Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 23

Chapter 23

In the midst of a group of muscular men, Yi Siling brain felt dizzy, hands covering her burning cheeks, waves of heat surging through her body, making her extremely uncomfortable.

Chen Weiqi must be crazy…

This dance is totally pushing the boundaries! The sexy and provocative hip-twisting is simply unbelievable.

The women around are going crazy one by one, deafening screams and electronic music stimulating the eardrums, the atmosphere instantly reaching its peak explosion.

Yi Siling felt a sense of post-disaster relief, grateful that she was lucky enough to have a peaceful mind, predicting that tonight would be a night of chaos, finding a way to prevent Xie Xunzhi from coming, if he came, she dared not think about it.

Yi Siling proudly clinked glasses with Tanya, leaning in to whisper in her ear, “Tanya, didn’t expect that, right? Xie Xunzhi listens to me obediently. I made sure he wouldn’t come, and he definitely won’t. Thank you for preparing such a thoughtful program, I really like it.”

Chen Weiqi laughed, “The program is for you, not for your husband. What does it matter if he comes or not? When you get to the capital, you probably won’t see this kind of show. Enjoy the feast for your eyes tonight.”

Yi Siling forced a smile, not in the mood to argue with her, and ignored her.

For the next hour, men and women kept coming to Yi Siling to drink, whether they knew her or not, it was a bustling scene.

Hong Kong is the place where Yi Siling has lived for over twenty years, with so many friends that it’s hard to count. Today’s gathering is grand, mostly to wish her happiness in her new marriage. Everyone knows she is going to marry in the capital city and they all assume that once she marries, she won’t come back, or at least not often. When toasting, there is inevitably a sense of reluctance to part ways.

In Hong Kong, most young men and women look for partners locally, or from cities along the southern coast. Going further north from province leads to northern regions, not to mention the capital city, which is even farther north.

What about the Imperial City? Who would willingly marry and move tens of thousands of miles away from home? It’s not like they don’t have the means to do so.

Yi Siling marriage has shocked countless people, but upon further thought, many find it acceptable. After all, it’s the Xie family in the capital city. With such a fantastic opportunity, even Yi Siling herself wouldn’t want to miss it. In the face of overwhelming wealth and prosperity, what does a far-off marriage matter?

“Congratulations, congratulations, Yi Siling! After you get married, make sure to come back often. Our group of friends will always be ready!”
“Wishing you and Mr. Xie a long and happy life together!”
“Yi Siling, your wedding date is set for December 28th, right… Oh yes! You must come back earlier! I’ll definitely be there for your wedding!”

“Wow, you even have matching rings on? That’s impressive! Here’s a toast to you and your future husband, may your love be sweet and everlasting!”

Yi Siling, feeling overwhelmed by the alcohol, finally gave in and had Yi Lelingtake over for her. She sat down, sipping on the herbal tea prepared in the kitchen.

A friend took the opportunity to sit beside her, holding her arm, sounding reluctant, “Yi Siling, once you’re in the capital city, I don’t know when we’ll be able to meet for afternoon tea again…”

“Just getting married, it’s not that serious, especially since I can always come back whenever I want.”
“Is Mr. Xie willing to live apart from you?”
Yi Siling glanced at her and smiled, “Of course, he’ll be with me. I’ll come back often, and we can meet for afternoon tea then.”
She had three rules with Xie Xunzhi, and one of them was that he must accompany her home frequently.

“Not surprising, Yi Siling… having Mr. Xie wrapped around your finger.” The friend chuckled, agreeing with her outwardly but having different thoughts inside.

After all, it’s not common for husbands to accompany their wives back to their parents’ home every now and then, especially when they’re not from the same locality. Once or twice is fine, but what about the fourth, fifth, or sixth time? Even if they don’t argue, conflicts might arise.

There’s no need to boast about such superficial matters for the sake of appearances.

Yi Siling knew what the person opposite her was thinking.

Tonight, there were many blessings, but genuine ones were actually quite rare.
From childhood to adulthood, out of every ten friends she had, five were looking to gain some benefits from her, three were hoping to see her fail, and two were intentionally getting close to her, aiming to turn friendship into a romantic relationship, aspiring to be the son-in-law of the Yi family.

 In a circle where money and interests intertwine, every slight move affects the whole body, and social interactions are intricate and complex, filled with intrigue.

She knew that people liked her for her family background, her beauty, and the prestige she could bring to them. In this world of vanity, where people are attracted to superficial things, there are many who like her, but very few who genuinely care about her. But she didn’t care.

 She would still go out with this group of plastic friends to shop, play mahjong, have afternoon tea, and go to the spa. She needed people to accompany her and to flatter her. Real or fake, it didn’t matter to her. She just enjoyed her vibrant and lively life, like a bouquet of Freudian roses.

So she didn’t need Xie Xunzhi to love her so much. Instead of genuine feelings, she just wanted him to treat her well, to give her face, and to let her continue to bask in the limelight as always.

With life going smoothly, having both wealth and leisure, this kind of marriage couldn’t be any better.

After a round of drinks, a group of women headed to the dance floor to dance.

Yi Siling took the initiative to send a message to Xie Xunzhi, trying to see what he was up to.

【Good thing you didn’t come, the party is quite boring.】
She was afraid that Xie Xunzhi would be bored on Hong Kong Island and sneak over to join the fun.

What she didn’t know was that when Xie Xunzhi received the message, his Bentley had already reached Admiralty, less than ten minutes away from Central.

He glanced at her message, smiled thoughtfully, and replied: 【If it’s boring, just head home early. Don’t get too carried away.】

Yi Siling reassured herself that Xie Xunzhi wouldn’t come. It was impossible for him to show up. Going home early was out of the question. Tonight was too much fun; she was determined to party until at least two in the morning.

“Can you hold onto my phone for me while I go to the restroom?” Yi Siling handed her phone to Yi Lelingfor safekeeping.

Yi Lelingglanced at her, “Are you sure you’re okay? I can come with you.”

Yi Siling stopped her, “Don’t underestimate your sister, it’s just a few drinks. Your sister is still your sister.”


Yi Lelingchuckled in exasperation, knowing it was only a few drinks because Yi Siling had blocked most of them! She watched Yi Siling, in her ten-centimeter high heels, sway away under the colorful lights.

Yi Lelinglooked away, took a sip of whiskey.

Yi Lelingdidn’t enjoy dancing, so she sat leisurely at the VIP table, sipping her drink while also handling work emails sent by her secretary.

Someone sat down beside her, but she didn’t pay attention, assuming it was one of the exhausted women taking a break from dancing.

“Even at a bar, you’re still busy working? Are you always this dedicated?” the person remarked.

Yi Leling’s typing paused, and she shifted her gaze to see a pair of shiny, high-end leather shoes. It turned out that the person who had just sat down was not one of her girlfriends but a man.

It was Lu Jialin.

Yi Lelingwas stunned for a moment, locking eyes with the man for several seconds before responding, “…You’re here too?”

As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized her mistake. Lu Jialin was Yi Siling high school classmate and part of the same social circle. Chen Weiqi would have definitely invited him, especially since tonight was a party for Yi Siling. It was only natural for him to be there.

Lu Jialin replied, “I came to say hello to Yi Siling and congratulate her on getting married.”

The man in front of her was dressed in a business suit, not quite matching the colorful and lively atmosphere around them. His gray pinstripe suit accentuated his broad shoulders, and his cool demeanor didn’t quite fit in with the party scene.

Yi Lelingsubtly cleared her throat, set down her phone, and gestured to the other side, “Unfortunately, Yi Siling just went to the restroom. It’ll be a few minutes. Would you mind waiting?”

Lu Jialin smiled, “No problem, you can pass on the message for me.”

Shifting in his seat, the distance between the coffee table and the VIP booth was narrow. His legs were slightly cramped, making his already stiff posture even more awkward. “Been busy lately?” he asked casually.

Yi Lelingfelt uneasy, unsure of Lu Jialin’s intentions for striking up a conversation with her. She was actually a bit nervous and had some other indescribable emotions as well.

Yi Lelingwas aware that Lu Jialin had a crush on Yi Siling back in high school; she had figured it out herself. After all these years, could he still harbor feelings for her? But Yi Siling was getting married, and any lingering thoughts should be suppressed, kept hidden deep inside. Revealing them would only lead to an awkward situation for Yi Siling.

The wedding was just two months away, and no complications should arise before then.

“I’m doing fine, not too busy,” Yi Lelingforced herself to remain calm.

Lu Jialin chuckled and teased, “I see you’re replying to emails even at a bar, doesn’t that count as busy?”

“I’m not a fan of dancing. Sitting here is fine. Replying to emails is just incidental,” Yi Leling’s tone and expression were very “business-like.”

Lu Jialin’s eyes dimmed slightly, finding the woman in front of him so aloof that he didn’t know what topic to bring up next. His teasing remarks seemed rather ridiculous in this colorful and vibrant setting.

In such a lively environment, she could focus on work, as if saying anything more would disturb her.

He decided to stay silent, just observing her.

Yi Lelingfelt even more nervous under his enigmatic and difficult-to-decipher gaze. What was he up to? Was he planning on revealing his feelings in the last two months before Yi Siling wedding, leaving no regrets?

“Mr. Lu,” Yi Lelingtook a deep breath, deciding to probe first.

Lu Jialin’s expression shifted slightly, “Go ahead.”

“My sister mentioned before about inviting you to dinner with my brother-in-law, but we didn’t make formal plans because we thought you might be busy,” Yi lelingexplained.

Lu Jialin looked puzzled, “Why invite me to dinner?”

Although he had a relationship with Yi Siling, they were just ordinary friends, high school classmates, not even close friends. There was no need for Yi Siling and her husband to invite him to dinner alone.

Yi Lelinghesitated, then tapped on her phone screen, “After all, you and my sister were classmates, and you used to help my sister with math frequently in high school. My brother-in-law is grateful for your assistance to my sister, so it’s only natural. When my sister gets married, we’ll still invite you to sit at the main table.”

“No need for the main table, a regular seat will do,” Lu Jialin replied.

Yi Lelingnodded, thinking that Lu Jialin still had some self-awareness; sitting at the main table would definitely be incredibly awkward.

Continuing to probe, she asked, “You and my sister have been friends since childhood. My sister is getting married now, and Mr. Lu, I suppose your major life event is coming up soon too?”

Lu Jialin squinted slightly, took a sip of whiskey, “I’m considering it.”

Yi Lelingfelt relieved that he wasn’t there to stir up trouble before the wedding.

But soon, a wave of complex emotions surged within her. She composed herself, looked at Lu Jialin, and sincerely said, “This is for the best.”

Raising her glass, she added, “In advance, I wish Mr. Lu a happy and fulfilling love life.”

Taking a big sip of whiskey, Yi Lelinggpushed down these trivial and meaningless emotions.

After downing his drink, Lu Jialin looked at her and spoke in a low voice, “What about you?”

“Me?” Yi Leling was momentarily stunned, her eyelashes lowered slightly. “I’m busy every day, no time to think about these things. Let’s talk about it in a couple of years.”

Lu Jialin fell silent for a moment, then nodded. “No rush.”

Setting down his glass, he stood up. “I’ll head out first. Please convey my best wishes to Yi Siling.”

Yi Leling felt like the red laser beam shooting straight at her eyes was distorting a bit, unsure if it was her eyes or ears playing tricks on her.

It wasn’t until long after Lu Jialin had left that Yi Leling snapped out of her daze. She hadn’t even noticed Yi Siling phone vibrating continuously, with several rounds of notifications.

A call came in.

The caller ID displayed: “Old-Fashioned.”

Meanwhile, Yi Siling had been lingering in the restroom for quite some time. She noticed that her carefully styled hair was slightly disheveled, so she redid it, then took a moment to appreciate her beautiful makeup for the evening before humming a tune and walking out.

As soon as she stepped out, she saw a person in the corridor, causing her to freeze in place.

The person held an unlit cigarette, leaning against the mirrored wall, their charming peach blossom eyes fixed on her without blinking.

With a lean face and bloodshot eyes, they wore a loose-fitting casual suit that hung off their tall 1.85-meter frame, giving the impression of a weightless figure.

Yi Siling was taken aback to see Zheng Qijun there and was shocked by his current appearance, with his gaunt face and bloodshot eyes. His gaze seemed predatory, fixed on her.

She hadn’t expected Chen Weiqi’s mischievous smile to lead to this. That wicked woman had invited Zheng Qijun here.

Fuming with anger, Yi Siling hands trembled slightly as she suppressed the surge of emotions within her. She coolly averted her gaze, lifted her chin, and nonchalantly continued walking forward.

As they were about to pass each other in the narrow corridor, Zheng Qijun forcefully grabbed her arm.

“Do you know what makes a good ex?”

“Dead as a doornail, never to resurrect.”

Yi Siling kept her gaze straight ahead, not pulling her arm away. The hallway was busy, and a tug-of-war would attract unwanted attention.

Zheng Qijun chuckled in exasperation, tossing the limp cigarette holder aside. “If every man on Hong Kong Island can come, why can’t I? Yi Siling, you’re not the only one with a domineering streak.”

Yi Siling didn’t want to engage in meaningless banter with him. “Let go, I don’t want to talk to you.”

Zheng Qijun insisted, “I want to talk to you. Just for fifteen minutes.”

Fifteen minutes felt like an eternity to her! But Zheng Qijun not only didn’t release her arm but also led her up to the second-floor terrace.

“Mr. Zheng!” Yi Siling high heels clacked unevenly as he pulled her unsteadily.

Zheng Qijun didn’t slow down until they reached the terrace. He finally let go of her wrist, then muttered softly, “I’m sorry.”

Yi Siling rubbed her wrist and spoke softly, “No need to apologize, Mr. Zheng.”

Zheng Qijun felt a pang in his heart; this feeling had lingered for days. Since learning about Yi Siling engagement, he realized how foolish he had been.

If he just swallowed his pride, said sorry, Yi Siling wouldn’t leave. They could continue being together; it should have been their engagement, not someone else’s!

“I was wrong, Yi Siling. I truly was wrong. I shouldn’t have acted like a spoiled brat with you, made you angry, or let others disrespect you. Yi Siling…” Zheng Qijun, for the first time, spoke in such a humble tone, clenching his fists as he looked at Yi Siling with his exhausted, crimson eyes. “Please don’t get engaged to someone else, okay?”

Yi Siling found it difficult to comprehend. What was this man up to? There were plenty of beautiful women on Hong Kong Island. When they broke up, he ignored her for a month, living a carefree life. Now he suddenly appeared, repenting for his past actions. What was his motive?

In truth, she didn’t harbor much hatred towards Zheng Qijun. Sure, he may have had his flaws, but he treated her well when they were together, making her happy, except for that one incident.

During their argument, she discovered him playing snooker with another girl behind her back. Playing a game wasn’t the issue; it was that he lied about it, claiming it was business-related. Angry, she drove over, didn’t give him face, and exposed his deception. Zheng Qijun couldn’t handle being called out and accused her of not respecting him, leading to a heated argument – their only one – that led to their breakup.

In the first few days, she was upset that Zheng Qijun hadn’t come to see her. Gradually, she accepted the fact that he wouldn’t come. The days of sadness were genuine; her eyes were swollen from crying. Yet, her three sisters bombarded her in shifts, accompanying her around the clock. The lively atmosphere enveloped her, helping her forget quickly.

In the end, it wasn’t that deep. Her feelings had come and gone quickly, like a game of make-believe. The months they spent together were happy because he knew how to coax and pamper her. After the breakup, she simply complained that Zheng Qijun was a scoundrel, venting her frustrations but never truly confronting him.

“Zheng Qijun, do you actually like me, or are you just unwilling to let go?” Yi Siling smiled, deciding not to leave and to clarify things with him.

Leaning against the railing, the cold wind cooling the warmth from the alcohol in her body, she continued, “You’re not indispensable to me. I’m already engaged. If you keep causing a scene, it reflects poorly on everyone. Aren’t you the one who cares most about appearances?”

Zheng Qijun was resolute and certain, “I understand now, Yi Siling. I can’t live without you. Prestige doesn’t matter.”

Yi Siling frowned, feeling a mix of anger and amusement. “…You should listen to what you just said.”

“I know what I said.”

“What’s so good about the Xie family? It’s far away, and how much suffering would you endure if you married into it? Have you thought about that?” Zheng Qijun grew more agitated as he spoke, his voice getting louder, loud enough for Xie Xunzhi to hear clearly even through the glass door.

Before Xie Xunzhi arrived at the terrace, he had already searched for Yi Siling in the vast nightclub for ten minutes.

She didn’t answer calls or messages, essentially in a semi-disconnected state. After searching for a while, it turned out she was here, sorting things out with her ex-boyfriend.

Xie Xunzhi thought this girl was impressive. It seemed all the sweet talk from last night was just a ruse, smoothly delivered as if it was second nature to her. He understood the real reason she didn’t want him to come – her ex-boyfriend’s presence would make things awkward.

Xie Xunzhi adopted an indifferent attitude, leaning against the staircase, idly twirling the wedding ring on his ring finger. The platinum ring caught traces of light in the dimly lit staircase.

“You got engaged just two months after we broke up, Yi Siling. You have no conscience!” It turned out they had only broken up with their ex two months ago.

Xie Xunzhi’s motion of spinning the ring briefly halted, then resumed absentmindedly.

Yi Siling voice wasn’t as agitated, but it carried a hint of anger, “Zheng Qijun, have you no shame? Wasn’t it you who first leaked scandalous news? The report of you entering a hotel with that model is still in my WhatsApp group chat! Do you know who sent it to me? Chen Weiqi! You really out did yourself, dating your new girlfriend at my hotel. I might as well give you an upgrade to the presidential suite, what do you think?”


Realizing his fault, Zheng Qijun sullenly lit a cigarette. He understood that his actions had given Chen Weiqi the chance to mock Yi Siling. He didn’t blame her for being upset with him.

“I was wrong, truly wrong, baby…”

Yi Siling interrupted, “Zheng Qijun, I find you quite amusing.”

Zheng Qijun also found himself ridiculous, but despite that, he preferred being laughed at than suffocated. “I just don’t understand why you agreed to get engaged to that Xie person. A northerner. How many people do you know in Beijing? Are you really going to marry and move there? I used to think you were quite smart, but now I think you’ve lost your mind!”

Yi Siling remained silent, gazing into the distance where tonight, there were no stars or moon in the sky.

Zheng Qijun was right. She didn’t know many people in Beijing but agreed to marry Xie Xunzhi. This path seemed uncertain now, with no clear outcome in sight. Who knew if this choice was ultimately good or bad?

Maybe it would turn out well. Perhaps it would even be better than marrying Zheng Qijun. Marriage was a gamble for any woman, with no guarantees, unless she chose not to marry. Yet, not marrying meant being kicked out of the family by her father.

“Do you know how precious you are to me? When you were in Macau, at three in the morning, you wanted the special water from home, and I got up to drive and deliver it to you. Could that Xie person do the same? Could he tolerate your various moods repeatedly? I’ve investigated him; he’s not at all the type you like! He’s a workaholic, older, and there’s a generation gap between you. Does he know how to comfort you, pamper you, and make you happy like I do?”

This implies, “I’m the only one who knows how to comfort you, pamper you, and make you happy.”

Unable to listen any longer, Xie Xunzhi, who prided himself on his composure, also couldn’t bear to hear more. Looking around the dim staircase and glancing at the wedding ring on his finger, he couldn’t quite understand why he was hiding in this corner, eavesdropping.

He wasn’t the one who couldn’t face others or avoid the situation that needed to be avoided.

The motion of spinning the ring stopped. Xie Xunzhi crossed the final step, then openly pushed open the glass door.

Yi Siling was about to say something but, sensing the door opening, she gripped the railing tightly. She was afraid it might be a friend coming in to smoke. If they caught her with Zheng Qijun here, it wouldn’t look good, especially if Xie Xunzhi heard about it.

The next moment, a tall and imposing figure entered her field of vision. The man walked in with broad shoulders and long legs, dressed in a khaki trench coat, black casual pants, a white shirt, exuding a powerful aura, with a stoic and stern face.

After recognizing the man’s profile, her mind momentarily went blank. Her ex, who she broke up with two months ago, was causing trouble, and now her fiancé, who she was to marry in two months, had shown up?

Unaware of Yi Siling unease, Zheng Qijun, in a different tone, began to express his affection, “I really like you. You like me too. We should be the ones getting married…”

“…Shut up! I don’t like you at all!” Yi Siling wanted nothing more than to slap Zheng Qijun.

What was he blabbering about for no reason at all!

Xie Xunzhi had walked a few steps behind Zheng Qijun, stopping in his tracks. He looked at Yi Siling with a faint, intriguing smile.

Yi Siling couldn’t decipher the meaning behind his smile.

Zheng Qijun: …, I-“

Before Zheng Qijun could continue, Xie Xunzhi, a few steps away, interjected directly. In the dim light of the night, he gazed straight into Yi Siling eyes and asked, “Wife, what does baby mean?” -!

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