Super Brain Telekinesis
Super Brain Telekinesis Chapter 159

Wu Zhengwei glanced briefly at Yi Xidi and immediately continued to raise the offer: “1.1 billion!”

Seeing Wu Zhengwei was indeed acting like a wealthy tycoon, Yi Xidi added another hundred million, feeling somewhat excited but still displaying a hesitant expression.

Noticing this, the leaders from the Municipal Government and the Sports Bureau all looked at him with a unified gaze. Clearly, everyone present had an understanding of the value the club could be transferred for.

Wu Zhengwei, seeing Yi Xidi still seemed undecided, couldn’t help but sigh inwardly and then had to raise the price again: “1.2 billion!” After saying these two words, Wu Zhengwei stared at Yi Xidi and said, “Mr. Yi, this price should show my sincerity, right?”

Yi Xidi immediately reacted and, with a smile, said, “Mr. Wu, this price is certainly very sincere. No problem, we’ll proceed with this price, and I’ll have the contract prepared right away.” Although Yi Xidi wanted to get more money, he knew that he had to keep things reasonable in front of so many city leaders. After all, didn’t he see Director Sun and the other leaders eagerly watching him?

Their eager looks were quite clear, meaning they wanted him to finalize the club’s transfer quickly because they were counting on the hundred billion investment!

After all, the club was still receiving policy subsidies from the Municipal Government every year. The direct injection of one hundred billion was a stark contrast, and these leaders were undoubtedly eager to hand over the club to expedite the arrival of that hundred billion funding.

Once this matter was settled, they would have a substantial political achievement. After all, securing a hundred billion investment wasn’t easy.

Even the city’s investment promotion bureau couldn’t just obtain a hundred billion investment easily.

Shuangqing City is no longer what it was several years ago. When ‘Bo’ was still in office, Shuangqing City’s achievements in external investment, economic development, and city management were notable.

However, ‘Bo’ was completely removed from office due to family ties and other reasons, and the citizens of the city sighed for a long time.

During his tenure, he had carried out a severe crackdown on organized crime, which shocked the nation. Now with policy changes, the new leader doesn’t have the same level of control or the boldness to make sweeping reforms, so many things began to revive.

For instance, those big shots from the underground world slowly returned to the city. They left initially because of the government’s severe crackdown on them.

In fact, such black forces emerge everywhere in the country, and unless things get too extreme, the government generally doesn’t take drastic actions. But ‘Bo’ was so bold; frankly, his downfall was partly due to family connections and also his overly prominent ambition and strong control over the city. As for corruption? It’s hard to say; after all, such matters are beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

Well, this might just be each one’s fate! [Seems like I’ve said too much. This issue can’t be discussed in depth right now; I hope it won’t be censored!]

After Yi Xidi agreed, things became straightforward. Soon, Wu Zhengwei and Yi Xidi signed the club transfer contract. Since the club’s assets were already known, the contract was simple.

“Congratulations, Mr. Wu. The club is now your company’s. I look forward to the club soaring under your leadership.” As soon as the contract was signed and the transfer was completed, Yi Xidi warmly shook hands with Wu Zhengwei and congratulated him.

“Mr. Yi, you’ll see that expectation fulfilled soon enough.” Wu Zhengwei smiled confidently. He had seen the detailed plan outlined by Wu Hao, and the hundred billion was just the initial funding. Wu Zhengwei hadn’t mentioned the club’s future development to Yi Xidi or the leaders present.

Soon after acquiring the club, Wu Zhengwei began discussions with several city leaders.

“Director Sun, let’s discuss the club’s development next! Also, please have the bank prepare accordingly.”

“This is simple. The club’s original company account is with Shuangqing Bank. Once the club’s name change is confirmed, it can be used normally.” During the contract signing with Yi Xidi, with the help of the Sports Bureau, the club’s name was changed, and the contract included a stipulation that if the club were transferred again, its name could not be changed—a strict condition.

The new club name, reflecting the local city’s nickname, is ‘Tianyu Football Club Ltd.’ In China, clubs have this nature, slightly different from Europe.

The Tianyu Club and Chengdu’s Tianfu Club are considered sibling clubs, as both cities are of the same origin. Currently, Tianfu Club is preparing to qualify for the second-tier league, which is far behind the Tianyu Club. However, according to Wu Hao’s plan for Liu Ben, Tianfu Club must qualify for the top league within three years, with the new season starting in the second-tier league and promotion to the top league in the second year.

Wu Zhengwei, seeing Director Sun and the others move on from this topic, knew that once the new club account was handled by the bank, the funds would be transferred by the latest tomorrow.

Given the large amount and cross-bank transfer, some time was expected.

“Director Sun, here is the detailed plan our boss has developed for the club’s future. The leaders can review it first.” Wu Zhengwei immediately handed over several printed documents prepared earlier. These documents included plans for purchasing land from the municipal government to build a football school and youth training base, as well as for the demolition and reconstruction of the club’s original stadium.

Director Sun and the leaders glanced at the thick plan and were stunned by the scale of Wu Hao’s ambitions.

“Mr. Wu, due to the large scale of this plan, we need to convene a meeting at the bureau to discuss it in detail before we can give you a satisfactory response.”

4o mini


Just a guy translating stuff.

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