Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 23.2

Chapter 23

Jiang Liyun knew her parents weren’t completely satisfied with Feng Yi yet.

But she also knew her parents were easily persuaded, with what they called “soft ears.”

By speaking well of Feng Yi in front of them and letting Feng Yi perform well,. It wouldn’t take long for her parents to approve of him!

Jiang Quanzi and Wu Xiaochun’s temperaments were well understood by Jiang Liyun.

After listening to Jiang Liyun’s words and giving them some thought, they also felt Feng Yi was good.

Since Jiang Liping married and moved to town, they didn’t see her often. If Jiang Liyun were to marry Feng Yi and build a house next to theirs…

“That’s just like Jiang Liyun not getting married!

And having a man at home who works efficiently is really good.

Not to mention, these past few days, Jiang Lamei didn’t have to do the heavy work at home!

Feng Yi, who was enjoying himself, didn’t expect Jiang Liyun to start praising him again.

He felt a sense of floating, as if he were about to become immortal.

In Jiang Liyun’s eyes, is he really that good?

He must work hard in the future, not to let Jiang Liyun down!

Feng Yi, who hasn’t been praised much, walks as if he’s floating.

After praising Feng Yi in front of her parents, Jiang Liyun turns around to see Feng Yi smiling foolishly.

So cute!

Feng Yi is extremely happy, but Xie Zugen is in a bad mood.

The news of Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi setting up a stall together in the town has already reached the brick factory.

“That pan-fried dumpling is delicious, even better than meat buns.”

“I told my wife about pan-fried dumplings; she rode her bicycle to town, spent a dollar, and brought it back. But as soon as my brat finished eating, he said he wants to eat it again tomorrow. Dream on! How can you afford to eat such expensive things every day?”

“Your family really spoils the child; I can’t bear to buy these pan-fried dumplings.”

“I didn’t expect Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi to really set up a stall together! They’re always together; they must be planning to be a couple.”

“Feng Yi is so lucky.”

“Yeah, why don’t I have such luck?”

Hearing the discussions around him, Xie Zugen feels extremely uncomfortable.

If Jiang Liyun rejected him because of his financial status, he could spread rumours about her shortcomings. But now, Jiang Liyun has chosen someone much poorer than him!

Does Jiang Liyun think he’s a bad person?

This is unreasonable!

Jiang Liyun will regret it sooner or later; she doesn’t even know how wealthy his family is!

Thinking about the savings account his father showed him, Xie Zugen finally feels a bit relieved.

Jiang Liyun is unaware that someone is fantasising about her regrets.

This afternoon, after a short nap, she borrowed a bicycle from Uncle Jiang and went to a neighbouring village where someone specialised in raising egg-laying chickens.

After policy relaxation in recent years, more and more people are engaged in animal husbandry at home—some raise pigs, some raise chickens, and some raise ducks.

However, none of them operate at a large scale, and the cost of breeding is high.

Twenty years later, the very cheap feed in that era is relatively expensive now, and even decades earlier, people in Miaotou Village didn’t know there was such a thing as pig feed!

Unfortunately, at this time, some people still struggle to get enough to eat, so there isn’t much grain available to make feed.

Jiang Liyun went there with a basket full of straw. Upon learning that they indeed sold eggs, she bought a hundred at once.

On her way back, she went to Aunt Jiang Yuxian’s place and bought a white-feathered chicken.

Upon returning home, the first thing she did was boil the chicken eggs. She didn’t boil many—just fifty.

After boiling, she cracked the eggs, continued boiling them with soy sauce and tea leaves, and finally soaked them in an aluminium pot.”

Tomorrow, Jiang Liyun plans to bring the single-eyed small coal stove and fill it with the almost extinguished honeycomb coal from the large stove to warm up tea eggs.

Tea eggs are really good; if they don’t sell out in a day, she can continue selling them the next day.

Jiang Liyun takes out red paper and writes “Two cents per tea egg” on it.

In her mind, Jiang Liyun has many things to sell, but for now, she’s busy and can only take it slowly.

First, let’s make money with the first pot of gold!

Another calendar page is torn off.

On October 27th, Tuesday, when Jiang Liyun goes to the town for the third time to sell pan-fried dumplings, she brings tea eggs with her.

Feng Yi learns quickly; he already knows how to make pan-fried dumplings well, and the speed of making them is faster than before.

Actually, for selling breakfast, the best time is from 6:00 to 7:30, but unfortunately, making pan-fried dumplings is a bit troublesome, and their stall is sometimes in a state of high demand.

Some people are willing to wait, but others are impatient, and if they see the pan-fried dumplings aren’t ready, they turn around and buy something else.

Now, with Feng Yi’s faster speed, they can sell more pan-fried dumplings.

As for tea eggs, some people buy them, but not many.

People these days are cautious with money; for something they can make at home, like tea eggs, they are reluctant to spend extra.

Of course, there are some people with loose pockets who are willing to spend.

After buying fifty cents worth of pan-fried dumplings, Zhao Hai also buys a tea egg.

“Good morning, Teacher Zhao.” Jiang Liyun smiles as she hands over what Zhao Hai ordered.

In her previous life, she sold breakfast in town for a long time and knew many people.

This teacher, Zhao, used to be a regular customer at her breakfast stall.

She remembers that back then, Teacher Zhao used to come and buy breakfast often, then rush to school after buying… She didn’t expect him to wake up early every day and come to buy breakfast at around six.

By the way, the current teacher Zhao is much more handsome than she remembers; the Zhao Hai in her memory has become more Mediterranean.

However, he genuinely likes sweets and oily mixtures; no wonder he became so fat later.

In the following days, Jiang Liyun’s life becomes busy but fulfilling.

Every morning, Jiang Liyun sets up her stall in town, usually returning home around nine o’clock after selling all the pan-fried dumplings. After lunch, she takes a break, then starts boiling tea eggs and does some work in the fields.

She earns around twenty yuan daily from selling at the stall, though it’s quite tiring and boring. Jiang Liyun is concerned that Feng Yi might find it bothersome. During lunch, she asks him, “Feng Yi, how have you been lately? Feeling tired?”

“I’m not tired at all, not even a bit!” Feng Yi replies.

He’s been living a heavenly life lately—spending every day with Jiang Liyun and having meat with every meal.

Feng Yi used to go hungry often, and since Jiang Liyun loves to eat, he loves it too. These days, eating meat every day feels incredible.

Seeing Feng Yi’s cheerful demeanour, Jiang Liyun turns to Wu Xiaochun and asks, “Mum, what about you? Have you been feeling tired lately?”

Even though Jiang Lamei has leg problems, her overall health is still okay. Recently, she’s only been going to town once a day to help wrap dumplings, so she isn’t overly exhausted.

But Jiang Liyun is concerned about Wu Xiaochun’s health, given her frailty. She has been keeping an eye on her health these days, and fortunately, Wu Xiaochun seems to be in good spirits.

Wu Xiaochun replies, “No, I don’t feel tired, just walking around and wrapping dumplings.”

“Mum, are you really not tired?”

“Not at all. I used to have trouble sleeping, but lately, I’ve been sleeping well,” Wu Xiaochun says with a smile.

Jiang Liyun realises that it’s quite normal for Wu Xiaochun to feel this way. With good meals lately, Wu Xiaochun can ensure she gets proper nutrition. Additionally, going to town to wrap dumplings doesn’t exhaust her too much, as she can sit down after the forty-minute walk.

This kind of activity might even be beneficial for her health.

With the money they’ve earned and Wu Xiaochun’s improved mood, everything seems to be going well.

“Mum, you’re looking better and better!” Jiang Liyun remarks.

Wu Xiaochun smiles. “I’ve been feeling much better lately, not tired at all. But Feng Yi has been doing a lot of work and has lost weight.”

Over the past few days, Wu Xiaochun has been looking at Feng Yi more and more fondly.

She didn’t dislike Feng Yi to begin with; she just thought he was a bit poor. Now that Feng Yi was earning more with Jiang Liyun, Wu Xiaochun wasn’t worried about that anymore.

Now she had noticed Feng Yi’s good qualities.

Feng Yi not only took the initiative to do their household chores but also listened to Jiang Liyun very well!

Thinking about it carefully, Feng Yi was indeed better than the man Jiang Liping had married!

Hearing Wu Xiaochun’s words, Jiang Liyun looked at Feng Yi.

Had Feng Yi lost weight? She felt like Feng Yi had gained some weight.

Well, it had only been a few days; it wasn’t easy to notice any changes.

Thinking this way, Jiang Liyun found that Feng Yi had already spoken up: “Auntie, I haven’t lost weight; I’ve even gained some! In no time, I’ll grow strong! Maybe I should grow a beard soon?”

Today, while setting up the stall, someone thought he was Jiang Liyun’s brother. He must eat more!

The family was having a harmonious meal when suddenly Jiang Lihai walked in from outside, still wearing the old clothes he used while working at the brick factory. Looking like a wandering soul, he entered and said, “Mum, Linlin is going to marry someone else.”

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