Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Seeking Advice

After waking up in the morning, Jiang Liyun checked the calendar and casually tore off a page. It had been exactly two months since her rebirth.

Time had passed swiftly. Jiang Liyun kneaded some dough, rolled it into dumpling wrappers, and had her parents help with the wrapping. Once done, they placed the dumplings in a flat bamboo basket covered with plastic wrap.

They started their day a little after four, and by five to five, they had already wrapped a considerable number of dumplings.

Jiang Liyun washed her hands and went to wake up Feng Yi. He got up quickly, dressed, and began preparing the things needed for the stall. Then he rode his tricycle to the town.

Meanwhile, Jiang Liyun, accompanied by Wu Xiaochun and Jiang Lamei, walked to the town. Buying fried chicken required fewer items, so Feng Yi could carry her. However, for selling pan-fried dumplings, they needed a lot, and she couldn’t sit on the vehicle to avoid adding weight.

Besides, Jiang Lamei and the others were walking anyway, so she walked with them.

It took about forty minutes for them to reach the town. Feng Yi, on his tricycle, could make it in twenty minutes at most. By the time Jiang Liyun and the others reached the town around 5:40, Feng Yi had already set up the stall and started making pan-fried dumplings.

They could start selling dumplings before six, earlier than before. Previously, they often didn’t start selling until after six.

Although it was late dawn during this season, the early risers in the town compensated for it. Feng Yi had customers as soon as the first batch of dumplings was ready.

They were busy and would likely remain so until around eight.

Having adapted to the current situation after months of running the stall, Jiang Liyun no longer felt as tired as in the beginning, and the same applied to Feng Yi.

With the constant use of the iron pot, muscles even developed on Feng Yi’s arms.

Two months later, Feng Yi didn’t seem to have gained much weight, but his actual weight had increased substantially—he gained muscle.

While Jiang Liyun was selling dumplings, she saw Jiang Liping.

Jiang Liping came to the town every day, but Jiang Liyun didn’t encounter her often. Jiang Liyun greeted her with a smile and said, “Sis.”

“Liyun, give me a few pan-fried dumplings,” Jiang Liping requested as she approached.

Jiang Liyun picked four less appealing dumplings for her, saying, “Sis, you can eat these at the back.” Eating in front might obstruct her business.

Grateful for the free dumplings, Jiang Liping’s mood improved. She carried the plate and went to where Jiang’s parents were wrapping dumplings.

Recently, the mornings were cold with strong winds. Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi would set up a shelter every day that could shield them from wind and rain.

Inside the shelter were a large and a small coal stove. The large one was used for making pan-fried dumplings, while the small one kept tea eggs warm. The stoves emitted warmth, making the place quite comfortable.

When Jiang Liping entered, Feng Yi was in the process of changing the coal cakes for the stove and adjusting the heat.

She sat on an empty plastic chair intended for Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi’s occasional breaks and asked Wu Xiaochun, “Mum, is Liyun making a lot of money now? You’ve even bought tricycles.”

“It’s not bad,” Wu Xiaochun replied.

“How much is ‘not bad’? Are they earning thirty or forty yuan a day?” Jiang Liping inquired further.

Jiang Liyun asked Wu Xiaochun to downplay her income when talking about it. Wu Xiaochun then said, “Your sister sells pan-fried dumplings in the morning and fried chicken in the afternoon. She can earn about thirty yuan a day. However, with household expenses, the actual amount isn’t that much.”

Jiang Liping gasped at the revelation.

Earning thirty yuan a day amounted to nine hundred yuan a month!

If she had nine hundred yuan a month, she could afford whatever she wanted, save a bit, and even buy a bicycle, a radio, a television, and a washing machine!

Jiang Liping had always thought that she was living well. Compared to her sister and the other sisters she grew up with, whose family had a better life than the Li family?

The Li family had appliances and things that rural people didn’t have. Living in the Li family, she didn’t have to do farm work.

But now, her sister could earn nine hundred a month, and she could completely avoid farm work.

What was farm work anyway? During busy farming seasons, they might spend five yuan a day, and someone else would plant and harvest their crops.

Her sister’s life was about to surpass hers.

Although Jiang Liping wouldn’t harbour ill feelings towards her sister for making money, she couldn’t shake off the discomfort she felt. From a young age, she had wanted to live a better life than others. She always thought of herself as more outstanding than her sister.

With these thoughts, Jiang Liping looked at Feng Yi again.

Before, she thought Jiang Liyun’s choice of Feng Yi was foolish, especially after learning that Jiang Liyun had rejected Xie Zugen.

She had introduced Zhou Dafei to Jiang Liyun, knowing he was older and had a child—not the best choice—but Xie Zugen, unmarried and wealthy, was a great prospect!

If she had such an opportunity, she would definitely seize it!

But now, looking again,. Feng Yi didn’t seem that bad.

Whatever she asked Li Xuyang to do, he did it, which was indeed good. However, her sister asked Feng Yi to do things, and Feng Yi did them!

Feng Yi even helped her sister make money!

Jiang Liping used to only consider the present and hadn’t thought much about the future.

But now, contemplating her own future…

Li Xuyang had a job; his parents worked in a fertiliser plant. He had some intellectual challenges, but with the plant’s care, he got a job sweeping the floor.

Every day, Li Xuyang went to the factory, swept the floor, and constantly boiled water for the factory workers. He earned two yuan and fifty cents per day, making his monthly salary seventy-five yuan.

Jiang Liping used to be satisfied with this salary, but now Jiang Liyun could earn nine hundred a month!

Jiang Lihai was also making more money now, earning two hundred a month, and there were rumours of additional income.

Jiang Liping felt extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, Sun Jinshan arrived. He handed a yuan to Jiang Liyun and said, “Give me twelve dumplings; pack them on a plate.”

Jiang Liyun packed twelve dumplings on a plate for Sun Jinshan, who then entered the shelter at Jiang’s house.

He had slept for a night, and his mind was clear, but there were still some lingering effects. When he was in Shanghai, his boss praised him incessantly, making him feel quite proud. Jiang Liyun also liked to compliment people in general.

Do all businesspeople act this way?

He decided to do the same!

Upon seeing Jiang Liping, he said, “You’re the eldest daughter of the Jiang family, right? You’re really beautiful!”

Jiang Liping was momentarily surprised but then smiled at Sun Jinshan and said, “You’re quite handsome yourself!”

Sun Jinshan’s looks couldn’t be considered handsome, but he dressed well!

Jiang Liping had a keen eye. She quickly assessed Sun Jinshan’s clothes, pants, and the watch he wore, estimating that his outfit cost at least four or five hundred yuan.

For someone so wealthy, even if he were ugly, he would be considered handsome!

Sun Jinshan’s clothes and watch were indeed not cheap. After making some money, he became more willing to dress himself up.

But no one had ever complimented him on being handsome before!

Jiang Liping truly had a discerning eye!

Sun Jinshan’s favourable impression of Jiang Liping increased significantly.

On the other hand, Jiang Liping was contemplating—this person praised her as soon as he approached. Could he be interested in her?

It wasn’t that she was conceited, but she had received attention from many admirers.

Even after getting married, some people in the town still complimented her.

Although she thought this way, Jiang Liping had no intention of doing anything. After all, she was already married.

Jiang Liping had to go to work, and after checking the tricycle Jiang Liyun had bought and inquiring about how much Jiang Liyun earned each day, she left.

Sun Jinshan didn’t pay much attention to Jiang Liping, either. His focus at the moment was entirely on the upcoming business.

Seeing that Jiang Liyun was busy, he approached Feng Yi and asked, “Feng Yi, I pondered over that contract after returning last night. Where did Jiang Liyun learn all this? How does she know so much?”

Feng Yi explained, “Liyun likes studying. In addition to running the stall, she goes to the reading room every day to read newspapers.”

Feng Yi thought it was normal for Jiang Liyun to have extensive knowledge—she had been knowledgeable since childhood!

Sun Jinshan remarked, “No wonder… I never liked studying since I was young. Reading makes my head spin and uncomfortable.”

Feng Yi advised, “If you want to do business, you need to understand more, especially about policies.”

Though Feng Yi rarely reads newspapers, when chatting with Jiang Liyun, she often discussed policy matters and even made predictions about the future.

Whatever Jiang Liyun said, he earnestly took note of it.

Now, he shared some insights with Sun Jinshan: “Our country wants to make the people prosperous. Who knows, one day, the dual-price system might be abolished.”

“That would be great!” Sun Jinshan exclaimed. Some people could buy planned items at a lower price, and others made a lot of money as middlemen. He felt indignant about the situation.

Feng Yi added, “Indeed…”

Feng Yi didn’t say much.

If Jiang Liyun’s predictions came true, prices might increase, but there was no need to mention that to Sun Jinshan. Perhaps Sister Liyun wanted to seize this opportunity to make some money!

Sun Jinshan spent a long time at the pan-fried dumpling stand. Then, boldly following Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi to Jiang’s house, he intended to have a meal there.

While eating was secondary, he mainly wanted to seek advice from Jiang Liyun and see if she could guide him in starting a business.

Sun Jinshan had already made up his mind to resign from the brick factory after the New Year and venture out.

With this plan in mind, he didn’t even ride his bike; instead, he walked alongside Jiang Liyun, pushing his bicycle and chatting with her.

Feng Yi used to be the one who would return home first on the tricycle these past few days. However, today, Sun Jinshan kept engaging Jiang Liyun in conversation and was exceptionally attentive!

Feng Yi slowed down the tricycle, also trailing behind Jiang Liyun, listening to their conversation.

His gaze occasionally landed on Sun Jinshan.

Sun Jinshan continued talking, oblivious to the fact that Feng Yi seemed to be a bit jealous!

In reality, Feng Yi had no interest in Jiang Liyun. Money was the only thing on his mind!

Buying a 21-inch colour TV was much more interesting than finding a partner!

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