Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Guidance

Estimating that it was time, Jiang Liyun bid farewell to Uncle Jiang and returned home. Tomorrow, she had to set up her stall to sell pan-fried dumplings, so she needed to go home to knead the dough.

It was already November, and although daytime was still relatively warm, evenings had a slight chill. Prepared for the temperature drop, Jiang Liyun brought a jacket and put it on as soon as she stepped out.

On the other hand, Jiang Lihai hadn’t made any preparations, so he shivered when he went out.

This shiver made Jiang Lihai suddenly wake up. Today was the 11th day of the ninth lunar month, and the moon in the sky was already somewhat round, casting a faint glow.

Jiang Lihai, watching Jiang Liyun striding ahead under the moonlight, felt a bit incredulous. The problem that had weighed on him, made him uncomfortable, and that he had been avoiding for a long time—Jiang Liyun resolved it all with a single move.

“Why aren’t you moving?” Jiang Liyun asked the stunned Jiang Lihai.

He hurriedly caught up.

In the past, when Jiang Lihai caused trouble at home, Jiang Liyun was very angry, and for a long time afterwards, she didn’t have a good expression whenever she saw him.

But after experiencing more, Jiang Liyun also came to understand Jiang Lihai. Most people in this world are not perfect, and Jiang Lihai was no exception.

Looking at Jiang Lihai, Jiang Liyun asked, “You were with He Chunlin for two years. She should have mentioned her family. How are her family members?”

Even though she wouldn’t go to the He family tomorrow, understanding a bit in advance would help her make appropriate arrangements.

Jiang Lihai replied, “Linlin has two older brothers and two older sisters.”

The He family’s situation was similar to that of most families in the commune. When their parents were raising their children, the country vigorously promoted having more children. At that time, there weren’t many methods to prevent pregnancies in rural areas, so many families had multiple children. Those who had fewer children were usually due to various reasons preventing them from conceiving.

In the He family, there were four siblings—not too many nor too few. After giving birth to Jiang Liyun, Wu Xiaochun thought she couldn’t conceive again, but unexpectedly, at a much older age, she became pregnant with Jiang Liyu.

The five siblings in the He family were not too many or too few. He Chunlin, at the age of twenty-one, had two older brothers and two older sisters, all of whom were already married.

According to Jiang Lihai’s information, He Chunlin’s parents treated her well. Additionally, both of her older sisters had married well, and her two older brothers were also married.

The He family didn’t need to rely on selling daughters to support their sons’ marriages.

However, they looked down on Jiang Lihai; that was certain. Chunlin’s two brother-in-laws were well-off, and her two brothers were capable. Yet, He Chunlin chose to marry the poor and burdensome Jiang Lihai. The He family couldn’t possibly be pleased with that!

The crucial point was that Jiang Lihai was still clueless!

“Brother, if I were you and had poor conditions but liked a girl, I would definitely visit her every day and help with chores,” Jiang Liyun said.

“That’s not good,” Jiang Lihai thought of Jiang Liping. “Liping used to help with chores for others, but it didn’t turn out well.”

“That’s because Big Sister chose the wrong person,” Jiang Liyun said. “Besides, she was going to marry into another family. Being too eager is not good.”

Jiang Lihai fell silent.

Jiang Liyun understood him very well. She knew that, at this moment, he couldn’t bring himself to lower his pride and please others.

In his previous life, before the divorce, Jiang Lihai always cared about his reputation. After the divorce, he cared less about it, but he became more like Jiang Qiang, speaking less.

“If I want to marry Feng Yi, you probably won’t be happy. But if Feng Yi comes to our house every day and works, won’t you think he’s good after seeing him for a while?” Jiang Liyun asked.

Well, Jiang Lihai admitted that Jiang Liyun was right, but asking him to shamelessly help the He family with chores was something he couldn’t do.

The He family disliked him so much!

Jiang Liyun concluded, “Observe how Feng Yi does things later and learn a bit!”

While they were talking, they arrived back at the Jiang residence.

Feng Yi had already bought the meat and was busy chopping it. When he saw Jiang Liyun return, he immediately said, “Sister Liyun, you’re back? Feeling cold? Thirsty?”

“I’m a bit thirsty,” Jiang Liyun replied.

Feng Yi quickly poured hot water into a cup that had cooled down, handing the warm water to Jiang Liyun.

Jiang Liyun took a sip of the water and casually glanced at Jiang Lihai.

Jiang Lihai: “…”

Meanwhile, Feng Yi resumed vigorously chopping the meat.

Jiang Liyun spoke to Feng Yi with a smile: “Feng Yi, thanks to you watering the vegetables in the garden every day, the vegetables in our family garden this year have grown exceptionally well.”

“The chives we’re using today to stir-fry pig liver are especially tender and delicious!”

“I think the radishes in the garden are ready to be eaten too. I’m not sure if they’re spicy, but we can pickle them and have them with porridge.”

“If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what I would do.”

Jiang Liyun chatted with Feng Yi, praising him while he continued to chop the meat.

Feng Yi was already floating on air, saying, “Sister Liyun, I’ve finished chopping the meat. I’ll go pull some radishes and pickle them for you to eat!”

“Feng Yi, you’re really great!” Jiang Liyun smiled at Feng Yi.

Feng Yi happily went outside to pull radishes.

Jiang Lihai, watching these two being affectionate in front of him, felt uneasy all over.

He never knew his sister could be so gentle with someone!

No wonder Feng Yi was so captivated by her.

Also… all the chores related to the vegetable garden, was Feng Yi the one doing them?

Jiang Lihai asked Wu Xiaochun, “Mum, what’s going on between Feng Yi and Liyun?” They weren’t even married yet; how could they be so close?

Wu Xiaochun whispered, “Feng Yi is a good guy.”

Jiang Lihai fell silent.

He could see that what Jiang Liyun said about helping the girl’s family with chores was indeed effective.

At that moment, Jiang Qiang returned from outside.

After dinner today, Jiang Er Shu (Second Uncle) summoned Jiang Qiang to enquire about the progress of building their house.

Jiang Liyun glanced at her father and asked, “Dad, what did Second Uncle say to you?”

Jiang Qiang said, “Nothing much.”

Jiang Liyun knew her second uncle well. He probably caught Jiang Qiang and bombarded him with a bunch of advice on how Jiang Qiang should behave.

Her second uncle loved to give advice and guide others. When Jiang Liping was going to marry Li Xuyang, her second uncle strongly opposed it, scolding her dad every day for not being able to control his daughter.

Her dad listened attentively every time but still couldn’t control Jiang Liping.

When she was dating Feng Yi, her second uncle also nagged her dad a few times, feeling that Feng Yi wasn’t suitable. Every time her second uncle brainwashed her dad, her dad would look at her hesitantly, but in the end, he wouldn’t do anything to her.

Now, her second uncle didn’t say much, and his attitude towards Feng Yi had improved.

These days, when Feng Yi went to buy pork in the evening, he borrowed their second uncle’s bicycle. Even their second uncle asked Feng Yi to help buy the meat.

Jiang Liyun didn’t ask further and changed the subject: “Mum, Dad, you should go to bed early. We have to get up early tomorrow.”

The meat was already chopped, and there would be no noise to disturb Jiang Qiang and his wife’s sleep.

Jiang Qiang and Wu Xiaochun went to their room to sleep. Jiang Liyu, who had already finished her homework, was also urged by Jiang Liyun to go to sleep.

At this time, Feng Yi returned, carrying seven or eight radishes that had been cleaned by the river.

He used scissors to cut off the radish leaves and threw them into the manure pit behind Jiang’s house to feed the sheep. Then, he washed the radishes again in the clean water tank at home before slicing them thinly and pickling them with salt.

During this process, Feng Yi looked very happy.

They grow radishes at their house, which are red on the outside. They call these radishes “red radishes” here. These radishes aren’t very spicy; they even become a bit sweet in the winter. People often eat them as if they were fruit.

Of course, radishes at this time of year are still a bit spicy. Slice them thinly, salt them overnight, and they’re perfect for porridge the next morning.

“Work’s done; let’s go to bed.” Jiang Liyun finally finished kneading the dough, looking at Feng Yi and Jiang Lihai.

Jiang Lihai used to sleep in Jiang Lame’s room when he came home before, but he actually didn’t like it.

This time, knowing that Feng Yi was staying at Jiang Youwen’s house, he immediately said he wanted to live with Feng Yi.

Feng Yi naturally didn’t object and went with Jiang Lihai to Jiang Youwen’s house.

When they were at the brick factory, Jiang Lihai often talked to Feng Yi, but now their relationship has changed. Today at noon, he cried, made a scene, and embarrassed himself at home. Jiang Lihai remained silent in front of Feng Yi, not saying a word.

A silent night passed, and the next morning, before five o’clock, they were woken up by Jiang Liyun.

Feng Yi got up energetically, but Jiang Lihai, who hadn’t slept well all night because of worry, guilt, and regret, had a hard time getting up.

But Jiang Liyun didn’t let him continue sleeping: “Brother, get up and come with us to set up the stall in town.”

“What do I need to do?” Jiang Lihai didn’t want to go.

Jiang Liyun said, “You don’t need to do anything. I have something to tell you.”

Jiang Lihai silently got up and followed them to town.

Jiang Liyun indeed had something to say to Jiang Lihai.

This afternoon, Jiang Lihai had to go to the He family to apologise and discuss marriage matters. This matter was entirely left to Jiang Lihai to handle and might not be successful.

Jiang Lame and Wu Xiaochun couldn’t offer any help.

So, she had to prepare various contingency plans in advance.

Today, with Jiang Lihai around, Jiang Liyun didn’t let Feng Yi pull the cart; she let Jiang Lihai do it.

The twenty-five-year-old Jiang Lihai was much stronger than Feng Yi!

“Bro, when you go to the He family, tell them that you already discussed the marriage with Mum and Dad before. But they kept wanting to save money and didn’t handle things properly. This time, you realised your mistake and decided to take care of it yourself…

As for this matter, their family indeed didn’t handle it well. Jiang Lihai is at fault, and the Jiang couple also have issues.

You see, in this era, children’s marriages are basically arranged with the help of parents.

So, blame the Jiang couple for the delay in response.

Their family members didn’t enquire about the situation at the He family, but the He family must have enquired about them, knowing the Jiang couple’s personalities since He Chunlin has been dating her brother for two years.

They should believe it.

“Tell them that the house construction has started, you’ve joined the transportation team, and next year you can get married,” Jiang Liyun continued. “Of course, they may not believe your assurances, so say that you can get engaged by the end of this year.”

They have the custom of engagement here. Some families temporarily don’t have enough money to get married or the house isn’t ready, so they get engaged first.

During the engagement, the groom will give a couple hundred dollars to the bride’s family, which is considered to set things in motion.

At this time, the bride price is actually very low, just a few hundred yuan, because most families find it hard to make money.

Jiang Liyun earnestly advised Jiang Lihai.

She hoped Jiang Lihai and He Chunlin could make it.

After understanding the situation at the He family, she felt hopeful about it.

Thinking so, Jiang Liyun also looked at Feng Yi: “Feng Yi, if my brother messes up at that time, please say a few words to help. You can scold my brother in front of the He family; just make sure your attitude of admitting mistakes is good.”

“Okay!” Feng Yi immediately agreed.

Jiang Lihai said, “Is it not good to push the blame onto Mum and Dad?” He had said many unpleasant things in front of his parents yesterday and felt sorry for them.

“Is it all your fault then?” Jiang Liyun asked him, then looked at the Jiang couple: “Mum and Dad, is it okay if my brother says that?”

“Sure.” Wu Xiaochun and Jiang Qianzi both agreed.

In fact, after being accused by Jiang Lihai yesterday, they felt very guilty. If Jiang Lihai wasn’t born into their family, he would have been married a long time ago.

Jiang Liyun smiled at the Jiang couple and said, “Mom and Dad, you’re really great. Some parents scold and beat their children all the time, but you’ve always been exceptionally good to us.”

The Jiang couple were pleasantly surprised.

Jiang Liyun looked at Jiang Lihai again and asked, “Brother, do you think Mum and Dad are good?”

Jiang Lihai said, “They are good.” In fact, his parents were really good. They always cared for him. While other kids often got punished, he had never been beaten since childhood.

About his mum’s illness… Who could have expected that?

At that time, his mum didn’t even want to seek treatment, but he insisted on curing her illness, no matter how much debt he had to accumulate.

“Apologise to Mum and Dad. Yesterday you were too upset and spoke a bit harshly,” Jiang Liyun added.

Jiang Lihai obediently apologised, “Dad, Mum, I’m sorry.”

“Alright, we’re in town now. Let’s hurry and set up the stall,” Jiang Liyun said.

In his previous life, Jiang Lihai fell out with the family because of the marriage issue, causing his mum to worry and get sick. This time around, that shouldn’t happen.

Putting aside Jiang Lihai, Jiang Liyun happily rolled out dumpling wrappers while cheerfully greeting customers who came to buy pan-fried dumplings. Jiang Qianzi and Wu Xiaochun also focused on making dumplings.

As for Feng Yi, he had already started frying dumplings.

Jiang Lihai always felt that setting up a stall was embarrassing and seemed like profiteering. However, since everyone else was busy, he couldn’t just stand there doing nothing. Jiang Lihai took dumpling wrappers and started helping with the dumpling-making process.

It was a simple task, and he quickly learned by watching. With him joining, the dumpling wrappers rolled out by Jiang Liyun were not enough. Seeing this, Wu Xiaochun also started rolling out dumpling wrappers.

For a moment, they were all happily engaged in the work.

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