The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring
The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring Chapter 43

Chapter 43: The Wise Husband

Li Shi’s home was not far from Shen Zi’an’s, and they arrived shortly.

Su Zhi anticipated that slaying the tiger would cause a stir. Tigers were not easily defeated, and the commotion from Li Shi’s direction indicated the magnitude of the event. However, she was surprised to hear the clamor approach her own home. Just as she pondered this, Shen Zi’an knocked on the door. Opening it, she found a large group outside, with the village head standing nearby. She had no choice but to invite them in.

Su Zhi’s complexion had significantly improved, so she no longer concealed her face. The village head and others could see her clearly and marveled at her swift recovery. Just days ago, she appeared frighteningly ill, but now she seemed almost healed. Perhaps Su Zhi wasn’t a jinx after all.

Due to the crowd, Shen Zi’an didn’t usher everyone inside but asked them to wait outside.

The village head and others, despite Su Zhi’s improving reputation, still held reservations. Although her jinx status was wavering, they hesitated to get too close or enter her home.

Shen Zi’an and Su Zhi entered the house together, with Li Shi following behind.

“Sister, I’ve disclosed the matter of the ginseng. Initially, I thought of hiding it to prevent envy, but now I believe it’s better to share,” Li Shi explained.

Li Shi explained to Su Zhi that he had carefully considered his actions, confident that she would understand the benefits for their marriage.

“This will elevate your reputation. While some may covet the ginseng for its value, attributing it to a gift from the divine beast will dispel most ill intentions. If you’re still concerned, sell the ginseng and use the money to build a house before winter sets in. Once the money is spent, no one will remember. You won’t have to endure a cold winter,” Li Shi advised.

“Brother Shi​tou is right,” Su Zhi concurred.

Impressed by Li Shi’s quick thinking, Su Zhi recognized the practicality of his suggestion. She realized that concealing the money would only complicate matters in the long run. It was more beneficial to spend it openly, especially on building a better home. Li Shi’s recent successful hunting expeditions further reinforced her confidence.

Su Zhi believed in improving their lives, ensuring comfort not just for themselves but for their future children. With the Spiritual Spring and White Lotus, a prosperous future seemed within reach. She refused to live in fear, hiding in a dilapidated home, and sneaking around for basic comforts.

Aware of potential troublemakers, Su Zhi understood the need to safeguard their wealth. Drawing from her readings and experiences, she was prepared to navigate any challenges and safeguard their finances securely.

There was only one reason: her husband was not blindly filial, and she was not submissive.

Traditionally, filial piety was paramount. What was due to Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang shi would be provided, but their extravagant desires could remain unfulfilled.

Su Zhi refused to let blind devotion dictate her actions. She no longer feared troublemakers. Although challenges would increase, dealing openly with their wealth was preferable to secretive spending. The goal was to shed the jinx label, and she was prepared to face any difficulties that arose.

Su Zhi retrieved the ginseng and handed it to Shen Zi’an.

Taking the ginseng, Shen Zi’an assured Su Zhi, “Wife, rest assured. You discovered this ginseng, so it belongs to you. You need not worry about my parents asking for money.”

Su Zhi realized she had made the right choice in her husband. This gesture made her feel incredibly fortunate, even more so than finding the Spiritual Spring.

As Shen Zi’an emerged with the ginseng, all eyes fell on him. Covered in a blue cloth, the anticipation among the onlookers was palpable. Even if it wasn’t theirs, they were eager to witness the rare sight of a hundred-year-old ginseng gifted by a divine beast.

Shen Zi’an unwrapped the cloth to reveal the ginseng, leaving the onlookers wide-eyed. Meanwhile, Su Zhi quietly chuckled, unsurprised by their reactions, remembering her initial awe upon discovering the ginseng. The ginseng was truly extraordinary.

This ginseng, nurtured by the Spiritual Spring, resembled a slender white radish but with more delicate features, almost resembling a tiny human figure. Its long roots were carefully curved, giving it an almost doll-like appearance.

“What a treasure—”

The village head took the ginseng, his hands trembling. He marveled at this extraordinary find, a rare treasure from the mountains, a sight he had never witnessed before.

Shen Youfu and Sun Shi stood beside him, both fixated on the ginseng. While Shen Youfu managed his desire more discreetly, Sun Shi’s covetous gaze was evident. She seemed almost eager to snatch the ginseng and consume it right there.

“Village head, let me see.”

Sun Shi reached out to grab the ginseng, her actions seemingly aggressive.

Shen Zi’an promptly blocked her, coldly stating, “Sister-in-law, just look. This ginseng belongs to my wife. You once called her a jinx, so perhaps it’s best you don’t touch it to avoid bad luck.”

Sun Shi’s face flushed red as she withdrew her hand amidst the laughter of the onlookers. Defiantly, she retorted, “Gifts from divine beasts bring blessings, not misfortune. Besides, this ginseng is a rare treasure, a symbol of auspiciousness! It’s safe to touch…”

Shen Youfu shot Sun Shi a disapproving look, then glanced darkly at Shen Zi’an, finding his son increasingly disagreeable. The family division seemed to have strained their relationships further, distancing them from being a united family.

The village head, having overseen the Shen family division and familiar with their dynamics, recognized the tension between Shen Zi’an and Sun Shi. Hence, he handed the ginseng back to Shen Zi’an instead of showing it to Shen Youfu.

“Zi’an, this is truly a rare hundred-year-old ginseng, possibly even a millennium-old. It’s a gift from the divine beast; you are truly fortunate,” remarked the village head before turning to Su Zhi, “Your wife has recovered. Live well from now on. If you encounter the divine beast again, treat it kindly and speak well of Riverside Village.”

Shen Zi’an nodded in agreement, while Su Zhi inwardly chuckled at the reverence shown towards the White Wolf. Although considered a divine beast due to its ancestor’s history with the emperor, she knew it was more of a title than actual divinity. Yet, contemplating the White Wolf and its family, she couldn’t help but acknowledge their extraordinary intelligence.

With the commotion, doubts regarding Su Zhi’s jinx reputation in the village began to dissipate.

The Shen household buzzed with excitement as news from the sons arrived. Emotions ranged from astonishment to joy and even regret, each family member processing the events differently. Some celebrated Shen Zi’an’s happiness, while others felt quite the opposite.

***Indeed, Shen Zi’an proves he’s not merely guided by blind filial piety but also cares for his wife…***

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