Taking care of a husband is a trouble
Taking care of a husband is a trouble: Chapter 2-1

Her liking caused him trouble.

He… That’s what he meant, right?

Xiang Xiaokui belatedly realized the meaning behind Wen Buyu’s silence. Facing her computer screen, her face turned red with embarrassment.

In truth, her liking for Wen Buyu was more accurately described as admiration, like the feeling a fan has for their idol. Posting on Weibo every day or listening to his past radio dramas before falling asleep had become a habit. She had never considered whether this habit would be accepted by him.

Being openly rejected by Wen Buyu in front of so many people, and even being told that her actions annoyed him, Xiang Xiaokui couldn’t help but admit she felt lost and sad.

But more than anything, she felt sorry.

He was right; whether it was liking or admiring, it shouldn’t burden the other person’s life. And this outcome wasn’t what she had hoped for.

After hesitating for a long time, Xiang Xiaokui finally mustered the courage to open Weibo.

As expected, her Weibo was almost flooded. Hundreds and thousands of comments filled her feed.

Such a scene probably only occurred when it involved a big figure!

Xiang Xiaokui’s last Weibo post was still about the regret she felt in the morning because she couldn’t listen to Wen Buyu’s interview on time. Now, it had become a huge irony, and a target for the haters —

User433: Look, His majesty has publicly declared that he doesn’t like you. Please don’t bother him anymore!

User434: His majesty has retired, yet he’s still being dragged out by a scheming woman. Enough already…

User435: This is karma, haha, Emperor V5!

User849: Are you haters satisfied? Have you never posted about your idol on Weibo? Weibo is a place to express feelings; why can’t she speak her mind?

User850: Flower girl1, cheer up~ His majesty probably doesn’t fully understand you yet. Don’t be sad; you still have us =3=

Most comments on Weibo were mocking or sarcastic, but there were also a few fans comforting her, though they were many.

Xiang Xiaokui thought she could handle the situation with indifference, but she still couldn’t help feeling down.

Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, reluctant to type. Wasn’t anything she said at this point wrong?

After much hesitation, Xiang Xiaokui finally typed a few words and then deleted them, repeating the process. This was the first time she had been so cautious in doing something.

Finally —

Clueless Huaxiaokui: I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.

She thought, perhaps only the most sincere apology could earn his forgiveness.

In the next few days, Huaxiaokui was busy with school starting, so she didn’t have time to go online. Since she shouldn’t be posting about His majesty anymore, she thought she could as well take a break from Weibo.

When she finally had time to go online, four days had passed since the incident.

As soon as Huaxiaokui logged into QQ2, the drama club’s icon began flashing.

Tuanzi Master (Promotion): Oh my! Huaxiaokui is here! Am I seeing things right? The headline!!

Huaxiaokui (CV): Hello, Tuanzi Master ~O(∩_∩)O~

Tuanzi Master (Promotion): It’s great to see you. I thought you were going to leave the circle.

Huaxiaokui (CV): Why would I leave the circle?

Tuanzi Master (Promotion): Because His majesty publicly rejected you, and you’ve been absent for so long, so I thought…

Diamond Lolita Little Meow Meow (Art): …Tuanzi Master, you’ve hurt Huaxiaokui again!

Tuanzi Master (Promotion): Oops! Oh my, what have I done! Huaxiaokui, I’m sorry ~wailing~

Huaxiaokui (CV): It’s okay, I wasn’t planning to leave the circle. It’s just that I’ve been busy since school started. This little apple can testify to that! ^0^

Cheng Lu was the little apple meant in Huaxiaokui’s words. Because she was busy with elective courses, she had been hiding. But now that Huaxiaokui mentioned her, she had to come up and say hello to everyone.

Apple Green (Planning): She’s fine. This person ate six meat buns at noon! Six!

Diamond Lolita Little Meow Meow (Art): I imagined a scene from an ancient brothel where a gust of wind blows and the weak women fall over, then they roll up their sleeves and start eating meat buns…

Tuanzi Master (Promotion): Hahaha!

Huaxiaokui (CV): You guys are the worst TOT

Diamond Lolita Little Meow Meow (Art): But, Huaxiaokui, are you really okay? We’re a bit worried about you.

Knowing that her friends were concerned about her made Huaxiaokui feel happy. She also knew what Little Meow Meow meant.

Huaxiaokui (CV): His majesty was just expressing his feelings, and if he hadn’t said anything, I might never have known the trouble my actions caused him. So now I’m going to change my strategy and silently support him!

Tuanzi Master (Promotion): Huaxiaokui’s attitude is really good. If it were me, being rejected by a male god in front of so many people, I’d probably hang myself from a tree!


  1. Huaxiaokui can also mean little flower ↩︎
  2. QQ is a popular instant messaging software service developed by Tencent Holdings Limited, a Chinese multinational conglomerate. It offers various services such as text messaging, voice and video calls, online social games, microblogging, and more. QQ is widely used in China and has millions of active users. ↩︎

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