Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Morning Market

After finishing work today, Feng Yi swiftly went to the cafeteria, grabbed two portions of rice in his aluminum lunchbox, and left the brick and tile factory. He waited on the road leading from their village to the factory for Jiang Liyun.

He didn’t want Jiang Liyun to go to the factory, hoping she wouldn’t encounter Xie Zugen or face ridicule from the people at the brick and tile factory.

At that moment, he was torn inside, feeling no hunger and forgetting about his own meal, the rice in his lunchbox still tucked under his arm.

After a couple of bites of chicken leg, Feng Yi took out the aluminum lunchbox and porcelain spoon from under his arm.

Eating rice with the chicken leg, he found it especially delicious.

As for the fact that he had put the lunchbox filled with scalding hot rice under his arm, burning his body… That didn’t matter much.

“Haven’t you eaten yet?” Jiang Liyun glanced at him, seeing Feng Yi hadn’t served himself and feeling a bit sorry for him.

If it were Feng Laoda or Feng Laoer working at the brick and tile factory, Feng Laotou would at least leave them with twenty yuan for expenses, and maybe even more. But when it came to Feng Yi, he only gave him ten yuan.

Moreover, over the past few years, while prices went up, the money Feng Yi received didn’t increase at all.

“I was in a hurry to see you,” Feng Yi said.

Jiang Liyun smiled. “Then I’ll come to see you tomorrow.”

Talking could wait for another round trip, which would take about two hours.

It wasn’t a short time, but she could spare it.

She really enjoyed walking and could use the time to clear her mind and contemplate her future.

“Sister Liyun, I’ll go back to the village to see you,” Feng Yi suggested. “I don’t have anything urgent to do anyway.”

He didn’t know why Jiang Liyun didn’t mention Xie Zugen, but that was a good thing for him, as he wouldn’t bring it up himself.

Jiang Liyun thought for a moment and finally said, “Let’s meet at Snail Bay tomorrow.”

Snail Bay was between the brick-and-tile factory and their village, allowing them to take a shorter route.

They couldn’t let Feng Yi return to the village; who knows if his family would stop him and make him work?

“There are more people at Snail Bay.” Feng Yi expressed some concern.

Jiang Liyun replied, “What’s wrong with more people?”

Having more people around might lead to misunderstandings if someone sees them. Feng Yi initially planned to sneak back to the village, find a secluded spot, and wait for Jiang Liyun to come looking for him. However, since Jiang Liyun suggested Snail Bay, he agreed, saying, “Alright, we’ll meet at Snail Bay then.”

“That’s settled then, and the scenery there is quite nice,” Jiang Liyun remarked. Snail Bay was a bend in the river here, and the brick and tile factory had excavated a lot of mud from this area in earlier years, forming a shallow beach now covered with water chestnut plants.

Combined with reeds, trees along the riverbank, and bamboo groves, the place was very beautiful. Local young people often strolled there after finding a romantic partner.

In her past life, she had walked around with Xie Zugen, and in this life, she planned to be with Feng Yi so they could explore the area together.

As the sky darkened, Jiang Liyun, seeing that Feng Yi had finished his chicken leg and rice, said, “I’m heading back.”

Her family had dinner quite early, but her trip took some time, and now it was getting late.

In this fertile coastal plain with a dense rural population, and considering everyone knew each other, public safety was good, and walking at night wasn’t likely to encounter any trouble.

However, she didn’t like walking alone at night.

“I’ll walk you home,” Feng Yi immediately offered.

“No need; you go rest,” Jiang Liyun declined.

As they were talking, they noticed a few people walking towards them. Feng Yi quickly moved to the side of the road, but Jiang Liyun remained motionless, smiling at Feng Yi. He instantly distanced himself as if she were a contagious virus, avoiding her when there was no one around!

Little did he know that in her past life, Feng Yi loved to be close and affectionate with her.

“Liyun?” a voice called out, and Jiang Liyun then noticed that one of the approaching individuals was her brother, Jiang Lihai.

“Brother,” Jiang Liyun greeted.

“Why are you here?” Jiang Lihai asked, looking at Feng Yi with suspicion.

“I came to see Feng Yi,” Jiang Liyun replied openly.

Jiang Lihai didn’t believe his sister’s words. He thought Jiang Liyun couldn’t possibly be here to see Feng Yi; she must be trying to enquire about Xie Zugen.

Ever since he learned about Jiang Liyun meeting Xie Zugen during the day, Jiang Lihai has been conflicted. He couldn’t do anything for Xie Zugen and could only simmer in his own frustration.

After dinner, he thought it over and decided to go home to talk to his sister, persuading her not to be with Xie Zugen.

However, with an outsider present, Jiang Lihai said, “Liyun, it’s getting late. Let’s head back quickly.”

He finished speaking and pulled Jiang Liyun’s arm, urging her to leave.

Jiang Liyun waved at Feng Yi and followed Jiang Lihai.

Originally accompanying Jiang Lihai were a few colleagues from the brick and tile factory. They exchanged meaningful glances and intentionally slowed their pace.

They had wanted to gossip with Feng Yi, but he quickly left, and they didn’t get a chance to say anything.

After walking a short distance, Jiang Lihai began expressing his thoughts, criticizing Xie Zugen: “That Xie Zugen is not a good person, always relying on his father to bully others, not working but still getting paid…”

Jiang Liyun listened, smiling, and said, “I know.”

Jiang Lihai continued, “Then why did you go on a blind date with him? You shouldn’t marry someone like him!”

“It was just colleagues pulling me to chat with him. I didn’t plan to marry him,” Jiang Liyun explained.

In her past life, she chose to marry Xie Zugen for a better life, but in this life, she wouldn’t make the same mistake.

“Why did you come to the brick and tile factory today? You came twice!” Jiang Lihai asked.

Jiang Liyun didn’t hesitate: “To find Feng Yi! Both times!”

Jiang Lihai paused, realizing that his sister had indeed come to the factory twice, both times to see Feng Yi.

If Feng Yi were replaced with someone else, Jiang Lihai would surely assume that his sister was dating someone. However, Feng Yi… He had been his sister’s shadow since childhood, and he was still quite young.

Jiang Lihai didn’t think too much about it but subconsciously asked, “What do you want with him?”

Jiang Liyun replied, “I want to start a small business and need his help.”

She didn’t mind people knowing that she and Feng Yi were involved, but she wasn’t close enough to her brother to share everything.

Moreover, her brother… Who knew if he would hold a grudge against Feng Yi if she revealed too much? Her brother didn’t like Xie Zugen, so he probably wouldn’t favour Feng Yi either. In fact, he might even prefer Xie Zugen a bit.

In her past life, when she started getting close to Xie Zugen, Jiang Lihai wasn’t pleased, but apart from expressing dissatisfaction with Xie Zugen in front of her, he didn’t do anything. After she married Xie Zugen, Jiang Lihai benefited from Xie Zugen’s connections and got a position on the transportation team. He didn’t say much after that.

Jiang Lihai spoke ill of Xie Zugen to let his sister know that Xie Zugen was not a suitable match.

However, his sister didn’t seem to care about Xie Zugen at all, giving him the feeling of punching cotton.

Jiang Liyun added, “Brother, if Xie Zugen asks you, just tell him I’m not currently looking for a partner.”

Jiang Liyun strongly disliked Xie Zugen, but at this stage, she didn’t intend to escalate the conflict.

Xie Zugen’s father had influential connections, and she couldn’t compete with that. Besides, at this point, Xie Zugen hadn’t done anything to harm her.

Instead of getting entangled with Xie Zugen, she thought it would be better to focus on earning money to improve her life.

Jiang Lihai was momentarily at a loss for words. He had a vague sense that things shouldn’t be like this.

Jiang Liyun asked, “Brother, are you going home?”

Thinking that going back home would mean sharing a room with his parents, Jiang Lihai suddenly didn’t want to go. “I’ll go back to the brick and tile factory.”

Previously, when he had a romantic interest, he was mocked for being so old but still sharing a room with his parents. Just as he expected… Jiang Liyun waved at Jiang Lihai and went home.

When Jiang Liyun returned home, Jiang Lamei and Jiang Liyu, her sisters, were still awake.

Seeing her come back, Wu Xiaochun spoke softly, “It’s getting late; you should all go to bed.”

Jiang Liyun, along with Jiang Liyu, went to their room to sleep. Before, the three sisters shared one room, with Jiang Liping having one bed and Jiang Liyun and Jiang Liyu sharing another. Now that Jiang Liping was married, Jiang Liyun and Jiang Liyu each had their own bed.

As Jiang Liyun lay down, she asked Jiang Liru about her experiences at school. Jiang Liyu was closest to her sister Jiang Liyun, and they chatted animatedly about many things. Jiang Liyun listened attentively, smiling, and eventually fell asleep without realizing it.

Outside the Jiang family’s house, Feng Yi, who had secretly followed, stared at the dimly lit windows for a long time before quietly leaving.

Jiang Liyun had a particularly good night’s sleep. The next morning, she woke up before dawn.

She touched her tightened skin, and once again, a strong sense of joy surged from deep within.

Turning over and getting dressed in the dark, Jiang Liyun quietly left the house.

Jiang Lamei, who had aged and slept less, was already up, cooking porridge in the kitchen.

Jiang Liyun whispered, “Dad, I have something to do in town. I won’t have breakfast.”

“Okay,” Jiang Lamei responded.

Jiang Liyun smiled, stepped on the dew-covered ground, and left the house.

Their area had a dense population, and there was a considerable demand for goods, leading to a daily morning market.

Whether in the commune or the town, there was a morning market. Jiang Liyun was heading to the town’s morning market.

The town near her home was called Jiucun Town, named after a small river with nine twists and eighteen turns that flowed through it.

The present Jiucun Town is much smaller than it was when Jiang Liyun passed away in her previous life.

Every morning before dawn, local farmers and some residents set up various stalls along the town’s largest street, forming the morning market.


The sound of bicycle bells and people bargaining blended together, creating a bustling atmosphere.

Jiang Liyun found it quite familiar.

In her past life, she had also set up a stall here, earning a few cents or dollars.

Back then, she had little knowledge and sold very ordinary things, so she didn’t make much money.

But this life was different.

Jiang Liyun paid special attention to the breakfast shops or stalls.

There were state-owned breakfast shops in the town, bustling with activity as people came and went, selling noodles, buns, fried dough sticks, and steamed buns.

After private businesses were allowed in the 1980s, some people made buns themselves to sell at the morning market. They placed the buns in foam boxes, covered them with quilts, and kept calling out, “Buns, fragrant meat buns, three for one yuan!”

Looking around the entire morning market, Jiang Liyun didn’t see anyone selling pan-fried dumplings—not even sellers of dumplings or pan-fried buns!

She knew what this meant.

But she still had things to take care of, like buying a flat-bottomed pan.

She couldn’t find the one she wanted in town.

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