The Daily Life of an 80s Gangster Spoiling His Wife
The Daily Life of an 80s Gangster Spoiling His Wife Chapter 8.2

Chapter 8.2

Meanwhile, Wen Yue and Zhou Yao had arrived at the Wen family courtyard.

The courtyard was filled with the sharp voice of Li Huahong, who was scolding someone early in the morning. Wen Yue instinctively shrank back, her heart feeling as if it was being tightly squeezed. This was an emotion left over from the original owner’s body, showing her deep fear of this aunt.

Wen Yue swallowed, glancing at the tall man beside her with relief.

It was a good thing she had brought someone along!

Taking a deep breath, Wen Yue stepped forward and knocked on the door.

“Who’s there!”

The door opened, and a woman with raised eyebrows and a fierce look in her eyes glared at Wen Yue. Her gaze quickly locked onto Wen Yue, and with a sharp tone, she spat out:

“What are you doing here? I’m telling you, you ungrateful girl, once you’re married, you’re no longer part of the Wen family. Don’t think we’ll help you out!”

Li Huahong had obviously heard about how Zhou Yao had beaten Wen Yue and assumed she was here to seek help from her family. Her expression was filled with disgust. She was standing in a blind spot, so she couldn’t see Zhou Yao standing beside Wen Yue.

Wen Yue, seeing the saliva flying through the air, silently took a small step back and said softly, “I’m here to get something. My grandmother left her land to me before she passed away. I also have my own land, totaling two acres of field and one acre of land.”

“What did you say? Land?” Li Huahong raised her eyebrows, her eyes glaring fiercely at Wen Yue. She spat, “You have no right to any land. Get lost, get lost, don’t come in front of me!”

Despite having mentally prepared herself, Wen Yue was still shocked by Li Huahong’s aggressive behavior. With Zhou Yao present, her voice was louder as she said, “If you don’t give it to me, I’ll go to the village head. The village head knows about this!”

“You little brat, have you gone mad? Just because you’re married now, you think you have some power? You’ve been eating and drinking from me for the past two years. I didn’t even ask you for money, and now you dare to ask for land? I’ll beat you to death, you black-hearted thing!”

Li Huahong clearly wasn’t going to hand over the land. She turned around and grabbed a broom from under the eaves, charging at Wen Yue.

Wen Yue didn’t expect Li Huahong to strike immediately and had no time to dodge. She instinctively closed her eyes.

The expected pain did not come. She carefully opened one eye and saw Zhou Yao’s broad back.

He had seized the broom Li Huahong was holding, his brow furrowed and his eyes sharp, coldly saying, “You can talk all you want, but try hitting again and see what happens.”

“Zhou Yao?” Li Huahong was stunned for a moment. Seeing Zhou Yao’s towering figure, her aggressive stance weakened. Her gaze shifted between Zhou Yao and Wen Yue, then realization dawned. “I see, you’re the one who sent her here, aren’t you? I’m telling you, that land belongs to my family. It has nothing to do with her!”

Li Huahong’s gaze towards Zhou Yao was also unfriendly.

No wonder Wen Yue, with her timid personality, dared to come here to demand something. It turned out Zhou Yao was behind it!

Wen Yue widened her eyes, “You’re shameless. That land was given to me by my grandmother, and I’ve already informed the village head!”

Li Huahong acted as if she didn’t understand. “That’s my family’s land! Get lost, get lost! The Wen family doesn’t welcome you two. Go, go, go!” She tried to pull the broom back and close the door, but no matter how hard she tried, the broom remained firmly in Zhou Yao’s grasp.

Li Huahong’s character, in some ways, resembled Lin Fang’s—both were shameless and liked to throw tantrums when things didn’t go their way. People with thinner skin had no way to deal with them.

Since Zhou Yao could handle Lin Fang, he was naturally not afraid of Li Huahong.

He gave a rough flick, causing Li Huahong to stagger back several steps, almost falling.

Zhou Yao forcefully kicked open the door and pulled Wen Yue into the courtyard.

Li Huahong was stunned. “What are you two going to do?”

Inside the hall, Wen Yue’s Uncle Wen Guoqiang was having breakfast.

On the table were a bowl of thick sweet potato porridge, several boiled eggs, a small dish of side dishes, and a small plate of pork scraps.

This breakfast could be considered quite lavish in the countryside.

Wen Guoqiang looked surprised at the two people appearing at the door, and with a friendly smile, he said, “Xiao Yao, why are you two here? Have you had breakfast? Sit down and have some!” He had a square face, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and appeared to be both dignified and approachable.

Wen Yue was about to decline, but Zhou Yao jumped in first.

He raised his eyebrows, unceremoniously pulled out a stool, and sat down with a thud, grabbing a clean bowl and chopsticks to take some pork scraps. “Sure, we haven’t had breakfast yet.”

He then turned to Wen Yue, who was still in shock. “Why are you just standing there? Uncle wants you to sit and eat.”


Although she didn’t understand the situation, Wen Yue obediently sat down. As soon as she settled onto the stool, Zhou Yao placed a full bowl of sweet potato porridge in front of her.

His own bowl was even fuller, and the pot of porridge was nearly empty in an instant.

Wen Guoqiang’s expression remained unchanged. “Is it enough? If not, have a couple more eggs.”

“Alright.” Zhou Yao ate without hesitation, and while eating the side dishes, he casually said, “Uncle, my wife has three acres of land with you. Shouldn’t it be returned to us?”


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