The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring
The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Second Sister-in-law Li shi

After finishing planting the crops, Shen Zi’an was hired as a laborer, leaving Su Zhi alone at home in peaceful solitude. The thatched cottage, sparsely furnished, had been tidied up neatly. Su Zhi, unable to find work and restricted by her illness, couldn’t venture beyond the small courtyard enclosed by a fence. She could only glimpse a patch of sky, feeling somewhat like a frog at the bottom of a well. However, the knowledge that someone would return daily to keep her company brought her peace of mind.

Sitting on the bed, Su Zhi was sewing a quilt. Initially, upon her marriage, she had received new bedding. However, due to the dishonorable actions of her parents – marrying off a sick daughter while concealing her illness – the truth was revealed during the wedding night, causing embarrassment for the Shen family. Frustrated, they considered annulling the marriage, yet Shen Zi’an opposed the idea. Consequently, Su Zhi was banished to this thatched cottage, and all the wedding items were taken back.

Listening to Shen Zi’an’s narrative, Su Zhi admired his sense of responsibility but also viewed the Shen family as heartless. Their attempts to coerce Shen Zi’an into divorcing her were seen as coercive tactics. Unsuccessful, they should have relented. This indirect possession was unjust. Pressuring someone with possessions was a low tactic, and not something a man like Shen Zi’an would fear. Su Zhi suspected that the family’s plan was to withhold these items from Shen Zi’an, regardless of his decision on the divorce.

And so, Shen Zi’an and Su Zhi ended up with just one old, hard, and tattered quilt.

As the weather turned colder, Shen Zi’an eventually fetched another quilt, the one he had previously used – not new but relatively in better condition than their current one.

Su Zhi planned to dismantle the quilt, sun the cotton inside to make it more comfortable to sleep under.

Skilled in needlework, Su Zhi had learned embroidery in the past when she was a homemaker. Therefore, she took care of all of Shen Zi’an’s clothing repairs. Making a quilt was a simple task for her.

Shen Zi’an fondly remembered Su Zhi’s expression when she mentioned needlework, her determined face looking both adorable and amusing.

Thinking about this, a smile appeared on Su Zhi’s face. Her hands moved swiftly as she sewed, with needles and threads flying, quickly finishing the quilt.

Su Zhi put away the needle and thread, resting her face on the quilt. Although not as soft as a new one, the quilt was now much improved, with the sun-kissed cotton giving off a fresh scent. The bedsheet had also been washed, thanks to Shen Zi’an’s efforts; he usually took care of their clothes too. Su Zhi felt fortunate to have encountered such a good man in ancient times.

After folding the quilt neatly, Su Zhi stood up, stretched lazily, and gazed outside where the brilliant sunshine made the surroundings even more vibrant. She opened the door and stepped out.

The thatched cottage was located in a corner of the courtyard, creating a private little space with fences on two sides. The backyard was originally a vegetable patch but couldn’t occupy too much space. Inside the fence, there were two small sections, less than two meters wide and five meters long, previously used for vegetables. Some mediocre Chinese cabbage remained, along with a few radishes and bright red chili peppers. Other vegetables had passed their prime. Peeking through a gap in the fence, Su Zhi saw a woman in blue clothes picking vegetables in the backyard. Although unsure of her identity, Su Zhi found her quite amiable-looking. People say appearance reflects one’s heart; she presumed it wasn’t Sun Shi. That left two possibilities: it was either the eldest sister-in-law, Wang Shi, or the second sister-in-law, Li shi.

The woman suddenly looked up and glanced in Su Zhi’s direction. Feeling like she was caught peeping, Su Zhi quickly moved aside, though unsure if she had been seen.

Approaching, the woman said, “Fourth Brother’s wife, are you here? I’m the Second Sister-in-law. I noticed your clothes.”

Su Zhi was wearing her wedding gown, a bright red that caught attention, explaining why she was spotted. Nevertheless, Su Zhi was pleased that Li Shi had come over to speak with her; it indicated she wasn’t afraid, especially when Su Zhi felt like she had become a taboo topic in Sun Shi’s discussions.

“Hello, Second Sister-in-law. I’m currently unwell and can’t bow to you. I hope you don’t mind,” Su Zhi replied.

“Don’t be so formal, Fourth Sister-in-law. We are all family,” Li Shi assured.

Li Shi found Fourth Sister-in-law’s voice quite pleasant. She had a slender figure and, if not for her illness, she might have been quite charming. It was a pity.

Li Shi actually didn’t believe Sun Shi’s claims about Fourth Sister-in-law’s illness being contagious. If it were contagious, wouldn’t Shen Zi’an have already been affected? Over these days, Shen Zi’an looked even better than before his marriage, displaying no signs of gloom or distress that one might expect from marrying an unwell wife. When she saw Fourth Brother washing the bedsheet the other day, heard that his wife wanted to dismantle the quilt, and noticed the neat stitches on his clothes, Li started to think Fourth Sister-in-law might be a decent person. However, it was clear that the elders in the family preferred to ignore Fourth Sister-in-law, so Li had kept her thoughts to herself. With everyone out today and seeing Fourth Sister-in-law’s  clothes swaying inside, she decided to strike up a conversation. Upon hearing her voice and polite words, Li Shi’s favor for her sister-in-law grew.

Su Zhi had heard Shen Zi’an mention that Li Shi was a gentle and sincere person, and today she saw it for herself. Feeling pleased to exchange a few words with her, Su Zhi believed she wouldn’t be stuck there forever and would eventually have to face Shen family members. Winning over another person’s favor was a good thing.

“Younger Sister-in-law, don’t worry. This illness will surely get better. Once you’re well, better days lie ahead. Fourth Brother is a good man. Just focus on your recovery,” Li Shi comforted.

“Thank you for your concern, Second Sister-in-law. I feel much better recently,” Su Zhi replied.

“That’s good to hear. That’s good to hear,” Li Shi genuinely felt happy for Su Zhi. Spotting Wang Shi entering the backyard, Li Shi whispered softly, “Eldest Sister-in-law is here. I’ll take my leave now. We can chat again when there’s a chance.”

Observing how Li Shi had been squatting while conversing with her and picking vegetables, speaking in a hushed tone from a moderate distance, Su Zhi realized the Shen family was keeping her at arm’s length.

Su Zhi also noticed Eldest Sister-in-law, who appeared ordinary, making it hard to gauge her personality. However, Shen Zi’an had mentioned that Eldest Sister-in-law was usually steady but had a strong temper.

With the vegetable garden deserted, Su Zhi didn’t feel like peering through the tiny gaps at the growing greenery. Instead, she gazed at the sparse cabbage patch at her feet, where only a few scattered Chinese cabbages remained, no more than a dozen in total. They were all small, indicating they might not survive until winter. The large cabbages were also unlikely to make it, so she decided to pluck them while they were still tender. Lacking seasoning, she opted to let them grow further for now.

Following a recent rain, the weather had improved, and the ground had dried up. However, the Chinese cabbages, big and small, were starting to turn yellow after the rain, suggesting they wouldn’t last much longer.

Su Zhi fetched a ladle made from a gourd, brought out water from her spiritual spring, and watered the Chinese cabbages, hoping they would grow larger for consumption. Since her arrival, she had never eaten to full satisfaction. Upon inquiry, Su Zhi discovered that it wasn’t due to poverty in the Shen household but rather the limited amount of food prepared each day, leaving almost everyone only partially satiated. Leftovers were unheard of in the Shen household unless engaged in strenuous physical labor, which might merit a fuller meal.

This revelation left Su Zhi speechless. Fortunately, after the incident with the pancakes, Shen Zi’an had started procuring some basic seasonings and provisions. This allowed them to have supplemental meals when feeling hungry.

After pulling out the nearby weeds, Su Zhi stood up, pacing back and forth in the small area, realizing the benefits of physical activity for her health.

After approximately half an hour of walking, Su Zhi felt a bit tired and decided to return to the house to rest. However, her gaze fell to the ground, captivated by a vivid emerald hue.

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