Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 15

Chapter 15

After seeing off Yi Siling at 8 PM, Xie Xunzhi returned to his study at Xie Garden and worked until 11 PM. It was then that he remembered Yi Siling should have arrived by now.

In his WeChat, there was a message about where to take wedding photos, but she hadn’t replied yet.

He sent a message asking if she had arrived.

A few minutes later, she replied: 【Arrived.】

Xie Xunzhi responded: 【Okay.】

She didn’t reply further.

Xie Xunzhi wasn’t accustomed to waiting for replies. After sending that message, he locked his personal phone and switched to his work phone, placing it aside. He continued to review the documents on his laptop.

At Hong Kong International Airport,

Yi Leling drove to pick up Yi Siling. Yi Qiong Ling insisted on coming along, and Yi Leling couldn’t refuse, so she brought her along. After picking up Yi Siling, they decided to eat at Rong Xiang Ji

 Thus, the three sisters went to have noodles late at night. On the plane, Yi Siling changed out of her warm Beijing attire. Now, she was wearing a structured oversized shirt with a short skirt, and she had swapped her boots for high heels that she liked, revealing her slender legs and ankles. She felt light and agile, almost like a swallow.

“Home is still the best,” Yi Siling murmured as she lowered the window, breathing in the familiar scent.

Yi Qiong Ling sat in her airplane seat, leaning towards Yi Siling, propping her chin on her hand as she looked at her. “But you seem even more beautiful than before you went to Beijing. Is it the air in Beijing that suits you better?”

Yi Siling glanced at her sideways. “Don’t insinuate things.”

Surely the youngest sister had told her about the incident with the noodles, and who knows what else.

Yi Qiong Ling smirked. “So, how are you and the older man doing?”


PS: (older man is Xie Xunzhi ^-^ HAHAHA)


Yi Siling enjoyed the breeze, pretending not to hear. “What did you say?”

“Don’t pretend,” Yi Qiong Ling teased, reaching to poke at her thigh. “Come on, spill it. Did you kiss?”

“No way! Don’t ask me such R-rated questions.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, don’t tickle me, it tickles so much!”

Yi Siling laughed and dodged, tears almost welling up. Her thighs were the most sensitive, especially on the inside; any touch made her weak. Tickling there was like torture.

“Stop it! I’ll tell you when we eat, okay? Let me catch my breath.”

Yi Qiong Ling withdrew her hand and took out a cup of water chestnut drink from the seat’s mini fridge. “Auntie Li made this for you before we left.”

Yi Siling took it and leaned over to give her youngest sister a sip.

She had mentioned in the group chat yesterday that she wanted to drink the water chestnut drink from home, and this little sister remembered.

At Wing Rong Xiang Ji Noodles House, the boss, upon seeing the three of them, came out from behind the counter with a big smile to personally greet them.

Holding a menu and a pen, he walked over. “Beautiful ladies, what will you be having tonight?”

The shop was small, retaining its 70s and 80s style with faded yellowing celebrity posters adorning the walls. A mirror on the wall displayed a group photo of the boss with the Four Heavenly Kings, prominently centered, surrounded by snapshots of various celebrities, including Yi Siling.

Without looking at the menu, Yi Siling placed their order directly: three cups of Frozen Yuan Yang, two bowls of Zhuhou Beef Brisket Noodles, one bowl of Curry Laksa with Pork Ribs, and an order of Chicken Wings Tips. After ordering, the boss mentioned they would also receive a complimentary serving of Piglet Buns and Curry Fish Balls, a tradition every time they visited.

In just a few minutes, the dishes arrived steaming hot, emitting wisps of steam.

Yi Siling scooped a spoonful of beef brisket soup, elegantly sipping a small mouthful. The delicious flavors danced on her palate as she swallowed, and then she spoke up: “I’m getting married.”

“Previous chapter’s table of contents saved bookmark for next chapter.”


Yi Qiong Ling dropped the tip of her wing into the soup, splashing oil droplets and soiling herself. Yi Leling fared a bit better but choked on a sip of milk tea.

Yi Siling handed over a piece of paper, looking somewhat innocent: “You wanted me to say this.”

Yi Qiong Ling disregarded her attire and wiped herself off casually, “Did you really agree with that older man? Oh my, you’re only twenty-four years old, and you’re getting married.”

Yi Leling, though taken aback, maintained composure, asking calmly, “Did you discuss all the terms with him?”

“I brought it up.”

“And he agreed?”

“He agreed to all of it.”

Yi Leling took a sip of milk tea, feeling a weight lift off her chest. “It seems he’s really serious.”

“But he didn’t mention asset protection. Essentially,” Yi Siling blew on her soup, “if I marry him, half of his assets will be mine.”

Yi Leling was taken aback, her eyes showing clear astonishment.

Yi Siling smiled wryly, “Little piglet, marriage has nothing to do with liking or not liking someone.”

“But living under the same roof with someone you don’t like is like being pricked by needles. And living a lifetime together? That’s practically like being in prison.”

Yi Siling didn’t respond, thinking to herself, It can’t be that bad. Being with Xie Xunzhi is mostly boring, occasionally awkward, but tolerable.

“And he’s six years older than you, already thirty, an old man,” Yi Qiong Ling lamented. She could only accept a three-year age difference at most. As she thought about her past boyfriends, the oldest was her ex before last, a senior who was two and a half years older than her.

Yi Siling gave her a cold glance, “If you don’t speak, no one will mistake you for mute.”

Yi Qiong Ling chuckled, took a sip of iced yuanyang, and then asked, “So, is he handsome? If he’s handsome, consider me having said nothing.”

Yi Siling paused for a moment, “He’s alright.”

“You’re blushing!” Yi Qiong Ling exclaimed in surprise. She asserted, “You definitely like him!”

Yi Siling couldn’t stand it anymore, raising her hand to pinch Yi Qiong Ling cheek. “Could you please stop babbling? I’ve only known him for a few days, how could I possibly like him? Do you think I’m like you, unable to walk away from a handsome guy?”

Yi Qiong Ling tilted her head, explaining, “Those men were just flings for me. I’m committed to being single.”

Yi Leling finally couldn’t listen quietly anymore, tapping her head with her finger. “Del, you’re only fifteen. Can you stop talking about playing with men?”

“Sixteen next year.”

“You’re blushing!” Yi Qiong Ling exclaimed in surprise. She decisively added, “You like him!”

Yi Siling couldn’t take it anymore, lifting her hand to pinch Yi Qiong Ling’s cheek. “Could you please stop chattering? I’ve only known him for a few days, how could I possibly like him? Do you think I’m like you, unable to resist a handsome guy?”

Yi Qiong Ling tilted her head, explaining, “Those men were just for fun. I believe in being single.”

Yi Leling finally couldn’t stay quiet, tapping her head with her finger. “You’re only fifteen. Can you please not talk about playing with men?”

“Turning sixteen next year.”


Yi Leling was about to say something when she caught sight from the corner of her eye of a man in a suit entering through the door. He greeted the owner familiarly, and as she got a clear look at his face

she stared in disbelief for a moment. then quickly averted her gaze, bowing her head to take a bite of her noodles.

Yi Qiong Ling recognized the person and waved to greet him, “Brother Jialin! Over here! What a coincidence, you’re here for noodles too!”

After just getting off work, Lu Jialin came straight over and stood at the front counter waiting for his order to be packed. When he heard someone call his name, he glanced over and spotted the three girls sitting at the corner table.

He wasn’t one to casually glance around, otherwise, he would have noticed them as soon as he entered the shop. The Yi sisters were all striking.

” Yi Qiong Ling?”

A smile softened Lu Jialin’s stern face as he walked over. Despite the evening hour, he was still dressed in business attire, which contrasted sharply with the casual setting of the small shop.

“What a coincidence,” Lu Jialin smiled at Yi Qiong Ling , then turned to Yi Siling, “Ia.” Finally, he looked towards Yi Leling and paused for a moment before saying, “Hi, Ivy, long time no see.”

Yi Siling hadn’t expected to run into Lu Jialin. Hong Kong Island really was too small. They had been classmates in high school and even sat next to each other for a few months. Their families also had some business dealings, so they were quite familiar. Her younger sisters all knew him, but they hadn’t had much contact in the past couple of years.

“Long time no see,” Yi Leling smiled faintly. Since she wasn’t very familiar with him, she didn’t engage further in conversation, simply focusing on her noodles.

Yi Siling, being more acquainted with him, naturally exchanged pleasantries, “Mr. Lu, it’s been so long since we last saw you. I heard you got promoted recently. When are you going to treat us sisters to a big meal?”

Lu Jialin chuckled, “I’m free anytime. It depends on whether you four young ladies are willing to grace me with your presence.”

Yi Qiong Ling nodded eagerly, “Of course! We all appreciate handsome gentlemen’s company!” She nudged Yi Leling, who was closest to her, “Right, second sister?”

Yi Leling replied dryly, “It seems like you’re the one who enjoys looking at handsome guys.”

To be honest, Yi Qiong Ling has a discerning eye for handsome men; average looks don’t catch her attention. The fact that she considers Lu Jialin handsome speaks volumes.

Lu Jialin exudes a cold, refined aura, with sharp, chiseled features, a straight nose, deep but not wide double eyelid folds, and a strong presence. He remains aloof and rarely smiles, which adds to his icy demeanor.

Yi Siling chimed in, “Yes, you do love looking at handsome guys.”

Caught between their banter, Yi Qiong Ling was left speechless.

At that moment, the owner finished packing their noodles and called out, “Mr. Lu, your order.” Lu Jialin checked his watch and said, “I have to go now, Ia. Once you’ve decided on a time, I’ll treat you four sisters to a meal. You can choose the place.”

Yi Siling waved goodbye, “Okay, see you.”

Yi Qiong Ling added cheerfully, “Bye, Brother Jialin!”

Lu Jialin walked out, carrying the packed paper bag, and disappeared into the night amidst the glow of neon lights. The glass door had a string of wind chimes hanging on it, making a sound whenever it was opened or closed. Yi Leling glanced back and saw the wind chimes tinkling and swaying, then redirected her gaze.

After Lu Jialin left, the conversation naturally lingered on him for a moment.

Yi Qiong Ling remarked, “Brother Jialin is quite impressive. In just a few years, he rose from deputy manager of a subsidiary to vice president of the Lu Group. Now it’s him and his brother wielding power in the Lu family. I wonder who Mr. Lu will ultimately choose as his successor.”

“How do you know all this in such detail?” Yi Siling asked curiously.

“Minmin told me,” Yi Qiong Ling replied as she cut into a pork chop bun. “Minmin also mentioned that his mom is arranging blind dates for him, thinking marriage might help him secure the inheritance more easily.”

Zhuang Huimin was Yi Qiong Ling classmate and also Lu Jialin’s cousin.

she often talked about her cousin, so Yi Qiong Ling knew a lot about the insider gossip regarding the Lu family’s succession struggle. Of course, she also knew that Lu Jialin was a collateral branch member of the Lu family. This was insider gossip that circulated within their social circle.

“Being a collateral branch member or not is quite common among prominent families; almost every affluent household has them. The Yi family only has Si Ling; I wonder how many people envy her in our circle,” Yi Le Ling frowned, her voice cool. “Del, can we focus on important matters? Marriage does my e more important, or gossip about handsome guys?”

Yi Qiong Ling shrugged, “My bad, my bad. Let’s not talk about others, let’s talk about the princess.”

Yi Si Ling interjected, “Actually, I’m fine without talking about myself.”

There wasn’t much to discuss; her relationship with Xie Xunzhi had settled, and there was no going back. Now, she only needed to report the news to Yi Kunshan and Liang Yongwen and discuss the wedding arrangements, including how to hold the wedding and take wedding photos.

Yi Si Ling was too thin-skinned; the thought of taking wedding photos made her blush again, remembering she had not replied to him on WeChat So she took out her phone and replied: [I like places like Budapest, Heidelberg, London, Paris, the Northern Lights in Iceland. Domestically, I appreciate the gardens in Suzhou, the Potala Palace in Tibet, the apricot blossoms in Yili, the Forbidden City in Beijing, and the sunset at Victoria Harbour. I have trouble choosing, so you pick.]

After sending the message, she realized it was nearly midnight. Most people would likely be asleep by now. Yi Siling considered retracting the message and waiting until tomorrow to discuss it further.

The next moment, a message appeared on her screen.

Xie Xunzhi: [If you like them, let’s shoot them all.]

Yi Siling was stunned. Shooting all those locations? That would take so much time.

As she hesitated, another message came through:

Xie Xunzhi: [Two months is too rushed. Let’s choose three places first, aiming for a mix of domestic and international. For international, I recommend Iceland; these months are perfect for seeing the Northern Lights.]

[The apricot blossoms in Yili are best in late April, so we’ll need to wait until next year for those. We can plan to shoot the other locations during our honeymoon after the wedding.]

[Is this plan acceptable? If not, let’s schedule another time to discuss tomorrow. It’s late now, and you’ve had a busy day. You should rest early for better sleep.]

Yi Siling held her phone up, frozen.

She couldn’t understand how he could turn something as romantic and sweet as wedding photos into a formal, serious discussion about cooperation, like a huge, impartial ship navigating through agreements.


Why is he acting like her father? No, he’s even stricter than her father, Yi Kunshan!

Yi Kunshan wouldn’t care what time she went to bed!

Yi Siling, faced with this unsettling realization, felt a mix of frustration and helplessness. Finally, she sent a smiling emoji in response, and casually changed Xie Xunzhi’s contact name to:


After finishing his nightly routine, Xie Xunzhi sat on his bed, picking up his phone to scrutinize the emoji Yi Siling had sent.

It was a small yellow face with a slight smile.

She agreed to the plan, or disagreed, or reluctantly agreed?

Xie Xunzhi had been busy all day and was quite exhausted by now. He didn’t have the energy to ponder over the meaning of this emoji, but he thought, a smile couldn’t hurt.

So, erring on the side of caution, he replied with the same emoji, and once again advised her to get some rest.

Late nights would affect his work the next day; he was accustomed to early nights and early mornings.

Any matters could be discussed tomorrow.

He didn’t quite grasp its meaning.

He rarely chatted with people, handling work matters mostly through voice calls or in-person meetings. Texting with others was infrequent, and he had never received this emoji before. Perhaps it had been sent in some group chat or family chat, but he seldom participated in such discussions and didn’t recall seeing it often.

She agreed to the plan, or disagreed, or reluctantly agreed?

Xie Xunzhi had been busy all day and was quite exhausted by now. He didn’t have the energy to ponder over the meaning of this emoji, but he thought, a smile couldn’t hurt.

So, erring on the side of caution, he replied with the same emoji, and once again advised her to get some rest.

Late nights would affect his work the next day; he was accustomed to early nights and early mornings.

Any matters could be discussed tomorrow.

Yi Siling placed her phone down after receiving the message.

Old-fashioned: [Smile]

Old-fashioned: [Don’t stay up late. Getting to bed early is good for your health.]

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