Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Pan-fried Dumplings

Upon hearing the praise from those around him, Feng Yi felt somewhat bewildered.

From childhood to adulthood, he was rarely praised by anyone other than Jiang Liyun.

Jiang Liyun would praise him. When his hair grew long as a child, Jiang Liyun would braid it and say he looked good. Later, when he followed Jiang Liyun to school, she also said he was smart.

But others wouldn’t praise him.

Now… Was he really handsome? Would Jiang Liyun like him?

After pondering for a while, Feng Yi approached Sun Jinshan and said, “Brother Sun, let me borrow your mirror for a moment.”

Sun Jinshan snorted and threw a palm-sized mirror from his pocket at Feng Yi.

Even with new clothes, mousse on his hair, and a wristwatch, Sun Jinshan still looked better than Feng Yi!

Fortunately, Sun Jinshan had more money than Feng Yi, which comforted him.

Holding the small mirror, Feng Yi carefully examined himself, unable to see how good-looking he was.

He felt he was too thin.

But he would definitely grow stronger!

Though the brick and tile factory seemed large, it was actually a small place. Any piece of information could quickly spread.

The failed matchmaking between Xie Zugen and Jiang Lihai’s sister, not long after, became common knowledge.

Jiang Lihai wasn’t particularly likeable in the brick and tile factory, but people didn’t dislike him either.

Xie Zugen, on the other hand, was different!

Most in the factory were ordinary workers, and they couldn’t possibly like Xie Zugen.

Xie Zugen claimed that their family didn’t approve of Jiang Liyun and said that last night, when she visited, they didn’t let her in.

But last night, Jiang Liyun was with Feng Yi!

“The day before yesterday, Jiang Liyun came to the brick and tile factory, specifically looking for Feng Yi. She didn’t mention Xie Zugen at all.”

“I saw Jiang Liyun talking with Feng Yi together the night before yesterday.”

“Last night, Jiang Liyun went to Snail Bay with Feng Yi, never even going to Xie’s house.”

“Xie Zugen still says they didn’t like Jiang Liyun. I don’t think so.”

Facing such events, people naturally became curious and approached Jiang Lihai for answers.

Jiang Lihai spent another night in turmoil, even considering advising Jiang Liyun to accept Xie Zugen.

Although Xie Zugen was lazy and had no skills, if Jiang Liyun married him, she could live a comfortable life.

The job at the sofa factory isn’t good. There was a pregnant female worker who miscarried while working there, and people say the smell there is toxic.

If Jiang Liyun marries Xie Zugen, she might be able to work at the brick and tile factory’s canteen. Not only does it offer a high salary and easy work, but she can also enjoy a good life.

Just as Jiang Lihai was figuring out how to advise Jiang Liyun, he heard that Xie Zugen was spreading negative words about Jiang Liyun and Jiang Liping, claiming that Jiang Liyun was clinging to him.

Jiang Lihai was furious. “He’s talking nonsense. My younger sister met him only once and never agreed to be with him.”

“My sister came to the brick and tile factory not to enquire about him but to seek help from Feng Yi.”

“My sister has no plans to get married for now!”

Jiang Lihai actually wanted to scold Xie Zugen, but he didn’t dare.

People in the brick and tile factory believed Jiang Lihai’s words, mainly based on Jiang Liyun’s attitude. If she was interested in someone, it was Feng Yi.

In a normal situation, everyone would think that Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi were a couple, but that wasn’t the case.

The news about Feng Yi buying an iron pot from Sun Jinshan was already known among the factory workers. Some older workers remembered Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi growing up in the factory, recalling how Jiang Liyun, a bit taller than Feng Yi, used to run around the commune with him.

Some even laughed about how Jiang Liyun used to climb their peach tree and pick peaches while Feng Yi picked them up below. After stealing the peaches, they would run away together.

Most importantly, the Feng family couldn’t afford to arrange a marriage for Feng Yi. He didn’t even have a new house. How could Jiang Liyun marry him?

It was impossible!

But some people teased Feng Yi, “Heard you went to Snail Bay with Jiang Liyun?”

Feng Yi blushed. “Li Yun sister just asked me for a favour.”

Feng Yi was quite worried. He feared that if Jiang Liyun found out that people in the brick and tile factory were talking about them, she might be upset.

Despite that, after finishing today’s work, he mustered the courage to ask someone to help him get food. After a quick cold shower, he changed into a set of clothes he got from Sun Jinshan, clothes he hadn’t worn before.

His wardrobe was limited, and the clothes he wore to meet Jiang Liyun were all summer clothes, worn for an entire summer, old and stained. However, this new set was fresh, with good fabric, just a bit short.

Sun Jinshan is a bit shorter and sturdier than Feng Yi. The summer clothes fit him just right, but the long-sleeved shirt and pants are inevitably a bit short.

Nevertheless, this is much better than before!

After the shower, Feng Yi quickly finished his meal with the pickled vegetables Jiang Liyun brought him, then grabbed the enamel cup she gave him and headed to Snail Bay.

The cup was now filled with fried peanuts.

When Jiang Liyun arrived at Snail Bay, she could see Feng Yi from a distance.

Even though Feng Yi had cut his hair and changed into new clothes, she could easily recognise him at a glance.

“Feng Yi!” Jiang Liyun called out.

“Li Yun sister,” Feng Yi saw Jiang Liyun and couldn’t help but smile.

People in this era, especially in rural areas, weren’t accustomed to praising others. They were silent and reserved, rarely expressing emotions through words.

For a long time, Jiang Liyun had been more about doing than speaking. However, in educating her child in her past life, she read many books that emphasised encouragement and praise.

Jiang Liyun said, “Feng Yi, you look really spirited with the new haircut! You’re also good-looking. In our Qiaotou Village, you’re definitely the most handsome young man.”

Feng Yi stood there, feeling dizzy, as if he had just consumed a steaming bowl of hot meat soup in the dead of winter or enjoyed an ice popsicle on a scorching summer day, but a million times more refreshing.

Li Yun’s sister thinks he’s handsome? He must maintain this!

Jiang Liyun took out another enamel cup and said, “I brought stir-fried eggs for you today. Have it.”

In factories these days, during festivals, they like to distribute enamel cups with the factory’s name on them. They had plenty of those at home.

Feng Yi stammered, “I also brought something, peanuts.”

“I really like peanuts. Let’s eat them together.” Jiang Liyun smiled.

People of their age, when they were kids, enjoyed loose sugar and jaggery as their candies. Sunflower seeds and peanuts were excellent snacks for them.

“Sure, sure.” Feng Yi nodded in a daze.

Jiang Liyun couldn’t help but laugh, reaching over to touch his hair.

Feng Yi’s hair was cut very short, standing upright like stiff bristles.

As if that wasn’t enough, Feng Yi even rubbed his head against her palm.

Jiang Liyun felt her palm tingling.

After rubbing, Feng Yi froze, but Jiang Liyun laughed again.

Young Feng Yi was indeed quite cute and, at the same time, pitiable.

Although he dressed well today, these clothes clearly don’t fit!

When she has money, she’ll definitely buy Feng Yi a few sets of new clothes.

Feng Yi initially wanted to talk to Jiang Liyun about Xie Zugen, but seeing her changed his mind.

There wasn’t much to say; Jiang Dage had already said it—Li Yun’s sister didn’t have any interest in Xie Zugen!

But if even Li Yun’s sister isn’t interested in Xie Zugen, she probably wouldn’t be interested in him either. Feng Yi wondered what Li Yun’s sister liked…

Seeing Feng Yi, Jiang Liyun’s determination to earn money strengthened.

In the following days, she gradually bought honeycomb coal, flat baskets made of bamboo for dumplings, plastic bags, spatulas, etc. Jiang Liyun even had Jiang Lame make a simple box with wooden nails, which she would use for setting up a stall and placing the coal stove inside.

Having relevant experience, she found doing these things quite handy.

A few days later, the sofa factory had another day off.

Jiang Liyun eagerly awaited the day off.

Early in the morning, she went to town to buy flour and pork, then returned home to make dumplings.

She had considered adding vegetables to the dumpling filling to reduce costs, but in the end, she didn’t do it.

People at this time liked to eat meat, and pure meat was more likeable.

With experience from her past life, Jiang Liyun quickly made the dumplings.

The iron pot at her home wasn’t flat-bottomed, but because it was large, she could still pan-fry some dumplings at the bottom, albeit with uneven heating.

She heated the pot, used chopsticks to pick up a clean gauze soaked in oil, spread it around the bottom of the pot, placed the dumplings, pan-fried them for a while, added a little water, and covered the pot.

After a while, she lifted the lid, sprinkled green onions and black sesame seeds, and the pan-fried dumplings were ready.

The fire from the firewood stove was a bit strong. The first batch got a bit burned, but they still tasted delicious!

Jiang Liyun shared the pan-fried dumplings with Jiang Lame and Wu Xiaochun, letting them taste them.

“Li Yun, are you really going to sell these?” Wu Xiaochun asked.

Jiang Liyun kept buying things and moving them home, and she even borrowed 200 yuan from them. Wu Xiaochun and Jiang Lame knew about Jiang Liyun’s plan to sell pan-fried dumplings.

“Yes, Mum, Dad, are these pan-fried dumplings delicious?” Jiang Liyun asked.

Wu Xiaochun said, “They’re delicious, but what if they don’t sell?”

Jiang Liyun said, “They will sell.” There’s more than one place in town selling buns. If she sold buns, they might not sell well, but dumplings wouldn’t be a problem.

Who wouldn’t want to try something new?

The key was that she didn’t spend much money. These tools could be used when she sells other food in the future.

Setting up a stall had this advantage: low cost.

If she opened a shop, just renting a store would cost a lot.

Seeing Jiang Liyun so confident, Wu Xiaochun stopped talking.

Jiang Liyun asked again, “Dad, Mum, are they delicious?”

Jiang Lame said, “Delicious!” There’s meat in the white flour, and they’re fried in oil—how could they not be delicious?

Wu Xiaochun added, “This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten. I used to think buns were delicious, but these pan-fried dumplings are even better!”

“That’s good. I’ll make more, and we’ll have pan-fried dumplings for lunch today,” Jiang Liyun said.

“Then I’ll go cook,” Wu Xiaochun said.

“No need to cook. We’ll have pan-fried dumplings for lunch today,” Jiang Liyun said.

Wu Xiaochun was shocked. “Isn’t this a side dish?” She thought it was something to accompany the main course.

At this time, it was indeed like that. Jiang Liyun remembered that sometimes Wu Xiaochun would make a bowl of noodles with lard, placing it in the middle as a side dish.

“This isn’t a side dish; it’s the main course.” Jiang Liyun planned to make more to ensure everyone at home ate their fill and bring some for Feng Yi.

She didn’t know when she could buy her iron pot. Once she had it, she would set up a stall at the morning market.

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