Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Iron Pot

In this brick factory, it’s better not to let Feng Yi stay here!

When Jiang Liyun said this, everyone around was stunned, and Xie Zugen was especially incredulous.

Jiang Liyun knew that Xie Zugen must be very angry now, but she didn’t look at him. Instead, she looked at Feng Yi besides her.

While talking to Xie Zugen earlier, she had been paying attention to Feng Yi.

When Xie Zugen came out with sarcastic remarks, asking if she was going to be in a relationship with Feng Yi, Feng Yi was at a loss for words, seemingly wanting to say something.

When Xie Zugen said she had “no shame,” Feng Yi was furious, ready to rush up and hit Xie Zugen.

Of course, he didn’t rush up; he froze.

The previously angry Feng Yi now stood still like a wooden post, not moving a muscle, not even turning his eyes.

Jiang Liyun couldn’t help but laugh.

The day Jiang Liyun was reborn, she went to the brick factory to find Feng Yi, intending to be in a relationship with him.

She always did what she wanted to do immediately.

At that time, because Feng Yi looked too young, she didn’t rush to explain to him. But after these days of getting along, she had confirmed one thing.

Feng Yi liked her.

Just like Feng Yi said in his previous life, he had liked her a long time ago.

So, starting a relationship now was not impossible, especially since Feng Yi was already an adult.

Although men under twenty-two couldn’t get a marriage certificate now, rural areas cared more about holding a wedding banquet. If they held a banquet, it would be considered a marriage. Men of Feng Yi’s age did get married by holding banquets.

At most, they wouldn’t get a birth permit. In this era of strict family planning, without a birth permit, they couldn’t have children.

Originally, Jiang Liyun planned to go with the flow, develop feelings with Feng Yi first, and then talk about being in a relationship. But with Xie Zugen suddenly jumping out and questioning her reputation, seeing Feng Yi’s reaction…

If she didn’t do something, Feng Yi would definitely fight with Xie Zugen.

When things escalated… Feng Yi could leave the brick factory job and follow her, but her brother still had to work at the brick factory!

Thinking like this, Jiang Liyun glanced again at her brother, Jiang Lihai, who was also holding an enamel cup and standing still.

Xie Zugen was the first to come back to his senses: “This is impossible; you’re talking nonsense!”

How could Jiang Liyun be in a relationship with Feng Yi?

If Jiang Liyun was in a relationship with Feng Yi, did that mean he couldn’t compare to Feng Yi?

Jiang Liyun turned to Feng Yi: “Feng Yi, tell me, are we in a relationship?”

Feng Yi’s whole being was already out of this world; he hadn’t heard Jiang Liyun’s words clearly.

Jiang Liyun reached out and pinched his arm. “Do you want to be in a relationship with me?”

Feng Yi only woke up at this moment and immediately said, “Yes, I do.”
He definitely wants to be in a relationship with Jiang Liyun! Very, very much!

But is this too sudden?

Feng Yi doubted if he was dreaming and couldn’t help but smile at Jiang Liyun.

Jiang Liyun smiled back.

Talking about being in a relationship and pinching arms—this was just like a cute couple!

Jiang Liyun is really in a relationship with Feng Yi!

There’s a group of people around witnessing his embarrassment!

Xie Zugen was furious: “No shame!”

After saying that, he turned and ran.

The brick factory was full of bricks, and he didn’t pay attention to the road while running, tripping, and almost falling.

Meanwhile, Jiang Lihai suddenly stood up and asked Jiang Liyun, “Are you two in a relationship? Why didn’t I know?”

As he spoke, a piece of dumpling didn’t completely go down his throat, and somehow, a small piece entered his windpipe, causing him to cough uncontrollably.

Jiang Liyun said, “Brother, we see each other every day. If it’s not a relationship, then what is it?”

This was true, but Jiang Lihai’s mind was in chaos.

He always thought Jiang Liyun was always with Feng Yi because Feng Yi was easily fooled and she needed his help.

But thinking about it carefully, if she only needed Feng Yi’s help, there was no need to take a stroll with him in the snail bay every day.

So… Were they really in a relationship?

He used to sympathize with Feng Yi, and now Feng Yi is in a relationship with his sister?

Jiang Lihai coughed incessantly.

Jiang Liyun looked at Feng Yi and said, “Quick, eat. The food will get cold if you don’t.”

“Oh…” Feng Yi responded and obediently sat down to eat.

At this moment, Wang Datou, who was eating nearby, asked Jiang Liyun, “Li Yun, are you really in a relationship with Feng Yi?”

“Yes.” Jiang Liyun smiled as she answered.

Wang Datou found it unbelievable, and the other brick factory workers eating nearby were also puzzled.

Mainly because Feng Yi’s conditions were really poor!

“Feng Yi is currently quite absent-minded, not thinking about anything.

Today, when he first saw Jiang Liyun, he was very nervous. It’s lunchtime, and he hasn’t showered, looking dirty all over.

He’s afraid Jiang Liyun would be disgusted.

But when he realized his dumplings were more than Jiang Lihai’s, he felt extremely happy.

When they were kids, if Jiang Liping or Jiang Lihai asked Jiang Liyun for something to eat and she gave it to him instead, he would be delighted. It’s the same now.

Then Xie Zugen arrived.

He was a bit worried.

Although he knew from Jiang Lihai that Jiang Liyun didn’t plan to be with Xie Zugen, he was well aware that Xie Zugen had much better conditions, at least much better than him.

He was worried that Jiang Liyun might change her mind and want to be with Xie Zugen again.

However, to his surprise, Xie Zugen actually spoke ill of Jiang Liyun!

Feng Yi got angry instantly, but at that moment, Jiang Liyun announced they were officially dating!

Feng Yi couldn’t help but laugh while sipping his soup, and then he noticed Jiang Lihai glaring at him from across the table.

Feng Yi started laughing at Jiang Lihai.

By now, Jiang Lihai had stopped coughing. He just couldn’t figure it out.

Jiang Liyun is quite money-minded; how could she be interested in Feng Yi?

“Feng Yi, try the pan-fried dumplings I made. See if they’re good,” Jiang Liyun said again.

Previously, just as Feng Yi was about to eat dumplings, Xie Zugen arrived, and he didn’t get to taste any.

Upon hearing Jiang Liyun’s words, Feng Yi immediately picked up a dumpling with his chopsticks and took a bite.

The bottom of the dumpling was crispy, the skin on top was resilient, and the filling was rich with oil.

Feng Yi exclaimed, ‘Li Yun sister, this is the most delicious thing I’ve ever had in my life!’

Jiang Liyun is always delighted when she sees Feng Yi acting foolishly, and she started laughing again.

“Feng Yi, is it really that good? Let us taste it!”

“Yes, you’re dating now; you should treat us.”

“What is this? Little buns? Feng Yi, give me one to taste!”

Feng Yi instinctively held onto his cup tightly.

Jiang Liyun said, ‘These are pan-fried dumplings. I brought only a few today, so I can’t treat everyone. I’ll make more another day and bring them over.’

It’s said in books that parents shouldn’t force children to share things they like with other kids. Since Feng Yi likes these dumplings, let him enjoy them, but she’ll make more next time to share with everyone.”

“No need; we were just chatting,” Wang Datou quickly responded. Although he had joined the teasing earlier, he felt awkward about eating the pan-fried dumplings made by Jiang Liyun.

With many people here, Jiang Liyun would need to make a lot for everyone, and that would cost a significant amount of money.

“I do want them, but I haven’t bought the suitable pan yet. We have to wait for the pan to arrive first,” Jiang Liyun explained. “Using our own cast-iron pan for pan-frying dumplings isn’t convenient; I can only make a few at a time, and it’s too much trouble.”

“Li Yun, are you buying a cast-iron pan specifically for making pan-fried dumplings?” Wang Datou asked.

“Yes, I plan to sell pan-fried dumplings in the town, doing a small business.” Jiang Liyun shared her intention to sell pan-fried dumplings in the town.

With many people in the brick and tile factory, if they spread the word, there might be people in town interested in buying her pan-fried dumplings.

At this time, entertainment options were limited, and one of the favourite activities for rural people was “going shopping,” which meant visiting the town.

They enjoyed buying inexpensive things they hadn’t seen before. Jiang Liyun planned to sell her pan-fried dumplings for one cent each—not too cheap but still affordable, and surely many would be willing to try them.

Thinking about this, Jiang Liyun added, “Uncle Wang, these pan-fried dumplings have a recipe from the north-east. I learned it from a Northeasterner I met when the factory went to the provincial capital to sell sofas. He taught me the method, and it took me many attempts to master it.”

Actually, pan-fried dumplings are found everywhere, but since she wants to sell them, she can give them a catchy name. For people in the South during this time, the North-east is considered good, and being far away… Saying that the pan-fried dumplings are from the North-east would make them more appealing.

“From the North-east?” Wang Datou originally wanted to try the pan-fried dumplings, and now he was even more eager to taste them.

Others asked, “How much will you sell the pan-fried dumplings for?”

Jiang Liyun replied, “I plan to sell them for one cent each.”

One cent per dumpling wasn’t expensive, considering it contained meat and was pan-fried. The pig’s blood soup in their factory costs two cents a bowl!

Of course, the pig’s blood soup in their factory is a bit expensive, but the factory doesn’t charge for steaming rice.

Jiang Liyun is experienced in business; in her previous life, she had a stall and chatted with old customers. In town, they all did business with familiar faces. If she didn’t treat people kindly, others wouldn’t come to her to buy things from her.

Now, she gets along well with the people from the brick and tile factory.

Wang Datou and others marvelled at Jiang Liyun’s adept manner of speaking; she didn’t seem like a young girl. However, considering that in recent years it’s been Jiang Liyun managing the Jiang family, they understood.

Observing Feng Yi, who was happily eating pan-fried dumplings and casting occasional glances at Jiang Liyun with joy in his eyes, it was quite amusing to see him behave like a contented son-in-law.

As they chatted, someone ran over from a distance, exclaiming, “The boat from the provincial capital is back!”

Feng Yi, still a bit disoriented, didn’t react much to this news. However, Jiang Liyun remembered something: “Feng Yi, take me to see if the cast-iron pots have been bought.”

Feng Yi had asked Sun Jinshan to help purchase a large flat cast-iron pot, and he wasn’t sure if it had been acquired.

“Okay, okay,” Feng Yi quickly got up.

He had already finished the rice and pig’s blood soup, and he had only eaten three dumplings; he didn’t want to eat more. Now, his priority was to take Jiang Liyun to get the cast-iron pot!

Once Jiang Liyun had the cast-iron pot, she could take him to set up a stall!

The two quickly arrived at the brick and tile factory’s pier.

The boat had already docked, and people were using long wooden planks to connect the boat and the pier for walking. Here, they called this type of wooden plank a “gangplank.”

The gangplank was narrow, and those accustomed to it could carry bricks and walk on it easily. However, Jiang Liyun took one look and decided she couldn’t walk on it.

Although she hesitated, Feng Yi, carrying a porcelain cup filled with dumplings, went up without any hesitation, calling out, “Brother Sun, Brother Sun, did you buy the cast-iron pot for me?”

Sun Jinshan, wearing a floral shirt and bell-bottom pants, still had meticulously combed hair. Although he had some connections with the factory leadership, they weren’t deep. After going out with the boat, he did all kinds of labour, like moving bricks, just like everyone else, and got dusty while working.

However, as they approached the brick and tile factory, he specifically bathed, washed his hair, and changed into new clothes.

“Don’t come over,” Sun Jinshan reached out, signalling the dirty Feng Yi not to get close. “I bought the cast-iron pot. If the size you wanted wasn’t available, I bought a slightly larger one and a slightly smaller one. You can choose one and take it. I’ll keep the rest for myself.”

Sun Jinshan had been considering resigning from the brick and tile factory and going into business. The income from the factory’s transportation team was indeed high, but it was quite strenuous, and the earnings were just enough to get by but not enough to get wealthy.

In the city, some people had become prosperous by doing business, and Sun Jinshan also wanted to make money.

He thought about selling food at a stall, and even if he didn’t go, he could have his family members go.

With one coal stove and one cast-iron pot, he could sell pancakes in town without much cost, which was great.

Feng Yi soon saw the two flat cast-iron pots. He stacked them together, placed his porcelain cup in one of the pots, and then carried the cast-iron pots to the pier.

Jiang Liyun quickly spotted the two cast-iron pots.

The smaller one has a diameter of about forty centimetres, and the larger one should be around sixty centimeters. Both pots are exceptionally well-crafted—large, thick, and the kind that can last a hundred years with proper care.

“I’ll take both of these pots,” Jiang Liyun said, lifting her head to see Sun Jinshan, holding up the legs of his bell-bottom pants, coming down from the gangplank.

After descending and seeing the ground covered in dust, Sun Jinshan hesitated for a moment but still didn’t let go of his pants legs, holding them up with both hands.

Jiang Liyun thought, “SuSun Jinshan’s bell-bottom pants are a bit long, even dragging on the ground, and coupled with the oversized pant legs… If he doesn’t hold them up while walking, he might trip on his own pants.

And then his pants would quickly become dirty.

She didn’t expect Sun Jinshan to be like this.

Jiang Liyun knew about Sun Jinshan. His life had been quite tough.

In her previous life, in the late 1980s, Sun Jinshan resigned from the brick and tile factory and started various small businesses. However, he didn’t succeed. It was around that time because their country was developing rapidly and there was an increasing demand for various goods in big cities.

During this period, running a shipping business was quite profitable.

At that time, someone bought a boat and engaged in transportation on rivers, earning twenty thousand yuan in a year.

Sun Jinshan, with experience in running boats from the brick and tile factory, took out all his savings, borrowed money from relatives and friends, and then partnered with someone to buy a boat. He helped transport goods for people, such as from their brick and tile factory to a cement factory in the city and vice versa.

This could indeed make money, but people had been poor for too long during this era. Once there was a way to make money, everyone would rush to do it.

Running boats like Sun Jinshan became more common, reducing the amount of money he could earn. His time spent outside, running the boat, also increased.

One time, after going out, he never came back.

It was said that he had a conflict with someone on the river, got stabbed, and was pushed into the river.

At that time, Jiang Liyun had just divorced Xie Zugen, feeling physically and mentally exhausted. While many were gossiping about her and Xie Zugen, Sun Jinshan died. After that, no one talked about her and Xie Zugen; they all discussed Sun Jinshan.

When Sun Jinshan died, he hadn’t gotten married yet, which was really a pity.

During this time, domestic steel production was not high, and if you compared the prices of cast-iron pots to wages, they were much more expensive than in the future.

Even so, the prices weren’t too high. Jiang Liyun decided to take both pots.

Feng Yi, now a bit calmer, immediately asked Sun Jinshan, “Brother Sun, how much for these two cast-iron pots?”

Sun Jinshan replied, “Twenty-two yuan for both.”

“I’ll go get the money for you,” Feng Yi immediately said and ran out to get the money.

At this moment, Sun Jinshan has a clear view of Jiang Liyun. He let go of the pant leg he was holding, ran his hand through his hair styled with hair mousse, and made what he thought was a charming gesture. “And who are you?”

“I’m Jiang Liyun. Thank you for helping me buy the cast-iron pot.” Jiang Liyun smiled.

“You’re Jiang Liyun?” Sun Jinshan looked at Jiang Liyun in surprise.

This is Jiang Liyun, the sister who rejected Xie Zugen’s advances.

Good taste!

“Listening to Feng Yi, you bought the cast-iron pot to set up a stall?” Sun Jinshan asked.

“Yes, I want to sell pan-fried dumplings at a stall,” Jiang Liyun replied.

“What if no one buys them?” Sun Jinshan inquired.

“Then I’ll sell something else,” Jiang Liyun answered.

Sun Jinshan had always planned to resign and start a business, but everyone had previously advised him to stay at the brick and tile factory.

After meeting someone who also wanted to do business, the two became more enthusiastic as they chatted.

Sun Jinshan said, “I’ve inquired about some information. Setting up a stall in the city is very profitable. Some people, by setting up stalls, can earn forty to fifty yuan in a day!”

“There are many people in the city, and there are many buyers.”

“True, we have fewer people here.” As they chatted, Sun Jinshan’s fondness for Jiang Liyun grew.

He had always wanted to date a beautiful person, and Jiang Liyun was very beautiful!

Unable to resist, Sun Jinshan asked, “Jiang Liyun, do you have a boyfriend?”

Just as Feng Yi returned and heard this question, he immediately said, “Yes! I’m her boyfriend!”

After saying this, Feng Yi looked at Sun Jinshan with an unfriendly expression.

Sun Jinshan said, “…”

Jiang Liyun couldn’t help but laugh, patting Feng Yi’s head.

The dust dispersed, and the previously aggressive Feng Yi immediately became well-behaved, looking apologetically at Jiang Liyun. “Sister Liyun…”

Jiang Liyun looked at Sun Jinshan and said, “Feng Yi and I are dating.”

Sun Jinshan commented, “I see… no wonder he suddenly became willing to spend money on a haircut.”

Feng Yi handed the money to Sun Jinshan, and Jiang Liyun, looking at the two large cast-iron pots, said to Feng Yi, “Feng Yi, take a day off and escort me home.”

With just these two pots, she couldn’t carry them!

“Okay!” Feng Yi agreed readily and immediately went to request a day off.

Meanwhile, Jiang Liyun went to find Jiang Lihai. “Brother, a few days ago, did Xie Zugen cause trouble for you?”

Ever since hearing that Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi were dating, Jiang Lihai has been feeling uncomfortable.

He felt that Feng Yi was not a suitable candidate for marriage.

Jiang Lihai felt that his sister should find a well-off family; someone like Xie Zugen or Feng Yi wasn’t suitable. Feng Yi acted like a child!

But he didn’t know how to tell Jiang Liyun. She never listened to him, and he felt like he might come across as looking down on the less fortunate.

While struggling with his inner thoughts, Jiang Lihai heard his sister’s question and immediately complained, “He caused trouble for us! He kept watching us all the time!”

Jiang Lihai vented his frustrations.

Jiang Liyun knew that rejecting Xie Zugen might upset him, but she didn’t expect him to secretly cause trouble. In her previous life, Xie Zugen only dared to criticise potential marriage candidates within the family.

However, most of Xie Zugen’s previous candidates came

1 comment
  1. jess has spoken 7 months ago

    thanks for updating.
    the ending of this chapter is cut off, it’s kinda hanging there not knowing if there’s more thank just this one sentence


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