The Beautiful Drama Queen of the Seventies
The Beautiful Drama Queen of the Seventies Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Early Summer, 1975.

Ruan Mingfu opened her eyes and found herself lying in a bed. Before she could fully gather her thoughts, she felt a faint warmth beside her and heard the sound of breathing, indicating that someone else was lying next to her.

And it was a man!

Shocked, Ruan Mingfu sat up halfway and looked down at herself—

Fortunately, her clothes were still neatly in place.

Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, a flood of memories rushed into her mind.

She had crossed over.

The original owner’s parents had been reported and, likely having caught wind of it, arranged for her to be sent to the countryside ahead of time. But living in the countryside was no easy task. Even the backbreaking farm work was a hurdle on its own. If it weren’t for the money she had, she would have starved to death on the meager work points she earned.

This life was like swallowing a bitter pill for the original owner.

Unable to bear it any longer, the original owner decided to find someone to marry, after hearing some advice from the educated youth next door.

And the man lying in the bed was the unlucky fool the original owner had chosen for herself.

Ruan Mingfu turned her head to look at him. The unlucky fool was quite handsome, broad-shouldered and tall, with sharp features. His shirt sleeves were rolled up, revealing a strong and muscular forearm, and he wore a Laojia wristwatch.

She preferred beautiful jewelry, so she wasn’t particularly interested in such things. But her father had bought a similar watch for over a million.

Faint noises could be heard from outside the door.

That’s right, today was the wedding day for a family in the village. The unlucky fool was a comrade-in-arms of the bridegroom, and after helping to drink off some of the toasts, he passed out, giving the original owner the opportunity to strike.

As she listened to the voices outside, a look of struggle flashed in Ruan Mingfu’s eyes.

Reputation is everything to a person. If she were caught in this compromising situation, she’d be too ashamed to live. But then she thought of the dilapidated educated youth’s spot, her parents sent off to a farm, and the local bully who had been eyeing her hungrily—

She gritted her teeth and lay back down.


Perhaps because he was a soldier, the unlucky fool exuded an air of righteousness, and he looked very dependable. Ruan Mingfu sighed; well… he could barely match up to her.

The smell of alcohol from next door made her wrinkle her pretty brows, and she disdainfully moved further away from the unlucky fool.

Ruan Mingfu hated the smell of alcohol. After they got married, she was definitely going to set some strict rules for him!

Having made up her mind, Ruan Mingfu felt a slight thrill from doing something bad, an unfamiliar sensation for a young lady who had been pampered all her life. It was truly a unique experience.

She simply turned on her side and began to examine him slowly.

The unlucky fool had a broad, high forehead—a sign of intelligence and a good family background. His eyebrows were thick and well-shaped, indicating that he’d have help from influential people. His nose was straight and high; she’d heard that men with such noses were particularly capable in certain areas… The unlucky fool was quite good-looking, and living with someone like him for the rest of her life didn’t seem too bad.

Ruan Mingfu couldn’t resist reaching out to touch his face, but her hand was suddenly grabbed.

The large hand on her wrist was like a vice, warm and strong, making it impossible for her to break free. Ruan Mingfu’s heart fluttered with panic as she looked up and met a pair of sharp eyes.

Those eyes were fierce and intense, completely devoid of the grogginess that usually came with waking up.

Ruan Mingfu was furious. “You were pretending to be asleep?”

“Who are you?” Xie Yanzhao’s voice was deep, hoarse from the effects of alcohol. His collar was undone, revealing a tempting Adam’s apple.

Ruan Mingfu tried to pull her hand away but couldn’t.

“…You haven’t answered my question.”

Xie Yanzhao’s frown deepened as he sat up, looking even more menacing. His gaze was like that of a wolf, as if he wanted to tear her apart and devour her. The violence in his eyes made Ruan Mingfu’s heart tremble, and she couldn’t help but shrink back, the struggle in her wrist noticeably weaker.

This man was so fierce—could he be the type to hit women?

Ruan Mingfu’s long lashes trembled, and she unconsciously scooted back a bit.

Listening to the sounds outside, Xie Yanzhao rubbed his temples, finally recalling where he was.

“Are you one of the educated youth in the village?”

“I-I am an educated youth.”

Ruan Mingfu swallowed, starting to doubt whether her decision to entrap him was a bit too hasty.

Xie Yanzhao noticed their compromising position, and his frown deepened as he released her hand and sat up.

Ruan Mingfu rubbed her wrist, her delicate brows furrowing together in a look of deep grievance.

Only then did Xie Yanzhao notice that her wrist bore a red mark from his grip. With Ruan Mingfu’s fair skin, it appeared even more menacing.

Xie Yanzhao averted his gaze and said, “Leave quickly, and I’ll pretend this never happened.”

Ruan Mingfu was momentarily confused.


Weren’t people from this era supposed to be honest, loyal, and willing to take responsibility?

Why was he so different from what she’d imagined?

Moreover, she was the eldest daughter of the Ruan family, beautiful as a flower, with suitors who could circle the earth twice if lined up. Those men would be thrilled for a day with just a glance from her. If they could exchange a few words with her, they’d be ecstatic to the point of fainting.

She was willing to marry Xie Yanzhao, and not only was he not grateful, but he even rejected her?!

Ruan Mingfu’s eyes gleamed seductively, as if they had hooks in them, drawing Xie Yanzhao’s gaze. She leaned closer to him, her stunning face blossoming into a smile as radiant as a fully bloomed begonia, dazzling to the eye.

A flash of amazement flickered in Xie Yanzhao’s eyes.

“Sit up straight!”

Just as Ruan Mingfu was about to speak, she was interrupted.


What an unromantic brute. For the first time, she felt an urge to hit someone.

Hearing the voices outside, Ruan Mingfu grew agitated. “We’re lying on the same bed now. What do you propose we do?”

Xie Yanzhao’s expression remained calm. “Are you trying to force me to marry you?”

“Don’t put it that way, it sounds so harsh. There’s no ‘forcing’ involved.” Xie Yanzhao’s intensity made Ruan Mingfu’s heart skip a beat, but she mustered her courage. “We’re lying together, surely you don’t intend to shirk responsibility?”

The original owner couldn’t stand the hardship of farm work. Could she?

Ruan Mingfu had only ever enjoyed the sweet things in life!

Xie Yanzhao looked at Ruan Mingfu, and a flash of disgust crossed his eyes.

“So what if we’re lying together? We didn’t do anything.”

Ruan Mingfu was dumbfounded.

She hadn’t expected that after laying everything out, he would refuse to take responsibility!

Ruan Mingfu was both angry and anxious but then, surprisingly, she calmed down. She swallowed hard and threw herself onto him. The thin fabric of her clothes couldn’t block the warmth of Xie Yanzhao’s body, and it quickly spread to her, making her heart tremble.

Just as she was about to say something, he suddenly pushed her hard, and she was thrown to the foot of the bed, nearly falling off.

He! Actually! Pushed! Her!

This unromantic jerk!

Ruan Mingfu’s expression twisted for a moment, and she gritted her teeth as she scrambled back up.

“…You’re too much!”

Xie Yanzhao’s face, rarely showing embarrassment, turned slightly red as he recalled the touch just now. His ears were tinged with a faint blush as he suppressed the turmoil inside and rubbed his fingers together, saying nothing.

“I’m hurt. You need to take responsibility.”

Xie Yanzhao glanced at the delicate Ruan Mingfu and cleared his throat. “Fine.”

“Really?” Ruan Mingfu, adept at pushing her luck, extended her fair hand and began listing her merits. “I’m beautiful, I can cook, I’m perfect in every way. You’re lucky to marry me, it’s like winning the lottery…”

Xie Yanzhao cut her off, “I meant I’ll take responsibility for your injury.”

Ruan Mingfu couldn’t understand why, despite everything she’d said, this man remained unmoved. In the past, all she had to do was beckon, and men would flock to her.

Has her charm diminished?

How annoying!

How could there be a man in the world as impervious as Xie Yanzhao?

“…Will you marry me or not? Believe me, if I scream, you’ll have no choice but to marry me.”

“Go ahead,” Xie Yanzhao settled into a more comfortable position and looked at her leisurely. “At worst, we’ll both be punished.”

At the mention of punishment, Ruan Mingfu shivered.

From the original owner’s memories, she knew how torturous it could be. Couples caught in adultery could have their heads shaved unevenly and be publicly shamed with a sign labeled “adulterer.”

Ruan Mingfu’s face turned pale.

Just thinking about it made her feel faint… If she had her head shaved unevenly and was publicly humiliated, she might as well be dead.

Her nose tingled, and she suddenly felt like crying.

“…You jerk!”

If it weren’t for the fact that there was no one here who could stand up to the local tyrant, she wouldn’t have to cling to Xie Yanzhao. Being rejected by this jerk so many times, she, the pampered Ruan Mingfu, who had always gotten what she wanted, had never been so wronged!

Damn local tyrant!

Damn jerk!

Ruan Mingfu was so angry she wanted to bite Xie Yanzhao.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Large tears began to fall, landing right on Xie Yanzhao’s hand, startling him.

Xie Yanzhao had anticipated every possible outcome except this—he hadn’t expected her to cry. Seeing that she was about to cry even harder, Xie Yanzhao frowned, looking even more intimidating.

At that moment, footsteps suddenly approached the door.

There was only a thin blanket on the bed, not enough to hide anyone. The room was simple and bare; as soon as the door opened, the entire room would be in plain view, with nowhere to hide.

Thinking of the consequences of being caught in adultery, Ruan Mingfu’s face turned pale. She looked up at Xie Yanzhao with tear-streaked cheeks, but considering his attitude, she doubted this bastard would help her.

Ruan Mingfu was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on her smooth forehead.

She bit her lower lip unconsciously, her mind racing for a solution.

“What do we do—”

Before she could finish speaking, she suddenly found herself lifted into the air. Without time to cry out, she was already hidden behind Xie Yanzhao.

“Don’t move!”

Xie Yanzhao’s lowered voice sounded in her ear as he quickly pulled the thin blanket over her.

At that moment, the door opened.

Ruan Mingfu didn’t dare move, barely even breathing.

“Old Xie, you’re not holding your liquor today. You passed out after just a little bit… Huh? Did I just hear something?”

The visitor glanced around.

“No, you’re imagining things.”

“What kind of sound could there be in the countryside? Probably just a rat.”

“On such a joyous day, don’t mention rats… Old Xie, come back out and drink! Everyone’s waiting for you.”

Xie Yanzhao, standing at 1.9 meters tall, completely blocked the petite Ruan Mingfu from view. Straightening up, he said, “You guys go ahead. I’ll join you later.”

The men who had arrived were his comrades, with whom he had a good relationship.

“You’re not in the army anymore, what could possibly be so important? Just come with us now.”

“Come on, Old Xie! And clean yourself up a bit while you’re at it.”

“Hehe, we got some intel from the villagers about several unmarried female comrades…”

Xie Yanzhao’s face darkened, looking as fierce as ever.

“Get lost!”

Even his comrades, who were intimidated by this formidable man, didn’t dare linger. As they closed the door behind them, one of them added, “Remember to dress properly, there are several female comrades up front!”

“Get out!”

With the door shut, the noise from outside was instantly cut off.

Ruan Mingfu, holding her breath, finally poked her head out from under the blanket.

She hadn’t expected him to help her, and he didn’t seem as terrible as she had thought. Ruan Mingfu, feeling wronged, asked, “Since you don’t have a girlfriend, why can’t you consider me?”

Perhaps it was because she had been crying, but her beautiful almond-shaped eyes now looked as clear as crystal, reflecting Xie Yanzhao’s figure perfectly.

The two had never been this close before, and if either of them reached out, they could almost touch each other.

Xie Yanzhao carefully observed her. He admitted that this female comrade indeed had a striking appearance. However, the revolutionary partner he was looking for was not the kind of woman who would crawl into someone else’s bed.

“I’m leaving now. Find your own way out.”

Ruan Mingfu: “…”

Damn it, is he going to marry her or not?!


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Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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