Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 25.1

Chapter 25: Taking Charge

Jiang Liyun knew from a previous life that money could solve most problems.

The struggles in her family were all due to a lack of money.

Speaking of Jiang Liping, if she hadn’t been born in the 1960s but in the 1990s as the only daughter…

Being beautiful and intelligent and knowing what she wanted, she could have attended a good university and found a suitable partner.

Jiang Lihai was the same; his grades were even better than Jiang Liping’s. Back then, despite the teachers’ efforts to persuade him to continue junior high, he didn’t. If his family were well-off, he might be a college graduate now, a promising and handsome young man.

However, they were all born in a rural area in the 1960s.

Although their location improved in recent years, it was only in these years that everyone started earning some money.

In the past, they truly had no money.

When Wu Xiaochun gave birth to Jiang Liyu, the situation was dire. She stayed in the hospital for several days before being saved, and then there were ongoing medical expenses. At that time, their family was in debt.

It wasn’t until later, as the three siblings grew up and started earning incomes, that they slowly paid off the debts.

Even the eldest, Jiang Lihai, only received six years’ worth of salary. At the beginning, he earned work points, and when he started receiving a salary, it was just around forty yuan per month.

The salary was meagre, and expenses for food, clothing, and other necessities required money.

In comparison to wages, the cost of living was high in those days.

As leaders would say, there was a significant contradiction between the increasing material needs of the common people and the backwardness of social productivity.

In modern times, buying a pair of shoes or clothes is not a big deal, but in this era, purchasing clothing costs a considerable amount.

For this reason, people would wear the same clothes for years. Her best outfit was the one she bought when she first started working.

New clothes for three years, old clothes for three years, patching and mending for another three years… That’s how she has lived since childhood.

Moreover, if everyone is poor, it might not be a big deal; at least, the He family wouldn’t demand them to build multi-story houses. They could simply build a cottage, and He Chunlin might be willing to marry into the family.

However, many people have become prosperous, and half of the village has already built brick and tile houses.

Now, the He family is asking them to build houses, which is similar to demanding people buy houses in the city thirty years later.

If their family has money, there won’t be any problems.

So, she truly likes money.

Coming to her senses, Jiang Liyun looked at Jiang Lihai and said, “Maybe she doesn’t want to marry someone else; it’s just her family saying things. Also, if you encounter a problem, what’s the use of making a scene at home? Why not think of a solution?”

“What solution can I have?” Jiang Lihai replied.

In fact, his salary, though not low here, is not enough for much.

He wants to save money to build a house, but it will take several years, and by then, it might be too late.

Jiang Liyun said, “You can talk to your girlfriend’s parents, promise them a certain time to complete the house, ask for some time, and then go earn money to save it all!”

After saying this, Jiang Liyun looked at Jiang Qiazi and Wu Xiaochun and said, “Mom and Dad, have you talked to the He family?”

Wu Xiaochun and Jiang Qiazi looked at each other and said, “We don’t have money.”

Jiang Liyun, who was busy in her past life and didn’t care much about her older brother’s love life, plus Jiang Lihai rarely coming home, didn’t know much about Jiang Lihai and He Chunlin’s situation. Asking about it now, she couldn’t help but laugh.

In fact, the breakup between Jiang Lihai and He Chunlin was their family’s fault.

Her parents and Jiang Lihai’s personality both had issues.

Due to poverty, her parents were sensitive and insecure, avoiding social interactions. Just by observing that they hardly interacted with the Li family, where Jiang Liping married, one could see this.

Jiang Lihai was the same.

When Jiang Lihai talked about marriage with He Chunlin, He Chunlin mentioned their family’s requirements. Jiang Lihai specifically went home and told Wu Xiaochun about the He family’s demands.

And then… There was no follow-up.

Jiang Qiazi and Wu Xiaochun said they couldn’t afford to build a house, and Jiang Lihai felt uncomfortable for a few days… Then, the three of them unconsciously chose to avoid and ignore the matter.

Jiang Liyun: “…”

In her opinion, her parents being poor and Jiang Lihai getting dumped were both deserved!

With their personalities, they can’t accomplish anything!

If she were from the He family, she would surely think that Jiang Lihai is a scoundrel!

“You’ve been dating the girl for two years; haven’t you thought about getting married?” Jiang Liyun asked Jiang Lihai.

“I do want to get married,” Jiang Lihai replied.

Jiang Liyun sighed lightly and looked at Jiang Qiazi and his wife. “Mum and Dad, they’ve stated their requirements. Haven’t you reacted at all? Are you just not going to do anything?”

Jiang Qiazi shamefully lowered his head, and Wu Xiaochun said, “We are saving money; we want to build the house first.”

Jiang Liyun almost laughed again.

Do they think they can save enough money to build a house with their frugal lifestyle? Is it effective?

Given their situation, how much money can they really save by cutting costs? Especially in times of rising prices!

She remembers that next year, there will be a nationwide buying frenzy, and prices for everything will skyrocket!

Jiang Qiazi and his wife are trying to save money to build a house; do they know about it? Is it useful?

In their situation, how much money can they really save by cutting costs? Especially in times of rising prices!

She recalls that next year, there will be a nationwide buying frenzy, and prices for everything will skyrocket!

Jiang Qiazi and his wife trying to save money to build a house might end up in a situation similar to those who, after saving enough money to buy a house in full twenty years later, find out they’ve now only saved for a down payment.

She has inquired, and currently, the daily wage for masons building houses is only 2.5 yuan, but it might double to 5 yuan next year.

“Feng Yi, tidy up the table.” Jiang Liyun smiled at Feng Yi.

Having already filled his stomach, Feng Yi promptly cleaned up the table.

Jiang Liyun then looked at her parents and brother and said, “Sit down; I have something to ask you.”

Jiang Liyun sat on one side of the table, while Jiang Qiazi and his wife and Jiang Lihai sat on the other three sides.

Jiang Liyun asked, “Mum and Dad, how much money do you have altogether?”

Wu Xiaochun replied, “We have a total of 1,300 yuan.” It used to be 1,500, but Jiang Liyun borrowed 200 from them for her business.

Wu Xiaochun didn’t mention this to avoid upsetting Jiang Lihai.

Jiang Liyun then asked Jiang Lihai, “How about you? How much money do you have?”

“I have 200 yuan,” Jiang Lihai replied. He had saved this money bit by bit over several years.

Jiang Liyun said, “Jiang Lihai, take your 200 yuan and buy some gifts. Later, come with me to Uncle Jiang’s house! Mum and Dad, go to the village to allocate land and prepare to build the house!”

“Why are we going to Uncle Jiang’s house?” Jiang Lihai asked.

“Our family doesn’t have enough money to build a house,” Wu Xiaochun said.

Jiang Liyun responded to Jiang Lihai first, “Why go to Uncle Jiang’s house? Buy something and ask him to arrange for you to join the transport team!”

After that, she looked at Wu Xiaochun and said, “If there’s not enough money, borrow from someone. If that’s not possible, start by building the storefront! Just get started, and we’ll figure it out later!”

Many families in the village built houses with not much money at the beginning. They managed it because they borrowed money from others. Also, the money for buying bricks and tiles could be credited to the brick and tile factory!

In this era, who doesn’t face financial difficulties while building a house? Borrowing some money and owing a bit outside is entirely normal!

There’s a family in their village that not only owes money for bricks and tiles but also hasn’t paid the mason’s wages!

Their family is relatively better off, having over a thousand yuan on hand. The initial costs are sufficient, so they can start construction directly!

“Borrowing money is not easy; people are unwilling to lend to us,” Jiang Lihai said.

When Wu Xiaochun was ill, he and Jiang Qiazi went to borrow money, enduring numerous taunts before getting the loan. At that time, some relatives even severed ties with them out of fear they would come to borrow money.

Jiang Lihai, who had suffered, was reluctant to ask for loans.

“So you don’t want to get married?” Jiang Liyun asked in return.

Jiang Lihai blushed.

Jiang Liyun knew he definitely wanted to get married. In his previous life, Jiang Lihai delayed marriage until his thirties. Even though his ex-wife had been married and had children, he valued the relationship.

At that time, they were afraid his former sister-in-law might leave, so they tolerated her behaviour, allowing her to act high-handedly in the Jiang family.

“If you want to get married, follow what I say! Take a shower, change your clothes, and I’ll take you to buy some gifts. Then, we’ll visit Uncle Jiang’s house!” Jiang Liyun made a decision.

“Is it not good to use connections?” Jiang Lihai hesitated.

“So, you don’t want to join the transport team?” Jiang Liyun asked again.

Jiang Lihai remained silent.

“If you had built connections earlier, you might have joined the transport team sooner,” Jiang Liyun said.

Her uncle Jiang is a leader in the brick and tile factory, with a status comparable to Xie Zugen’s father. While their family relationship isn’t exceptionally close, they are still relatives. With some proper communication and a few gifts, getting Jiang Lihai into the transport team would be no problem.

Jiang Lihai, young, strong, and having worked nearly ten years in the brick and tile factory, is an experienced employee there!

It’s just that her parents and Jiang Lihai are all reluctant to use connections.

Perhaps deep down, they want to establish connections but feel it’s not right, so they refrain from doing so.

Speaking of which, Jiang Liping is truly the complete opposite. If it were Jiang Liping in Jiang Lihai’s position, she would have undoubtedly reached out to build connections.

Jiang Lihai couldn’t find words for a moment. After a while, he said, “If they’re unwilling, it’s embarrassing…”

“Besides embarrassment, is there any other loss?” Jiang Liyun asked him.

Certainly not. Jiang Lihai fell silent.

He looked at Jiang Liyun, feeling inexplicably apprehensive.

How should I put it? Today’s Jiang Liyun is more like his mother than Wu Xiaochun. The current Jiang Lihai is much younger than Jiang Liyun’s son, the ungrateful one in his previous life.

He isn’t a perfect person, but he isn’t unfilial either. He took care of Wu Xiaochun and Jiang Qiazi when they were bedridden before their deaths.

Jiang Liyun thinks Jiang Lihai is much better than her son, who refused to come to the hospital when Feng Yi was dying.

Jiang Liyun instructed Jiang Qiazi’s couple to go to the village to allocate land, after which they should borrow a bicycle from Uncle Jiang next door, allowing Jiang Lihai to take her to the town.

Jiang Lihai obediently followed the instructions.

This time, when Jiang Lihai left the brick and tile factory, he brought his private savings. Jiang Liyun took him around town, and they spent the entire two hundred yuan on various gifts.

There were cigarettes, liquor, and some other snacks.

“Buying so much?” Jiang Lihai’s hands were trembling. He had never spent this much money at once.

“Some for Uncle Jiang, some for you to take to the He family,” Jiang Liyun said.

“Liyun, will you accompany me to the He family?”

“It’s you looking for a partner, not me. Why would I accompany you?” Jiang Liyun was speechless. Where in the world does a younger sister accompany her older brother to his girlfriend’s house?

As she thought about it, Jiang Liyun suggested, “How about this? Take Feng Yi with you. Feng Yi is smarter than you.” Since Jiang Qiazi’s couple is not helpful, let Feng Yi accompany him as a friend.

“How is he smarter than me? I always ranked first when I was in school,” Jiang Lihai said.

“Feng Yi didn’t go to school, but he recognises all the words in the books!”

Jiang Lihai: “…”

Talking to his sister always left him speechless!

On the other side, in the Jiang family.

After Jiang Liyun and others left, Jiang Qiazi and Wu Xiaochun became uneasy. “Are we really going to the village?”

How do you allocate land for foundation work? Can’t they really build a house?

For Jiang Qiazi’s couple, spending thousands to build a house is indeed a significant matter, and that’s why they’ve been hesitant and unable to proceed.

“Uncle Jiang, Aunt, I know how to allocate land for foundation work. I’ll take you there!” Feng Yi said with a smile.

While the Jiang family was discussing, he refrained from interrupting, but now he could speak up.

He is familiar with the process of foundation work and building houses!

He not only asked Jiang Youwen but also consulted the butcher who sells meat and other villagers in the village.

Everything he learned, he remembered!

Initially, Feng Yi was a bit worried—he might have inquired about everything, but when it came to practical application, problems might arise.

But now that Jiang Lihai is planning to build a house, he can learn by doing!

“Uncle Jiang, let’s go allocate the land for foundation work first. I think the place by the newly built cement road is good.” Feng Yi began to share his thoughts.

The village had constructed a cement road over a metre wide, leading directly to the town. Building a house by the roadside would be convenient for transportation anywhere!

He had already scoped out the area and planned to build his and Jiang Liyun’s house there.

Hmm, they could be neighbours with Jiang Lihai.

With these thoughts, Feng Yi, still leading a somewhat dazed Jiang Qiazi and Wu Xiaochun, headed towards the village.

“For bricklaying, you can hire Zhu Ermao from the neighbouring village; he has good skills and fair prices! Also, some tasks can actually be done by yourselves. Both I and Li Hai Ge know how to build walls.”

The brick and tile factory is collectively owned, and its workers often help with various construction projects like repairing water towers, docks, and even schools.

They have some skills in this area!

“We can start by building the front two rooms, the lower two and the upper two. Then gradually build the back of the house. If the back is a single-story structure, it can save a lot of money, and you can do it all by yourselves!”

“Uncle Jiang, the brick and tile factory has many bricks cut in half, and they are very cheap. Workers at the brick and tile factory can take them for free if needed. Although using broken bricks to build a house is more troublesome, it’s still doable. You can ask Li Hai Ge to bring some back.”

“For the exterior of the house, it’s best to paint it with lime. I know where to buy it the cheapest.”

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