Tears and Triumph: Doing It All
Tears and Triumph: Doing It All Chapter 5 : Rewards

Chapter 5

Entering the classroom, the geography teacher was already at the podium, breaking chalk.

Song Cheng glanced at Wen Xiangyi, who signaled her to put the practice books on a nearby empty desk and distribute them after class.

Song Cheng complied and then returned to her seat in the last row, while Wen Xiangyi sat down in the second row.

While the geography teacher’s back was turned, writing on the board, Qin Li, sitting in the back row, leaned forward and spoke with a hint of grievance:

“Why did you ask Song Cheng for help with the assignments but not me? Your relationship is progressing too quickly.”

Clearly, just last class, they had said they were not familiar with each other!

Wen Xiangyi was speechless. “It was just a coincidence.”

“Where did she go? Did some teacher call her?”

Wen Xiangyi hesitated.

She recalled the stubborn and thin figure of Mr. Li at his desk and the nearly scoreless papers.

Not only that paper, but in the stack she had just organized, Song Cheng’s was also second to last from the bottom.

Wen Xiangyi said, “I didn’t notice.”

The geography teacher finished writing on the board and turned to signal the students to look at the blackboard.

Qin Li immediately straightened up and turned back.

Wen Xiangyi began taking notes.

Her study methods were well-established, and she handled classroom material with ease, only occasionally jotting down a few words. She also multitasked by solving problems from other teachers, which the geography teacher pretended not to notice.

In the last row of the classroom.

Song Cheng opened a crack in the window.

It was November now, and after a recent autumn rain, the temperature had dropped. The stubborn students refused to add more clothing, and the cold wind blowing into the warm classroom was invigorating.

He Nianyao, who had been distracted, suddenly became alert. She turned to look at Song Cheng.

Under the window, her often-absent deskmate opened her textbook, set up her notebook, took out her only black pen, and focused on the class.

He Nianyao had no choice but to be energized as well and paid attention to the lesson.

Geography was the last class of the day. The teacher, being merciful, did not extend the class. Some students packed their bags to go home, others went to heat up their meals, and some hurried to the cafeteria to grab food.

Song Cheng slowly closed her book and leaned back against her chair, almost melting into the shadowy corner.

After such a fulfilling class, her head was filled with indigested knowledge, and she was on the verge of passing out.

In those short forty-five minutes, she repeatedly asked herself in her mind:

Did she really take the college entrance exam in her previous life?

Had she really studied these things?

In the nearly empty classroom, Song Cheng questioned her life alone.

As Wen Xiangyi and her companion emerged from the bathroom and walked towards the stairs, Wen Xiangyi glanced casually towards the back of the classroom and saw Song Cheng alone.

Song Cheng’s school uniform zipper was pulled up to her chest, revealing her long, fair neck from the loose sweatshirt, with a clear collarbone faintly visible.

Her features were striking, but her demeanor was delicate. Although she avoided being ostentatious and was almost reclusive, once someone interacted with her, it was hard not to be drawn in by her presence.

Qin Li asked, “Is Song Cheng also doing self-study?”

Students from the third high school could either be day students or boarders.

The third option was to stay at school for dinner and then return home after evening self-study.

He Nianyao, who was both a friend and a deskmate of Song Cheng, said, “She’s a boarder. She sometimes comes to evening self-study sessions.”


“One month, maybe ten days?”

He Nianyao shrugged. “On the days she doesn’t attend, she’s either running on the playground or doing something else.”

Qin Li remarked, “Being a sports student is also tough. I’d rather do problems than run.”

When they reached the cafeteria, the group split up to buy what they wanted.

Wen Xiangyi used her card to buy a rib soup set. As she was looking for a seat, she saw Song Cheng standing alone in the open space.

Song Cheng looked around, and their gazes met. Her eyes immediately brightened.


Wen Xiangyi instantly regretted glancing at her.

As she had suspected, Song Cheng walked towards her, stopped in front of her, and with a slightly aggrieved tone said, “I forgot my meal card.”

After initially acting a bit spoiled, she added, “Can I borrow yours?”

Wen Xiangyi tapped her fingers impatiently on the tray.

With Song Cheng’s repeated, unwarranted proximity crossing their clear boundaries, Wen Xiangyi was not inclined to entertain it any further.

She looked at Song Cheng, and as the words of refusal were on the tip of her tongue, she suddenly remembered the scene in the office.

When she and Song Cheng were leaving, Mr. Li had called out to Song Cheng:

“Oh, and one more thing, if you stop being a sports student, the school’s subsidy will be discontinued.”

Wen Xiangyi had been following Song Cheng, her gaze shifting. She couldn’t see Song Cheng’s expression but heard her respond and then walk out the door, with the cold wind causing her to shiver slightly without affecting her stride.

Forget it.

Wen Xiangyi suddenly felt it was unnecessary to argue over a meal with Song Cheng.

She lifted her eyelids and gestured for Song Cheng to take the meal card from her tray.

Song Cheng understood, immediately reaching out, but instead of taking the card, she first took the tray from Wen Xiangyi’s hands.


Song Cheng looked around. “Are we eating with… Qin Li and the others? The table in the third row at the back?”

Wen Xiangyi was confused. “What are you doing?”

“I’ll take you there.”

Song Cheng immediately headed towards Qin Li’s table.

Carrying Wen Xiangyi’s meal, she approached. Qin Li and the others stopped using their spoons and chopsticks, staring at Song Cheng as she came over.

Song Cheng didn’t pay any attention to their reactions; she was busy.

She scanned the table. “Do you have any wet wipes?”

He Nianyao reflexively responded, “Yes.” She took out a wet wipe.

Song Cheng said, “Thanks.”

She wiped the surface of the table in front of Wen Xiangyi and then, satisfied, placed the tray down.

If the table wasn’t wiped, Wen Xiangyi would definitely complain about it being dirty.

How did Qin Li take care of Wen Xiangyi? It’s surprising that she can still be such a close friend to Wen Xiangyi for so long.

Sigh, it’s better to be meticulous oneself.

Having settled Wen Xiangyi, Song Cheng quickly took her meal card to buy food.

She was starving.

The smell of food in the cafeteria made it impossible for her to move, and she had no desire to go back outside in the cold wind to find her meal card.

Fortunately, she found Wen Xiangyi. Wen Xiangyi was quite kind to her.

Song Cheng focused on eating, while everyone else looked at Wen Xiangyi. Wen Xiangyi looked at her clean table and neatly arranged tray.

Qin Li said in a daze, “If Song Cheng weren’t a girl, I’d think she was pursuing you.”

He Nianyao commented, “How did she know you like cleanliness? Song Cheng never wipes tables herself!”

“I don’t understand, but I’m quite shocked.”

Wen Xiangyi sat at her spot, not eating for a while.

The table in front of her was wiped and still slightly damp. The person who did it was so natural and skilled, not considering whether her actions might inconvenience others.

Everyone ate absentmindedly.

He Nianyao was still pondering, “It’s strange. Song Cheng clearly saw me first, but she borrowed Wen Xiangyi’s meal card…”

Qin Li suddenly exclaimed, “Hey, hey, Song Cheng is coming over!”

Everyone looked up in unison.

Song Cheng was startled by their reaction. She hesitated for a moment before continuing towards them, holding a bowl of tomato and egg noodles.

There were five people at Wen Xiangyi’s table. Song Cheng sat down at the adjacent table, handing the card to Wen Xiangyi.

“I charged 9 yuan.”

She had a clear sense that their relationship was no longer the same and lightly said, “I’ll pay you back tomorrow.”

She couldn’t afford to spend Wen Xiangyi’s money anymore; it wasn’t appropriate.

Wen Xiangyi set the meal card aside without looking at her. “You don’t need to pay it back.”

Let their interactions end here; there was no need for further exchanges.

Song Cheng said, “No…”

Wen Xiangyi, becoming impatient, but still maintaining a polite distance due to her upbringing, said, “You helped me block the ball during PE. A bowl of noodles is nothing.”

Song Cheng should have noticed this, but she was so hungry that her mind was focused on the noodles Wen Xiangyi had given her.

Song Cheng, feeling grateful, thought, “This is a reward for me.”

Isn’t the word “reward” generally used for expressing gratitude?

The term “reward” always carries a special, indefinable intimacy.

Wen Xiangyi, keenly aware of this difference, saw how Song Cheng took it for granted that it was a “reward.”

After thinking this, Song Cheng immediately accepted it and mixed the toppings into the steaming soup noodles:


It was the same in the past.

Whenever she performed well, Wen Xiangyi would always ask what she wanted, and anything was fine.

Wen Xiangyi’s promises were valuable, and many people outside couldn’t get them even if they begged.

But Song Cheng had few material desires, so the busy Wen Xiangyi would personally cook for her as a reward.

However, Wen Xiangyi’s cooking skills…

Better not to mention!

Fortunately, Song Cheng enjoyed whatever she ate.

There were several times when Wen Xiangyi had made noodles for her.

Yes, today she had protected Wen Xiangyi, so she deserved this bowl of noodles!

The aroma of the tomato and egg dish filled the air. Song Cheng happily sipped the soup, which was tangy and sweet, and then took a bite of the noodles. She felt warm all over.

Beside her, Wen Xiangyi’s face was youthful and clear.

At this moment, Song Cheng finally felt a sense of returning to high school.

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