Tears and Triumph: Doing It All
Tears and Triumph: Doing It All Chapter 15: Agreement

Chapter 15

After the music class was taken over, it was time for the parent-teacher conference.

Students were outside waiting for their parents, pointing to their seats and guiding them in.

Li Changsheng spotted Wen Xiangyi among the students: “Xiangyi.”

Wen Xiangyi turned around and saw Li Changsheng in professional attire. With a calm expression, she said, “Aunt Li, what has my mom been busy with lately?”

“Your mother has an important meeting and couldn’t make it. She’ll make it up to you tonight,” Li Changsheng, a close friend and right-hand person of Luo Yan, patted Wen Xiangyi on the shoulder, “Don’t blame her.”

Wen Xiangyi smiled, “Of course not.”

After escorting Li Changsheng into the classroom, Wen Xiangyi stepped outside, her smile slowly fading away.

Students from other classes whispered, “Is that Wen Xiangyi’s sister? She looks so elite.”

“Maybe. I’ve heard no one has ever seen her parents.”

He Nianyao shooed away the boys and started talking to Wen Xiangyi:  

“My dad always says, ‘If you were like Wen Xiangyi, getting praised at every parent-teacher meeting, it would be so impressive!’ Your mom must have wanted to come too; not coming is her loss.”

Wen Xiangyi smiled in agreement but seemed distracted. Suddenly, she noticed an empty seat behind her:  

“Has Song Cheng’s parent not arrived yet?”

The meeting was set to start in three to five minutes. As it was the first parent-teacher conference of the year, parents were quite attentive and arrived promptly. The only empty seat stood out glaringly.

He Nianyao said, “I don’t know.”

Parent-teacher conferences at Third Middle School weren’t very frequent. Aside from someone as notable as Wen Xiangyi, few paid attention to whether a classmate’s parents attended. Song Cheng had always been a shadow in the corner of the class, and no one remembered her parents.

Wen Xiangyi responded vaguely.

By the time the conference ended, Song Cheng’s seat was still empty, and Old Li hadn’t even asked about it.

Song Cheng blended into the crowd as she walked out of the school.

Because of the parent-teacher meeting, the usual crowd was replaced by pairs of parents and children, with some students being scolded as they walked.

If it were up to her, she would have stayed at school to study, but she needed to go back home.

At the school gate, the area was crowded with cars picking up children. Many of the wealthier families from Third Middle School were there, and the one-way street was so congested that only one lane remained open.

As Song Cheng approached the bus stop, she passed by a Cullinan, which Wen Xiangyi had also owned before. She used to drive it when she was Wen Xiangyi’s chauffeur.

She glanced at it a few times, and the rear window slowly descended.

Caught off guard, she found herself directly eyeing Wen Xiangyi through the window.

Startled, she reflexively wanted to close her eyes.

Suppressing the impulse to close her eyes, Song Cheng said, “Ah, it’s you.”

Wen Xiangyi smiled and nodded.

Feeling a bit embarrassed for being caught staring at Wen Xiangyi’s car, Song Cheng raised her hand to give a dry farewell, but the driver’s side window rolled down too, revealing a woman’s scrutinizing gaze.

Song Cheng instantly recognized her as Li Changsheng.

Just like Luo Yan, Li Changsheng had always taken great care of her appearance. Ten years later, she looked remarkably youthful, but the difference between her current professional attire and the Li Changsheng of the past was still significant. Li Changsheng now looked notably younger, with a mature charm, and hadn’t yet learned to conceal her sharpness behind her eyes, which had a piercing quality.

During the parent-teacher conference, Song Cheng had gone back to her dorm to pack her things and hadn’t realized that Li Changsheng had come to the conference with Wen Xiangyi.

Feeling as if Li Changsheng was still evaluating her, Song Cheng was a bit unsettled. She avoided Li Changsheng’s gaze and looked at Wen Xiangyi:  

“See you on Monday, Wen Xiangyi.”

The wind stirred the loose strands of Song Cheng’s hair, making her eyes shine brightly.

Song Cheng had a way of making a simple statement feel like a promise.

Wen Xiangyi paused for a moment and, somewhat awkwardly, gave the same response:  

“See you on Monday.”

The bus wobbled as it moved from the new district where Third Middle School was located to the old district. As night fell, the bustling lights of the new city gradually faded from view. Song Cheng got off at the penultimate stop and walked a distance.

At this time, most stores were closed early, with few open 24 hours. By the time she reached the entrance of the neighborhood, the only lights visible were the dim street lamps and a few small food stalls.

As she walked, she found her home. Song Cheng stood at the entrance of her building, looking out into the pitch-black void as if it could swallow her whole.

Just then, someone came downstairs, and the motion-sensor lights in the stairwell flickered on.

Song Rongjian was leading Ni Guang outside, who was hopping and asking for snacks and toys with the light from his children’s watch. Song Rongjian agreed to everything, but his smile faltered when he saw Song Cheng.

“Why are you back?”

Perhaps her eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness, and the stairwell lights were a bit blinding. Song Cheng squinted, “I need to talk to you.”

Song Cheng followed Song Rongjian upstairs. Ni Guang’s snacks and toys were forgotten as he glared fiercely at Song Cheng. The door opened, and Ni Yun’s voice came from the kitchen, where the stove was still on:

“Why are you back? Perfect timing, just in time to eat before going shopping. The food is almost ready.”

Song Rongjian changed his shoes and said, “Song Cheng is back.”

The sound of the stove being turned off came from the kitchen. Ni Yun still didn’t show herself and complained, “You’re back and didn’t even give a heads-up. I only cooked for three people.”

Ni Yun brought the dishes into the living room. Ni Guang climbed onto a chair at the dining table, and Song Cheng headed to her room.

Song Rongjian had bought a two-bedroom apartment. When Ni Guang was younger and slept with the adults, Song Cheng had her own room. Now that Ni Guang had grown up, they shared a bunk bed.

During her time away at school, Song Cheng’s upper bunk was filled with out-of-season quilts and Ni Guang’s clothes and toys. Her only desk was cluttered with Ni Guang’s books and textbooks. Song Cheng placed her bag on a chair.

Outside, Ni Guang was making a fuss about watching cartoons and refused to eat unless he was given the phone to watch on. Ni Yun gave him the phone, and he finally quieted down.

At this moment, Song Cheng stepped out, poured herself a glass of water, and took a chair next to Song Rongjian, which was also across from Ni Yun. She said:

“I’ve decided to quit sports and focus on my cultural studies. I’ve already talked to the teacher about it.”

Song Rongjian’s eyebrows furrowed, “You’re not going to study sports anymore?”

Song Cheng replied, “Yes.”

Song Rongjian asked, “Will the school still provide you with the stipend?”

Song Cheng shook her head, “No, they won’t.”

Ni Yun clattered the bowl down, “Your grades are already bad. What kind of school can you get into with your scores?”

Ni Yun glanced at Song Rongjian, who lowered his head in agreement. She continued:

“If you insist on giving up, you don’t have much hope anyway. You might as well stop school and go to work to earn money for the family. Your dad won’t have to work so hard.”

Song Rongjian said, “Being good at sports is already a huge achievement. Stop wasting your time. Don’t you know how foolish you are?”

Calling her foolish?

Song Cheng, who had been listening with her head down, suddenly looked up at them.

She wasn’t stupid. From a young age, she had vaguely realized that she and Ni Guang were different in the eyes of Song Rongjian and Ni Yun.

Knowing what to expect when she came home, Song Cheng had already prepared herself mentally on the bus to ignore whatever they said.

But listening to them, she felt increasingly frustrated, and when Song Rongjian called her foolish, she couldn’t take it anymore.

Song Cheng looked from Ni Yun to Song Rongjian and said, “I admit my grades aren’t good enough now, but why do you say I’m foolish?”

Even Wen Xiangyi, who was incredibly smart, never thought she was foolish!

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