The Daily Life of Farming and Raising Children in Ancient Mountain Residences
The Daily Life of Farming and Raising Children in Ancient Mountain Residences Chapter 18

Chapter 18

We really made money!!!

The two siblings were overjoyed.

Sang Luo let them laugh and joke over the two copper coins, and she took the opportunity to continue offering samples to the neighboring stall owners.

As she handed out samples, she called out, “For the first three customers this morning, we’re giving away an extra piece for good luck. Don’t miss this opportunity! Pay the same amount of money, but get an extra piece for free!”

Her announcement caught the attention of the old woman who had just tasted the sample.

If you asked her to spend two cents on a dish, the old woman might hesitate because they already had vegetables at home. But for two cents, they could get a dish and a free extra piece!

The old woman felt it was a good deal!

This tofu tasted good with sugar water, and her grandson at home would definitely like it.

For two cents, they could have a new dish for the whole family to taste, plus the free extra piece to sweeten the mouths of several grandchildren.

Thinking of this, the old woman took a few steps and approached Sang Luo.

“Young lady, can I exchange some eggs with you?”

She was reluctant to spend money but was willing to trade her own eggs, which would save her a lot of heartache.

“Of course, why not?”

Bartering was still common, especially in rural markets like this. As long as both parties agreed, trading goods for goods was feasible.

Sang Luo’s family lacked everything, so she didn’t mind.

At this time, eggs were priced at one cent each. When the old woman agreed, she went back to her basket and picked out two eggs to bring over.

Shen Ning took the two eggs, and Sang Luo glanced at the old lady, who didn’t try to pick the smaller ones.

Since that was the case, Sang Luo was generous and deliberately chose a larger piece for the extra one she gave to the old lady. With a smile, she handed it over and said, “Thank you for your patronage. Enjoy your meal, and come find me next time, whether buying or exchanging goods.”

The old lady’s eyes crinkled with laughter when she saw the extra piece Sang Luo gave her. “Sure thing, sure thing!”

The chubby woman joyfully carried her two pieces of tofu back to her stall.

Seeing the bartering happening, the neighboring stall owners who had tasted the samples also became interested. Didn’t they hear the young lady just call out that the first three orders would come with an extra piece for free?

One stall owner, a middle-aged woman, was about to move, but a plump woman carrying a basket acted even faster. She ran over from a distance, shouting, “The third order is mine!”

As she reached the stall, she had already pulled out two coins and handed them to Shen An, then turned to Sang Luo with a grin and said, “You said it comes with a free extra piece, right?”

It was free, it came with an extra piece, and it was fresh food. She had heard it from afar.

She had intended to come quickly to taste this free food, but in the time it took her to walk a short distance, two out of the three free pieces had already been given out. Seeing this, the plump woman rushed over, not even bothering to taste it first before paying!

Fresh food that people wanted to buy after just one taste was definitely not wrong.

Now that the money had been exchanged and the deal was done, she finally had time to look at what the fairy tofu, which she had heard being advertised from afar, looked like.

When she looked into the clay pot, she saw that it was filled with small pieces, indicating that they were samples.

The presentation was really good, especially for someone like her, who was fat and couldn’t stand the heat. Just looking at the green color made her feel cool and happy!

She was both envious and greedy, looking at Shen Ning standing next to her, “Young lady, can I taste a piece of this sample? I don’t know what it tastes like yet.”

The stall owner who was a step too slow was at a loss. How dare you snatch it from me without knowing what it tastes like?


Isn’t this just outrageous???

Isn’t this too much?!

Shen Ning had only been handing leaves to her big sister-in-law all this time, and she didn’t seem to know what else to do. But when this plump woman suddenly gave her a task, she quickly reacted.

“Okay, sure, just wait a moment.”

She turned around to get a small leaf, scooped up a piece with a spoon, and carefully handed it to the plump woman.

The plump woman, who had come to buy vegetables, now had the opportunity to eat a free sample outside. She was ecstatic.

She loved eating, so as soon as she put the leaf to her mouth, she tilted her head back and swallowed the whole piece, not wasting a drop of the syrup on the leaf.

As she chewed, her eyes lit up!

It was bouncy, refreshing, smooth, and sweet. Oh my, how could it suit her taste so well! If there was a little more sugar, it would taste even better!

Would one piece plus one extra piece be enough to eat? She could finish it all by herself as a snack!

Without hesitation, the plump woman took out another two cents from her purse. “Young lady, give me another piece. I want two pieces, plus the extra one. Two big ones and one small one, three in total, right?”

Sang Luo smiled, “That’s right.”

In the midst of their conversation, she had already added another piece and placed it on the lotus leaf. “Here are three pieces of fairy tofu. Enjoy!”

The plump woman took the items with a satisfied smile and carefully placed them in her small bamboo basket. With a proud and confident demeanor, she walked away, attracting envious glances from passersby who had missed out on the third portion.

The stall owner, who had missed out on the third portion, muttered to herself, “…”

So, without the extra portion, should I buy it or not?

Before she could hesitate, Sang Luo started calling out again, “Fairy tofu! Fresh and delicious, chewy and smooth, suitable for both savory and sweet tastes, cooling, detoxifying, anti-aging. You’ve never tasted anything like it before!”

“Only two cents! Two cents for a big piece! With just two cents, you can let your family taste fresh food they’ve never had before!”

“Don’t miss out! This is not easy to make. I only made about thirty, and now there are only twenty-eight left. First come, first served. If you miss it, you’ll have to wait for the next market!”

The last sentence, along with the direct count, immediately dispelled the hesitation of those who were hesitant because there was no extra portion.

Just two cents to let the whole family taste something new. What’s there to hesitate about? No more hesitation!

They bought it!

As soon as the first person moved, the second person followed suit.

People in the market didn’t know when they started to gather more, but gradually, more and more people came over to see what was happening here when they saw the commotion and heard a female voice calling out about “fairy tofu”.

Sang Luo sold the goods, Shen An collected the money, and Shen Ning finally realized what she should be doing after the plump woman asked her to try the samples!

If her big sister-in-law was busy, she could do it!

With leaves and spoons in hand, she started preparing the samples.

The little girl was shy, but because her big sister-in-law was now able to make money from this, her face turned red with excitement. Summoning her courage, she raised her voice and said, “If anyone hasn’t tried it yet, you can come and get a small piece for free.”

It was her first time attracting customers, and she wasn’t as confident as Sang Luo. Her voice was slightly quieter, but now that their stall had attracted some attention, her offer of free samples still drew people over. As soon as Shen Ning finished speaking, people from the market responded.

“Free samples? Then give me a piece to try.”

The two words “free samples” still held a lot of appeal in these rural markets.

Who wouldn’t want to eat something for free?

People passing by stopped to watch.

Shen Ning suddenly found herself busy with people coming over to get their free samples, but she soon got into the rhythm.

“Yes, free samples.”

“Each person is limited to one piece.”

“Ma’am, you already had one earlier.”

While Sang Luo was busy selling and calling out, she still managed to provide real-time updates: “Delicious fairy tofu! Only twenty-six pieces left! If you haven’t tried it yet, come and taste it! Free samples available! If you’ve tried it and hesitated, don’t wait any longer. It’s only two cents per piece. Let your family taste it too!”

The bustling market, just lively in the early morning, had both streets packed with people. The intersection where their stall was located was particularly crowded and lively.

It’s human nature to join in the fun, especially in such lively selling situations. With crowds and excitement, there must be something delicious and cost-effective!

Moreover, Sang Luo’s voice was clear, her mouth never stopped, and her words were always different. Fresh food, free samples, two cents each, almost sold out, act fast or you’ll miss out—each concept stimulated people to quicken their pace and come over.

Chen Youtian, squatting on the side and selling eggs, was both busy and absent-minded.

My goodness, with Sang’s skill, does your son really need to take care of you?

1 comment
  1. M&M's has spoken 5 months ago

    Good sales tactics will get the profits, lol.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀


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