was strict, and she needed time to prepare.

She knew the temperament of Lielan. After knowing the news for the first time, he was very likely to try everything to escape from the highest level regardless of the consequences.

She didn’t want him to get hurt.

So she sent him a signal again.

The disturbance caused by the shuttle only lasted for two seconds, and the connection was quickly cut off.

These were one of the few opportunities she had in so long.

The starship landed at the Interstellar Academy, and Ji Fu put away her brain light.

As she disembarked from the starship and walked into the Interstellar Academy, she vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

The students passing by looked at her, some intentionally, some unintentionally.

Some even tried to conceal it, while others stared at her directly.

Ji Fu touched her face.

She remembered that she dyed her hair back to white before she came.

She sent a message to Jiang Wei: [What happened during the time I was away?]

The other side replied with a string of exclamation marks.

Ji Fu: [?]

Jiang Wei: […Why didn’t you answer the phone, and you even turned off your brain light. You’ve been gone for over a month!!!]

It wasn’t entirely Ji Fu’s fault either. She was immersed in water every day and had to cut her wrists. She couldn’t care less, so she took it off on the first day she went to the small asteroid.

Jiang Wei continued: [Forget it, just go directly to the school bulletin board.]

Ji Fu: [Does the school still have these ancient things?]

Jiang Wei: […]

How should she put it, indeed they didn’t, before Ji Fu appeared, the whole Interstellar Academy had almost forgotten about these things.


Since she was the first student in Class S to be absent from the final exam and dismissed, there had to be one!

Following her hint, Ji Fu finally found the bulletin board.

The entire bulletin board was very clean, with only a few notices posted.

[Announcement Regarding the Punishment for Ji Fu’s Unexplained Absence from the Final Exam in Class S]

“Impressive, Ji student.” When Ji Fu turned her head, she saw Zhang Huan, who was grinning but not smiling… and all the people from Class S behind him.

Wan Die was waving at her from behind.

Li Yunyi coughed lightly and joked with Tan Xi beside him, “Zhang Huan has been at the school for thirty years and has encountered such a stubborn student for the first time. He just said that you’d better not come back to school.”

Not only did she come back, but she also went to see her own punishment announcement brazenly.

“Public criticism throughout the school.” Zhang Huan pointed at the notice, his face turning purple. “You are indeed one of a kind!”

“Come, let me ask you, why did you miss the exam?” Zhang Huan looked at her as she was about to answer, then interrupted her directly. “Forget it.”

He was afraid of hearing something like she was going to develop bombs for the Zhou family again.

He said expressionlessly, “Anyway, you are no longer my student, go back to your Class C.”

Ji Fu hesitated.

“What? Do you have anything else to say?” Zhang Huan looked at her coldly. “The rules of Class S cannot be changed by anyone.”

Now she regretted it. What was she doing earlier!?

But who knew, after Ji Fu listened to his words, she blinked, then took out her student card from her bag.

Zhang Huan frowned, still not understanding why she did this.

He watched as she, in front of everyone, placed her student card on the brain light.

 [Dip, Ji Fu, female, talent level: A level].

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