The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring
The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Night Talk

When Shen Youfu was young, he married a woman named Zheng, who was Shen Zi’an’s birth mother. However, she struggled to conceive for a long time. Later, Shen Youfu met Shen Zhang Shi, who became his second wife. Shen Zhang Shi was young, beautiful, and gentle, winning Shen Youfu’s heart and his mother’s favor.

Shen Zhang Shi was fertile, giving birth to a son in their first year of marriage, followed by two sons and a daughter. Eventually, Shen Youfu’s first wife also conceived and bore Shen Zi’an. However, Shen Zi’an was born thin and frail, failing to gain Shen Youfu’s affection. Shen Zhang Shi later birthed twins, but not long after that, Zi’ans mother, Zheng tragically passed away.

Growing up, Shen Zi’an knew he was different. Quiet yet resilient, he didn’t seek conflict over trivial matters. His siblings never dared mistreat him; he wasn’t pitied like other motherless children. However, one thing was clear—it was impossible for him to be treated the same as others.

“So that why, I wondered why Mother-in-law always seems a bit peculiar,” Su Zhi finally understood why Shen Zhang Shi appeared amiable yet allowed Sun Shi to pick on Shen Zi’an, leaving him at a disadvantage. She initially believed she had a rare mother-in-law who supported her daughter-in-law, but now realized Shen Zi’an wasn’t her biological son. Uncertain of Shen Zi’an’s sentiments towards Shen Zhang Shi, she hesitated before expressing her thoughts.

Shen Zi’an responded, “You’ve noticed too? Mother has a complex nature.”

With that simple statement, Su Zhi comprehended that Shen Zi’an saw through Shen Zhang Shi’s pleasant facade and manipulative tactics.

“That’s good,” Su Zhi now perceived Shen Zhang Shi as truly complex. Throughout history, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships have been challenging. Dealing with unreasonable individuals is tough, but handling cunning ones requires extra caution. However, not being the husband’s biological mother removes a layer of constraint. With the husband knowing the true nature of his mother, handling situations becomes more straightforward.

“In the future, just maintain civility with her in public, and don’t let her take advantage of you. I suffered because I didn’t mind, but rest assured, now that we’re married, I’ll be attentive and considerate towards you. I will take care of you well, and we will live our lives happily,” Shen Zi’an softly declared, his voice resolute.

Su Zhi pressed her lips together, feeling a warm glow inside. This man truly considered her needs carefully. With him by her side, she felt less afraid in this unfamiliar place. Moving forward, they would lead a good life together.

In the main Shen family house, lights were still on. Shen Zhu and Shen Zhang Shi discussed the day’s events in the kitchen. Shen Zhu, with her rosy lips slightly pursed, remarked, “Mother, I’ve noticed a change in Fourth Brother since his marriage. He’s completely devoted to that woman, who is both unattractive and sick. I wonder what spell has been cast on him.”

Shen Zhang Shi glanced at her daughter and remarked, “After all these years, can’t you see his true nature? He appears obedient but has his own ways. Look at those pots and tubs he acquired this time—they were all obtained through bartering and labor, not purchased with money. He lets others believe he’s short on funds. Does he truly lack money? Although your brothers hand their money to me, they each have some savings. Your fourth brother is probably the wealthiest among them. Moreover, he no longer needs to give me all his money.”

Shen Zhu scoffed, “He’s nothing but an ungrateful wretch. Mother, you treat him so well, yet he dares to be disloyal. He’s truly heartless and shameless!”

“Keep those words within these walls; don’t speak of this loudly outside,” Shen Zhang Shi cautioned.

Shen Zhang Shi sternly warned her daughter, stating, “I don’t wish to be seen as a woman who mistreats her children; it serves no purpose for me or your siblings, especially for you, as you’re yet to marry. Maintain a gentle and likable demeanor as an unmarried lady.”

Trying to please her mother, Shen Zhu held Shen Zhang Shi’s hand and said, “Mother, I only speak well of you in front of others. Haven’t I always been dignified outside?”

“You, I trust you the most. You’ve always been obedient, both in appearance and mind. Unlike your sister, who stubbornly insists on marrying that man, now enduring hardship, breaking my heart,” Shen Zhang Shi replied.

“Mother, I’ll heed your advice from now on,” Shen Zhu promised.

Upon hearing about her sister, Shen Zhu’s expression soured briefly before attempting to appease Shen Zhang Shi. However, her thoughts drifted to her own marriage prospects, causing her face to darken.

While the mother and daughter conversed, Sun Shi, feeling aggrieved after the day’s events, relentlessly prodded Shen Ziping, saying, “How could your Fourth Brother be so deceitful, scheming against me like that! And your little sister, I helped her get favors from Fourth Brother, yet she turned against me! Constantly bathing, she’s now full of allure, trying to become a seductive enchantress. She’s not content; mark my words, even if she marries, she’s bound for trouble. You better figure out a way to disrupt this! Are you even listening to me?”

Irritated by Sun Shi’s complaints, Shen Ziping retorted impatiently, “You’re the one stirring up trouble. If not for you, would I need to fetch water and firewood every day, even losing a bucket in the process? You can’t go a single day without causing chaos. Marrying you was no blessing. Resolve this mess you’ve created. If it burdens me, you won’t have it easy either.”

Sun Shi retorted, “Why are you shouting at me? If not for your siblings, would you need to spend money and effort?”

Shen Ziping sat up and glared at her, saying, “If you hadn’t brought up bathing with Zhu’er, would she have thought of it? You never want to contribute money or effort, so how could Fourth Brother think of it? Do you truly believe he’s foolish? Even if he did more work before due to your schemes, when did he ever scheme for money from you? Now, he’s married, has a wife—will he still be at your mercy? You claim to be clever, but you’re no smarter than a pig!”

Sun Shi, scolded by her husband, realized the truth in his words, feeling uneasy about it.

“Treating that sickly woman like a treasure, what a foolish decision. Since she entered, we’ve spent a considerable amount. Our money goes to our parents, why should it be spent on that sickly woman? It’s just not fair!” she exclaimed.

Shen Ziping retorted, “Even if we don’t spend on them, the money goes to Fifth Brother and Zhu’er. It all ends up in their hands anyway.”

“Supporting Fifth Brother, if he succeeds in the exams, we benefit. Letting that sickly woman spend is equivalent to wasting money. Husband, our children are still young, Fifth Brother and Little Sister aren’t married. It’s inconvenient to split now. Can’t we separate Fourth Brother and his wife? Previously he earned alone, now he has a sick wife. It’s an insatiable pit. How can we sustain this?” she pondered.

“Having a sick family member, discussing a split would tarnish our family name, even if not divided, it would still draw criticism. Besides, aren’t they using their own money now?” Shen Ziping reasoned.

Shen Ziping, who never suffered losses, didn’t want to fill his brothers’ financial pit. He had discussed this with Shen Youfu, who highlighted the presence of Shen Ziju, an academic who valued reputation highly.

Sun Shi expressed her frustration, “Emptying the family coffers, then not relying on the family. Once they run out, won’t they come back for more money? They must leave this house! If it can’t be done openly, we’ll resort to covert methods!”

“Intriguing, tell me more about these covert plans,” Shen Ziping’s interest was piqued. With Sun Shi’s cunning nature, there might be potential in her ideas!

Sun Shi whispered a few schemes into Shen Ziping’s ear, smiling mischievously. Shen Ziping was impressed, kissing her affectionately.

“You’re truly clever! Let’s follow your plan!” he commended.

Sun Shi, taken aback by the sudden kiss, playfully pushed Shen Ziping away. His mood lifted, and he playfully embraced her, and the two tumbled together.

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