Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Practice

Jiang Liyun borrowed a quite large cart from Uncle Jiang. Although the cart already had a lot of things inside, there was still enough space for one more person.

However, having Feng Yi pull both things and people seemed a bit too much.

Jiang Liyun said, “I’ll walk by myself.”

Feng Yi looked disappointed.

At this moment, Zhou Qiaoxia from the neighbouring house saw Feng Yi and frowned. “Feng Yi, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you at work?”

Feng Laotou is in his fifties this year, but Zhou Qiaoxia is only forty.

Feng Yi is handsome, and his mother, Zhou Qiaoxia, is not bad-looking either. Due to this, Feng Laotou treats her exceptionally well and favours the two children she gave birth to.

When Zhou Qiaoxia married into the family, Feng Laoda was already ten years old and could secure his own interests. Moreover, even though Feng’s grandfather passed away a few years ago, Feng’s grandmother was still alive and cared a lot for Feng Laoda and Feng Laoer. So, they didn’t suffer much.

The most unfortunate one in the Feng family is Feng Yi.

Feng Yi’s misery is because Zhou Qiaoxia doesn’t like him.

If Zhou Qiaoxia valued Feng Yi, Feng Laotou, who managed to marry the beautiful Zhou Qiaoxia despite the age difference, would at least pretend to treat Feng Yi better. After all, it’s just a mouthful of food. When Feng Yi came to their family, the village provided food, and later on, when land was distributed, Feng Yi also got a share. The Feng family wasn’t short of this mouthful of food from Feng Yi.

Feng Laotou completely disregards Feng Yi because Zhou Qiaoxia dislikes him, and Feng Laoda and Feng Laoer are the same.

The two children born to Zhou Qiaoxia in the Feng family are not to be bullied.

Jiang Liyun is well aware of all this, so she has never liked Zhou Qiaoxia since childhood, along with not favoring Zhou Qiaoxia’s two children.

In her previous life, before becoming paralyzed, she learned that Feng Yi had been giving money to the Feng family all along. She was once resentful, but after they got married, Feng Yi completely ignored Zhou Qiaoxia.

Later, when they became wealthy, Zhou Qiaoxia came knocking, but Feng Yi completely ignored her.

However, Zhou Qiaoxia was quite skilled at being unpleasant. After Feng Yi passed away, she still wanted to claim a share of the inheritance.

Little did Zhou Qiaoxia expect that, with her limited mobility, Feng Yi had purchased property and set up businesses, all registered under her name.

Because of this, in the end, Zhou Qiaoxia and her children didn’t receive anything from the inheritance.

In his previous life, Feng Yi didn’t care about Zhou Qiaoxia. What about this life?

After Zhou Qiaoxia spoke, Feng Yi finally looked at her, smiling brightly. He said to Zhou Qiaoxia, “I won’t go to work anymore.”

He planned to accompany Jiang Liyun to set up a stall!

“You won’t go to work? Who said you can skip work?” Zhou Qiaoxia was furious.

Feng Yi worked at the brick and tile factory, contributing over $1,000 in income to the family every year. She wouldn’t allow Feng Yi to stop working.

“I won’t go if I don’t want to,” Feng Yi replied.

“When did you become so disobedient? You better go to work right away!” Zhou Qiaoxia ordered with a stern face.

Feng Yi simply ignored her.

Before working at the brick and tile factory, he was too young to resist and had to obey her. It was the only way to make his life a bit easier. After working at the factory and providing money to the family, it was his way of repaying the kindness of being raised.

But when it came to mother-son affection… He had none.

Feng Yi looked at Jiang Liyun again and asked, “Liyun sister, are you really not sitting?”

Jiang Liyun affirmed, “Not sitting!”

“Well then…” Feng Yi disappointedly started pulling the cart, heading straight ahead.

As for Zhou Qiaoxia… Who is she?

Seeing Feng Yi leave, Jiang Liyun quickly followed. As for Zhou Qiaoxia, she didn’t pay any attention. After all, Zhou Qiaoxia had no leverage over her.

As they walked towards the brick and tile factory, Jiang Liyun shared her plan: “Although I can make pan-fried dumplings, I haven’t used a coal stove before. This time, making pan-fried dumplings for the people at the brick and tile factory will be a practice run.”

Making pan-fried dumplings involves considering the heat, so she wanted to try it out first before setting up a stall.

This visit to the brick and tile factory to make pan-fried dumplings was an excellent opportunity for practice.

As for the possibility of encountering Xie Zugen… If it happens, it happens. She wasn’t afraid of Xie Zugen!

When they arrived at the brick and tile factory, it was nine in the morning.

Jiang Liyun instructed Feng Yi to park the cart next to the clinic in the brick and tile factory and then unload everything. She began to light the coal stove and started preparing the dumplings.

“In the future, when we set up our stall, we need to chop the meat and knead the dough a day in advance; otherwise, we won’t make it in the morning,” she explained. Pre-kneading the dough makes it a bit firmer since it softens overnight.

“Got it!” Feng Yi absorbed every word Jiang Liyun said.

At this moment, some workers from the brick and tile factory noticed them, and one asked, “Feng Yi, what are you doing? Why aren’t you working?”

Feng Yi replied, “I plan to resign. I won’t be working at the brick and tile factory anymore.”

“What will you do in the future?” the worker inquired.

“I’ll set up a stall in town with Liyun’s sister,” Feng Yi answered.

Jiang Liyun added, “When Feng Yi was working at the brick and tile factory, everyone took good care of him. I mentioned yesterday that I would treat everyone to pan-fried dumplings, and here we are. Around noon, come and get some pan-fried dumplings.”

Jiang Liyun chatted amiably with the workers, and the news of their plans quickly spread within the brick and tile factory.

“Feng Yi brought Jiang Liyun here. Did you guys know?”

“Feng Yi said he’s quitting the brick and tile factory.”

“He’s going to set up a stall with Jiang Liyun.”

“Jiang Liyun said she’d treat us to pan-fried dumplings. I’ll check it out later.”

As they discussed, the topic shifted to the relationship between Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi: “I had doubts when I heard they were dating yesterday, but it seems true now.”

“Feng Yi has nothing, and yet Jiang Liyun is willing to be with him.”

“Xie Zugen previously said she dislikes the poor and loves the rich. This is a good girl!”

The workers, mostly men, empathized with Feng Yi, imagining having a pretty girl who didn’t mind their financial situation.

Jiang Liyun became even more likeable in their eyes, though they felt uncertain about the future of these two. However, the most crucial thing right now is the prospect of having pan-fried dumplings for lunch!

Jiang Liyun knew the workers at the brick and tile factory were probably discussing them, but she didn’t mind. In fact, she welcomed the attention.

After all, it was free publicity!

Jiang Liyun decided to practice and promote her pan-fried dumplings at the brick and tile factory, a plan she came up with yesterday. It would cost some money, but the expenses were manageable.

Thinking about this, Jiang Liyun picked up the rolling pin and swiftly rolled out the dumpling wrappers, while Feng Yi worked alongside her, wrapping the dumplings.

Initially unfamiliar with dumpling wrapping, Feng Yi quickly learned after Jiang Liyun’s demonstration. He was always quick at picking up new skills.

When they had wrapped a sufficient number of dumplings, the coal balls in the three-eye coal stove were already lit. Jiang Liyun, wearing thick gloves, lifted a large iron pot onto the stove, preparing to pan-fry the dumplings.

Pan-frying dumplings requires constant movement of the pan to ensure even heating. For this reason, Jiang Liyun not only wore gloves but also prepared two pieces of cloth. Later, she would wear the gloves and use the cloth to move the pan.

“When making pan-fried dumplings, you have to move the pan?” Feng Yi observed Jiang Liyun’s actions and immediately asked.

“Yes,” Jiang Liyun smiled and demonstrated it to Feng Yi.

Feng Yi promptly said, “Liyun sister, put the pan down quickly. I’ll do the pan-frying!”

He moved to grab the gloves from Jiang Liyun.

Instinctively, Jiang Liyun said, “I have experience.”

Feng Yi insisted, “This iron pan is hot and heavy. Let me do it. Liyun sister, you can teach me.”

Just seeing Jiang Liyun touch the large iron pot placed on the fire made Feng Yi’s heart skip a beat. What if she got burned?

Even if she didn’t get burned, the heavy iron pot would surely tyre Jiang Liyun!

The task of pan-frying dumplings couldn’t be entrusted to Jiang Liyun!

Jiang Liyun noticed Feng Yi’s concern for her, a genuine care that felt wonderful.

Speaking of their previous lives after getting married, Feng Yi had always been the one handling the iron pan for pan-fried dumplings, while she sat in the wheelchair and wrapped the dumplings. Feng Yi was truly good, unlike Xie Zugen, who never bothered with household matters and would only complain if the child cried at night.

Jiang Liyun smiled and took off the gloves. “Okay, you do it. I’ll teach you.”

Feng Yi immediately gave it a try.

Jiang Liyun watched by the side, reminding him of what to do. During the process, she lifted the pan cover several times, using a spatula to check one or two dumplings, making sure the bottom was golden and cooked.

They were cautious, considering the fire from the coal stove wasn’t too strong to avoid burning the dumplings. Although it made the process slower, they successfully made the first batch of pan-fried dumplings.

Jiang Liyun tasted one and found it quite good.

Their pan-fried dumplings might not be exceptionally delicious, but they were well-prepared, flavorful, and fully cooked.

By this time, it was lunchtime for the workers at the brick and tile factory. They had already heard about Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi’s visit and gathered around.

Seeing them, Jiang Liyun immediately said, “Everyone, come and try the pan-fried dumplings Feng Yi and I made. We didn’t make a lot, but there’s enough for each of you.”

Feng Yi used a spatula to transfer the pan-fried dumplings from the big pot to a smaller one, getting ready for the second batch. Jiang Liyun began to distribute the first batch, saying, “Wang brother, this one’s for you.”

“Uncle Jiang, please try this!”

“Li brother, this is yours.”

When Sun Jinshan approached with his lunch tray, Jiang Liyun handed him two pan-fried dumplings, saying, “Brother Sun, thank you for helping us buy the pot.”

Having chatted extensively with Feng Yi yesterday, Jiang Liyun learned that Sun Jinshan took good care of him, and she felt grateful for that. While distributing the dumplings, her brother, Jiang Lihai, arrived.

Seeing his sister give away the pan-fried dumplings with pork filling for free to the workers at the brick and tile factory, Jiang Lihai felt heartache. Why not keep these dumplings for themselves? Why do you distribute them to the factory?

Their factory had one or two hundred people, and if everyone got one or two dumplings, it would add up to a lot. Wouldn’t it be better if all of them were kept for himself?

However, he couldn’t say anything. If he did, he’d seem stingy.

Jiang Lihai could only squeeze to the front and pass his lunch tray to his sister, saying, “Liyun!”

“Sis.” Jiang Liyun smiled at Jiang Lihai and handed him one dumpling, saying, “Brother, I was worried that the dumplings wouldn’t be enough, so I only gave you one. If there are extras later, I’ll give you more.”

Jiang Lihai: “…”

He only got one.

Although it was just one, it was a pan-fried dumpling!

Yesterday, he thought these pan-fried dumplings were delicious!

Using chopsticks, Jiang Lihai picked up the pan-fried dumpling, took a bite, and his eyes instantly lit up.

Today’s pan-fried dumplings were even better than yesterday’s!

This was quite normal; freshly cooked pan-fried dumplings would undoubtedly taste better than those brought from home to the factory.

Jiang Lihai found the pan-fried dumplings delicious, and the others felt the same.

Usually, they ate relatively plain food, and suddenly getting to taste pan-fried dumplings with oil was a delightful surprise.

“These pan-fried dumplings are really delicious.”

“I love the crispy and fragrant skin, fried with oil until it’s slightly burnt.”

“The meat filling inside tastes amazing.”

“Feng Yi, are you planning to sell these at the stall? People will definitely buy them!”

“Tomorrow, I’ll have my son go to the town to buy pan-fried dumplings.”

Jiang Liyun only gave each of them one, which was clearly not enough, making them even more eager to eat. However, with so many people at the factory and limited ingredients, they felt hesitant to ask for more.

Alright, they decided to have their family members buy some tomorrow.

In no time, the first batch of pan-fried dumplings was gone. Those who arrived late had to wait for Feng Yi to finish making the second batch.

It was Feng Yi’s first time making pan-fried dumplings, and he was a bit flustered, causing a slightly slower pace. Fortunately, the factory workers were not in a hurry; they patiently waited while having their lunch.

At this time, the factory leaders also heard about the event. They already knew that Feng Yi was resigning, as he had informed them earlier when he arrived at the factory today.

The brick and tile factory operated differently from state-owned enterprises. Resigning or taking leave only requires a simple notification. The factory leaders were not too concerned, as there was no shortage of workers and many had connections to get into the factory.

“That Jiang Liyun is quite smart,” someone commented. “She said she’s treating us to dumplings, but she’s actually here to practice, right?”

Another person chimed in, “I’ve seen her; she’s good-looking. I didn’t expect her to be dating Feng Yi, who has no family or business.”

The first person added, “True, times have changed. If she works hard with Feng Yi, they might earn enough money to buy a house on their own.”

The factory leaders had a more forward-looking perspective. Meanwhile, Xie Fu, who initially chose Jiang Liyun but was turned down, remained silent, watching the situation unfold.

But Xie Fu couldn’t say anything.

Initially, Xie’s mother didn’t think highly of Jiang Liyun, so the blind date between Xie Zugen and Jiang Liyun wasn’t even very formal—they just watched a movie together and chatted a bit.

Jiang Liyun didn’t even know about this before!

They couldn’t blame Jiang Liyun for changing partners too quickly, even if they wanted to.

“I’ll go take a look.” A leader named Jiang spoke up.

When this leader arrived near the health centre, Jiang Liyun had already distributed dumplings to the workers who came to get them, but there were still around thirty left in the pot.

“Liyun, how many dumplings are left? Give them all to my dad, and I’ll buy them from you.” The leader, smiling, approached and made the offer.

As a leader, he felt awkward taking free dumplings, but he genuinely wanted to try these Northeastern pan-fried dumplings that he hadn’t tasted before.

In that case, why not just pay for them?

“Uncle Jiang, how can I take your money? I’ll pack these dumplings for you, free of charge.” Jiang Liyun smiled as she responded.

For just a few dumplings, why bother taking money from a factory leader? Even if Feng Yi was no longer working there, maintaining a good relationship with them wouldn’t hurt.

Thinking about the positive feedback from the workers at the brick and tile factory today, she gained confidence that her business in town tomorrow would be successful.

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