Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Haircut

Feng Yi lifted the towel and glanced at the enamel cup, then, after a while, couldn’t resist lifting it again.

Every time he looked, his mood improved a bit.

Jiang Lihai, sitting on the neighbouring bed with a book but lacking the concentration to read, unconsciously noticed Feng Yi’s actions.

What’s going on with Feng Yi? Is he feeling the stirrings of spring?

Jiang Lihai didn’t enjoy playing cards; even though he was at the brick and tile factory, he always felt different from the rough workers there.

While others played cards at night, he would read a book. He had read “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” countless times, and its corners were curled.

But his favourite activity was listening to martial arts stories on the radio.

In the factory, a young man had saved up to buy a radio. Every evening, he would listen for a long time, and Jiang Lihai would join him.

In fact, Feng Yi would also listen along. Even the card players would stop when the radio host began telling stories at nine in the evening, lying quietly and attentively.

Lately, they had all been falling asleep listening to stories.

Seeing it was past eight, a middle-aged man wearing a cotton shirt with several holes tossed his cards onto the wooden plank they used as a table and said, “It’s getting late; let’s call it a night.”

“Wang Datou, you’ve won quite a bit this time, so it’s your treat!” others chimed in.

Wang Datou frowned. “I’ve only won a little, and you want me to treat you guys!”

“Then let’s continue playing. If you win a bit more, you’ll have to treat us.” Everyone spoke, urging Wang Datou to continue.

Wang Datou was in good luck today, but the money he won didn’t reach ten yuan. Originally, he wanted to quit while ahead and pocket his winnings, but everyone caught him and wouldn’t let him leave.

From the pile of bills he won, Wang Datou counted out five yuan and asked Feng Yi to buy cigarettes and fried peanuts.

Feng Yi was pleasantly surprised, took the money, and rushed out.

Wang Datou couldn’t help but laugh. “This guy must be craving peanuts.”

When it came to tasks, Feng Yi was generally motivated by money or food, but they didn’t mind.

Getting Feng Yi to do things was reliable.

For instance, when it came to paying someone to run errands, they had tried others, but none were as effective as Feng Yi.

They knew what was going on in their hearts.

After Feng Yi left, everyone went about their own activities—washing feet, arranging blankets, and some counting the scattered bills in front of them—to determine their winnings or losses.

Jiang Lihai, already unable to concentrate, became even more absent-minded at this moment. Seeing Feng Yi’s cup covered with a towel by the bedside, he absentmindedly lifted it.

Under the towel was an enamel cup with the words “Qiaotou Village Sofa Factory” printed on it.

Many households in their village had such enamel cups, but Feng Yi didn’t know many people.

Could this cup be from his second sister?

What did his second sister give to Feng Yi?

Jiang Lihai instinctively lifted the cup cover and found pickled vegetables inside.

Pickled vegetables… Well, that’s alright.

Wait a minute, considering Feng Yi’s earlier behaviour…

Jiang Lihai thoughtfully put the cup’s cover back, then covered it with the towel.

Feng Yi returned quickly, carrying eight packs of cigarettes and a large bag of fried peanuts.

The cigarettes were fifty cents a pack, the cheapest with a filter. He estimated the peanuts cost a yuan.

Wang Datou took the cigarettes, distributed them to those who lost money to him, and asked them to bring bowls to collect the peanuts from Feng Yi.

Seeing this, Feng Yi quickly grabbed his own bowl and went over.

Wang Datou scooped out a small portion of peanuts for him. Feng Yi took it happily, planning to give it to Jiang Liyun to eat tomorrow.

But when he returned to his bed, his heart skipped a beat.

Someone had touched the towel he used to cover the cup!

Feng Yi glanced at Jiang Lihai, feeling inexplicably guilty.

Jiang Lihai, seeing Feng Yi’s guilty expression, became more convinced of his suspicions.

He has someone he likes, and Feng Yi is acting like this… Could it be that Feng Yi has feelings for his sister?

Jiang Lihai scrutinised Feng Yi and asked directly, “Why did Liyun send you pickled vegetables?”

After thinking for a moment, Feng Yi replied, “Liyun sister wants to buy a pot—a large flat-bottomed iron pot.”

Jiang Lihai asked, “Isn’t that pot expensive? Does she have money?” He only gives half of his salary to his family and still struggles financially by the end of the month. Jiang Liyun likely hands over most of her money to the family, so she might not have enough to spare.

Feng Yi immediately said, “I have money!”

Jiang Lihai, initially a bit dissatisfied with Feng Yi, felt only sympathy upon hearing this.

Jiang Lihai had some understanding of his two sisters.

Jiang Liping, needless to say, was solely driven by the pursuit of money.

Jiang Liyun was a bit better, but also pragmatic. He had a friend who really liked Jiang Liyun and wanted to be in a relationship with her. After mentioning it to Jiang Liyun, she straightforwardly said that his friend’s family was poor and she wasn’t interested.

No matter how poor his friend was, he was still better off than Feng Yi. Jiang Liyun wouldn’t consider marrying Feng Yi.

On the other hand, Feng Yi was genuinely devoted to Jiang Liyun.

However, Jiang Liyun probably wouldn’t take advantage of Feng Yi’s money. She had principles and treated Feng Yi quite well.

In the past, she had climbed trees to pick jujubes and preferred giving them to Feng Yi rather than her elder brother.

Jiang Lihai sighed, feeling a bit sorry for both himself and Feng Yi.

Oh, his brother, who liked Jiang Liyun, was also pitiful.

But why wouldn’t his sister marry Xie Zugen?

Jiang Lihai went to talk to Jiang Liyun last night, hoping to persuade her not to marry Xie Zugen. However, when Jiang Liyun genuinely said she wouldn’t marry him, he became conflicted.

He suddenly realised that if Jiang Liyun were to be with Xie Zugen, he might be able to join the transportation team.

His salary would increase, and he could earn more through the transportation team.

If Jiang Liyun rejected Xie Zugen… Would Xie Zugen cause trouble for him?

Jiang Lihai wrestled with these thoughts throughout the day, even avoiding Xie Zugen. Fortunately, Xie Zugen didn’t approach him.

Feng Yi, worried that Jiang Lihai would scold him, was surprised when Jiang Lihai suddenly fell silent. He glanced at Jiang Lihai and quietly put away the fried peanuts.

In the past, he would have shared some with Jiang Lihai, but now… These were for Jiang Liyun!

The next day, Jiang Liyun went to town early as usual.

This time, she didn’t go to the morning market but wandered around the residential area.

She needed a coal stove, preferably a three-eyed one, for sufficient firepower to make pan-fried dumplings.

Buying a new one was a bit expensive, so she explored to see if there were any second-hand ones for sale.

At this point, the living standards in the rural areas were quite low, but people in town were much better off, some even using liquefied gas.

As a result, there were unused coal stoves available.

Jiang Liyun asked a few older ladies, inquiring about anyone selling idle coal stoves. However, she didn’t find the three-eyed one she wanted.

Buying a single-eyed stove would suffice for now, even if it meant making pan-fried dumplings a bit slower.

Jiang Liyun planned to buy a one-eyed stove first and later, when she could afford it, buy a three-eyed one. The single-eyed stove could then be used for warming buns, making tea eggs, or noodle soup—besides pan-fried dumplings, she could sell other items too!

She spent two yuan to buy a second-hand coal stove and carried it to the sofa factory for work.

Even though she had decided to start a business with a stall, she didn’t plan to quit her job immediately.

Preparations for various things take time, and during this period, she could continue working and earn some extra money.

In addition to the coal stove, she needed a vehicle to transport the stove, coal, iron pot, and various items to town.

The most suitable option was a tricycle, but tricycles weren’t cheap. She could borrow her uncle’s “pulling cart.”

A pulling cart was a frame used by farmers to pull rice or firewood. In the past, they were made of wood, but in recent years, many families have bought ones with iron frames and wooden boards in the middle, suitable for carrying things.

It required some effort to pull the cart, but it didn’t have other issues.

Jiang Liping lived in town, and Jiang Liyun could have stored her things at Jiang Liping’s place. However, she hoped Jiang Liping would leave that home and didn’t want to ask for help or owe anyone a favour.

Isn’t it just a bit tiring to pull the cart back and forth every day? A coal stove, an iron pot, and various other items didn’t weigh much altogether—much lighter than the sorghum she used to haul!

She was in good health now and feared nothing!

Jiang Liyun went to work with light and brisk steps.

When she was working on the sofa cushions, Zhang Xiaoxing, wearing a blue shirt with a new fabric edge on the cuffs and collar, approached her. “Liyun, you really don’t plan to be with Xie Zugen?”

“Yes,” Jiang Liyun affirmed.

After giving it some thought, Zhang Xiaoxing said, “Well, that’s also good.”

The Xie family was really not up to standard. It was normal for a blind date to not work out, and it wasn’t a feudal society where they must marry just because they had met. Yesterday, the Xie family got so angry and indirectly belittled Jiang Liyun…

If Jiang Liyun were to marry into such a family, she would surely be wronged.

While chatting and working, Zhang Xiaoxing couldn’t hold back any longer and said to Jiang Liyun, “Xie Zugen’s mother actually wants you to come and cook for them. Who does she think she is?”

Jiang Liyun chuckled at the remark.

This had happened in a previous life.

At that time, she was quite satisfied with the Xie family’s conditions. Not only did she speak favourably of Xie Zugen when they were getting to know each other, but she also didn’t get too angry upon learning about this matter. However, she didn’t go to the Xie family to cook.

She was satisfied with the Xie family’s conditions, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t do without Xie Zugen. Naturally, she wasn’t willing to lower her posture.

Moreover, lowering her posture might not lead to a good outcome. Jiang Liping was a cautionary tale.

Jiang Liping had genuinely liked her boyfriend since middle school, and they had been dating for several years. Though her affection might have stemmed from the boyfriend’s wealthy family, during those years, Jiang Liping often went to his house, helping with household chores and cooking.

The more she behaved like this, the more her family looked down on her. They even claimed externally that Jiang Liping was their hired maid.

To completely get rid of Jiang Liping, they had even moved away from town.

As Jiang Liyun chatted with Zhang Xiaoxing while working, she learned more about her colleagues at the sofa factory.

On the other side, at the brick and tile factory, Xie Zugen was furious.

Jiang Liyun actually rejected him, which was a great humiliation for him.

Considering Jiang’s family’s poor conditions, his willingness to be with Jiang Liyun was giving her face. Why did Jiang Liyun have the audacity to reject him?

The key was that everyone in the brick-and-tile factory knew about Xie Zugen’s blind date with Jiang Liyun. If these people found out that Jiang Liyun wasn’t interested in him, he couldn’t imagine the ridicule he’d face!

Xie Zugen didn’t even want to go to work, but Xie’s father wouldn’t allow him to take leave.

Xie’s father was also somewhat dissatisfied with the matter of Jiang Liyun not recognising her worth, but he considered it a minor issue.

It’s not like there was only one woman in the world!

It was just that their family had high standards; otherwise, Xie Zugen would have been married long ago!

Xie’s father also believed that Jiang Liyun would regret it sooner or later. The family’s wealth was much greater than outsiders could imagine.

For this reason, Xie’s father wasn’t angry and didn’t allow Xie Zugen to take leave.

Xie Zugen had no choice but to come to the brick and tile factory. However, at this time, someone asked him, “Xie Zugen, how’s it going with Jiang Lihai’s sister?”

Xie Zugen felt a surge of anger from the depths of his heart. But immediately following, he thought of a solution. “Jiang Lihai’s sister? She looks okay, but her character isn’t good. My mum doesn’t agree with me being with her.”

If people knew that Jiang Liyun didn’t find him appealing, he would surely be ridiculed. But if it seemed like he wasn’t interested in Jiang Liyun, that would be fine!

With this in mind, Xie Zugen had a sudden moment of clarity.

His dad, after taking an interest in Jiang Liyun, inquired about her and mentioned some details about the Jiang family. Now he could confidently say, “Jiang Liyun has a sister, you know? In order to marry into town, she even went to someone else’s house to work as an unpaid maid. Now she’s married to someone with mental problems… Jiang Liyun is no different from her sister, always scheming. My mum doesn’t want me to be with her.”

People knew a bit about Jiang Liping’s situation.

She was pretty and still a junior high student, and many guys in the commune liked her. Naturally, her romantic experiences attracted some attention.

Hearing Xie Zugen’s words, everyone suddenly understood.

The more Xie Zugen spoke, the more he felt relieved. “Jiang Liyun came to my house yesterday, and my mum didn’t even let her in!”

However, at that moment, one person said, “Wait a minute. Something’s not right. Yesterday, she went to your house. How come I saw her taking a stroll with Feng Yi at the snail bay?”

Xie Zugen’s face changed from green to red.

Seeing Xie Zugen’s expression, everyone fell silent. However, they also began to doubt Xie Zugen’s words.

Jiang Liyun’s reputation in the commune had always been good, even with Jiang Liping…

Jiang Liping didn’t really do anything bad. 

As for wanting to marry into town, who wouldn’t?

At this time, Feng Yi approached the transportation team and discussed buying an iron pot.

Among the transportation team, Feng Yi had the best relationship with a young man named Sun Jinshan.

Sun Jinshan had connections with the factory manager, entered the transportation team at the age of seventeen, and is now twenty-two.

With affluent parents and no romantic interests, coupled with his sharp mind for making extra money, Sun Jinshan was financially comfortable.

Most of Feng Yi’s old clothes were purchased from him.

Currently, Sun Jinshan, in a blue polyester shirt and brown corduroy pants, has combed his hair back with mousse, revealing a forehead covered in pimples.

When Feng Yi spoke to him, Sun Jinshan even took out a small mirror and popped a pimple on his face while looking at the mirror.

“I’ve seen the kind of iron pot you’re talking about. People in the city use it for making pancakes. I’m heading out with the ship the day after tomorrow. I’ll buy it for you. Considering our familiarity, I won’t charge you for the delivery fee. Just give me twenty yuan as a deposit, and we’ll settle the rest later,” Sun Jinshan said.

“Thanks, Brother Sun,” Feng Yi said, handing twenty yuan to Sun Jinshan.

Feeling particularly good today, after discussing the pot with Sun Jinshan in the morning, Feng Yi went to the barber shop at noon, spending fifty cents on a haircut—his first time in a barber shop.

The Feng family didn’t give him money for haircuts. When he was younger, Jiang Liyun used scissors to cut his hair. At first, it wasn’t great, but later, it became acceptable.

When he joined the brick-and-tile factory, he started cutting his own hair.

For his first professional haircut, Feng Yi felt a bit uncomfortable. When the barber asked how he wanted it, he thought for a moment and said, “Shorter.”

The barber washed Feng Yi’s hair and gave him a crew cut in a few strokes.

Returning to the brick and tile factory with his new haircut, he encountered Sun Jinshan again.

Seeing Feng Yi, Sun Jinshan paused, then spoke displeasedly, “You… I should charge you for the delivery fee!”

Feng Yi looked at Sun Jinshan in confusion, not understanding.

Meanwhile, more people noticed Feng Yi: “Little Feng, after tidying up, you look quite handsome!”

“Turned into a handsome young man!”

“With your appearance, someone will definitely like you as a son-in-law!”

Brick and tile factories were full of dust, and most people were covered in dirt, including Feng Yi. He stayed in the factory every day without much attention, even dirtier than others, and being young, nobody paid much attention to Feng Yi’s appearance.

But today, with cleaned hair and a clean face and a haircut, he looked lively and cheerful. People suddenly realised he was quite handsome, just a bit too thin.

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