Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Chicken Coop

Feng Yi is not stupid. He plans and strategizes for himself.

Before, he planned to work outside after repaying Zhou Qiaoxia’s nurturing kindness to see if he could earn money and marry Jiang Liyun.

But before he could earn money, Jiang Liyun expressed her feelings towards him. and then his life needed to be replanned.

He wants to earn money with Jiang Liyun, then build a house next to Jiang Lihai’s house and live with Jiang Liyun, so he’ll have a home!

To achieve this, he works hard to show himself in front of Jiang’s family and has already gained the favour of Jiang’s crippled couple and Jiang Lihai.

He believes that Jiang’s crippled couple and Jiang Lihai would definitely not oppose his marriage to Jiang Liyun!

As for marrying into the family… He never wanted his children to have the Feng surname; marrying into the family is definitely better.

Zhou Qiaoxia looked at Feng Yi, feeling extremely angry: “Are you even a man? How can you rush to become someone’s son-in-law?”

“I am your son. Do you still not know if I’m a man or a woman?” Feng Yi asked back, not at all angry.

He has been scolded and beaten since he was a child. What Zhou Qiaoxia said now is like a drizzle to him, not worth paying attention to.

Feng Yi is unaffected, so Zhou Qiaoxia can only say: “Feng Yi, I know I treated you badly before, but it was all because of your father; he ruined me. I am still your mother, and I hope you can be good. You work hard day and night for the Jiang family, but all the money ends up in Jiang Liyun’s hands. If she dumps you for someone else in the future, what will you do?”

“Go tell that to Feng Lao Tou. Didn’t Feng Lao Tou give you all the money he earned?” Feng Yi smiled at Zhou Qiaoxia.

“You…” Zhou Qiaoxia got angry again.

Feng Yi said, “Anyway, I’m living much better now than before.”

Setting up a stall in town is indeed not easy, but he was equally exhausted when he worked at the brick factory before!

Leaving aside the hard work, his life now is much better than when he was at the brick factory!

Back then, he had to split a bowl of pig blood soup into two meals, but now he eats meat every meal!

As for all the money ending up in Jiang Liyun’s hands, which family doesn’t do that? Do Jiang’s crippled couple and Feng Lao Tou have money in their hands?

The wages Jiang Liyun gives to Jiang’s crippled couple are all collected by Wu Xiaochun.

Feng Lao Tou goes to town early every morning to sell vegetables. After returning, he either raises chickens or grows vegetables. The money he earns is also saved by Zhou Qiaoxia.

Even Jiang’s formidable Uncle Jiang next door, when he wants to buy cigarettes, has to ask Aunt Jiang for money.

He’s also worried that Jiang Liyun is too clear about her share and won’t manage the money!

With these thoughts, Feng Yi said to Zhou Qiaoxia, “Now I eat meat every day, no, I should say every meal. Look at Feng Eldest and Feng Second, can either of them eat meat every meal? I, as a son-in-law, live better than them! Today at lunch, Sister Liyun made salt and pepper chicken racks for us. They were really delicious. She thought the chicken racks didn’t have enough meat, so she gave me a salt and pepper chicken wing root.”

Jiang Liyun is particularly careful about her diet, considering the importance of a healthy body and balanced nutrition.

She is willing to let her family eat well.

Today, when she went to the market, she bought a pack of salt and pepper seasoning. She cut the chicken racks and wings into pieces, fried them in oil, and then mixed them with salt and pepper powder to make salt and pepper chicken racks.

The chicken racks were directly fried, and even the chicken bones became crispy, making a “crackling” sound that was exceptionally fragrant.

Jiang Liyun also told him that she would take him to eat roast duck in the future. The meat wrapped in the roast duck pancakes and the duck racks fried in oil are also delicious!

Various fragrances occasionally waft from Jiang’s house, and Zhou Qiaoxia knows better than anyone what kind of life Feng Yi used to live there.

Even when Feng Yi later went to the brick factory, they only left him with a small amount of money each month, so Feng Yi definitely didn’t have a good life.

And now? Feng Yi visibly gained weight.

“You have nothing; sooner or later, Jiang Liyun will leave you!” Zhou Qiaoxia left these words and walked away, grumbling.

Seeing her leave, Feng Yi went back to help Jiang Liyun.

Jiang Liyun would never leave him!

He is better than Jiang Lihai, and he has gained Jiang Liyun’s favour even more.

Jiang Liyun didn’t even want to abandon her brother, Jiang Lihai, so how could she possibly abandon him?

“What did your mum say to you?” Jiang Liyun asked Feng Yi.

Feng Yi replied, “Nothing important; don’t worry about her.”

Jiang Liyun: “…” Well, it’s the familiar Feng Yi who forgets his mother once he has a wife.

In the next few days, the situation got worse.

If it were ten or twenty years later, the price drop of chicken meat might have been gradual, but with the current poor logistics, it dropped suddenly.

Fortunately, rural people are generally conservative, and there’s no family that relies on loans to raise chickens. At most, they raise a few hundred chickens. While it’s tough for them, their lives are still manageable.

But losing money is never a good thing! Uncle Jiang specifically thanked Jiang Liyun—if it weren’t for Jiang Liyun’s advice, he would have been raising chickens now!

There were others, like Uncle Jiang, who thanked Jiang Liyun, including the He family.

The He family had been raising chickens for a while. After selling chickens to Jiang Liyun, they planned to continue raising them.

But Jiang Liyun persuaded them to switch to ducks. Now they have ducks, and the price of ducks is still normal. While they may not make a lot of money by raising them, they certainly won’t incur losses.

On December 25th, at the brick factory dock.

The tugboat, pulling a dozen or so barges, slowly docked at the pier.

Several workers who had been using wheelbarrows to transport bricks to the pier noticed from afar and were curious: “What’s on the last boat? It looks like chicken coops.”

The boat was loaded with many chicken coops made of bamboo. The coops were made of bamboo strips, shaped like a round platform with a smaller top and a larger bottom. People in their area used these chicken coops to transport chickens when they went to town to sell them.

One coop could hold several chickens, and when it was time to sell, they just needed to grab one.

But… Why would there be chicken coops on their brick factory boat?

Sun Jinshan was already dressed up, looking confident and proud.

Before going to Shanghai this time, he had already negotiated with the brick factory to rent a barge for the next trip.

Times have changed, and the brick factory has more autonomy. With a little money, he easily arranged this matter.

After all, he wasn’t using the brick factory’s boat for free; he rented it!

And when he arrived in Shanghai, Sun Jinshan went straight to find the big boss, who wholesaled chickens and ducks with the contract in hand.

The boss had heard from Sun Jinshan earlier that there was a batch of chickens in Sun Jinshan’s hometown that couldn’t be sold, so he wanted to take advantage of it.

He quoted a high price to Sun Jinshan, just to get him to transport the chickens to Shanghai.

If he really wanted to buy them, he wouldn’t want to pay such a price.

Those people’s chickens couldn’t be sold anymore. Even if he offered a lower price, they could only sell to him, right?

At that time, Sun Jinshan was indeed easy to fool. He showed off his financial strength a bit, was extra friendly to the boss, and Sun Jinshan promised to bring the chickens to Shanghai.

He was just waiting for Sun Jinshan to bring him the money, but instead, Sun Jinshan came with a contract!

Not only that, Sun Jinshan also told him that those chickens were actually part of their commune’s project to get rich, encouraging farmers to raise them.

So Sun Jinshan was selling the chickens on behalf of the commune, and the brick factory of their commune would also help transport those chickens.

Sun Jinshan learned to say this from Jiang Liyun. She knew not to fight against the government, especially in this era of changing policies, where most businessmen wouldn’t dare to offend government officials.

Even if it’s just a small commune,.

And if Sun Jinshan said it was the commune’s decision, the commune wouldn’t argue.

Recently, the chickens in the commune couldn’t be sold, and the commune cadres were in a panic. If Sun Jinshan could help them solve this problem, they would be extremely grateful!

As Jiang Liyun expected, after the wholesale business owner saw the contract, he dared not deceive Sun Jinshan anymore.

This boss wasn’t afraid of a small commune, but honestly, there was no need to offend them.

The price he offered Sun Jinshan was indeed a bit high, but if nearby farms delivered chickens to him, he would pay the same price.

Buying Sun Jinshan’s chickens at this price wouldn’t cause him a loss.

He initially thought Sun Jinshan was naive and wanted to make a bit more profit. However, with the commune backing Sun Jinshan and the contract likely written by commune officials, bullying him further could lead to trouble at the county or city level.

The boss abandoned the idea of tricking Sun Jinshan and engaged in serious negotiations.

After discussion, they eventually signed the contract. After Sun Jinshan paid a 200-yuan deposit, he also received 500 old bamboo chicken coops from the boss.

These coops weren’t valuable because they were made of bamboo and used.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Sun Jinshan took out a small mirror, checked his hair covered in pomade, and, carrying his bell-bottom pants, disembarked.

He flashed a smile towards the people on the shore. “I heard that some people in our commune have chickens they can’t sell. I’ve helped arrange sales in the big city. If anyone wants to sell chickens, you can find me!”

Some of the brick factory workers’ family members also raised chickens. Upon hearing Sun Jinshan’s words, they immediately surrounded him.

Sun Jinshan was pulled and tugged by them, and his clean clothes were covered in dust. Unable to lift his pants in time, he let them down, and the bell-bottom legs were stepped on several times.

Sun Jinshan: “HeHe underestimated the situation! He shouldn’t have rushed to mention this matter!

The key issue was how he would handle the chicken transactions, and he hadn’t figured that out. He couldn’t answer the questions these people asked him!

Sun Jinshan could only say, “Everyone wait a moment. I just got back, and many things haven’t been arranged. I’ll sort things out today and give everyone a definite answer tomorrow.”

After saying this, Sun Jinshan, holding up his pants, hurriedly ran away.

He had no choice; the pants were a bit too long, and if he wasn’t careful, he might step on them and trip.

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