Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 21

Chapter 21

The people at the table were slightly shocked. Quickly, the girl sitting next to Yi Siling nudged her, “Yi Siling, who is this…?”

Yi Siling quickly snapped out of it, brushing away that feeling. Her beautiful face burst into a delighted expression, and she said sweetly, “Darling! Why are you here!”

Xie Xunzhi: “………”

His back stiffened for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure.

Yi Siling stood up to take the bouquet, sweetly smiling as she said thank you. Then, without giving Xie Xunzhi a chance to react, she quickly linked her arm with his, beaming at everyone, “Let me introduce you all, this is my fiancé, Xie Xunzhi.” Xie Xunzhi’s arm muscles tensed for a moment as he felt this sudden softness.

He turned his head and gave her a deep look. Her profile, as beautiful as a peach blossom, shone brightly under the lights. She looked very happy and proud. “…Young Master Xie?” “Oh my gosh! You’ve been hiding such a handsome fiancé and only brought him to meet us today!?” The scene instantly became even more lively than when Zhuang Shaozhou had been performing magic tricks.

The women who had just been silently mocking Yi Siling’s fiancé, assuming he must be ugly, were instantly proven wrong. Chen Weiqi hadn’t expected Yi Siling to pull such a surprising move. Her gaze at Yi Siling became a bit more nuanced. This woman—she’s really able to keep her cool under pressure. “I just found out he was coming,” Yi Siling pretended to look helpless.

“I threw a little tantrum this afternoon, never thought he’d take it so seriously and fly all the way from the capital to apologize.” “Sigh,” Yi Siling sighed, “he’s too clingy.” Xie Xunzhi had no idea what she was talking about. Chen Weiqi held the fake rose, the corner of her eye twitching.

Flying all the way from the capital to apologize—how could she even come up with that? “Isn’t that right, darling?” Yi Siling turned to Xie Xunzhi, blinking and discreetly pinching his arm. Xie Xunzhi didn’t feel any pain, just found it amusing. He didn’t understand what game she was playing but went along with it, responding very lightly, “Mm.”

Yi Siling felt immensely satisfied. She hugged the flowers tighter and also held Xie Xunzhi’s arm more tightly, like a little peacock with its tail raised, her cheeks flushed red.

Xie Xunzhi understood this was just an act, but when she intimately and dependently tightened her grip on his arm, his breath still subtly hitched. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly. “Since the flowers have been delivered, I won’t disturb you and your friends’ meal any longer.”

Then, looking at the people at the table, he politely and courteously added, “I apologize for the sudden interruption today. In a few days, Siling and I will host a dinner for everyone.” Leaving already? Yi Siling, who was still riding the high of the moment, opened her mouth in surprise. Seeing that he was about to leave, Chen Weiqi was the first to speak up and ask him to stay.

Although she wasn’t thrilled about Xie Xunzhi coming to support Yi Siling, she couldn’t bring herself to ask him to leave. She didn’t want people thinking that those in Hong Kong didn’t know how to treat guests. Chen Weiqi wasn’t one to deal with petty matters.

“Young Master Xie, you’re too polite. If you don’t have any pressing matters, there’s no need to rush off. Since you’re already here, why not join us for some food and conversation?” She then gave Yi Siling a meaningful look. “Yi Siling, say something to your husband.”

Yi Siling glared at her fiercely. He’s not just a husband yet… Chen Weiqi didn’t understand what she was glaring at () and returned the glare. Of course, Yi Siling couldn’t possibly send him away. Xie Xunzhi came all the way from the capital to bring her flowers; she would definitely be very polite.

Besides, she wanted to show affection publicly. She pursed her lips and tugged at Xie Xunzhi’s sleeve. “Then, you’ll eat with us.” “Okay.”

Both of them pretended not to hear the word “husband.” The waiter brought an extra chair. It was placed on Yi Siling’s left side, next to Chen Weiqi. Chen Weiqi then swapped seats with her own husband. As a result, Xie Xunzhi was now seated beside Yi Siling on her right, and on her left was Zhuang Shaozhou.

Zhuang Shaozhou was also a man of impeccable appearance and demeanor. At twenty-seven, he exuded maturity and composure. However, sitting next to Xie Xunzhi, his aura of a young master was pronounced, resembling a second-generation heir who hadn’t yet stepped out from under his father’s shadow.

In contrast, Xie Xunzhi carried himself with an air of aristocratic aloofness and sophistication. He didn’t flaunt it, yet his demeanor unmistakably marked him as someone of high status and influence. Human demeanor is quite peculiar; it takes comparison to discern true differences.

Several women hesitated to compare their husbands to Chen Weiqi and Yi Siling’s in their presence, but the topic was lively in private conversations within their social circle. Of course, such discussions were absent in the presence of Chen Weiqi and Yi Siling. “Exactly! If he wasn’t top-notch, how could Yi Siling agree to marry and move to the capital!” “Damn! Yi Siling really has a strong hold on her emotions this time! Is Chen Weiqi fuming?” “Her husband and Yi Siling’s husband don’t seem to be on the same level at all. Zhuang Shao seems so immature. I prefer someone like Xie Shao, who doesn’t just hold a title of young master but actually wields real power.” “I prefer someone like Zhuang Shao, romantic, sweet-talking, and fun-loving. Yi Siling’s husband seems like a tough nut to crack. I’d be nervous just looking at him, let alone being around him.” “Hey, hey, hey, what are you thinking? Neither of them is yours. You think you’d get along with them?” “They compare each other all the time. Behind their backs, they gossip, but face to face, it’s all ‘darling’ this and ‘darling’ that. Sometimes I can’t help but laugh.” “Shh! Don’t laugh out loud, Chen Weiqi will be the first one to call you out!” “Not necessarily, Yi Siling might get you first! Hahaha!” Zhuang Shaozhou took out a cigarette from his pack and offered it to Xie Xunzhi, “Care for one?” Introducing himself, “I’m Tanya’s husband, Zhuang Shaozhou. Tanya and Yi Siling have been friends since childhood, like sisters.” “In the future, Xie Xunzhi will be our son-in-law of Hong Kong Island, and we’ll all be family.” Xie Xunzhi took the cigarette, “Mr. Zhuang is too polite,” placing it aside without lighting it. Zhuang Shaozhou: “Xie Xunzhi doesn’t smoke?” In the business world, it’s rare to find a man who doesn’t indulge in smoking or drinking. Xie Xunzhi smiled faintly, “I quit recently. Afraid of getting addicted again.” In truth, Xie Xunzhi didn’t smoke at all. Saying he quit was just to avoid standing out and appearing too pristine without any earthly vices. He was always adept at managing social situations. Zhuang Shaozhou raised an eyebrow in understanding and proceeded to light his cigarette. With Xie Xunzhi’s arrival, the young ladies at the table became noticeably more reserved. They were hesitant due to unfamiliarity with him, but more so because Xie Xunzhi exuded an aura of solemnity. Even sitting quietly, he commanded respect and awe from everyone present. Chen Weiqi glanced at Xie Xunzhi a few times, then looked at Yi Siling, finding it quite amusing. The contrast between these two was not slight; it was like night and day. Even their presence together had a touch of absurdism. One was adorned with luxury and exuded arrogance, while the other was understated, calm, and aloof. Uncle Yi did a great job. He found Yi Siling, who’s delicate, lazy, and pretentious, a man who’s more like a brother, a father figure, or a leader rather than a typical husband. Even she couldn’t help but admire his cunning! It’s a pity she doesn’t live in the capital; otherwise, she could enjoy this drama every day. Chen Weiqi raised an eyebrow, a subtle smile playing at the corners of her mouth. Yi Siling caught a glimpse of Chen Weiqi’s smile but didn’t understand what she found amusing. It made her uneasy, so she secretly kicked Chen Weiqi’s leg under the table with her high heels. Chen Weiqi frowned and retaliated immediately, kicking her back with her own high heels. “You stepped on me!” Yi Siling jerked her foot back, looking aggrieved at her silk shoe now stained. Chen Weiqi smiled faintly, “Sweetie, someone was rubbing against me underneath, and I thought it was my husband teasing me. Sorry for accidentally hurting you. I’ll send you a pair of limited edition shoes tomorrow night to make up for it, so you can dance more energetically.” Yi Siling: “…” Taking advantage of the mention of dancing, Chen Weiqi seized the opportunity and turned to Xie Xunzhi, “Mr. Xie, tomorrow night we’re throwing a party with your wife. Would you be free to join us?” Inviting Xie Xunzhi to her singles party? Yi Siling stiffened, fingers gripping the tablecloth. “Chen Weiqi!” “Don’t be so harsh, darling,” Chen Weiqi blinked innocently. “Tomorrow night was originally supposed to celebrate your union with Mr. Xie. If he doesn’t come, what’s the point?” Yi Siling couldn’t help but laugh in exasperation. This woman was spewing nonsense—celebrating their union? Clearly, it was a singles party! Who celebrates their wedding with a bunch of muscular men dancing around? This seems like it’s about wanting to see her argue with Xie Xunzhi! But now isn’t the time to argue with him. Yi Siling has a broader perspective; if they argue before marriage, what about after? Xie Xunzhi had long noticed the undercurrents between these two young women. While her friend merely invited him to a party, she seemed to view it as a major threat. She didn’t want him to go. Whether the issue lay with the party itself or with someone she didn’t want him to see there, he could guess without much effort. He could easily have gone along with her wishes, but suddenly, he wasn’t inclined to. He smiled faintly, “I’m free tomorrow night.” Yi Siling frowned, “Aren’t you busy?” Xie Xunzhi looked deeply at her, a weary smile on his lips. “I’ve cleared my schedule for the coming week. I came to Hong Kong Island specifically to accompany you.” At these words, there were a few admiring murmurs around the table, commenting on how sweet it was for Xie Xunzhi to be so attentive. Yi Siling didn’t feel the joy of winning back control. Xie Xunzhi’s gentleness at this moment made her scalp tingle. She had a gut feeling he had ulterior motives, but she couldn’t find any evidence. After all, no matter how you looked at him, he seemed very earnest, not like someone up to mischief. Chen Weiqi blinked at the despairing Yi Siling. “So, it’s settled then. Tomorrow night, 9 PM, Box Bar.” “Don’t forget to bring your husband.” Yi Siling couldn’t imagine Xie Xunzhi witnessing a scene where a group of half-naked muscular men danced energetically on the dance floor tomorrow. She wished she could find a hole to hide in. After a heavy-hearted dinner, Yi Siling felt like she could dismantle Chen Weiqi into pieces several times over with her eyes. Chen Weiqi pretended not to notice, casually playing with her hair while displaying her gold pinky ring and a large diamond ring on her middle finger. Xie Xunzhi caught Yi Siling glancing at Chen Weiqi’s fingers. By half past eight, the gathering dispersed. Outside the restaurant, there were five or six luxury cars of various makes lined up. Chen Weiqi and Zhuang Shaozhou got into a Bentley. As they departed, Chen Weiqi lowered the window and waved to Yi Siling. “I’ve prepared a little surprise for you tomorrow night. Don’t love me too much.”   Yi Siling smirked coldly, not looking forward to whatever surprise Chen Weiqi had prepared. As the car window closed, Chen Weiqi eagerly kicked off her high heels, finally able to relax lazily. Her excited expression betrayed her completely. “Feels good. Haven’t seen her lose out in years. Feels good.” Zhuang Shaozhou lit a cigarette, took a couple of puffs, and glanced at her sideways. “You better not let Zheng Qijun come tomorrow. No need. Zheng Qijun’s been in a bad mood lately. Don’t provoke him.” Zhuang Shaozhou and Zheng Qijun were brothers who grew up together since childhood. He knew that Zheng Qijun wouldn’t take Yi Siling’s situation well. Smoke drifted out through the window cracks, leaving a lingering scent in the car. Chen Weiqi chuckled, “I just leaked the news about tomorrow night to Zheng Qijun. Whether he comes or not is up to him. Besides, I didn’t send him an invitation. If he wants to join, he can queue up like everyone else.” Zhuang Shaozhou remarked sarcastically, “This guy from the Xie family doesn’t seem easy to handle. If he can’t face it tomorrow, he’ll only cause trouble for Yi Siling privately. But if Yi Siling gets angry, our whole family will have to deal with it. Don’t play these edge games.” “After all, she can play these edge games! She secretly sent the invitation to Chizai, and I didn’t even smash Yi Mansion!” After the loud outburst, the car fell into an eerie silence. Neither of them spoke or looked at each other. “Chizai.” For them, it was a forbidden name, Chen Weiqi’s ex-boyfriend. Zhuang Shaozhou flicked the cigarette ash and spoke after a long pause, “You still remember that, Tanya.” He glanced at Chen Weiqi out of the corner of his eye, seeing her feigned calm face. “I’ve forgotten both the incident and the person. Seems like you’re quite nostalgic.” The mockery in his words was thinly veiled. Conversations between spouses were like navigating through eighteen bends, exhausting to listen to and even more exhausting to engage in. Being candid in a marriage is a skill, one not everyone possesses. Chen Weiqi furrowed her brow, suddenly feeling uninterested. She sneered, “Put out the cigarette. Didn’t you see that Yi Siling’s husband doesn’t smoke?” After that, silence filled the car for the rest of the journey.   Yi Siling reluctantly handed over the flowers, hearing his clear voice by her ear, “So you do want me to come.” She pursed her lips, puzzled by why he seemed to be contrary today, and shot him a sidelong glance, “Whether you go or not, I don’t interfere.” With that, she stepped forward. Xie Xunzhi stepped up beside her, walking alongside her. Awaiting them by the roadside, a Bentley SUV started up slowly, trailing behind them. Yi Siling tepidly handed over the flowers, hearing his clear voice say near her ear, “So you do want me to come.” She pursed her lips, not understanding why he was contradicting her at every turn today, and simply glared at him, “Whether you want to go or not, I’m not interfering.” With that, she lifted her steps and walked ahead. Xie Xunzhi stepped up to keep pace beside her. Parked by the roadside, a Bentley SUV slowly started, following behind the two. “I’m not particularly interested in the party, and I don’t have to go. I just want to know what’s at this party that makes you so concerned about me going.” Yi Siling knew he was sharp and clever, but she hadn’t expected him to be this perceptive, piecing together details into a complete picture. After walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped, turned to face him, and spoke quietly, “There are handsome guys.” She decided to be honest, bit by bit. Xie Xunzhi: “Handsome guys?”   “I’m not particularly interested in the party, and it’s not that I must go. I just want to know what exactly is at this party that makes you so concerned about me going.” Yi Siling knew he was very perceptive and smart, but she hadn’t expected him to piece together the details to such an extent, turning mere traces into a complete picture. After walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped, turned towards him, and spoke in a quiet voice, “There are handsome guys.” She decided to be honest, little by little. Xie Xunzhi: “Handsome guys?” “This is actually their single’s party they’re throwing for me, inviting some handsome guys to join. Chen Wei Qi just wants you and me to have a disagreement, so she deliberately wanted you to come,” Yi Siling pouted. “But it’s just to take a look, have a few drinks, after all, they’re all friends.” “And besides, a single’s party is a normal process before marriage!” She emphasized. Xie Xunzhi nodded. “Got it. Well, I’m very busy tomorrow night, so I can’t go.”   Yi Siling was stunned, not expecting him to agree so readily. Her emotions were mixed, feeling both happy and unhappy. She was certainly pleased by his generosity, but why would she feel unhappy? Surely not because of his generosity. “….. You don’t mind?” she asked. “You said it’s nothing serious. Just taking a look,” he replied. Her unhappiness dominated her emotions as she persisted stubbornly, “What if I do more than just take a look?” Xie Xunzhi smiled faintly and said, “Then tomorrow night, neither of us will go.” Yi Siling let out a proud hmph, her earlier inexplicable unhappiness evaporating. Her cheeks flushed from the alcohol, she stepped forward, the pointed tip of her black satin shoe pressing against his. Chin tilted up, she looked at him and said, “Rest assured, Xie Xunzhi. Since I’ve promised to marry you, I won’t make a scene.” She felt foolish for giving up on the strict agreement Xie Xunzhi agreed to for those handsome guys. “After all, you are my fiancé. I know how important you are.” Yi Siling decided to coax him a bit more, thinking that if she could coax him successfully, he definitely wouldn’t go. Xie Xunzhi acknowledged that any lingering displeasure in his heart had dissipated. She was adept at coaxing people, but he couldn’t discern whether her words were sincere or not. He looked deeply into her eyes and calmly asked, “Not a husband?” Yi Si Ling’s eyelashes trembled. She remained silent. After a few seconds of silence, she suddenly stepped back. “I knew it, you were the one who sent the flowers this morning and wrote that cheesy card!” Xie Xunzhi awkwardly lowered his gaze. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t write that card. Uncle Mei took the liberty.” Yi Siling gave him a look that said, “Do you really think I’d believe that?” It was impossible; the card was definitely written by Xie Xunzhi. He was just a not-so-serious older man. She had long made up her mind about that. Unable to argue further, Xie Xunzhi reluctantly pulled out the card he had written himself. “Here, this one is mine. Compare the handwriting yourself.” Just now, with so many people around the table, Yi Siling hadn’t had a chance to look. In truth, she was afraid there might be some cheesy lines that would embarrass her if seen, so she planned to check it out later. Now Xie Xunzhi had brought the card in front of her. “Don’t tell me it’s something weird again,” she mocked, while opening it. Inside, neatly written in strong, confident penmanship, was a pleasing message: “Whenever my wishes are fulfilled—Xie Xunzhi” Concise blessings, concise signature, but stacked together, they have a wonderful chemical reaction. This is his style, this is him. Yi Siling pinched this card, unsure of what to say. Her heart was beating fast. Suddenly, she blurted out shamelessly and turned to stride forward. Xie Xunzhi looked at her back helplessly. Under the night sky in Central, neon lights shimmered, tall buildings glittered, bustling with cars, people, and voices. Everything was so grand. Her black gown occasionally tinged with red and gold under the lights, the wind carrying scents from Victoria Harbour gently brushing over her glossy and soft satin-like hair. Even her silhouette carried a starry aura, contrasting with this extravagant world. Xie Xunzhi’s eyes dimmed momentarily, then he strode forward suddenly, grabbing her wrist. “I’ll take you somewhere.” Yi Siling felt warmth enveloping her wrist, like the gentle warmth of sun-dried blankets. He seemed distant yet intense, with a high body temperature. “Where are we going?” she asked, surprised. “You’ll know when we get there. Not far. Walk or take a car?” he replied. “…Let’s walk. It’ll help sober me up.” “Alright.” It was a bustling night at 9 PM on Hong Kong Island. The streets were bustling with traffic, red buses zooming past. Under the street lamps, groups of boys and girls smoked cigarettes. The wind from Victoria Harbour blew through the smoke, dispersing it into shapeless wisps. The dazzling array of shops all turned into golden boxes, packed closely together. Passersby cast curious glances… Yi Siling didn’t know why she suggested walking. She was the princess in the back seat of a Bentley, separated by black car windows, observing the world from afar, her feet never touching the dust. But she was led by Xie Xunzhi like this, not knowing where they were going or how long they would walk. A few minutes later, the two arrived at the largest nearby shopping mall. The ground floor was a gathering place for major luxury brands, almost every famous name you could think of was represented here. They were standing in front of several jewelry stores. Yi Siling took a moment to catch her breath. “It’s so late, are you planning to buy something?” Xie Xunzhi replied, “Buy with us.” Yi Siling was puzzled. “Buy what?” “Our engagement rings haven’t been purchased yet.” Yi Siling hesitated. “Why did you suddenly think of this?” Xie Xunzhi answered, “During dinner, you kept looking at Miss Chen’s hands.” Yi Siling was speechless. She wanted to say that she wasn’t looking at Chen Weiqi’s ring, but rather warning her not to cause trouble with her gaze. Unfortunately, Chen Weiqi kept deliberately hiding her hand behind her face. Unable to explain clearly, Yi Siling figured they would eventually need engagement rings anyway. It all felt sudden to her, but the man before her looked serious, not whimsical. She casually pointed to a brand closest to her: Harry Winston. She never had an interest in mass-market jewelry that anyone could buy at a counter; she only wore haute couture. The cheapest ring in her jewelry box cost over six hundred thousand. For custom engagement rings, she’d have to wait at least six months. But with the proposal just four days away, they couldn’t afford to wait—they had to buy something ready-made. “Let’s start with this brand, but we don’t need to rush into buying tonight. We should also see what you like, although my preference matters more,” Yi Siling emphasized the last sentence. “You liking it means I like it too,” Xie Xunzhi smiled. “But tonight, we’ll make the purchase.” There was a hint of finality in his tone that brooked no argument. Yi Siling stared at him. Xie Xunzhi felt a bit uneasy under her gaze, but he was exceptionally skilled at masking, restraining, and suppressing his emotions. Ordinary people couldn’t possibly discern his preferences or mood from his facial expressions. He casually shifted his gaze and remarked, “Once we buy it, you can wear it tomorrow.” Yi Siling was momentarily speechless, but a few seconds later, she caught onto his implication. Stepping forward, she grabbed his sleeve, a hint of a playful smile on her lips as she bluntly exposed him, “So, if we buy the ring tonight, I can wear it to the party tomorrow and you won’t feel jealous of those handsome guys? Instead of beating around the bush, everyone in the world knows we’re engaged anyway. Whether I wear the ring or not doesn’t change a thing!” Her overly sweet tone carried a hint of satisfaction. In fact, Xie Xunzhi couldn’t stand her occasional coquettishness. He covered her hand with his palm, gently patting it, his tone serious, “It’s not jealous, Miss Yi Siling.” “It’s my concern for you.” Excessively beautiful, uninhibited, disobedient, fond of acting cute, and loves to be in the limelight. From any angle, he wasn’t entirely at ease with his fiancée who was six years younger than him. If she wears their engagement ring on her finger, it will remind her, to some extent — Don’t go too far!

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