Tears and Triumph: Doing It All
Tears and Triumph: Doing It All Chapter 2 : High School

Chapter 2

Xiangwu City, Third Middle School Medical Room.

A female student helped someone into the room looking for the school nurse. After searching around and not finding anyone, she frantically pushed aside the bed curtain and was immediately stunned.

The girl was lying flat on the bed, seemingly resting in a way that conveyed a sense of not wanting to be disturbed.

The girl stammered, “Classmate, have you seen the school nurse?”

Song Cheng lay there with vacant eyes and replied, “No.”

“Oh, oh.” The girl, trying to make conversation, said warmly, “What grade are you in? I just transferred here and haven’t seen you before.”

If she had seen her before, she would have remembered.

In just a few words, Song Cheng felt a wave of sorrow. Damn it, she wanted to know too.

What grade is she in now?

After fainting from being scared by Wen Xiangyi, she opened her eyes and found herself lying in the medical room.

If she weren’t afraid the school nurse would call a mental hospital to take her away, she would have jumped out of the building to see if she was dreaming.

Who wants to retake university exams?

Song Cheng sank into deep sadness, curling up under the covers, closing her eyes, unwilling to face reality.

The girl, not getting a response, turned to the short-haired girl and whispered, “She’s so aloof.”

The short-haired girl, used to it, replied, “You could have just asked me. She doesn’t like to talk to people. Her name is Song Cheng, she’s in the second year of high school. Everyone in our school knows her.”

Song Cheng silently listened, her ears perking up.

Oh, she’s in the second year.

…What? Second year?

It’s winter now, so it’s the previous semester, which means the college entrance exams are coming soon!

As the two girls chatted, the school nurse came back from outside. They asked the nurse to check the short-haired girl’s sprained ankle. After the nurse started treating it, the girl continued their previous conversation:

“There are quite a few celebrities in the second year of this school, like Wen Xiangyi…”

“Wen Xiangyi?”

A voice, slightly lower than that of the average girl, came from the nearby bed. The short-haired girl looked over and saw Song Cheng finally reacting to them, staring with her deep brown eyes, unblinking.

“Yes, what’s wrong?” The girl, puzzled, asked, “You’re in the same class, right?” Why does it seem so unfamiliar?

The latter part of the question was too strange to voice.

“…” Song Cheng replied with difficulty, “Yes, we’re in the same class.”

Wen Xiangyi, and she, in the same class.

How could she forget that so thoroughly?

Song Cheng calmly pulled the covers up.

I want to die so badly.

Soon, the two girls left with some Yunnan Baiyao, and the school nurse turned to Song Cheng:

“Aren’t you going back to class?”

Song Cheng asked, “Can I not go back?”

“No.” The school nurse said harshly, “Your leave is only for two classes.”

Song Cheng had no choice but to get up from the bed, fold the covers neatly, and walk out of the medical room empty-handed.

As she left the warm medical room, the cold wind made her shiver, and she quickly wrapped herself tighter in her school uniform.

According to the school nurse, she had been brought in after fainting during physical training.

Physical training… Song Cheng walked out of the building and could see a corner of the sports field from a distance.

She had been a sports special student for three years and had gotten into a decent university.

Only later did she realize that sports students often struggle to find jobs.

The wind blew, and she felt a pang of sadness, rubbing her reddened nose.

She was now an adult, and when it came to choosing a major, she couldn’t just follow the sports teacher’s advice anymore.

But the question was, could she have gotten into university without sports?

She wasn’t sure if her brain was working properly now.

If she had the mind of a genuine high school student, there might have been some hope. But if it was the mind of a 28-year-old with nothing in it, then there was no saving her.

Song Cheng was very anxious.

She walked towards the sports field, thinking.

In high school, she had trained more than she had spent time in her class. Now, being asked to return to class, she couldn’t even remember where her classroom was.

When she reached the sports field, she could faintly hear the sports teacher’s whistle. As she got closer, she saw two classes having physical education.

As she got even closer, she focused her eyes and suddenly stopped in her tracks.

In the neatly arranged four rows, girls were at the front and boys were at the back.

Wen Xiangyi stood in the far left of the second row of girls, her posture straight and slender, so delicate that Song Cheng barely recognized her. She stood there for a moment, dazed.

Staring at Wen Xiangyi, other students noticed her too. Wen Xiangyi wasn’t a wooden statue; she looked over at Song Cheng, their eyes meeting.

Song Cheng held her breath.

This was Wen Xiangyi at 17.

In her blue and white school uniform, her slender neck extending out, her face youthful, her eyes sparkling. At this age, she was like fresh sprouts, untouched and light, making Song Cheng feel like she had suddenly stepped into spring.

But Wen Xiangyi’s expression was unfamiliar and confused, as if she didn’t understand why this person was staring at her.

Just yesterday, Wen Xiangyi had been on top of her, peeling away layers like she was studying her from head to toe, with affectionate and lingering eyes.

And now, how to describe it—just slightly better than seeing a complete stranger. Soon, the sense of estrangement in Song Cheng’s eyes turned into a feeling of offense. Wen Xiangyi turned away and no longer looked at her.

Song Cheng suddenly came back to her senses, staring at Wen Xiangyi in disbelief, and then… felt a surge of joy inside.

Oh yes.

She didn’t have a strong memory of being in the same class as Wen Xiangyi during high school; she hadn’t realized it right away because they had no interaction back then.

This meant that as long as she paid attention, she would never be involved with Wen Xiangyi again!

Song Cheng suddenly felt hopeful about her life and instinctively smiled.

She usually didn’t smile much and had few close friends, so this smile was particularly noticeable.

Qin Li, who was beside Wen Xiangyi, said in surprise, “Wen Xiangyi, why is Song Cheng smiling at you? I didn’t know you two were close.”

Wen Xiangyi frowned but soon relaxed as Song Cheng was just an inconsequential person, replying lightly, “I don’t know her.”


Qin Li had seen Song Cheng before Wen Xiangyi, and Song Cheng’s expression didn’t look like that of someone seeing a stranger.

However, Qin Li thought back and realized she had been with Wen Xiangyi every day and hadn’t really noticed Song Cheng.

Qin Li took one last look at Song Cheng.

Song Cheng’s smile, bathed in the warm winter sunlight, was particularly lovely.

Wen Xiangyi didn’t respond to her; she seemed to be in an even better mood?

The sports teacher called out, “Are you feeling better now?”

Song Cheng replied, “Yes, I’m fine.”

The teacher pointed, “Then hurry back to your group!”

Song Cheng touched her nose and said, “Oh.”

Her height naturally placed her in the second row. Her classmates made way for her as usual, and Song Cheng fit in like a piece of a puzzle, glancing sideways.

Now, she was only one person away from Wen Xiangyi?

She had never noticed this before!

Song Cheng was once again shocked by her discovery and, while doing warm-up exercises behind Qin Li, stole several glances at Wen Xiangyi.

When the class was dismissed, Qin Li, who had been used as a shield, whispered to Wen Xiangyi, “Song Cheng was peeking at you again.”

Wen Xiangyi opened a bottle of mineral water, somewhat puzzled, “Why mention her?”

Qin Li didn’t think much of it and laughed, “There are many people who want to be friendly with you, so having Song Cheng is no surprise.”

Her tone was casual, and other girls nodded in agreement.

Song Cheng didn’t know that her small actions had already been noticed, but she was trying hard to mentally prepare herself.

Now that she and Wen Xiangyi were merely acquaintances, she couldn’t and didn’t want to get too close to Wen Xiangyi to avoid any unexpected situations.

The sports teacher blew the whistle: “Gather up! Everyone, form groups for ball practice.”

As the students formed their groups, several girls who were friendly with Wen Xiangyi naturally went to her side.

As the group formation neared completion, Qin Li turned her gaze to Song Cheng and asked, “Song Cheng, do you want to join our group?”


Song Cheng was startled and looked up, bypassing the somewhat familiar but forgotten girl to see Wen Xiangyi behind her.

Fortunately, Wen Xiangyi was talking to someone else and likely hadn’t noticed her.

Although her memory wasn’t great, she knew that Wen Xiangyi’s circle in high school had nothing to do with her.

So why was someone asking her to join a group this time?

She was frozen, but fortunately, the sports teacher saved her: “Song Cheng, you don’t need to practice today. Go rest on the side.”

Song Cheng immediately complied, “Okay.”

She looked at Qin Li and said, “I’m not feeling well, so I can’t practice.”

She explained earnestly, leaving Qin Li a bit bewildered, “Then maybe next time.”

Another girl, He Nianyao, asked, “I heard you fainted today; what happened?”

She had no idea what had happened.


Song Cheng controlled her gaze from drifting towards Wen Xiangyi, speaking loudly to make sure Wen Xiangyi could hear:

“My physical condition isn’t great.”

Qin Li was a bit confused, “Aren’t you a sports student?”

Song Cheng: “Yes.”

He Nianyao: “I remember that Teacher Sun often took you to competitions, and you always won awards.”

“…” Song Cheng said, “It’s been bad recently.”

No one believed her: “Hahahahaha.”

Song Cheng had no way to respond.

Is it so impossible for a sports student to have poor health?

The world is really unfair!

Today’s practice was basketball, and a group of boys had already brought over a netted ball.

As Song Cheng walked towards the edge of the field, the boys immediately made way for her, waiting for her to pick up the ball.

Song Cheng said, “I’m not practicing today.”

The tallest boy scratched his head and laughed, “Alright, you don’t need to practice with your level.”

Song Cheng recalled that he might be right.

The people in her class were pretty inexperienced.

She leisurely walked through the field of amateurs and sat against a wall on the side to watch everyone practice.

Although the teacher didn’t group them by gender, most of the free groupings were separated by gender. Wen Xiangyi was on the second court, surrounded by a group of boys who were playing intensely.

The sounds of dribbling, running, and shouting filled the air on the sports field.

Feeling the vibrant atmosphere of the campus, Song Cheng unconsciously relaxed, lifting her face to enjoy the warm winter sunlight.

Amid the clamor, she nestled in a corner, trying to divide her attention among everyone but focusing on Wen Xiangyi, using her peripheral vision to observe Wen Xiangyi’s shots.

After a short while, Song Cheng couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

So Wen Xiangyi’s basketball skills were so poor, hahaha!


Missed again.

Hmm? Made a three-pointer? Not bad.

Wen Xiangyi turned towards Song Cheng while running, and Song Cheng, now more practiced at hiding her gaze, pretended not to be watching her, shifting her focus to the boys’ court next door.

As she adjusted her gaze, she frowned.

Do these boys even know how to play basketball?

It was clear they were too excited and couldn’t control the game, with the ball flying more chaotically than her life. Several times it flew out of the court, nearly hitting an innocent teacher passing by.

Worse than Wen Xiangyi!

As she was watching, the boys’ basketball flew towards Wen Xiangyi’s court, and Song Cheng immediately straightened up.

The ball passed close to Wen Xiangyi, almost hitting Qin Li.

Qin Li shouted angrily, “Where are you aiming?!”

The boys hurriedly apologized with smiles.

Wen Xiangyi looked down, bent to throw the ball that had rolled to her feet back:

“Be more careful.”

After throwing the ball back, Wen Xiangyi’s authoritative presence made the boys on that side behave for a while. But expecting teenage boys to remember things was unrealistic, and soon they were chaotic again.

In this atmosphere, the ball flew once more towards the neighboring court.

At this moment, Wen Xiangyi was also dribbling and taking the final three-pointer for her team, completely unaware of what was happening behind her.

The boys shouted urgently, “Wen Xiangyi, move out of the way!”

Hearing this, Wen Xiangyi didn’t move, her eyes fixed on the basket, and she released the ball—

It went in.

They won.

Her expression softened slightly, bracing for the impact of the ball.

But the next second, what came from behind wasn’t the thud of the ball but a soft, warm body. It felt like a sun-warmed wooden fragrance, filling her nostrils with warmth.

Her body was guided away by the other person’s embrace, and she was safely out of harm’s way when her feet touched the ground again.

The arms around her waist held her tightly, and Wen Xiangyi, surprised, looked up.

Song Cheng was standing where Wen Xiangyi had been, holding the boys’ basketball in her other hand, her expression cold and steely.

She glanced at the basketball, then lifted her eyes to the group of boys. Clearly angry, her voice grew even lower:

“Should I throw the ball at you too?”

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