Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Discussion

Whether knitting or sewing clothes, Jiang Liyun had experience from her past life. Sewing clothes may be a bit challenging in terms of cutting, but with a template, it’s quick. Most women in clothing factories can sew without much technical skill. Knitting is similar; without intricate patterns, it’s not difficult. However, it requires patience, which she lacks.

Perhaps because she never earned money this way, if knitting could make her rich, she’d invest time and effort. Looking at Feng Yi now, he seems more patient.

Jiang Liyun observed Feng Yi’s knitting and said, “Feng Yi, I prefer simple styles for the sweaters. I want one in red and one in pure white.”

Feng Yi, understanding her preferences for fabric shopping, agreed. Jiang Liyun thanked him, kissing his forehead.

Feng Yi: “!!!”

In the Jiang family kitchen, Wu Xiaochun had prepared dinner. Seeing Feng Yi knitting, she felt uneasy—usually, he handled physical tasks. To see him knitting after finally getting a break surprised her.

But then her daughter kissed Feng Yi!

Wu Xiaochun was shocked, looking at Jiang Liyun. Although it was just a forehead kiss, it was unusual for them.

After her daughter sat down, Wu Xiaochun, still astonished, spoke to Jiang Liyun, “I’m starving. Let’s eat.”

Despite the innocent kiss, both Jiang Liyun’s father and Wu Xiaochun found it surprising. During dinner, Wu Xiaochun struggled with her thoughts, eventually asking Jiang Liyun’s father about her and Feng Yi’s relationship.

Jiang Liyun’s father suggested asking Jiang Liyun, and Wu Xiaochun agreed, planning to talk to her later. When Wu Xiaochun eventually broached the topic during Jiang Liyun’s preparation of chicken, she suggested, “Li Yun, maybe we can delay the marriage with Feng Yi and focus on engagement. It might save some money, especially if you do it together with your brother.”

Jiang Liyun agreed, “Sure, we can plan it with my brother and save some money.”

Jiang Liyun is not in a hurry to get married because Feng Yi is still young and also because they don’t have much right now.

She isn’t someone who cares much about ceremony; getting a marriage certificate is enough for her.

But Feng Yi is different. Knowing him, he would want a grand wedding.

In their past lives, they rushed into marriage, and Feng Yi regretted it. Later, he even took her to take wedding photos.

Now, if they were to do it again, their wedding would have to be perfect. They need a house, a banquet, wedding photos, and ideally a videographer to capture the process.

In her past life, starting in the 1990s, people here started hiring videographers for weddings and making DVDs.

Feng Yi has always envied those with wedding videos.

By the time Feng Yi is old enough to get married, she will surely have enough money, and if they can’t find a videographer here, they can go to the provincial capital.

She doesn’t like spending money recklessly, but if Feng Yi wants it, it’s okay to splurge a bit.

However, they’re not in a rush to get married, but they can start planning their engagement. After the engagement, no one will say anything, even if she and Feng Yi get closer.

According to their customs, after the engagement, it’s okay for the man and woman to live together.

And engagement is quite simple; it can be done in a day, and it won’t even affect her business.

“So be it. Should I go ask the blind fortune teller for an auspicious date?” Wu Xiaochun asked.

Jiang Liyun said, “No need to ask the blind fortune teller; I’ll take care of it.”

Whether the day goes well doesn’t depend on a blind fortune teller; it depends on oneself.

In their past lives, that fortune teller gave her and Xie Zugen an auspicious date, but they still ended up in a mess.

But she won’t pick an inauspicious date either…

Jiang Liyun took out the calendar and looked through it, then said, “Mum, how about the end of this month, the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, for the engagement?”

January 30, 1988, the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, is auspicious for marriage.

Wu Xiaochun said, “I still think we should ask the fortune teller…”

“Mum, fortune telling is more expensive now. It costs three yuan per session,” Jiang Liyun said.

Wu Xiaochun fell silent and then asked, “Won’t the He family think we’re not taking it seriously? Is Feng Yi willing?”

“Feng Yi will definitely agree, but as for the He family, maybe we should ask them and see what date they prefer for the engagement,” Jiang Liyun said, smiling at Feng Yi near the door.

Feng Yi had just returned after helping Jiang Liyun buy coal balls.

Upon hearing Jiang Liyun talk about the engagement date, he initially didn’t understand, but when Wu Xiaochun mentioned him, it clicked.

Was Jiang Liyun talking about their engagement?

Are they really getting engaged?

Feng Yi wanted to hug Jiang Liyun, but his hands were covered in coal dust from buying coal balls.

So, he rushed to wash his hands. When he returned, he wasn’t as excited, especially with Jiang Laozi and Wu Xiaochun present. Feng Yi didn’t dare to hug Jiang Liyun; instead, he took over her work, chopping chicken with a clang.

Jiang Liyun: “…”dealing with this white-feathered chicken isn’t easy.

After chopping for a while, Feng Yi asked, “Liyun Jie, are we really getting engaged?”

“Yeah, are you willing?”

“Willing! It just feels a bit unreal,” Feng Yi said.

In a way, whether it was Jiang Liyun becoming his girlfriend or their engagement, it happened suddenly and quickly.

He always seemed to be unexpectedly hit with good things.

But thinking about it, it seemed normal.

He had known Jiang Liyun since childhood, and before officially dating, they even went on several dates in Luo Si Bay. It was time to define their relationship.

And now… They had been together for over two months, spending a lot of time together. It was indeed time to get engaged.

With this thought, Feng Yi became calm.

He only regretted being too young. Otherwise, he and Jiang Liyun could have been married soon!

The more Feng Yi thought about it, the happier he became.

Jiang Liyun added, “Feng Yi, for the engagement, I want to wear a red sweater.”

“Liyun Jie, I promise I’ll knit the sweater before that day!” Feng Yi assured Jiang Liyun.

Now that it was cold and there wasn’t much work in the fields, he spent about six hours each day selling dumplings in the morning, fried chicken in the afternoon, and three hours on miscellaneous activities. With seven hours of sleep, he had six hours each day to knit a sweater!

Jiang Liyun smiled. “I’ll be waiting.”

She also planned to prepare a gift for Feng Yi—a wristwatch.

Jiang Lihai returned the day before yesterday, rested yesterday, and went to work today.

When he came back home in the evening, he wasn’t alone; he brought Sun Jinshan with him.

After returning from Shanghai, Sun Jinshan wanted to visit Jiang Liyun. However, he had many friends, and that day he was invited to dinner by a friend, so he went.

As for yesterday… He resigned from the brick and tile factory and treated the employees to a meal.

When Feng Yi left the brick and tile factory, he envied her a bit and thought about resigning as well. However, he hadn’t decided what to do next, so he continued working there.

Now, with earnings of 1,400 yuan, he no longer cared for the meagre salary from the brick and tile factory. He promptly decided to resign.

He was no longer an employee of the brick-and-tile factory.

Today, Jiang Lihai went to town to buy some gifts and brought Sun Jinshan to visit Jiang Liyun together.

Jiang Liyun returned home late, in a hurry to eat, so they didn’t talk much.

After dinner, Sun Jinshan spoke happily: “Jiang Liyun, in about ten days, our village will have a large batch of chickens ready for sale. We can make another profit!”

Jiang Liyun looked at Sun Jinshan’s brand-new suit, clearly just bought. Also, he deliberately took out a package of English cigarettes from his pants pocket and placed it on the table. She asked, “Sun Jinshan, do you want to start a company?”

“Start a company?” Sun Jinshan was stunned.

“Yes, open a company specialising in wholesale chicken and duck meat,” Jiang Liyun said. “Of course, it won’t be just you; we’ll be partners in this venture.”

“We can open a company just by selling chicken and duck meat?” Sun Jinshan found it unbelievable.

Jiang Liyun replied, “Certainly. If you do it well, who knows, we might even turn it into a big brand.”

Sun Jinshan had no idea how to start a company, but under Jiang Liyun’s confident gaze, he suddenly felt that maybe, just maybe, they could indeed make it happen.

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