Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Yi Siling held the spoon, calmly meeting his gaze. Though his eyes were gentle and steady, she felt a palpable tension in the air.

In the silence, her heartbeats quickened slightly.

Joking and bantering could not delay things any longer; this matter needed a resolution. Over these past two days, she had considered it. Indeed, marrying Xie Xunzhi wasn’t bad at all—on the contrary, he was excellent in every aspect, a top choice.

His family background and status speak for themselves; as the eldest son, he wields significant authority at a young age. Compared to the power struggles among the elite on Hong Kong Island, he is far superior. Zheng Qijun, for instance, has an older brother above him and his father’s two mistresses, not to mention a slew of half-siblings. Beyond the Zheng family, every prominent family on the island has relationships so tangled they resemble daily court intrigue.

Moreover, with the support of the Xie family, it benefits his father, future management by Yi Leling, and opens doors to inland markets with half the effort.

Besides, Xie Xunzhi is not bad in appearance, demeanor, conversation, or habits’ It doesn’t hurt to agree. If he’s willing to accept her conditions, she’s willing to marry him. The next prospective match may not be as high-quality as Xie Xunzhi.

When everything is laid out systematically, the decision isn’t that difficult.

Yi Kunshan said she was like a confused salted fish, but when it comes to important matters like this, she’s quite shrewd.

“Wait a moment,” Yi Siling set down her spoon.

Xie Xunzhi watched as she got up and walked into the bedroom, unsure of her intentions, but patiently waited. Twenty minutes later, she returned.

Yi Siling had changed out of her dark green nightgown into an elegant and sophisticated khaki-colored suit. Every piece of jewelry—earrings, rings, necklace—was in place, and her makeup was vibrant, giving her a natural air of nobility. If she didn’t smile or speak, any man would naturally assume this woman was untouchable.

In her hand, she held a pen and a piece of paper, and she politely poured a glass of water for Xie Xunzhi, pretending to be courteous.

Xie Xunzhi looked at her without saying a word.

Yi Siling placed the glass of water in front of him. “Let’s talk,” she said. She had deliberately changed into formal attire; she couldn’t negotiate while wearing a slip nightgown and lose her presence.

Xie Xunzhi raised an eyebrow slightly. “What do you want to talk about?”

Yi Siling clasped her hands together, resting them on the paper in front of her. The pink satin ribbon bow ring on her finger gleamed.

“I’m willing to marry, but I have a few small conditions. Of course, you can also propose your conditions, so that we can both strive for mutual satisfaction.”

She became serious, even her tone reflecting the seriousness, though it still carried a hint of coyness. Xie Xunzhi understood she was proposing a prenuptial agreement, something he had anticipated. He nodded, “Alright. Please go ahead.”

Yi Siling uncapped the pen and placed the cap on the back end. “You know, for me, marrying means moving far away from home, and I’ll miss my family a lot. So, after we’re married, I want to spend three months each year on Hong Kong Island. If you can’t spare three months, that’s okay, but you must spend five days on the island with me every month. Otherwise, if we don’t see each other for three months, people will gossip. During other times, when I want to go home, you shouldn’t stop me.”

Yi Siling wanted to propose that after marriage, she would live on Hong Kong Island while he lived in the capital city. However, upon reflection, she deemed it inappropriate. If the people on Hong Kong Island, who disapproved of her, found out, they would surely gossip about their marital discord, claiming that Xie Xunzhi didn’t like her and married her out of obligation to his family. They might even say she couldn’t handle a man, which would be a blow to her reputation.

More importantly, if Yi Kunshan found out, it would only add to her troubles.

“This is reasonable,” Xie Xunzhi nodded with a gentle gaze.

She hadn’t directly mentioned living apart after marriage, which already surprised him.

“After we marry, our families will have business dealings. If there’s ever a need on your end, I hope you can fully support it.”

“That’s only fair,” he replied.

“No matter before or after marriage, my property remains mine, and I won’t have to justify how much I have to you. Yours will be yours.”

“But if you want to give me something, I won’t be a fool,” Yi Siling thought to herself.

Xie Xunzhi smiled for some reason. “I won’t ask for your things.”

Yi Siling smiled satisfactorily, but then her expression turned cold as she looked at him. “You can’t mess around with women, especially celebrities. It’s a high-risk profession, and if things escalate, it’ll be serious. It not only affects our marriage but also troubles both our families’ stock prices. If my family suffers any losses because of that, you’ll have to compensate me double!”

Double compensation—this was a tough clause, even tougher than a gambling agreement.

Xie Xunzhi stared at her thoughtfully for a couple of seconds before he slowly said, “Miss Yi, loyalty is the foundation of marriage. If I betray that, I’m prepared to leave with nothing.”


Yi Siling widened her eyes and locked gazes with him for a few seconds, trying to ascertain if he was serious.

Did he know what “leave with nothing” meant? It meant his assets, totaling billions, would all be hers.

Could he guarantee lifelong loyalty?

Not even God could guarantee that.

“Alright then, I won’t beat around the bush,” Yi Siling smiled sweetly at him.

Xie Xunzhi held his water glass and watched as she elegantly wrote down the four characters “leave with nothing.”

After finishing writing, Yi Siling continued, “After marriage, you cannot lose your temper in front of others towards me, cannot contradict me in public, and cannot let me lose face in any way. If your family conflicts with me, you cannot take their side against me. You must maintain the image of spoiling me in front of others and always accommodate me. I care a lot about face.”

When she spoke of being spoiled, there was a hint of a taken-for-granted coquettishness in her tone.

Xie Xunzhi chuckled lightly, his black eyes like flowing lacquer. Thinking of her opening remarks, and wanting to make a small request, this was not insignificant.

“I won’t let you lose face. My family is very kind, and we won’t have unpleasant conflicts.”

He thought for a moment, then added, “I just don’t know what your standard of ‘spoiling’ is.”

The tip of the pen scratched the paper with a faint rustling sound. Suddenly stopping, Yi Siling looked up, gave him a sideways glance, and vented, “You really don’t understand how to spoil a woman.”

“I’ve never spoiled anyone before, so I don’t quite understand.”

His deep gaze remained fixed on her, unwavering. “If you don’t mind, after we’re married, I’ll trouble you to teach me.”

Yi Siling frowned.

No wonder he was so boring. If he needed to be taught even in matters like this, wouldn’t all surprises just turn into standard answers?

She also remembered how she had tried to dig up his dark past through paparazzi, almost crying but still unable to uncover anything. Maybe he really didn’t have any exes.

“Alright then,” she acquiesced.

For some reason, she was in a good mood and spoke much softer: “Don’t think I’m demanding. My girlfriends all say I have a good temper, a good personality, easy to get along with. If you have any opinions, you can discuss them with me privately. I’m sure I’ll agree if I’m in a good mood.”

Good temper.

Good personality.

Easy to get along with.

People who flatter can say anything.

Xie Xunzhi lifted his water glass and took a sip.

“If you’re unhappy with me, you can argue with me privately. But no physical violence, no throwing things.”

“It won’t come to arguing with you, let alone physical violence.”

Yi Siling responded with a noncommittal “Oh,” feeling like he was exaggerating again.

After marriage, who doesn’t argue? Even her parents, who are so loving, often bicker. Her dad and mom argue but they never throw things, though her dad sometimes gets angry at work and does. She’s heard it happen once near his study.

She doesn’t like it. When a man gets mad, it’s hard to like him, even if he’s her dad, she can stand it, but no one else.

“You have to respect me and not do weird things.”

“What do you mean by weird things?”

“Many things, like yelling at me to wake up early in the morning. Calling me a lazy fish, just like my dad.”

Xie Xunzhi furrowed his brow. They had started talking about serious matters, but somehow it was getting more absurd.

“One last thing,” Yi Siling extended her index finger and waved it. “It’s also the most important.”

At this point, Xie Xunzhi was immune to everything. No matter how bizarre her requests were, he could remain unperturbed and agree to them.

She pursed her lips, a glint of determination in her eyes, her voice clear and resolute, “Xie Xunzhi, I want a grand wedding, especially grand. I want to get married in a lively and splendid manner, making everyone envy me. Everything about the wedding must be extravagant.”

Marriage is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so how could everything be simple? She didn’t want that. She wanted it to be grand and magnificent.

She also wanted to invite those wealthy girls from Hong Kong Island who gossip about her behind her back every day, just to make them jealous.

Xie Xunzhi remained silent for a few seconds.

“Is it possible?” Yi Siling couldn’t understand why he was silent. Was it so hard to agree? Was he thinking of just getting the marriage certificate and having a family dinner, calling that marriage?

Xie Xunzhi raised his eyes to look at her, his voice deep and assured as he made his promise, “It’s possible. I will make sure you have a grand wedding.”

For some reason, Yi Siling’s heart skipped a beat as she glanced at him.

Xie Xunzhi caught her gaze and gave her a faint smile.

Some unspoken things surfaced in those few seconds of eye contact.

She wrote down each of her requests. Yi Siling spun the pen happily on her fingertips. “that’s it.”

She turned the paper around and pushed it over, pen in hand. “Take a look and see if there’s anything to modify or add.”

Xie Xunzhi folded the draft paper without even glancing at it, tucking it into the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “I’ll have the lawyer draw up the agreement according to your requests. It’ll be done in a couple of days.”

Yi Siling looked puzzled. “You don’t have any requests?”

It was such a good opportunity to protect pre-marital assets. Why wasn’t he bringing it up? If he didn’t, then half of his assets would belong to her, whether he stayed faithful or not, while hers would remain hers.

Xie Xunzhi understood what she was thinking and simply said, “No need.”

Yi Siling wanted to say, “Take another look,” but Xie Xunzhi had already stood up. His gaze fell warmly and deeply on her, like a gentle drizzle that, upon closer inspection, had already soaked everything.

“Miss Yi, I just want to make one thing clear, that after we get married, we will be true husband and wife. I hope you understand.”

What did he mean by true husband and wife? Yi Siling didn’t quite understand.

Xie Xunzhi looked at her and said slowly, “Sharing the same bed, harmonious for a hundred years.”


Yi Siling bit her lip, her cheeks flushing lightly.

At 8 PM, Xie Xunzhi escorted Yi Siling to the airport.

Yi Kunshan’s private jet was already parked there, a Dassault Falcon 7X, renowned for its performance and resilient lineage, capable of withstanding strong air currents.

A Maybach drove directly onto the tarmac, followed by two Mercedes SUVs. After parking, Uncle Mei and the bodyguards unloaded Yi Siling’s luggage.

Five full boxes of clothes and jewelry, along with specialty products from Beijing for her family and friends, not to mention the gifts Yang Shushua prepared for Yi Siling’s family.

Xie Xunzhi took the initiative to propose visiting the Yi family to formally ask for her hand in marriage. Yang Shushua was overjoyed beyond measure—just the day before she thought he was immature, but the next day, it was a complete turnaround. Wasn’t this a blessing from their ancestors? Yang Shushua immediately went to the ancestral hall to pay respects to their ancestors and planned to visit Nan Yin Temple the next morning to burn incense, seeking blessings for the smooth success of this marriage.

Tonight, the moonlight wasn’t particularly bright, but the stars twinkled intermittently, shining brightly and dimming in turns.

The airport was brightly lit, illuminating the night, with airplanes passing overhead now and then.

The tarmac was spacious, with wind blowing from all directions.

Yi Siling wore a thick cashmere coat, its color a plum blossom pink under sunlight, now appearing richer in the dim, yellowish lights of the airport.

Xie Xunzhinoticed her hands tucked into the coat pockets. “It’s not yet the coldest time in Beijing. When winter comes, you’ll need to wear even more layers.”


Yi Siling glanced at him, thinking he wasn’t wearing much either.

But she didn’t say anything more.

For some reason, she felt strange inside. Even though she had agreed to marry him, there was a feeling of unfamiliarity mixed with something she shouldn’t feel unfamiliar about, which left her confused.

During their negotiation, she had been confident and assertive, but now that she was with him, she didn’t know what to say. She decided not to speak, though she disliked the silence.

Uncle Mei and the bodyguards escorted the luggage to the plane, where flight attendants were waiting.

“Then I’ll go back,” Yi Siling said, glancing back at the aircraft.

Xie Xunzhi suddenly asked, “Is your car rented or bought?”

“The Ferrari?”

He nodded.

“I bought it,” she replied.

On her first day in Beijing, she visited a luxury car dealership and happened upon a brand-new limited-edition Ferrari that hadn’t even been driven 200 kilometers. The seller was eager to sell quickly, so she bought it. Since she needed a car in Beijing anyway, if she didn’t drive it herself, she could let her third brother use it.

“Where did you park it?”

“At the hotel. The front desk said I can park it for free for two months.”

“Is it registered?”

“I’m not a Beijing resident, so I can’t register it here.” This was something she couldn’t resolve, which irritated her somewhat.

These past few days, she had been using temporary license plates and had been stopped once by traffic police.

Xie Xunzhi reached out his hand. “Give me the keys. I’ll help you register it. Next time you come, you’ll be able to drive it. What numbers and letters do you like?”

Yi Siling retrieved the keys from her bag and handed them over. “I like 1 and 0. The car’s documents are in the glove compartment.”

Xie Xunzhi paused for a moment, then chuckled. “Because of Yi Siling, right?”

These past few days, she had been using temporary license plates and had been stopped once by traffic police.

His articulate tone carried a hint of Beijing accent when he pronounced her name, and for some reason, Yi Siling felt her cheeks flush.

“Do you drive this kind of car on Hong Kong Island too?” Xie Xunzhi felt that Ferraris weren’t suitable for regular use. They were fine for occasional enjoyment but driving them around the city for extended periods could be uncomfortable and noisy, causing headaches.

“I don’t drive on Hong Kong Island. I usually have a driver. He usually drives my Mercedes-Benz.”

Xie Xunzhi nodded. “I’ll arrange a driver for you too. Next time you come, let him drive the Mercedes-Benz to pick you up. Your standards in Hong Kong should be the same here.”

There was no need for her to feel aggrieved even after marrying him.

Yi Siling hmphed and glanced at him. “I have plenty of cars on Hong Kong Island, not just the Mercedes-Benz.”

Detecting her playful tone, Xie Xunzhi was getting used to it and remained composed. “No problem. Whatever you have in Hong Kong, you can have it here too. Take a photo and send it to me; I’ll arrange it as soon as possible.”

Yi Siling lowered her gaze and shifted on her toes, unsure if he was indulging her. This kind of indulgence felt peculiar, leaving her with a strange feeling she couldn’t quite describe.

“Are you uncomfortable?” Xie Xunzhi noticed her unease.

Yi Siling felt understood when Xie Xunzhi noticed her discomfort. She sighed softly, feeling a bit aggrieved as she spoke, “It is a bit strange, isn’t it? After all, we’ve only known each other for a few days, and now we’re getting married. We’re both unfamiliar with each other.”

Xie Xunzhi understood. Getting married so quickly when they were still unfamiliar with each other did seem odd to him too.

But they would have to get to know each other.

“Let’s take it slow,” he said gently, taking a step closer to her.

Yi Siling felt enveloped by a wintry yet gentle aura, like cold snow wrapping around her. Her heart involuntarily skipped a beat. They were standing very close; her nude-colored boots faced his shiny black Oxford shoes.

She took in a breath of the cold wind tinged with his scent. The height difference placed her directly in front of his Adam’s apple. “Then I’ll go back,” she said, about to leave, but he stopped her again.

Xie Xunzhi said, “I’ve added you as a friend. Please accept it when you have the time. Next week, my parents and I will come to Hong Kong Island for the formal proposal. If there are any customs or specific things we need to pay attention to on your side, please let me know.”


Yi Siling thought he was going to say something else.

“I’ll give you Aunt Li’s contact information later. She knows more about these things.”

Xie Xunzhi nodded, his eyes deep. “Safe travels.”

Yi Siling didn’t linger and boarded the plane. Once seated, she opened her phone and indeed found his friend request.

She accepted it.

A minute later, she received a message from him —

“Choose a place you like.”


“Take wedding photos.”

Yi Siling instinctively gripped her phone. The cabin door closed, and she looked out the window.

The man walked towards the Maybach. In the night, his black silhouette appeared stern and solitary.

Yi Siling’s eyes were fixed, feeling as though she was truly preparing to get married!

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