The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring
The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring Chapter 10

Chapter 10: The Miraculous Effects of Spiritual Spring’s Water

Su Zhi was casually glancing around when a vivid emerald caught her eye. Blinking in disbelief, she stared at the lush, vibrant Chinese cabbage. Was this the same wilted cabbage from before?

Looking at the dozen or so other cabbages, all now a healthy white and green, exuding vitality and robust growth, she noticed the yellowing leaves had vanished, replaced by tender, seemingly water-filled ones.

“What’s happening here…”

Confirming it wasn’t an illusion, Su Zhi quickly realized the situation. Having witnessed the blomming white lotus in the spring water out of nothing, she could accept the sudden transformation of the cabbage. She immediately understood that it was due to the influence of the spiritual spring water!

Could it be that this spring water didn’t affect humans but had an effect on plants?!

Contemplating this, Su Zhi squatted down, reached out, and touched one of the cabbages. The leaves felt moist to the touch, vibrant and full of life. Gently tapping a leaf, it trembled slightly before returning to its original position—truly a delightful sight. Not only that, each cabbage seemed to have grown a bit, albeit subtly but noticeably.

Su Zhi couldn’t help but feel bubbles of joy rising in her heart, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She marveled at how the seemingly ordinary spring water now had a purpose—it could stimulate plant growth!

Having lived in the countryside before and being well-versed in basic farm work, including vegetable cultivation, Su Zhi didn’t mind transitioning back into the role of a farmer. She envisioned seamlessly blending into this lifestyle and environment, now with the addition of this miraculous spring water. She was confident she would excel as a superb farmer.

Imagining a future tending fields, managing finances, and becoming a rural landlady, with Shen Zi’an by her side to raise children, Su Zhi couldn’t help but feel how truly fulfilling these days could be.

As she pondered joyfully, she realized she couldn’t leave the vegetables as they were. Shen Zi’an had inspected them earlier, and their sudden vigor and lack of yellowing leaves might raise suspicions. Though Shen Zi’an was a wonderful man, she couldn’t risk him discovering her secret. People in ancient times were conservative, so she needed to be cautious.

Therefore, she couldn’t allow Shen Zi’an to have even a hint of suspicion. Observing the bright white and green cabbage leaves, Su Zhi thought that consuming them might be a good idea.

Su Zhi picked the cabbages, still small and tender, and decided that one slice would be sufficient.

Since meals were shared with the main house, cooking here was primarily for additional dishes, and oil was a precious commodity in a rural setting. Typically, they would prepare a simple porridge with some millet residue and white rice, items that Shen Zi’an had purposely purchased for her. Su Zhi was touched to see the white rice because she had never encountered it before at the Shen household, indicating its rarity even there.

Su Zhi boiled water, added the millet residue, and when it was almost ready, she tossed in the cabbage leaves along with some salt.

This cabbage leaf porridge was Su Zhi’s favorite, especially comforting on slightly chilly days, warming her whole body and providing a sense of coziness.

Although lacking other seasonings, Su Zhi initially felt the absence but soon found the rich aroma of the dish filling the room so delightful that she almost started salivating.

Upon Shen Zi’an’s return and spotting the smoke rising from the thatched cottage, a smile crept onto his face. He hadn’t felt this warm, comforting sensation since his mother’s passing; this was truly the feeling of home.

“Dear Wife, what are you making? It smells wonderful,” Shen Zi’an inquired.

As soon as Shen Zi’an stepped inside, he caught a delightful fragrance in the air, a mix of millet residue and a unique, enticing aroma that intensified his already growling hunger, almost making his mouth water.

Su Zhi smiled, always happy to receive compliments about her cooking.

Today, Su Zhi was particularly joyful because this porridge turned out even more aromatic than her previous attempts. She knew it was the flavor of the cabbage, and she felt elated knowing that vegetables grown with spring water had a distinct taste. Not only did they look fresh and vibrant, but they also enhanced the dish’s flavor. She was delighted, realizing that even if she didn’t have the best ingredients in the future, with vegetables grown using this spring water, she could still keep her hunger at bay.

“I saw those vegetables outside today, and they didn’t seem to be growing much, so I picked them. I made cabbage porridge. Have a bowl first; the main meal will take a while,” Su Zhi said, serving Shen Zi’an a bowl and placing it in front of him.

Shen Zi’an gazed at the golden porridge and the green-tinted cabbage leaves in the black ceramic bowl in front of him, considering it the most beautifully presented porridge he had ever seen, especially since it was served by his wife. He looked into Su Zhi’s bright eyes, feeling a warm glow inside, realizing she was his wife, the person he could spend a lifetime with, sharing warmth and love. He took the bowl and began to sip.

Observing his joyous expression, Su Zhi felt equally delighted. However, seeing his eager posture, she quickly stopped him, advising him to take small sips to avoid burning himself. After all, the porridge was steaming hot, and gulping it down could lead to burns.

“Wife, I understand. The porridge you made is truly delicious,” Shen Zi’an remarked.

Blushing slightly, Shen Zi’an took a slow sip from the bowl, immediately captivated by the delightful flavor. Initially enticed by the aroma, he was surprised by the even more delicious taste. Throughout his life, he had consumed a lot of porridge, some even with wild vegetables or cabbage, but he had never tasted anything as delectable as this!

“Wife, the porridge you made is incredibly delicious, the best I’ve ever had,” Shen Zi’an praised again. Despite Su Zhi’s less-than-ideal appearance, he felt like he had found a treasure in his wife. For him, a perfect wife didn’t have to be a celestial being; all that mattered was being able to lead a good life together. And his current wife embodied just that. He felt truly content and fulfilled.

As Shen Zi’an gazed at Su Zhi, she blushed and replied, “If you like it, please have more. I’ll make it for you again in the future.”

“Hmm!” Shen Zi’an happily agreed, encouraging Su Zhi to eat as well. He noticed she hadn’t touched her food and remarked, “Wife, why don’t you eat? You haven’t had a meal since yesterday. You must be hungry, right?”

In the Shen household, they usually only had three meals a day during strenuous activities like farming seasons; otherwise, they stuck to two meals. With the busy farming period just ending, they had grown accustomed to three meals a day, and suddenly skipping a meal felt a bit uncomfortable.

Everyone has their own way  like foraging and enjoying wild food.

Shen Zi’an was no exception. He had his methods of foraging in the mountains for sustenance, catching wild chickens, rabbits, and gathering wild fruits to fill his stomach and save money. He had never emptied his pockets for Shen Zhang Shi, ensuring that he had resources available. This was why, when the Shen family hesitated to continue covering Su Zhi’s medical expenses, he didn’t stop her treatment. He also managed to negotiate and retain most of his income, only submitting fifty coins monthly.

Now, Shen Zi’an was determined to ensure his wife ate well.

Su Zhi also served herself a bowl, savoring each bite. The porridge was truly delicious, making her want a second bowl after finishing the first. It left a lingering taste in her mouth.

Shen Zi’an found the porridge as satisfying as eating meat. Despite his desire to have more, he decided to let his wife finish what was left. Once the main house’s meal was ready, he planned to eat there.

Su Zhi insisted that Shen Zi’an eat, but he insisted she eat instead. She didn’t resist, hoping to prepare more delicious meals for him in the future. So, she happily finished the remaining porridge.

Both of them enjoyed the meal, with the only regret being that there wasn’t enough porridge.

“Wife, even though your cooking is delicious, your health is important. You need to rest and cook less in the future. If the food I bring isn’t enough, I’ll cook more for you,” Shen Zi’an advised.

Su Zhi nodded, realizing she was almost out of ingredients. With just over a dozen cabbage plants in the fence, some were wilted with yellow leaves before watering, and she had used those to make porridge. The remaining ones had gathered dust, and she had replanted them after drying them out a bit. The situation looked similar to before, but with a limited quantity and small sizes. To enjoy a more satisfying meal, they needed to grow a bit more.

As the time neared, Shen Zi’an headed to the main house to fetch the food.

Su Zhi closed the door and summoned the Magical Spiritual spring, happily plucking a white lotus flower and kissing it affectionately.

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