The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring
The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Mountain Exploration for Treasures

Su Zhi stood at the base of the mountain, gazing up at the rolling peaks ahead. Even with her typically calm demeanor, she couldn’t contain her excitement at this moment. Having noticed the changing colors of the grass and the shedding of leaves on most trees, signaling the imminent arrival of winter, the mountain still appeared vibrant and lush from a distance. Could she gather some wild fruits without any issues?

“Ha-ha, Sister, if you’re thinking of picking wild fruits, you might be a bit late,” Li Shi remarked upon hearing Su Zhi’s intention, adding, “In these outer mountain areas, the wild fruits have likely been picked clean by the villagers. It’s a source of income for them, and sometimes villagers even fight over the fruits.”

“Oh, I see. I’m a bit behind then,” Su Zhi responded, feeling disappointed. In novels, protagonists often gathered plenty of items as soon as they entered the mountains— not just fruits but also spices like chili, pepper, wild onions, and ginger. They would make jams, preserves, and delicious dishes to sell, earning substantial profits. Why was her situation different?

A cool breeze swept by, and Su Zhi couldn’t help but blame her mistiming.

While others typically ventured into the mountains in spring, summer, or autumn, she had chosen the verge of winter. Would she have to wait until winter for the villagers to leave fruits for her?

Sighing to herself, Su Zhi harbored a glimmer of hope that perhaps, with the mountain still lush despite the shedding leaves, there might be other discoveries awaiting her. She refused to believe that all the villagers had picked everything clean.

Shen Zi’an, seeing Su Zhi’s disappointment, offered, “If you want to eat fruits, I’ll find some for you.”

Su Zhi shook her head, explaining, “I just wanted to gather some fruits to try making jam and preserves. They taste good, and I thought I could sell them for some money. It’s not about satisfying my own craving.”

Observing Su Zhi, Shen Zi’an squeezed her hand tightly. He realized his wife was wholeheartedly focused on earning money for their family, contrary to his initial assumption that she needed a break from boredom by coming to the mountains. Reflecting on his nearly empty-handed start in their marriage, leading to their current modest circumstances, he felt both moved and guilty for his misjudgment.

Li Shi, observing the couple, felt a twinge of envy towards Shen Zi’an for having a capable wife who knew how to manage life. He pondered when he might find a supportive partner to share life’s joys and sorrows. Thoughts of such a partner conjured up a delicate figure in his mind, only to quickly dismiss the image and loudly urge the couple to move along.

The initial stretch of the mountain path wasn’t excessively steep but inclined upwards. After a while, Su Zhi grew weary, but she gritted her teeth and persisted, recognizing her physical limitations similar to Zhao Xiaomei’s and her past self’s. She believed that persevering through this physical exertion would strengthen her. This was just the first step, and she was determined to keep going, not wanting to slow down Shen Zi’an and Li Shi.

Shen Zi’an continued holding Su Zhi’s hand as Li Shi led the way, sticking to the familiar outskirts of the mountain since they had agreed not to venture deep into the wilderness.

Despite feeling tired, Su Zhi was in high spirits, her eyes bright and observant, not wanting to miss anything. While she had given up hope of finding fruits, stumbling upon a patch of chili peppers and ginger was a pleasant surprise. Although these items were common in that era, obtaining them without cost was still a gratifying discovery.

After gathering chili peppers and ginger, the trio proceeded. Along the way, Shen Zi’an shot a wild rabbit, while Li Shi hit two rabbits and a wild chicken.

Su Zhi noticed Shen Zi’an’s attention on her, causing him to momentarily neglect hunting. She encouraged him to focus on hunting while she kept pace.

After a while, Shen Zi’an successfully hunted two more wild chickens. They eventually reached a pond where they decided to rest and have lunch. It was now midday, and they were all hungry.

Shen Zi’an unpacked the meal: meat-filled pastries that Su Zhi had prepared. The aroma was tantalizing as they bit into the piping hot pastries, leaving a lingering fragrance that made them crave seconds. Su Zhi had meticulously wrapped the pastries, which still retained a gentle warmth and enticing aroma.

“Brother Zi’an, what are you eating? It smells amazing,” Li Shi exclaimed, his eyes fixed on Shen Zi’an’s hand. He had known Su Zhi’s cooking prowess from past meals like roasted chicken, stir-fries, and stews, but he was pleasantly surprised by the delightful fragrance of her pastry. Shen Zi’an was indeed fortunate to have such a talented cook as a wife.

Shen Zi’an offered a pastry to Li Shi, saying, “This is Su Zhi’s meat-filled pastry. It’s delicious. Give it a try, Brother Shi.”

Li Shi glanced at Su Zhi, who also gestured for him to taste it. Smiling, Li Shi took a bite, raised his eyebrows in approval, complimented the flavor, and then eagerly continued eating. Impressed by Li Shi’s enjoyment, Shen Zi’an praised Su Zhi, feeling pleased. He then handed another pastry to Su Zhi, who ate half and shared the remaining half with him. Shen Zi’an consumed one and a half pastries before indulging in the dry rations Li Shi offered. The trio sat together, drinking water and resting.

Sitting by the pond, Su Zhi gazed at the emerald water’s surface and the nearby trees, basking in the comfortable sunlight. She imagined how relaxing it would be to dip her feet in the water during summer. Content with this serene moment, she lifted her head and noticed a particular tree that seemed oddly familiar. However, the tree she envisioned shouldn’t be found in this setting, raising her curiosity.

“What are you looking at, wife?” Shen Zi’an inquired.

Seeing his wife continuously gazing up at the tree, Shen Zi’an noted her shining eyes and surprised expression. He wondered if she had another idea brewing in her mind. Knowing Su Zhi’s intelligence and her ability to craft things he had never seen before, he admired her resourcefulness and cleverness. He felt compelled to step up his game to match her capabilities.

“I’m looking at that tree. What kind of tree is it?” Su Zhi inquired, intrigued by the tree’s fruit and suspecting it might be a star anise tree. However, the tree’s growth location and the current season made her doubt her initial assessment.

“These trees are quite rare and don’t have a name. The fruit they bear has an unusual taste,” Shen Zi’an explained.

“I’d like to see the fruit on top. Are any falling down at this time? Could you fetch a few for me?” Su Zhi requested. She suspected it might be star anise, but the tree’s presence in that area at that time seemed odd.

Shen Zi’an promptly climbed the tree and plucked a branch for Su Zhi to examine. Upon inspection, Su Zhi’s suspicions were confirmed. Despite the tree’s unexpected presence in that area, she reasoned that if she could endure such unexpected occurrences, anything was possible.

Observing his wife’s joyful expression as she examined the fruit, Shen Zi’an inquired why she found amusement in observing fruit she couldn’t eat.

Upon realizing that there was no star anise in their spice collection, Su Zhi felt elated, considering her discovery in the mountains a true treasure.

“This is called star anise, also known as Chinese five spice. It can enhance the flavor of stews and meat dishes when added in small quantities,” Su Zhi explained enthusiastically.

Shen Zi’an and Li Shi approached to observe the star anise, intrigued by the unusual find. While not culinary experts, they both appreciated good food, especially given Su Zhi’s excellent cooking skills. Li Shi, being the sole cook in his household, was particularly interested in expanding his culinary knowledge and had never encountered star anise before.

Together, they helped Su Zhi gather the star anise, quickly filling the bottom of the small bamboo basket with their newfound spice.

Su Zhi happily carried the small bamboo basket as they continued their journey together.

As they progressed further, Su Zhi spotted a large cluster of galangal plants. Some of the flowers were still in bloom, their soft yellow hues standing out amidst the sea of green like small suns, adding a vibrant touch to the surroundings. Su Zhi eagerly began to dig up the galangal, as she particularly enjoyed pickling it. With winter approaching and the vegetable options dwindling, she saw this as an opportunity to prepare some pickled galangal for the season. [1]Galangal plants, also known as galanga or Thai ginger, are flowering plants in the ginger family. There are two primary types of galangal: greater galangal (Alpinia galanga) and lesser galangal … Continue reading

Shen Zi’an and Li Shi assisted Su Zhi in digging up the galangal. However, midway through the task, Li Shi noticed a larger animal dart past them—it was a deer. Shen Zi’an instructed Li Shi to go after it while he stayed with Su Zhi.

Li Shi pursued the deer, but soon a sharp signal echoed through the air. Shen Zi’an’s expression instantly changed upon hearing the whistle—it was their agreed-upon signal, indicating danger…


1 Galangal plants, also known as galanga or Thai ginger, are flowering plants in the ginger family. There are two primary types of galangal: greater galangal (Alpinia galanga) and lesser galangal (Alpinia officinarum). These plants have aromatic rhizomes that are commonly used in various Southeast Asian cuisines for their distinct flavor. Greater galangal has a stronger taste, while lesser galangal is milder and often used in herbal medicine and cooking. Both types of galangal are known for their spicy, citrusy, and slightly sweet flavor profiles.
1 comment
  1. nopenopenope has spoken 2 months ago

    Thank you for the info on galangal!


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