Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 24

Chapter 24

He called her his wife.

Did he call me his wife?

Yi Siling took a breath of cold air, petrified in place, falling into deep silence.
Zheng Qijun only realized someone behind him, feeling a chill down his spine. He turned around, meeting Xie Xunzhi’s cold gaze.

Men have possessiveness, possessiveness leads to beastliness, this is a flaw hidden in men’s bones. The stronger the man, the stronger this beastliness, no matter how elegant and noble the appearance is disguised.

Xie Xunzhi indifferently withdrew his gaze, walked to Yi Siling’s side, and raised his hand to hold her waist.

In the moment he embraced her, Yi Siling’s pupils slightly dilated, scattered.
Zheng Qijun stared at Xie Xunzhi’s hand on Yi Siling’s waist, his expression somewhat stiff. This is Yi Siling’s fiancé, the man who is going to marry Yi Siling.

He tightened his grip on the pipe.

This was Zheng Qijun’s first time seeing Xie Xunzhi. He had the detective investigate but couldn’t find Xie Xunzhi’s photo. He thought this man was either ugly or flawed, but the reality was completely different.

Xie Xunzhi didn’t exert force, just lightly and naturally placed his hand on Yi Siling’s waist. However, it was obvious that the woman had suspicions in her heart. When he touched her, she dodged for a moment.

So he forcefully held on, gripping tightly.

“Wife, is this your friend?”

Xie Xunzhi remained unfazed, calling her for the second time.
This shameless old man! But the truth was, Yi Siling still felt her heart racing and her waist weakening when he called her. His clean and faint fragrance from the windbreaker filled her breath, like falling into an inescapable net.
She pursed her lips, not wanting to be distracted at this moment, and dryly said, “Former blind date.”

Zheng Qijun: “Former fiancé.”

“You really know how to praise yourself! When did I ever discuss marriage with you!” Yi Siling glared fiercely.

She understood now, Zheng Qijun wanted to go down with her. If he wasn’t happy, he would drag her along to be unhappy.

She glanced at Xie Xunzhi from the corner of her eye, feeling somewhat guilty for some reason.

Xie Xunzhi remained calm as usual, smiling faintly, “I’ve heard from my father-in-law that Siling’s ex was a lively and likable boy. Seeing him today, he proved me that he’s right.”

The pipe in Zheng Qijun’s hand broke in the middle, and a spark burned his fingertip, which he quickly extinguished. This man named Xie mocked him for being childish, frivolous, and lacking in seriousness.

He was only three years older than him, yet being called a boy undoubtedly hit a man’s sore spot.

Yi Siling almost burst out laughing, while Xie Xunzhi looked serious. Why was he so cutting?

Zheng Qijun held the cigarette in his palm, feeling soul-crushed by Xie Xunzhi’s words. He abandoned the superficial charm he usually used in social circles, coldly sneering, “Xie, at least Yi Siling liked me. We loved freely. And you? You’re just a blind date arranged by your family. Do you know what she likes to eat, drink, which brand of high heels she prefers, what designer jewelry she wears, her favorite color, and how to comfort her when she’s upset?”

“Do you know!?”

Xie Xunzhi remained silent, his expression so indifferent that no clues could be discerned. Zheng Qijun also didn’t know if he hit a nerve. All he knew was that he couldn’t win Yi Siling’s love, and neither could anyone else.

“You not knowing is fine, because Yi Siling will never like you. You are not her cup of tea! You—”

“Zheng Qijun! I told you to shut up! Who I like is none of your business!” Yi Siling coldly interrupted him.

Yi Siling couldn’t bear it anymore. Even if she didn’t like Xie Xunzhi, he was her approved fiancé, her person. She couldn’t stand by and watch him being provoked.

She could bully Xie Xunzhi, but others had no right.
Moreover, not liking someone didn’t mean she disliked them.

Xie Xunzhi understood that she was defending him, but he didn’t want her to speak up for him. Subconsciously, he held her tighter in his arms.

He lowered his gaze, then looked directly at Zheng Qijun, the height difference giving his gaze a hint of superiority.

Calm and imposing, he said, “I know she is the most delicate and challenging flower in the world. Since this flower has chosen me, I will take good care of her.”

Pausing for a moment, he glanced at the woman in his arms, “As for this flower’s thoughts, I won’t inquire, and there’s no need for others to worry about it.”

Yi Siling’s heart skipped a beat, she looked up hesitantly, her clear eyes somewhat dazed. In her eyes, his profile was blurred and overlapped.
The wind, from an unknown direction, ruffled the waves surging in her heart.
What did he mean?

Before she could think, he suddenly released her waist and instead held her hand, rubbing her warm palm with his dry thumb a few times. Very casually.
Zheng Qijun was momentarily speechless, silenced by Xie Xunzhi’s words that seemed to retreat yet advance, showing tolerance and even indulgence. The scene before him was glaring.

Their interlocked hands and the ring on the ring finger. Yi Siling would never wear such a cheap ring, so that was a pair of rings.

Zheng Qijun felt his heart plummet into an abyss, a sense of unbearable discomfort and suffocation.

Before that argument, they had talked about going to choose rings. Just because of his momentary temper and desire to win, he lost her.

 If he hadn’t deliberately argued with Yi Siling, hadn’t insisted on winning, and hadn’t shown his spoiled side, would he be the one marrying Yi Siling?
“Shall we go?” Xie Xunzhi asked.

Yi Siling nodded, letting him lead her forward.
Zheng Qijun watched them walk away and couldn’t hold back, calling out, “Yi Siling, if I had apologized and backed down that time, could we have made it to the end?”

Yi Siling stopped in her tracks, the man beside her also stopped.
“Zheng Qijun, even without that argument, we wouldn’t have made it to the end. Because our personalities are not compatible.”

Her voice was cold, and Xie Xunzhi rarely heard her speak without any emotion. Most of the time, she spoke in a coquettish or haughty tone, or when she was angry.

But now, she was simply indifferent.

“Don’t come looking for me again. If you wish me well, I can still remember your good traits. Just don’t make me dislike you.”

Zheng Qijun didn’t linger any longer.

At the moment Yi Siling said she didn’t like him that much, all his strength was drained.

It was only now that he realized he couldn’t go back. Going crazy like this, he had nothing to gain except a complete defeat to the man who could openly hold Yi Siling’s hand.

Xie Xunzhi’s grip tightened as he held her hand, unsure where to take her.
Returning from the terrace to indoors, the night grew darker, the atmosphere more lively, the electronic music beats pounding like a small hammer on the heart.

Thump, thump, thump.

Yi Siling felt very awkward, the sweat in her palm becoming stickier and more uncomfortable, but he held on tightly.

“Let go of me,” she flicked his hand away.

Xie Xunzhi glanced at her but didn’t release her hand, maintaining the standoff. Yi Siling didn’t quite understand his intentions at the moment. Despite the loud noise around her, she felt a silent panic in her heart.

He remained silent, exuding a cold and profound aura.
It was understandable for him to be angry and unhappy, given the recent embarrassing situation.

As a man of high status and influence, he was always revered wherever he went, yet Zheng Qijun had dared to challenge him, pointing fingers at him in such a childish and provocative way, talking about emotions and love. It was almost laughable to think about.

But he couldn’t blame her. She couldn’t control her ex-boyfriend’s behavior.
Being driven to distraction by Zheng Qijun before their marriage was even finalized, causing such unpleasantness, was not what she had intended.
Yi Siling didn’t want to feel wronged, but as soon as she thought about it, she felt very aggrieved, lowering her gaze and softly saying, “Xie Xunzhi, let go of me.”

Xie Xunzhi looked at her with a pitiful yet stubborn expression, her teeth biting her lip slightly, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol.

After a moment of silence, he sighed.

Casually pushing open the nearby empty private room door, Xie Xunzhi led her inside, closing the heavy soundproof door behind them. The outside noise abruptly ceased, and the world fell silent.

As the door closed, Yi Siling was about to push it open, but Xie Xunzhi stopped her, his voice low, “Accompany me for a smoke. Just three minutes, okay?”

The corridor and the ground-floor lounge area didn’t allow smoking; one had to go to the smoking room. However, smoking was permitted in the VIP private rooms, equipped with a full set of air filtration and ventilation systems.

Yi Siling was puzzled, “I thought you didn’t smoke?”

Since she had known him, she had never seen him smoke. His car, his coat, his aura—all devoid of any scent of smoke, just a faint, lingering scent of agarwood.

Xie Xunzhi shrugged, “I don’t usually smoke.” Normally, he might have a few puffs of a non-addictive cigar, but at this moment, he needed nicotine in his lungs.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, grabbed it from his car before coming here. He had a feeling he might need to offer someone a smoke in such a setting, hence the preparation. Handing out cigarettes was something he hadn’t done in many years, not since his early twenties when he was new to the business scene. His position now didn’t require him to offer cigarettes proactively.

However, most of the people here were her friends, and he couldn’t appear too aloof. It was about giving her face, which also meant giving her friends face, right?

He hadn’t expected this pack of cigarettes was for himself.
He had cigarettes but forgot to bring a lighter.

Luckily, everything was available in the VIP room. There was a sobering-up kit, wine glasses, an ice bucket, playing cards, a cigar cutter, a lighter, matches… He walked over, bent down, and lit a match.

A quick “swish,” the match struck against the box, instantaneously igniting a spark at his fingertips.

Xie Xunzhi took a drag of the cigarette and leaned in.
Under the play of light and shadow, the rich warm hues spread over his indifferent face, the darkness in his eyes blurry like the tide.

The atmosphere was like the smoke swirling around him, morphing into abstract shapes. The room only had ambient wall lights on, dimming the view.

While the outside was lively, here felt like the depths of the ocean.
Neither of them sat down; Xie Xunzhi stood smoking. Yi Siling leaned against the wall, her backless golden dress bold and striking, revealing a pair of butterfly bones against the crystal tiles, a chilling sight.

Yi Siling rarely felt uncomfortable and time seemed to drag on endlessly. She could only pass the time by playing with her fingernails.
Why did three minutes feel so long?

Occasionally, she glanced at the cigarette burning only a short length, then saw his well-proportioned and slender finger bones, resembling solitary bamboo stems.

She hummed softly and continued to admire her newly done nail art.
“What do you like to eat?” he suddenly asked in a hoarse voice, his gaze shifting over.

Yi Siling paused, casually responding, “Oh, a lot of things. Grouper, Wagyu beef, Basque cheesecake with taro, coconut chicken… There are too many, I can’t list them all at once.”

Xie Xunzhi took a deep drag of his cigarette, exhaling slowly, his eyes shrouded in an unyielding mist.

“And what do you like to drink?”

“Unsweetened taro milk tea and milk-added English breakfast tea.”

“What brand of high heels do you like to wear?”

“……” Yi Siling sighed, “Reneloblahnik is not bad, but it has to be a custom design. I don’t like the mass-market options.”

Xie Xunzhi flicked the ash off his cigarette, “Which jewelry designer do you like?”

At this point, Yi Siling couldn’t stay calm anymore. She knew what he was getting at. Zheng Qijun’s words had struck a nerve with him, or else he wouldn’t be acting like this.

She pinched her fingertips, walked over, and looked at him firmly, “Xie Xunzhi, you don’t need to pay too much attention to what Zheng Qijun said.

He’s just trying to provoke you. If you take it seriously, you’ve already lost.
Taking it seriously meant losing.

But Xie Xunzhi had never lost, not when he wasn’t serious, and certainly not when he was.

Xie Xunzhi narrowed his eyes, “It has nothing to do with him; it’s just something I want to know.”

She tilted her head, “I like the expensive ones.

 “I like all the expensive ones.”

Xie Xunzhi smiled, but the mist in his eyes continued to condense, “What colors?”

“Red. Purple. Gold.”

Yes, they suited her. Red was intense, purple was magnificent, and gold was luxurious—all precious colors.

Xie Xunzhi held the cigarette holder between his index and thumb, took a drag, then extinguished it in the ashtray.

As the smoke billowed out, obscuring his handsome features, he remained expressionless, giving off a somewhat cold aura.

He gazed at her without blinking, then suddenly, he grabbed her wrist.
A surge of electricity traveled from her pulse, rushing to her heart. Wide-eyed, she instinctively tried to pull away, but he pulled her onto his lap.

“Xie Xunzhi!” she angrily called out his full name.

Xie Xunzhi wrapped his arm around her waist, preventing her from breaking free, leaning in closer. His deep eyes reflected a hint of intense struggle.
Yi Siling’s heart raced, her tone helpless and anxious, “What are you trying to do?”

She felt a bit embarrassed, wanting to comfort him, which was why she wasted time accompanying him to smoke, but that didn’t mean he could bully her like this.

Xie Xunzhi: “One last question. How do you want to be comforted when you’re angry?”

His breath, mixed with the bitter scent of tobacco, intertwined with the alluring scent of her perfume around her neck. Yi Siling’s breathing grew lighter, her heart beating more fiercely, her eyes slightly dazed, her cheeks flushing from the ambiguous atmosphere.

“…I don’t know,” she forced herself to stay calm.

“Are you angry now?” Xie Xunzhi circled her waist tightly.

“…No!” Yi Siling responded.

“In the end,” he tightened his grip around her waist.

“…Xie Xunzhi.” Yi Siling grunted, unable to catch her breath as he held her, her hands pushing against his shoulders with all her might, but her efforts were futile, causing her hands to ache.

She had to relent, gritting her teeth as she warned, “I am angry now.”

Xie Xunzhi’s palm pressed against her slender back, his expression calm, “I thought so.”

He was shameless!

Yi Siling felt uncomfortably hot and incredibly wronged. She fiercely pounded his shoulder blades, “Xie Xunzhi, what are you doing!”

“You tell me how to comfort you when you’re angry.”

“Whatever I say, you listen.” Her eyes were red with anger, “Listen to everything I say, that’s how you comfort me.”

Xie Xunzhi gazed at her flushed face, incredibly beautiful, like a delicate and hard-to-please flower.

He wanted to care for this flower.

As for whether the caretaker of the flower would ever come to love this flower, or if the flower would come to love the caretaker, he thought he wouldn’t ponder on such matters.

But at this moment, his emotions surged, not something a cigarette could calm.

In fact, he thought about many things—

This flower once had another caretaker, who knew what sunlight she liked, what nutrients she preferred, what humidity she thrived in, and what kind of breeze she enjoyed—gentle spring breezes, soothing summer breezes, cool autumn breezes.

Would this flower occasionally miss the previous caretaker, compare the current caretaker to the former one, and draw conclusions?

They had argued heatedly, broken up due to a cold war, but they had also held hands, embraced, and kissed. They had loved each other.

His heart cracked amid a series of haunting questions, his rationality slipping away, feeling like a different person. Definitely not Xie Xunzhi.

“We loved freely. What about you?”

This sentence was the most piercing that night.
Xie Xunzhi’s eyes darkened, staring at her slightly trembling lips, soft petals that had been touched by others.

Had others kissed her? What did it taste like? Sweet, sour, or intoxicating?
He knew he shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts—dark, ungentlemanly, dishonest, even dirty.

Yet, a gentleman couldn’t always control his thoughts with impeccable integrity, especially when faced with someone like Yi Siling, part enchantress, part beauty.

Even now, she looked at him pitifully, accusing him of being unreasonable.
What reason was there to listen to her?

Emotions swirled in their chests, and suddenly his palm pressed firmly against her back, pushing her closer, their noses lightly touching. Their breaths clashed, collided, merged within a hair’s breadth.

Yi Siling’s eyes widened, gripping his collar in confusion, swallowing hard as her breath seemed to disappear.
This was a position perfect for kissing; a slight movement would bring their lips together.
Yi Siling dared not move, fearing that if she did, she might end up kissing him, which would be embarrassing.
But she forgot that she could also lean back.
In the dim halo of light, his gaze was deep, as if a huge mouth was slowly opening.

“Do you like this?” Xie Xunzhi asked calmly and indifferently.
Yi Siling’s mind went blank.

“…Don’t like it…?

“But you liked it before.”

Xie Xunzhi’s voice was low, his breath warm and clean, with a hint of residual tobacco, yet it sent a cold shiver down one’s spine. The air between them moved slowly, thickly.

In reality, Xie Xunzhi had observed Zheng Qijun from head to toe. So, this was the type of person Yi Siling had liked before—good-looking, charming, with a hint of a rebellious streak, appearing playful and able to sweet-talk her.

She liked this kind of person. Quite ordinary.
Yi Siling didn’t know what he was up to, her heart in turmoil. She even felt that if he kissed her at that moment, she would accept it, anything was better than this lingering uncertainty.

She thought he was going to kiss her, they were so close.
Yi Siling broke down, “What on earth are you doing?”

Xie Xunzhi wasn’t going crazy.

He chuckled, then restrainedly moved his palm up to the back of her neck, his voice slow and seductive, with a hint of depth, whispering into her ear, “I think he’s quite ordinary.”


He must be out of his mind. Yi Siling felt dizzy.

“Miss Siling, in the future, keep your eyes open and don’t like average men.”


Yi Siling was so angry she wanted to bite him.
Xie Xunzhi didn’t intend to bully her, but seeing her like this made him feel relieved. Finally relaxing his grip and taking a step back, just as Yi Siling thought his madness had ended, he made a sudden move, cupping her face and kissing her.

After a long and winding path, the battle finally advanced to the last stronghold.

Yi Siling’s breath froze in her lungs, her eyes widened, and her hand at her side clenched tightly.

She never expected him to kiss her again, especially not in such a sudden and intense manner.

With a soft tongue and firm teeth, he devoured her.
He was much more intense than she had imagined.
Restrained, fierce, exuding an indescribable sensuality.
For a man so restrained, his kiss was surprisingly passionate.

Chapter 24

He called her his wife.

Did he call me his wife?

Yi Siling took a breath of cold air, petrified in place, falling into deep silence.
Zheng Qijun only realized someone behind him, feeling a chill down his spine. He turned around, meeting Xie Xunzhi’s cold gaze.

Men have possessiveness, possessiveness leads to beastliness, this is a flaw hidden in men’s bones. The stronger the man, the stronger this beastliness, no matter how elegant and noble the appearance is disguised.

Xie Xunzhi indifferently withdrew his gaze, walked to Yi Siling’s side, and raised his hand to hold her waist.

In the moment he embraced her, Yi Siling’s pupils slightly dilated, scattered.
Zheng Qijun stared at Xie Xunzhi’s hand on Yi Siling’s waist, his expression somewhat stiff. This is Yi Siling’s fiancé, the man who is going to marry Yi Siling.

He tightened his grip on the pipe.

This was Zheng Qijun’s first time seeing Xie Xunzhi. He had the detective investigate but couldn’t find Xie Xunzhi’s photo. He thought this man was either ugly or flawed, but the reality was completely different.

Xie Xunzhi didn’t exert force, just lightly and naturally placed his hand on Yi Siling’s waist. However, it was obvious that the woman had suspicions in her heart. When he touched her, she dodged for a moment.

So he forcefully held on, gripping tightly.

“Wife, is this your friend?”

Xie Xunzhi remained unfazed, calling her for the second time.
This shameless old man! But the truth was, Yi Siling still felt her heart racing and her waist weakening when he called her. His clean and faint fragrance from the windbreaker filled her breath, like falling into an inescapable net.
She pursed her lips, not wanting to be distracted at this moment, and dryly said, “Former blind date.”

Zheng Qijun: “Former fiancé.”

“You really know how to praise yourself! When did I ever discuss marriage with you!” Yi Siling glared fiercely.

She understood now, Zheng Qijun wanted to go down with her. If he wasn’t happy, he would drag her along to be unhappy.

She glanced at Xie Xunzhi from the corner of her eye, feeling somewhat guilty for some reason.

Xie Xunzhi remained calm as usual, smiling faintly, “I’ve heard from my father-in-law that Siling’s ex was a lively and likable boy. Seeing him today, he proved me that he’s right.”

The pipe in Zheng Qijun’s hand broke in the middle, and a spark burned his fingertip, which he quickly extinguished. This man named Xie mocked him for being childish, frivolous, and lacking in seriousness.

He was only three years older than him, yet being called a boy undoubtedly hit a man’s sore spot.

Yi Siling almost burst out laughing, while Xie Xunzhi looked serious. Why was he so cutting?

Zheng Qijun held the cigarette in his palm, feeling soul-crushed by Xie Xunzhi’s words. He abandoned the superficial charm he usually used in social circles, coldly sneering, “Xie, at least Yi Siling liked me. We loved freely. And you? You’re just a blind date arranged by your family. Do you know what she likes to eat, drink, which brand of high heels she prefers, what designer jewelry she wears, her favorite color, and how to comfort her when she’s upset?”

“Do you know!?”

Xie Xunzhi remained silent, his expression so indifferent that no clues could be discerned. Zheng Qijun also didn’t know if he hit a nerve. All he knew was that he couldn’t win Yi Siling’s love, and neither could anyone else.

“You not knowing is fine, because Yi Siling will never like you. You are not her cup of tea! You—”

“Zheng Qijun! I told you to shut up! Who I like is none of your business!” Yi Siling coldly interrupted him.

Yi Siling couldn’t bear it anymore. Even if she didn’t like Xie Xunzhi, he was her approved fiancé, her person. She couldn’t stand by and watch him being provoked.

She could bully Xie Xunzhi, but others had no right.
Moreover, not liking someone didn’t mean she disliked them.

Xie Xunzhi understood that she was defending him, but he didn’t want her to speak up for him. Subconsciously, he held her tighter in his arms.

He lowered his gaze, then looked directly at Zheng Qijun, the height difference giving his gaze a hint of superiority.

Calm and imposing, he said, “I know she is the most delicate and challenging flower in the world. Since this flower has chosen me, I will take good care of her.”

Pausing for a moment, he glanced at the woman in his arms, “As for this flower’s thoughts, I won’t inquire, and there’s no need for others to worry about it.”

Yi Siling’s heart skipped a beat, she looked up hesitantly, her clear eyes somewhat dazed. In her eyes, his profile was blurred and overlapped.
The wind, from an unknown direction, ruffled the waves surging in her heart.
What did he mean?

Before she could think, he suddenly released her waist and instead held her hand, rubbing her warm palm with his dry thumb a few times. Very casually.
Zheng Qijun was momentarily speechless, silenced by Xie Xunzhi’s words that seemed to retreat yet advance, showing tolerance and even indulgence. The scene before him was glaring.

Their interlocked hands and the ring on the ring finger. Yi Siling would never wear such a cheap ring, so that was a pair of rings.

Zheng Qijun felt his heart plummet into an abyss, a sense of unbearable discomfort and suffocation.

Before that argument, they had talked about going to choose rings. Just because of his momentary temper and desire to win, he lost her.

 If he hadn’t deliberately argued with Yi Siling, hadn’t insisted on winning, and hadn’t shown his spoiled side, would he be the one marrying Yi Siling?
“Shall we go?” Xie Xunzhi asked.

Yi Siling nodded, letting him lead her forward.
Zheng Qijun watched them walk away and couldn’t hold back, calling out, “Yi Siling, if I had apologized and backed down that time, could we have made it to the end?”

Yi Siling stopped in her tracks, the man beside her also stopped.
“Zheng Qijun, even without that argument, we wouldn’t have made it to the end. Because our personalities are not compatible.”

Her voice was cold, and Xie Xunzhi rarely heard her speak without any emotion. Most of the time, she spoke in a coquettish or haughty tone, or when she was angry.

But now, she was simply indifferent.

“Don’t come looking for me again. If you wish me well, I can still remember your good traits. Just don’t make me dislike you.”

Zheng Qijun didn’t linger any longer.

At the moment Yi Siling said she didn’t like him that much, all his strength was drained.

It was only now that he realized he couldn’t go back. Going crazy like this, he had nothing to gain except a complete defeat to the man who could openly hold Yi Siling’s hand.

Xie Xunzhi’s grip tightened as he held her hand, unsure where to take her.
Returning from the terrace to indoors, the night grew darker, the atmosphere more lively, the electronic music beats pounding like a small hammer on the heart.

Thump, thump, thump.

Yi Siling felt very awkward, the sweat in her palm becoming stickier and more uncomfortable, but he held on tightly.

“Let go of me,” she flicked his hand away.

Xie Xunzhi glanced at her but didn’t release her hand, maintaining the standoff. Yi Siling didn’t quite understand his intentions at the moment. Despite the loud noise around her, she felt a silent panic in her heart.

He remained silent, exuding a cold and profound aura.
It was understandable for him to be angry and unhappy, given the recent embarrassing situation.

As a man of high status and influence, he was always revered wherever he went, yet Zheng Qijun had dared to challenge him, pointing fingers at him in such a childish and provocative way, talking about emotions and love. It was almost laughable to think about.

But he couldn’t blame her. She couldn’t control her ex-boyfriend’s behavior.
Being driven to distraction by Zheng Qijun before their marriage was even finalized, causing such unpleasantness, was not what she had intended.
Yi Siling didn’t want to feel wronged, but as soon as she thought about it, she felt very aggrieved, lowering her gaze and softly saying, “Xie Xunzhi, let go of me.”

Xie Xunzhi looked at her with a pitiful yet stubborn expression, her teeth biting her lip slightly, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol.

After a moment of silence, he sighed.

Casually pushing open the nearby empty private room door, Xie Xunzhi led her inside, closing the heavy soundproof door behind them. The outside noise abruptly ceased, and the world fell silent.

As the door closed, Yi Siling was about to push it open, but Xie Xunzhi stopped her, his voice low, “Accompany me for a smoke. Just three minutes, okay?”

The corridor and the ground-floor lounge area didn’t allow smoking; one had to go to the smoking room. However, smoking was permitted in the VIP private rooms, equipped with a full set of air filtration and ventilation systems.

Yi Siling was puzzled, “I thought you didn’t smoke?”

Since she had known him, she had never seen him smoke. His car, his coat, his aura—all devoid of any scent of smoke, just a faint, lingering scent of agarwood.

Xie Xunzhi shrugged, “I don’t usually smoke.” Normally, he might have a few puffs of a non-addictive cigar, but at this moment, he needed nicotine in his lungs.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, grabbed it from his car before coming here. He had a feeling he might need to offer someone a smoke in such a setting, hence the preparation. Handing out cigarettes was something he hadn’t done in many years, not since his early twenties when he was new to the business scene. His position now didn’t require him to offer cigarettes proactively.

However, most of the people here were her friends, and he couldn’t appear too aloof. It was about giving her face, which also meant giving her friends face, right?

He hadn’t expected this pack of cigarettes was for himself.
He had cigarettes but forgot to bring a lighter.

Luckily, everything was available in the VIP room. There was a sobering-up kit, wine glasses, an ice bucket, playing cards, a cigar cutter, a lighter, matches… He walked over, bent down, and lit a match.

A quick “swish,” the match struck against the box, instantaneously igniting a spark at his fingertips.

Xie Xunzhi took a drag of the cigarette and leaned in.
Under the play of light and shadow, the rich warm hues spread over his indifferent face, the darkness in his eyes blurry like the tide.

The atmosphere was like the smoke swirling around him, morphing into abstract shapes. The room only had ambient wall lights on, dimming the view.

While the outside was lively, here felt like the depths of the ocean.
Neither of them sat down; Xie Xunzhi stood smoking. Yi Siling leaned against the wall, her backless golden dress bold and striking, revealing a pair of butterfly bones against the crystal tiles, a chilling sight.

Yi Siling rarely felt uncomfortable and time seemed to drag on endlessly. She could only pass the time by playing with her fingernails.
Why did three minutes feel so long?

Occasionally, she glanced at the cigarette burning only a short length, then saw his well-proportioned and slender finger bones, resembling solitary bamboo stems.

She hummed softly and continued to admire her newly done nail art.
“What do you like to eat?” he suddenly asked in a hoarse voice, his gaze shifting over.

Yi Siling paused, casually responding, “Oh, a lot of things. Grouper, Wagyu beef, Basque cheesecake with taro, coconut chicken… There are too many, I can’t list them all at once.”

Xie Xunzhi took a deep drag of his cigarette, exhaling slowly, his eyes shrouded in an unyielding mist.

“And what do you like to drink?”

“Unsweetened taro milk tea and milk-added English breakfast tea.”

“What brand of high heels do you like to wear?”

“……” Yi Siling sighed, “Reneloblahnik is not bad, but it has to be a custom design. I don’t like the mass-market options.”

Xie Xunzhi flicked the ash off his cigarette, “Which jewelry designer do you like?”

At this point, Yi Siling couldn’t stay calm anymore. She knew what he was getting at. Zheng Qijun’s words had struck a nerve with him, or else he wouldn’t be acting like this.

She pinched her fingertips, walked over, and looked at him firmly, “Xie Xunzhi, you don’t need to pay too much attention to what Zheng Qijun said.

He’s just trying to provoke you. If you take it seriously, you’ve already lost.
Taking it seriously meant losing.

But Xie Xunzhi had never lost, not when he wasn’t serious, and certainly not when he was.

Xie Xunzhi narrowed his eyes, “It has nothing to do with him; it’s just something I want to know.”

She tilted her head, “I like the expensive ones.

 “I like all the expensive ones.”

Xie Xunzhi smiled, but the mist in his eyes continued to condense, “What colors?”

“Red. Purple. Gold.”

Yes, they suited her. Red was intense, purple was magnificent, and gold was luxurious—all precious colors.

Xie Xunzhi held the cigarette holder between his index and thumb, took a drag, then extinguished it in the ashtray.

As the smoke billowed out, obscuring his handsome features, he remained expressionless, giving off a somewhat cold aura.

He gazed at her without blinking, then suddenly, he grabbed her wrist.
A surge of electricity traveled from her pulse, rushing to her heart. Wide-eyed, she instinctively tried to pull away, but he pulled her onto his lap.

“Xie Xunzhi!” she angrily called out his full name.

Xie Xunzhi wrapped his arm around her waist, preventing her from breaking free, leaning in closer. His deep eyes reflected a hint of intense struggle.
Yi Siling’s heart raced, her tone helpless and anxious, “What are you trying to do?”

She felt a bit embarrassed, wanting to comfort him, which was why she wasted time accompanying him to smoke, but that didn’t mean he could bully her like this.

Xie Xunzhi: “One last question. How do you want to be comforted when you’re angry?”

His breath, mixed with the bitter scent of tobacco, intertwined with the alluring scent of her perfume around her neck. Yi Siling’s breathing grew lighter, her heart beating more fiercely, her eyes slightly dazed, her cheeks flushing from the ambiguous atmosphere.

“…I don’t know,” she forced herself to stay calm.

“Are you angry now?” Xie Xunzhi circled her waist tightly.

“…No!” Yi Siling responded.

“In the end,” he tightened his grip around her waist.

“…Xie Xunzhi.” Yi Siling grunted, unable to catch her breath as he held her, her hands pushing against his shoulders with all her might, but her efforts were futile, causing her hands to ache.

She had to relent, gritting her teeth as she warned, “I am angry now.”

Xie Xunzhi’s palm pressed against her slender back, his expression calm, “I thought so.”

He was shameless!

Yi Siling felt uncomfortably hot and incredibly wronged. She fiercely pounded his shoulder blades, “Xie Xunzhi, what are you doing!”

“You tell me how to comfort you when you’re angry.”

“Whatever I say, you listen.” Her eyes were red with anger, “Listen to everything I say, that’s how you comfort me.”

Xie Xunzhi gazed at her flushed face, incredibly beautiful, like a delicate and hard-to-please flower.

He wanted to care for this flower.

As for whether the caretaker of the flower would ever come to love this flower, or if the flower would come to love the caretaker, he thought he wouldn’t ponder on such matters.

But at this moment, his emotions surged, not something a cigarette could calm.

In fact, he thought about many things—

This flower once had another caretaker, who knew what sunlight she liked, what nutrients she preferred, what humidity she thrived in, and what kind of breeze she enjoyed—gentle spring breezes, soothing summer breezes, cool autumn breezes.

Would this flower occasionally miss the previous caretaker, compare the current caretaker to the former one, and draw conclusions?

They had argued heatedly, broken up due to a cold war, but they had also held hands, embraced, and kissed. They had loved each other.

His heart cracked amid a series of haunting questions, his rationality slipping away, feeling like a different person. Definitely not Xie Xunzhi.

“We loved freely. What about you?”

This sentence was the most piercing that night.
Xie Xunzhi’s eyes darkened, staring at her slightly trembling lips, soft petals that had been touched by others.

Had others kissed her? What did it taste like? Sweet, sour, or intoxicating?
He knew he shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts—dark, ungentlemanly, dishonest, even dirty.

Yet, a gentleman couldn’t always control his thoughts with impeccable integrity, especially when faced with someone like Yi Siling, part enchantress, part beauty.

Even now, she looked at him pitifully, accusing him of being unreasonable.
What reason was there to listen to her?

Emotions swirled in their chests, and suddenly his palm pressed firmly against her back, pushing her closer, their noses lightly touching. Their breaths clashed, collided, merged within a hair’s breadth.

Yi Siling’s eyes widened, gripping his collar in confusion, swallowing hard as her breath seemed to disappear.
This was a position perfect for kissing; a slight movement would bring their lips together.
Yi Siling dared not move, fearing that if she did, she might end up kissing him, which would be embarrassing.
But she forgot that she could also lean back.
In the dim halo of light, his gaze was deep, as if a huge mouth was slowly opening.

“Do you like this?” Xie Xunzhi asked calmly and indifferently.
Yi Siling’s mind went blank.

“…Don’t like it…?

“But you liked it before.”

Xie Xunzhi’s voice was low, his breath warm and clean, with a hint of residual tobacco, yet it sent a cold shiver down one’s spine. The air between them moved slowly, thickly.

In reality, Xie Xunzhi had observed Zheng Qijun from head to toe. So, this was the type of person Yi Siling had liked before—good-looking, charming, with a hint of a rebellious streak, appearing playful and able to sweet-talk her.

She liked this kind of person. Quite ordinary.
Yi Siling didn’t know what he was up to, her heart in turmoil. She even felt that if he kissed her at that moment, she would accept it, anything was better than this lingering uncertainty.

She thought he was going to kiss her, they were so close.
Yi Siling broke down, “What on earth are you doing?”

Xie Xunzhi wasn’t going crazy.

He chuckled, then restrainedly moved his palm up to the back of her neck, his voice slow and seductive, with a hint of depth, whispering into her ear, “I think he’s quite ordinary.”


He must be out of his mind. Yi Siling felt dizzy.

“Miss Siling, in the future, keep your eyes open and don’t like average men.”


Yi Siling was so angry she wanted to bite him.
Xie Xunzhi didn’t intend to bully her, but seeing her like this made him feel relieved. Finally relaxing his grip and taking a step back, just as Yi Siling thought his madness had ended, he made a sudden move, cupping her face and kissing her.

After a long and winding path, the battle finally advanced to the last stronghold.

Yi Siling’s breath froze in her lungs, her eyes widened, and her hand at her side clenched tightly.

She never expected him to kiss her again, especially not in such a sudden and intense manner.

With a soft tongue and firm teeth, he devoured her.
He was much more intense than she had imagined.
Restrained, fierce, exuding an indescribable sensuality.
For a man so restrained, his kiss was surprisingly passionate.

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