Super Brain Telekinesis
Super Brain Telekinesis Chapter 140

The next day, back in the city, Wu Hao first had his parents and sister return home, while he stayed behind to handle some matters regarding the machinery factory.

“Hao, our machinery factory is almost complete, and most of the equipment has been installed. However, the high-precision machine tools we ordered have been held up,” Hong Lei told Wu Hao when he found him, updating him on the recent situation and difficulties at the factory.

Wu Hao had been busy with other matters and hadn’t been involved with the factory. Initially, Hong Lei would call him for guidance, but Wu Hao would always reply, “Handle it with the factory staff.” After a few times, Hong Lei realized Wu Hao was preoccupied, so he stopped asking about the factory.

Now that the main buildings of the factory were almost completed, only some minor environmental projects remained. Standard machine tools and equipment had been installed, but Wu Hao had initially instructed Hong Lei to set high standards for the factory.

In addition to regular machines, they needed several high-precision CNC machines, which weren’t manufactured or sold domestically. These had to be imported. Hong Lei had already ordered several from abroad, but customs blocked them, citing a ban on selling such machines to China. Hong Lei had no choice but to inform Wu Hao, hoping he could find a solution.

“High-precision CNC machines?” Wu Hao pondered briefly before saying, “I’ll handle this. Cancel the previous orders. I’ll find another channel.” Wu Hao planned to have the Qinling Base manufacture a few industrial machines.

Although these machines were nothing special to Wu Hao, they were crucial for industrial manufacturers to enhance their production and precision capabilities. The Qinling Base had advanced equipment with 3D printing and precision machining capabilities, but Wu Hao wouldn’t reveal these high-tech machines to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

Unbeknownst to him, Wu Hao was already being monitored by certain individuals, who had yet to take any action.

“Hao, are you sure there’s no problem?” Although Hong Lei trusted Wu Hao, he knew how difficult it was to order such high-precision machines from abroad. Small components could be smuggled in, but large, heavy machines were another matter.

“Don’t worry, it’s fine. I’ll get the equipment to the factory within a month,” Wu Hao said confidently.

Hong Lei, reassured, knew Wu Hao had other channels. Countries like Japan, the USA, and several in Europe could manufacture such machines.

Wu Hao spent about a day in the city, visiting the machinery factory and the local branch of Dongfang Yinhe Investment Company, issuing a few directives. Afterward, he returned home, where his mother’s and sister’s moods had lightened considerably, knowing his father was fully recovered.

Besides accompanying his parents for check-ups, Wu Hao also planned to oversee the expansion of their villa, intending to build a small underground base and a hangar for future aircraft. He chose the hilltop behind their home, initially planned for a large pavilion but now intended for a castle-like villa with secret facilities.

“Father, is there anything you’d like to do?” Wu Hao casually asked his father after dinner one night.

“What do you mean?” Wu Hongguo, Wu Hao’s father, was puzzled.

“Do you have any hobbies or interests?” Wu Hao explained. Since his father’s health had fully recovered and they lacked nothing, Wu Hao wanted his parents to find enjoyable activities to avoid boredom.

“Hobbies? I haven’t thought about that!” Wu Hongguo said, bewildered.

At this point, Zhang Huilan interjected, “Son, your father has spent his life farming, always thinking about saving money. He never had time for hobbies.” Though she said this, she also thought, “Maybe my son is right. Now that we’re better off and his health is fine, perhaps I should find something I enjoy. I’ve heard many people in the city dance in the squares; maybe I’ll try that someday.”


Just a guy translating stuff.

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