Taking care of a husband is a trouble
Taking care of a husband is a trouble: Chapter 2-2

After chatting with friends from the drama club for a while, Xiao Kui was forced offline by Cheng Lu to discuss the matter of choosing elective courses together.

In fact, Xiao Kui had already made a decision as soon as she received the promotional material for elective courses. She took out the information for the “Broadcasting and Speech Artistry” course and handed it to Cheng Lu: “I just checked the teacher’s information online. It seems that he’s a well-known anchor in the city and now a visiting professor at our school. Taking his class should be very rewarding.”

Cheng Lu glanced at the name of the teaching professor: Xie Muyao.

Below were Xie Muyao’s employment history and the honors he had received, written in great detail on a large piece of paper, far surpassing the resumes of other elective course teachers by who knows how many times.

Xiao Kui didn’t notice Cheng Lu’s hesitation. They had agreed to take elective courses together from the beginning, and since they both were in the voice acting circle, “Broadcasting and Speech Artistry” was even more aligned with their interests.

So Xiao Kui decisively checked the box next to Xie Muyao’s elective course.

Because T University was not an art school, and broadcasting and speech artistry was a very professional course, Xiao Kui naively thought that there would be very few students choosing this course.

As it turned out, she was indeed too naive!

Xiao Kui and Cheng Lu arrived at the lecture hall twenty minutes early, only to find that the first ten rows were already filled with people.

Could it be that the entire school’s students had started to enter the voice acting circle?

When Xie Muyao entered the classroom, the noisy chatter instantly stopped.

The teacher was younger than Xiao Kui had imagined, wearing the school’s uniform dark gray suit without a tie. His serious yet casual attire added to his charm. With his left arm holding a textbook, he walked steadily to the podium. Behind his frameless glasses, his black eyes held a faint smile. He then solemnly bowed to the students.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Xie Muyao. From today onwards, we will have many opportunities to meet.”

Truly worthy of being a renowned anchor, his voice was clear and very pleasant to listen to, with fluctuating tones that were a delight to the ears.

Xiao Kui finally understood why so many students had chosen this seemingly unpopular elective course, especially with a majority of female students. After hearing Xie Muyao’s voice, she also began to look forward to the future classes.

After the class bell rang, even Xiao Kui, who was usually oblivious, noticed that Cheng Lu seemed a little off.

How coud she put it? Hmm… very silent, constantly writing and not willing to look up.

Xiao Kui was curious but hesitant to talk to Cheng Lu. She was timid, especially on the first day of class. Being caught by the teacher would probably put her on the permanent blacklist.

Her eyes wandered around, and suddenly she noticed in the far corner of the first row, a boy sitting quietly. Around him, there were four or five empty seats.

Most elective courses were attended by groups of close friends, but he seemed to be alone.

Xiao Kui’s seat was towards the back, so she could only see his back. Just by his sitting posture, she could tell he was quite tall, wearing a clean and crisp white shirt. Amidst the crowd of flashy girls, for some reason, Xiao Kui was reminded of a line from a poem—

Floating freely as if detached from the world, transcending into immortality1.

The first class was a boring overview, but fortunately, Xie Muyao’s teaching had its own uniqueness. He was sometimes humorous, plus his own physical advantages, coupled with his pleasant voice, he never made people feel drowsy.

Forty minutes passed by quickly. When the bell for the end of class rang, unlike usual, students lamented the early end of the course. Xiaokui was very skeptical of these people’s motives. If students at T University were truly so eager to learn, they would have surpassed Harvard and Oxford to become the world’s number one university world wide long ago.

Xie Muyao smiled and left. Xiaokui noticed the tall boy who had been sitting in the corner also quietly leaving the classroom.

Since the students attending the elective course were from the same year, even if they didn’t know each other, they still had some impressions. However, this boy’s back seemed unfamiliar to Xiaokui, and she couldn’t recall if she had seen him before.

Could it be that he wasn’t a student of their year?

  1. The poem “飄飄乎如遺世獨立,羽化而登仙” is from the poem “登鹳雀楼” (Dēng Guàn Què Lóu), written by the Tang Dynasty poet 王之涣 (Wáng Zhī Huàn), also known as Wang Zhihuan. This poem is famous for its depiction of a scene atop the Stork Tower, where the poet reflects on the vastness of the world and the fleeting nature of life. ↩︎

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