The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring
The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring Chapter 22

Chapter 22: New Home

Sitting on the flatbed cart, Su Zhi had always been confined to a small world until now, where she finally saw the streets and houses of this place. Despite being simple countryside cottages without any bustling scenes, her mood was good. She would have felt even better if it weren’t for those distant onlookers observing her.

After the commotion at noon in the Riverside Village and some gossiping women spreading rumors, the news had spread that Shen’s new daughter-in-law was not only sickly but also considered a jinx. Now that the couple had been separated from the family and were about to live on the eastern side of the river, the whole village was aware.

Having seen the Shen brothers earlier during their first trip with the belongings, the villagers now focused their attention on them, particularly on Su Zhi sitting on the cart. They were both fearful and curious about the jinx, watching from a distance with a mix of complex emotions – disgust, fear, indifference, pity, and even schadenfreude. It was a myriad of reactions reflecting the diverse nature of human sentiments.

Su Zhi sat calmly, observing the villagers peering cautiously, realizing the significant importance of reputation in this era. Determined to shake off the jinx label, she believed in her ability to do so. People tended to find reasons to vent their pain, dissatisfaction, and disappointments when faced with misfortune, often turning individuals like her, labeled as a jinx, into targets.

But if a person brings nothing but good to others, eventually, they will no longer be seen as a jinx!

In this world, there exists a type of person known as a swindler.

Su Zhi firmly believed she wasn’t a jinx; therefore, the old Taoist must be a swindler. She had sensed something amiss in the Taoist’s demeanor, although lacking evidence. The sudden turn of events caught her off guard, leading her to yield. However, upon learning about the family division, she abandoned the argument. Once the family was divided, she wouldn’t have to stay in the rundown thatched cottage anymore. She would have her own home, and at that moment, she was certain she could shatter this lie without needing to fight.

Observing the villagers gesturing and whispering from a distance about Su Zhi made Shen Zi’an uneasy. His discomfort escalated when he noticed a few children contemplating throwing stones at Su Zhi. His anger flared up instantly. He halted, his gaze icy as he stared down the children, who fled in fear, causing the adults to retreat as well.

Shen Zigui observed the situation, recognizing how protective his younger brother was of his wife. Glancing at Su Zhi, he saw her sitting composedly, exuding a sense of dignity even on the worn out flatbed cart. Despite the disdainful gazes, she showed no signs of fear or annoyance. Her face concealed, her eyes sparkled with warmth and intelligence. Reflecting on her greeting upon seeing him, he thought about how she had changed since their initial meeting. He hoped she and his younger brother could lead a happy life together.

The Shen family resided at the western end of the village, while the home Shen Zi’an was heading to lay at the eastern tip. With over two hundred households in the village, the journey took quite some time.

Su Zhi’s eyes brightened as she gazed upon a sudden appearance of a river ahead.

The river appeared broad, yet its current was gentle, shimmering with a greenish hue. Willows lined the banks, while sporadic lotus flowers and reeds grew by the water’s edge. In this season, the reeds had dried, and the lotus flowers had withered, leaving only a few wilted lotus leaves rustling in the wind. The occasional bird chirped as it flitted about.

Walking along the riverbank, they reached a narrow point where a wooden bridge spanned the waterway, accommodating at most a single flatbed cart’s passage.

Crossing the bridge and proceeding about a hundred meters, they encountered a cluster of homes. These few households were scattered, ranging from six to seven in number, some close together while others separated by several meters. Each dwelling featured mud walls and thatched roofs, with some enclosed by fences and others by earthen walls, none too towering.

Observing her surroundings, Su Zhi found the place serene compared to the village, which she appreciated. Particularly captivating were the nearby mountains, displaying vibrant hues of green, red, and yellow in this late autumn season, resembling a picturesque scene. Aware of the tales of treasures hidden in the mountains, she anticipated accompanying Shen Zi’an on hunting trips, hoping to discover something valuable. Recalling stories where female protagonists always found bountiful harvests in the mountains, she felt excited about the possibilities.

“Wife, we’ve arrived. Let me help you down,” Shen Zi’an offered, stopping the cart and turning to assist Su Zhi. He noticed her sparkling eyes fixed on the nearby mountains, lifting her spirits despite the somber mood from the family division. It seemed she quite liked the place, though he felt sorry for her having to reside in such a dilapidated home.

Coming back to reality, Su Zhi placed her hand on Shen Zi’an’s, alighting from the cart. As she beheld their new home, she couldn’t help but notice its rundown state.

Three thatched cottages stood before her, lacking even a rudimentary fence enclosing the courtyard. The slightest gust of wind gave the impression of imminent collapse.

“Wife, I apologize for this. We’ll build our own house in the future, and things will get better,” Shen Zi’an expressed, assuming Su Zhi was displeased with the dilapidated condition of the house and trying to reassure her. He genuinely wished to provide her with a better living environment. The age of the house raised concerns about its durability against the weather elements.

Su Zhi smiled and replied, “What’s there to be sorry about? I’m not that delicate. With a bit of tidying up, this house is already a vast improvement compared to our previous one. It’s even larger, with three rooms. I think it looks great.”

Shen Zigui felt that his fourth brother’s wife was easy to get along with, perceiving her as direct and gentle. He was genuinely happy for his brother for having such a pleasant wife. Feeling uplifted, he suggested, “You two settle in first. Zi’an and I will tidy up, add some more thatch to the roof, and put up a fence. Once that’s done, it’ll be a home. As long as you both live well, things will only get better. Who knows, maybe we’ll have a new house by next year.”

“Thank you, Second Brother. We appreciate your help,” Su Zhi graciously thanked Shen Zigui with a light bow, her demeanor elegant and soothing, leaving Shen Zigui momentarily stunned. He almost took a step back, surprised at how Su Zhi didn’t fit the stereotype of a rural woman. This encounter made him even more skeptical about her being a jinx.

“Don’t be so formal, Fourth sister-in-law. We’re family, and family helps each other. Zi’an is my own brother. Let’s tidy up while there’s still daylight. You’ll need a place to rest tonight,” Shen Zigui suggested, urging them to make the most of the remaining daylight to settle in.

Upon hearing this, Shen Zi’an and Su Zhi nodded, and the three of them began tidying up the house.

Su Zhi looked around the worn-out dwelling, finding comfort in its familiarity. Despite its state of disrepair, it was now their home, where they would navigate this unfamiliar era together. It marked the beginning of her life with the capable and gentle man by her side, filling her with determination.

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