Take a Bite of the Bunny
Take a Bite of the Bunny Chapter 2

Wei Jin felt that her days were getting harder and harder. Wei Feng had been training her by indirectly letting her handle the company’s affairs. Every document that eventually landed on Wei Feng’s desk had to go through Wei Jin first. If she thought everything was in order and approved, then it would be handed to Wei Feng for a final review.

Stacks of electronic spreadsheets and piles of printed contracts were giving her eyes a real headache. And yet, she still had to find time to make her mother a cup of coffee to serve her properly.

Leaning against the wall in the break room, Wei Jin took a moment to zone out before looking down at the steaming cup of coffee. In the end, she decided to drink it herself.


“Ouch… it’s so hot!”

Feeling unjustly treated, Wei Jin wanted to roll around on the floor in frustration.

Her phone suddenly rang, interrupting her break. She pulled it out of her pocket and saw that it was her good friend, Xu Xu, calling.

After being reincarnated, Wei Jin naturally made some lifelong friends early on, with Xu Xu and Gu Ziyan being the closest of them. The three of them were like a stable triangle.

As a result, Wei Jin had now become the brightest third wheel between them.

Xu Xu was also a female alpha, and her animal form was a leopard; Gu Ziyan, on the other hand, was a male omega, and his animal form was a tabby cat. A few years ago, not long after reaching the legal marriage age, the two of them got married. They even had a kid now who could call her “Auntie Wei,” much to her dismay.

Wei Jin couldn’t understand how the two of them ended up together. She’d seen them both at their worst as kids, snot and tears everywhere.

But the moment Xu Xu shyly held Gu Ziyan’s hand and handed Wei Jin their wedding invitation, her expression was one of utter disbelief.

“What?! You two got together behind my back? How could you hide this from me so well?!”

Xu Xu laughed awkwardly, scratching her head. “Haha, how did we hide it from you? Xiao Jin, didn’t I always treat Yan Yan really well?”

Wei Jin: “Huh? But you treat me well too!”

“That’s different! You’re my best bro! Yan Yan… Yan Yan is… different! Definitely different…” Xu Xu stammered, at a loss for words, wondering why her friend could be as innocent as an omega.

“Fine, I get it!”

“Congratulations, my dear friend!”

Even though Wei Jin didn’t fully understand, she accepted it and gave them her blessings. After all, their trio was still stable, so no big deal.

On their wedding day, Wei Jin emptied her savings and gave her best friend and best friend’s partner a red envelope with 999,999 yuan inside.

In fact, it was just a card in there, which felt pretty thin.

Xu Xu, holding the red envelope, thought for a moment that Wei Jin was about to ruin the wedding and steal the groom.

Wei Jin, holding the other end of the envelope, gritted her teeth. “Six nines, the password is your birthday!”

Xu Xu’s face instantly lit up like a blooming peach blossom in spring, but when she tried to tug it from Wei Jin, she couldn’t.

“This is all the money I saved in my little vault!” Wei Jin’s heart ached over the six nines, but she was willing to let go.


“Don’t worry, Xiao Jin, when you get married, I’ll make sure to give you an even bigger red envelope!”

And three years later, she was still waiting…

“So, what’s up? How come you have time to call me today?” Wei Jin was too lazy to stand, so she flopped down on the small couch, crossing her legs casually.

But after a moment, she felt the position was a bit uncomfortable and decided to lay down in a more relaxed sprawl.

Xu Xu had kids early, so she often found herself unable to spend much time with Gu Ziyan. However, this year, since the kid had become a little less clingy, they had the grandparents help out, and the couple had gone off on a second honeymoon to travel the world.

As a result, the three of them didn’t talk as often as they used to, but Xu Xu and Gu Ziyan still sent Wei Jin little gifts from wherever they traveled.

Their way of saying: “Even though we don’t see each other, you’re still part of my life.”

With them off traveling, Wei Jin, left behind as a “stay-behind child,” had no one to hang out with. She was exhausted from all the work at the company.

“Hey, Xiao Jin, it’s been a couple of weeks since we last called, so I thought I’d check in on you! Sigh, and you never think to call me first, always making me sad…”

Wei Jin was the type of person who rarely took the initiative to contact others, so for her more distant relationships, the lack of communication often made them fade into nothingness. But with friends like Xu Xu and Gu Ziyan, she knew their bond wouldn’t weaken even if they didn’t talk frequently. She’d still share parts of her life with them from time to time, so their relationship was comfortable and enduring.

This was why she didn’t mind parting with her six nines for them.

“It’s been a while! You haven’t gotten yourself a new bestie while traveling the world, have you?” Xu Xu teased.

Hearing her friend’s voice, Wei Jin relaxed a bit. “Of course not. I’ve just been stuck at work every day, not having as much fun as you two!”

There was some background noise on Xu Xu’s end, and Wei Jin could hear her talking to Gu Ziyan faintly.

“Don’t worry, Xiao Jin, we’ll be back soon. Yan Yan said he misses you too, so we’ll take you out for a nice meal when we return…”

“But, Xiao Jin…” Xu Xu’s tone suddenly turned gossip-y, “Have you still not found a partner yet?”

Sigh. Wei Jin felt tired just hearing the question.

“Nope, still haven’t. My family’s been introducing people, though. If the right one comes along, then great.”

Xu Xu chuckled. “Need me to introduce you to someone? Yan Yan knows quite a few single people.”

“Sigh, it’s fine. You can’t force these things. I’ll just take my time.” Wei Jin turned down the offer.

“Alright, alright, but once we’re back, we’ll hang out again…”

“Okay, I should stop slacking off now. I’ve been hiding out here for way too long. Gotta go!”

“Alright, alright, you poor thing…” Xu Xu’s voice trailed off as the call ended.

Wei Jin stayed sprawled out for a bit longer before getting up to finish the now-cold coffee. It tasted like downing a shot of strong liquor.

She sighed and made her mother another cup.

Just as she was halfway through brewing it, the door to the break room opened.

With a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, Wei Feng walked in. “Oh, so you’re here? I was looking for you in the bathroom, thinking you forgot to bring some tissue…”

Wei Jin surrendered immediately. “Mooooom~~”

“You’ve been brewing that coffee for a while now. I thought something happened to you. If you’re feeling too tired lately, take a few days off and rest at home,” Wei Feng said as she settled into the small sofa.

“Besides, you’re handling almost everything at the company now, and I’m still here too, so nothing major.”

Wei Jin handed the coffee to her mother and perched herself on the armrest of the sofa.

“It’s nothing. I don’t have much to do at home anyway. I’m fine at the company.”

Wei Feng looked at her with concern. “Sigh, you need to find a partner soon to keep you company. Look at how tired you are…”

“I remember when you just started college, you had so much more hair…”


Wei Jin, feeling aggrieved, slid off the armrest onto the sofa, hugging her mother’s arm.

Wei Feng always gave off a reliable and comforting vibe, with a faint scent of vanilla lingering around her.

Wei Jin always thought this smell was pleasant, though Wei Feng wrinkled her nose and pushed her away slightly.

“You’re acting like an omega, and your rum-flavored scent is giving me a headache…”

Though Wei Feng said this, she didn’t actually push Wei Jin away.

The two of them rarely got a chance to relax like this together.

“Oh… and about that potential match your Little Dad mentioned… they got back to us…” Wei Feng suddenly brought it up, as if she’d just remembered.

“Oh? What did they say?”

“They said you two should find time to meet up soon. Just get to know each other first.” Wei Feng’s voice had a slight vibration that made Wei Jin feel a little emotional.

She couldn’t help but think: Parents really don’t have it easy.

“Alright, let’s meet them.”

“Yeah, just meet them. If it works out, then that’s good.” Wei Feng then chuckled. “Do you know what the omega from your last match said about you?”


“They said you were so shy and soft-spoken, like an omega yourself. It didn’t feel like a date—it felt more like a tea party with friends. Hahaha…” Wei Feng laughed lightly.

Wei Jin groaned in response. “Well, what can I do? This is just who I am. Anyway, I’ll find someone who accepts me eventually. I’m not in a rush, so you shouldn’t be either! I know what I’m doing.”

“You and Little Dad just focus on living your best lives…”

“Alright, alright, can’t you act serious for once?” Wei Feng chuckled, squeezing Wei Jin’s shoulder and pulling her in for a hug. “You make sure to live your best life too.”

“Got it, Mom.”

After lazing around in the break room for a while longer, they finally got back to work.

Wei Jin had a small desk installed diagonally opposite Wei Feng’s in the office, and they sat there working together. Whenever they got tired, they would lean back in their chairs and close their eyes or stand by the top-floor window, gazing out at the sea of lights in the distance.

Among those lights was one belonging to Meng Yue Sheng.

Meng Yue Sheng’s company hadn’t been around for long, and many in the family didn’t think it would succeed. Some even called him an anomaly.

The pressures of the business world and the family’s disapproval weighed heavily on him.

But why? Why should omega be confined to staying at home, raising children, and being subordinate to alphas? Why should omega live for others, without having their own lives?

Meng Yue Sheng didn’t believe in those outdated omega rules. He was determined to live a life that was different!

No matter how exhausting, no matter how difficult!

He would never compromise.

He’d heard that his parents had introduced him to another potential match. His parents were good to him, and although they didn’t fully understand or support his work, they secretly encouraged him.

The people they’d introduced him to in the past, though seemingly gentle and refined on the surface, were rotten underneath.

Their gazes wandered over him, not seeing a person, but an item to be compared, as if his worth could be measured by what he could bring to the table.

His father and Little Dad had also met through an arranged marriage, but they’d been lucky enough to find each other.

So they understood his frustrations.

They just wanted their child to find someone to rely on.


A person as rare as a rainbow, only when encountered does one know their worth.


1 chapter will be unlock per week ~ Join my Discord for more latest updates 🤔

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